# addpsctrl
# Adds printer control commands to the given PostScript data.
# Currently requires bash - sorry but I have no time to support too many
# dumb shells (like Solaris /bin/sh). The korn shell (ksh) would be suitable,
# but the syntax is not the same as that of bash. bash is free - ksh loses out.
# Works with bash 1.x and 2.x.
# Copyright (C) by Volker Kuhlmann <v.kuhlmann@elec.canterbury.ac.nz>
# Copyright (C) by Volker Kuhlmann <VolkerKuhlmann@gmx.de>
# Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.
# See http://www.gnu.org/ for details.
# Volker Kuhlmann
#   5, 6, 12 Apr; 2 Aug 2000
#   26 Jan 2006

VERSION="VK 1.3, 26 Jan 2006"

#### Constants and initial variables
# Use kpsewhich:
# If you don't have kpsewhich, or would like to load the config files from a
# different directory, give the directory with the config files by setting
# the environment variable ADDPSCTRL_DFLTOPT:

#### Usage
show_usage() {
    echo "
Usage: ${0##*/} [OPTION]... [FILE] [CTRL]...
Version $VERSION
usage() {
    echo "Call with -h for help.
    exitwith ErrUsage

#### Help
Help() { show_help; exitwith ErrHelp; }
show_help() {
    echo "\
Inserts printer control instructions (e.g. duplex) into a PostScript file.
  -h, --help          show help
  -k, --kpsewhich     use kpsewhich to locate config files if necessary
  -K, --nokpsewhich   never use kpsewhich
  -f, --file FILE     insert control commands into file FILE ('-' for stdin)
  -d, --dir DIR       control files are in directory DIR
  -c, --ctrl CTRL     locate + insert control file 'config.CTRL'
  -i, --insert INSRT  insert file INSRT before any other control files
                        (give full path and filename)
  -o, --output OUT    write to file OUT instead of stdout
  -V, --version       display version and exit

  -s, -1      same as -c simplex
  -2L         same as -c duplong
  -2S         same as -c dupshort
  -a4, -a3    same as -c a4 / -c a3
  -man        same as -c manualfeed

If -f is not used, the first non-option argument is taken as FILE.
Remaining arguments are names of control files to be inserted (after those 
given with -i and -c).
Control file searching:
  1)  In directory DIR (if given)
  2)  By running kpsewhich, unless disabled with -K
Default (can be changed by setting environment variable ADDPSCTRL_DFLTOPT):

#### Error/Exit codes
exitwith() {
    exec 1>&2  # write stdout on stderr instead
  case "$1" in
	# usage already displayed
	exit 1;;
    	echo "Config/header file not readable: '$2'."
	exit 2;;
    	echo "Can not locate config/header file '$2'."
	exit 3;;
    	echo "No file specified to insert control commands into."
	echo "Call with -h for help on command argument syntax."
	exit 9;;
    	echo "No control commands specified to insert."
	echo "Call with -h for help on command argument syntax."
	exit 9;;
	echo "A required parameter for option $2 is missing."
	echo "Call with -h for help."
	exit 9;;
	echo "Error: exitwith() was called with illegal error code '$1'."
	exit 19;;

#### Parse command line parameters
checkargmm() {
    test "$1" != "--" -a "$2" != "--"
    #true  # uncomment this to allow "--" as argument to an option
checkarg2() {
    test $# -ge 2 && checkargmm "$2" && return
    exitwith ErrMissingParameter "$1"
checkarg3() {
    test $# -ge 3 && checkargmm "$2" "$3" && return
    exitwith ErrMissingParameter "$1"
parse_cmd_line() {
    local cmdline arg
    unset -v debug usekpsewhich configdir insfile datafile outfile ctrl
    set -- $ADDPSCTRL_OPT "$@"  # pre-init options
    while [ "$1" ]; do
	#test $debug && echo "Current arg: $1"
	test "$arg" = "$1" && break  # does word start with "-"?
	test "$arg" = "-" && { shift; break; }
	# allow both "-long" and "--long" for long options:
	case "$arg" in
	    #debug)	debug=1;;
	    usage) 	usage;;
	    V|version) 	usage;;
	    h|help) 	Help;;

    	    k|kpsewhich)    usekpsewhich=1;;
    	    K|nokpsewhich)  usekpsewhich="";;
	    d|dir)  	    checkarg2 "$@"; configdir="$2"; shift;;
    	    i|insert)	    checkarg2 "$@"; insfile="$2"; shift;;
    	    f|file)	    checkarg2 "$@"; datafile="$2"; shift;;
    	    o|output)	    checkarg2 "$@"; outfile="$2"; shift;;
    	    c|ctrl) 	checkarg2 "$@"; ctrl="$2"; shift;;
	    s|1)    	ctrl=simplex;;
	    2L)     	ctrl=duplong;;
	    2S)     	ctrl=dupshort;;
	    a4|a3)  	ctrl="$arg";;
	    man)    	ctrl="manualfeed";;

	    "")     break;;  # allow "-" as file arg
	    *)	    exitwith ErrBadoption "$1";;

locate_config_file() {
    test -n "$configdir" && insfile="$configdir/config.$1"
    if [ -n "$usekpsewhich" -a \( -z "$insfile" -o ! -r "$insfile" \) ]; then
	insfile="`kpsewhich --format 'dvips config' config.$1`"
    test -z "$insfile" && exitwith ErrNoconf "config.$1"
    test -r "$insfile" || exitwith ErrNoread "$insfile"

insert_into_ps() {
    # 0: start
    # 1: !% found
    # 2: %% found
    # 3: insertion done
    in="$1"; shift
    #echo \
    AWK '\
	BEGIN {n = 0; ins="'"$*"'"} \
	n == 3 {print $0; next} \
	/^%%EndSetup/ || /^%%Page:/ || ((n == 1) && (! /^[% ]/) && (! /^$/)) { \
	    if ((n == 1) || (n == 2)) { \
		n = 3; \
		while ((getline line <ins) > 0) { print line } \
	    }} \
	/^%\!/ {if (n == 0) {n = 1}} \
	/^%%/ {if (n == 1) {n = 2}} \
	{print $0} \
	END {if (n < 3) { \
	    while ((getline line <ins) > 0) { print line } } } \
	' \
    # gawk 3.1.4 doesn't understand   while ("cat " ins | getline
    # and tries to run ins as a command. -VK26Jan06

#### Main

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage; fi


# find a useful awk (solaris awk is not)
p="`type -p gnuawk gawk nawk | head -1`" && eval 'AWK() { '"${p:-awk}"' "$@"; }'

parse_cmd_line "$@"
#echo $#, $numfileargs, `expr $# - $numfileargs`
shift `expr $# - $numfileargs`

#echo fileargs: "$@"
#echo "opts=$ADDPSCTRL_OPT;; use=$usekpsewhich"
#echo "ctrl=$ctrl, insfile=$insfile, dir=$configdir, out=$outfile"

if [ -z "$datafile" ]; then
    test -z "$1" && exitwith ErrNodatafile
    datafile="$1"; shift
#echo "datafile=$datafile"

if [ -n "$insfile" ]; then
    test -r "$insfile" || exitwith ErrNoread "$insfile"
for c in "$ctrl" "$@"; do
    test -z "$c" && continue
    #echo locate_config_file "$c"
    locate_config_file "$c"
    #echo "insfile=$insfile"
    insfiles="$insfiles $insfile"
#echo "insfiles=$insfiles"
test -z "$insfiles" && exitwith ErrNoinsfile

if [ -z "$outfile" ]; then
    #echo insert_into_ps "$datafile" $insfiles
    insert_into_ps "$datafile" $insfiles
    insert_into_ps "$datafile" $insfiles >"$outfile"