 *	This program is Copyright (C) 1987 by the Board of Trustees of the
 *	University of Illinois, and by the author Dirk Grunwald.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "dvi-simple.h"
#include "conv.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/file.h>

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 1

#ifdef __STDC__
  extern void bzero(char *, int);
  extern char* malloc(int);
  extern void free(char *);
  extern char *getenv(char *);
  extern strcpy(char *, char *);
  extern strncpy(char *, char *,int);
  extern strcat(char *, char *);
  extern FILE *fopen(char *, char *);
  extern void bzero();
  extern char* malloc();
  extern void free();
  extern char *getenv();
  extern strcpy();
  extern strcat();
  extern FILE *fopen();

struct PostAmbleInfo ThePostAmbleInfo;

int RegisteredFonts = 0;

#define MAX_GLYPHS 256
DviFontInfo TheFontInfo[ MAX_POSTAMBLE_FONTS ];

long dviPageOffsets;

static long Magnification;
static long	Numerator;		/* numerator from DVI file */
static long	Denominator;		/* denominator from DVI file */

long	*DviCount[DVI_COUNT];
long	*DviPageOffsets = 0;

int	DviHHMargin = -1;	/* horizontal margin (in DEVs) */
int	DviVVMargin = -1;	/* vertical margin (in DEVs) */
int	DviTallestPage = -1;
int	DviWidestPage = -1 ;
int	DviCurrentPage = -1;
int	DviTotalPages = -1;
int	DviDpi = -1;
int	DviMaxDrift = -1;
int	DviUserMag = -1;	/* user-specified magnification */
int	DviBlackness = -1;
FILE	*DviFile;
long	DviFileSize;
char	*DviFileName;

static Conv Conversion;

extern int errno;

static int anError;

static void savePostAmblePointer(p)
struct PostAmbleInfo *p;
  int i;
  int page;
  int pageSize;
  int stackSize;
  long prevPagePointer;
  long wuzAt;
  ThePostAmbleInfo = *p;

  Numerator = p->pai_Numerator;
  Denominator = p->pai_Denominator;
  Magnification = p->pai_DVIMag;
   *	Set the conversion factor.  This must be done before using
   *	any fonts or the fromSP routine.
		 DviDpi, DviUserMag, Numerator, Denominator, Magnification);
  DviTotalPages = p -> pai_NumberOfPages;
  DviWidestPage = cfromSP(&Conversion, p -> pai_WidestPageWidth);
  DviTallestPage = cfromSP(&Conversion, p -> pai_TallestPageHeight);

   *	Set of the table of pointers to pages and room for the
   *	count variables.
  pageSize = DviTotalPages * sizeof(long);
  if (DviPageOffsets != 0) {
    free( (char *) DviPageOffsets);
    DviPageOffsets = 0;
  DviPageOffsets = (long *) malloc(pageSize);
  if (DviPageOffsets == NULL) {
    error(1,0,"Can not allocate page directory (%d pages)", DviTotalPages);
  for (i = 0; i < DVI_COUNT; i++) {
    if (DviCount[i] != 0) {
      free( (char *) DviCount[i]);
      DviCount[i] = 0;
    DviCount[i] = (long *) malloc(pageSize);
    if (DviCount[i] == NULL) {
      error(1,0,"Can not allocate count directory (%d pages)", DviTotalPages);
   * Follow back pointers through pages in the DVI file,
   * storing the offsets in the DviPageOffsets table.
  prevPagePointer = p->pai_PrevPagePointer;
  wuzAt = (long) ftell(DviFile);

  fseek(DviFile, 0L, 2);
  DviFileSize = ftell(DviFile);
  for (page = DviTotalPages - 1; page >= 0 ; page--) {
     *	Skip to previous page, but skip over BOP marker.
    DviPageOffsets[page] = prevPagePointer;

    if( fseek(DviFile, prevPagePointer+1, 0) < 0) {
      error(1, errno, "Improper seek looking up pages\n");
      anError |= 1;
     *	Read the other counters at the beginning of the page
    for (i = 0; i < DVI_COUNT; i++) {
      long value;
      fGetLong(DviFile, value);
      DviCount[i][page] = value;
    fGetLong(DviFile, prevPagePointer);
  fseek(DviFile, wuzAt, 0);

#ifndef TEXFONTS
#define TEXFONTS ".:/u/tex/mftfm:/u/tex/pstfm"

static char *EnvFontPath;

static FILE *openTfmFile(name)
char *name;
  char *usePath;
  char path[1024];

  if ( EnvFontPath == 0 ) {
    extern char *getenv();
    EnvFontPath = getenv("TEXFONTS");

  usePath = (EnvFontPath == 0) ? TEXFONTS: EnvFontPath;

  for (;;) {
    char *p = path;

    if ( usePath == 0 || *usePath == 0 ) {
      return( 0 );

    *p = 0;

    while ( *usePath && *usePath != ':' ) {
      *(p++) = *(usePath++);

    /* append name */

    *(p++) = '/';
    strcpy(p, name);
    strcat(p, ".tfm");
    if ( access( path, R_OK ) == 0 ) {
      return( fopen(path, "r") );

    if ( *usePath == ':' ) {

static void
struct PostAmbleFont *f;
  int thisFont;
  FILE *tfmFile;
  char *fontName[1024];

  assert( RegisteredFonts < MAX_POSTAMBLE_FONTS );

  thisFont = RegisteredFonts++;
/* Attempt to locate the TFM files */
  tfmFile = openTfmFile( f -> paf_name );
  if ( tfmFile == 0 ) {
    error(0,0,"Can't find TFM file for %s", f -> paf_name);
    anError = 1;
  else {
    struct tfmdata t;
    i32 pspace;
    int len;

    TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].paf = *f;

    /* make a copy of the name */

    len = strlen( f -> paf_name );
    TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].paf.paf_name
      = malloc( sizeof(char) * (len + 1 ));
    strncpy( TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].paf.paf_name, f -> paf_name, len+1);

    pspace = f -> paf_DVIMag / 6;	/* a three-unit "thin space" */

    TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].pspace = pspace;
    TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].nspace = -4 * pspace;
    TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].vspace = 5 * pspace;

    bzero((char *) &t, sizeof(t));

    if ( readtfmfile( tfmFile, &t, TRUE ) != 0 ) {
      error(0,0,"Bogus TFM file: %s", f -> paf_name);
    else {
      int i;
      int nc = t.t_hdr.th_ec - t.t_hdr.th_bc + 1;
      int nw;
      int *p;
      int s;	/* see dvitype */
      int d;

      if ( TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].widths == 0 ) {
	 TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].widths =
	   (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) *  MAX_GLYPHS );

      /* convert widths */
      assert( t.t_width[0] == 0 );
      nw = t.t_hdr.th_nw;
      s = TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].paf.paf_DVIMag;
      d = TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].paf.paf_DVIDesignSize;

      for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) {

	int width = t.t_width[i];

	if (width != 0) {
	  width = ScaleOneWidth(width, s);
	t.t_width[i] = width;

      p = TheFontInfo[ thisFont ].widths;
      bzero( (char *) p , sizeof(int) * MAX_GLYPHS );

      p += t.t_hdr.th_bc;

      for (i = 0; i <= nc; i++) {
	int wi = t.t_ci[i].ci_width;
	*(p++) = t.t_width[wi];


 *	Returns TRUE if everything is fine

DviInit( dviFileName, copy )
char *dviFileName;
int copy;
    extern char *ProgName;
    FILE *dviFile;
    char *mktemp();

    anError = 0;

    DviFini();	/* clean up the old files */
    DviFile = 0;

    if (dviFileName == 0) {
	dviFile = stdin;
	dviFileName = "<stdin>";
	copy = 1;
    else if ((dviFile = fopen(dviFileName, "r")) == NULL) {

	int n = strlen(dviFileName);
	char *dviName;
	if (strcmp(dviFileName + n - sizeof(".dvi") + 1, ".dvi") == 0) {
	  error(0, errno, "[fopen] can't open %s", dviFileName);

	dviName = (char *) malloc((unsigned) n + sizeof(".dvi") + 1);
	sprintf(dviName, "%s.dvi", dviFileName);

	if ((dviFile = fopen(dviName, "r")) == NULL) {
	  error(0, errno, "[fopen] can't open %s", dviName);
	dviFileName = dviName;

    DviFileName = dviFileName;

    if ( copy ) {
       *	Copy the file to a temporary location if requested.
       *	This lets the person peruse the file while theyre re-texing it.
      FILE *tmpFile;
      char dviTmpFileNameBuffer[256];
      char *dviTmpFileName;
      dviTmpFileName = mktemp(dviTmpFileNameBuffer);
      if (!(tmpFile = fopen(dviTmpFileName,"w+"))) {
	error(0, errno, "[fopen] Unable to create temporary file");
	dviTmpFileName = 0;
      else {
	char buffer[BUFSIZ];
	int b;
	do {
	  b = fread(buffer, 1, BUFSIZ, dviFile);
	  fwrite(buffer, 1, b, tmpFile);
	} while (! feof(dviFile));
	dviFile = tmpFile;
	 *	Unlink the temporary file. This keeps tmp files from cluddering
	 *	up /tmp and it does it in a very application-independent way.
	 *	You can't reopen the tmp file, but we don't really allow that
	 *	anyway (the tmp file is hidden from the user).
	if (dviTmpFileName != 0 &&
	    strncmp(dviTmpFileName,"/tmp/",5) == 0) {

    assert( dviFile != 0 );

    DviFile = dviFile;

    if (DviUserMag == -1) {
	DviUserMag = 1000;

    if (DviMaxDrift == -1) {

    if (DviDpi == -1) {

    if (DviBlackness == -1) {

    /* Margins -- needs work! */

    if (DviHHMargin == -1) {

    if (DviVVMargin == -1) {

    anError |= ScanPostAmble( DviFile, savePostAmblePointer, registerFont);

    if (anError) {

    return( anError );

  int font;
  int c;

  if (DviFile != 0) {

  DviFile = 0;

  for (font = 0; font < RegisteredFonts; font++) {
    if ( TheFontInfo[ font ].paf.paf_name ) {
      free ( (char *) TheFontInfo[ font ].paf.paf_name );
      TheFontInfo[ font] .paf.paf_name = 0;
    if ( TheFontInfo[ font ].widths ) {
      free ( (char *) TheFontInfo[ font ].widths );
      TheFontInfo[ font].widths = 0;
  RegisteredFonts = 0;

  for (c = 0; c < DVI_COUNT; c++) {
    if ( DviCount[ c ] ) {
      free( (char *) DviCount[ c ] );
      DviCount[ c ] = 0;

char *
int pageNumber;
  if ( pageNumber < 0 || pageNumber > DviTotalPages ) {
  else {
    long start = DviPageOffsets[ pageNumber ];
    long end = ( pageNumber == (DviTotalPages-1))
      ? DviFileSize : DviPageOffsets[ pageNumber + 1];
    long toRead = end - start;

    char *buffer = malloc( toRead );

    if (buffer == 0 ) {
      return( 0 );
    else {

      long loc;
      long bytes;

      loc = fseek(DviFile, (long) start, 0);
      if (loc < 0) {
	error(0,0,"Improper seek: %d", errno);

      bytes = fread( buffer, 1, toRead, DviFile );

      if (bytes != toRead) {
	error(0,0,"Tried to read %d, only got %d", toRead, bytes);