% % \iffalse % meta-comment %<*package> % \begin{macrocode} %% %% mt11p.dtx %% Copyright 1997, 2002 Drahoslav L\'im %% %% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 1999/12/01 or later. %% %% This program consists of the following files: %% 0readme %% mt11p.dtx (this file) %% mt11p.ins %% mt11p.ps (formatted documentation) %% mt11p.map %% the binary tfm files: %% mtex.tfm mtexb.tfm mtexh.tfm mtgu.tfm %% mtgub.tfm mtmi.tfm mtmib.tfm mtmih.tfm %% mtms.tfm mtmsb.tfm mtmu.tfm mtmub.tfm %% mtmuh.tfm mtsyb.tfm mtsyh.tfm mtsyn.tfm %% rmtmi.tfm rmtmib.tfm rmtmih.tfm rmtmub.tfm %% rmtmuh.tfm %% %% the binary vf files: %% mtmi.vf mtmib.vf mtmih.vf mtmu.vf %% mtmub.vf mtmuh.vf %% %% Use at your own risk. %% %% Send bug reports to DrahoslavL@seznam.cz %% %% % \end{macrocode} % % QUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE: % % Run LaTeX on this dtx file to generate the documentation. % % Run TeX on mt11p.ins to generate the style file mt11p.sty. % Run latex on mt11p.drv to get documentation with commented source code. % % Copy mt11p.sty to the TeX input file area. % % Copy the PFA or PFB files from the Y&Y distribution % diskettes to the appropriate area on your system. % Edit mt11p.map, and/or rename/convert the Type1 font % files so that the data in the map file and the actual file names % are consistent. % % Copy the TFMs and VFs into the appropriate areas on your system. % Pass the information in mt11p.map to your dvi driver, e.g., % append it to psfonts.map. Note that the TFM files are not % identical to the ones on the Y&Y floppies. % % NOTE: The VFs assume the 8r-base version of PSNFSS is available, the % style files check whether files called % ``\encodingdefault\[rm|sf|tt]default.fd'' (e.g., T1ptm.fd or t1ptm.fd) % exist, and if the metric file ``ptmr8r.tfm'' is available. % % \fi % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % \def\fileversion{0.4a}% corected minor typos in documentation; code not touched \def\filedate{1997/01/27} \def\docdate {2002/04/05} % % \iffalse %</package> % %<*driver>\ProvidesFile{mt11p.drv} % \begin{macrocode} % [\filedate: setup\space for\space Times\space % +\space MathTime\space +\space MathTimePlus] % \end{macrocode} % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \documentclass{ltxdoc} %</driver> %<*!driver> %<*!package> %<*!demo> \OnlyDescription \message{^^JRun LaTeX on mt11p.drv to get the full docs.^^J^^J} %</!demo> %</!package> %</!driver> %<*driver> \begin{document} \GetFileInfo{mt11p.dtx} \DocInput{mt11p.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % %<*package> % \fi % % \CheckSum{2389} % \providecommand{\pkg}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % \providecommand{\file}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % \providecommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} % \providecommand{\AmS}{{\fontencoding{OMS}\fontfamily{cmsy}\selectfont % \kern-0.06em A\kern-.15em \lower.5ex\hbox{M}\kern-.1em S\kern.07em}}% % \newcommand{\deit}[1]{\item[{\boldmath$^\ddag$}\texttt{\bfseries#1}]} % \newcommand{\opit}[1]{\item[\texttt{\bfseries#1}]} % \newcommand{\brarg}[1]{\texttt\{$\langle\!$\textit{#1}$\rangle\!$\texttt\}} % % \title{A package for using the\\ % MathT\i me and MathT\i me\textsc{plus} % fonts\thanks{This file % has version number \fileversion, last % revised \filedate. % This file has no connection with the \pkg{mathtime} package % commisioned by Y\&Y\@.}} % \author{Drahoslav L\'\i m\\\texttt{DrahoslavL@seznam.cz}} % \date{\docdate} % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % \pkg{mt11p} is a package to relatively painlessly % get access to everything % available in the MathT\i me and MathT\i me\textsc{plus} commercial % math fonts in \LaTeXe. It is compatible with the \AmS{} packages. % This package is self-contained and only % the Type\,1 font programs need to be copied off of the distribution media. % \end{abstract} % % \begin{multicols}{2} % \tableofcontents % \end{multicols} % % \section{Introduction} % The use of Computer Modern fonts for equations has been % one of the tell-tale signs indicating a document % was typeset by \TeX\@. The reasons for this are that % there are no good freely available substitute fonts, and % that even if there were, % changing \TeX's math fonts is a tedious and somewhat cryptic % exercise. The first problem can be overcome by purchasing % math fonts such as MathT\i me or Lucida. This package % is one of the ways overcoming the second, though not the only one. % It provides everything \emph{except} the fonts themselves. % (You have shell out money and buy those,~\textsc{sorry}). % % It is assumed you are running \TeX\,3.x and a recent % release of \LaTeX\@, and that you have the standard % `resident' \textsc{Post\-Script} fonts installed for % use as text fonts in~\TeX~(``PSNFSS'')\@. % % \section{Installation} % % This package is useless unless you buy the fonts called % \emph{MathT\i me} and \textit{MathT\i me{\footnotesize PLUS\/}} % from~Y\&Y; the address is listed in~Sec.\,\ref{ack}. % % \paragraph{Prerequisites} % The ``\texttt{8r}-based'' version of~PSNFSS must be % installed on your system to use this package, because the % \texttt{VF}s~refer to the \texttt{8r}~``raw'' fonts. % Search on CTAN for the string ``\textsf{psnfss}'', % consult the \textit{\LaTeX{} Companion}, and/or the \LaTeXe{} % distribution % on how to do this. You can check if your system already has % the relevant files by searching for the \TeX~metric % file ``\file{ptmr8r.tfm}'' in the \file{tfm} file area, % and for the file ``\file{T1ptm.fd}'' (or % maybe~``\file{t1ptm.fd}'') in the \TeX~input % file area; if both are present you are probably % \textsc{ok} and everything will work. % % \bigskip % % This \file{dtx}~file should have come with several % sets of accompanying files, whose installation % should be routine: % % Run \TeX~on \file{mt11p.ins}\@; that will generate % the package ``style'' file,~\file{mt11p.sty}\@. % Copy that file to the \TeX~input file area. % Run \LaTeX~on \file{mt11p.drv}~to get commented source code % (that's what you're reading now). % % The \textbf{\texttt{.tfm}~metric files} should be copied to the area % where \TeX{} and the \texttt{dvi}~driver program search for % font metrics. % The \textbf{\texttt{.vf}~definition files} should be copied to % the area where the \texttt{dvi}~driver program searches for virtual font % definitions. Note that the metric files supplied are \emph{not} identical to the % ones distributed with the MathT\i me fonts. % % The file~\file{mt11p.map} should be % ``passed'' to the \texttt{dvi}~driver program to tell it that the % MathT\i me fonts are downloadable \textsc{Post\-Script} fonts % and what the relevant invocation commands are, or perhaps the file % should be passed to % a \textsc{Post\-Script} rasterizer (``PS--to--PK'') % program if the \texttt{dvi}~driver must use \texttt{PK}~bitmaps. % For Rokicki's \textsf{dvips}~driver, the contents % of~\file{mt11p.map} can be appended to the % ``\file{psfonts.map}''~file. % % Copy the Type\,1~font ``programs''---files % with extension \file{pfa} or \file{pfb}---from Y\&Y's distribution % media to the area where your \texttt{dvi}~driver or rasterizer % searches for downloadable fonts. % Some fonts may be provided in both \file{pfa} and \file{pfb} % formats; just pick one, most systems can deal with either. % (The \file{pfb}~format is more compact, albeit binary. % The \texttt{dvi}~driver can probably % convert % \file{.pfb} to~\file{.pfa} ``on the fly''.) % There are two versions of the normal weight symbol font, % \file{mtsy} and~\file{mtsyn}. The difference is minor, % but you might as well use the newer~\file{mtsyn}. % See the paragraph called ``Symbols'' in the documented % source code.\footnote{Run \LaTeX{} on the % file~\file{mt11p.drv} to get the commented source code; % it follows after~Sec.\,5.} % % The names and types (\file{pfa}/\file{pfb}) % of the downloadable files % in~\file{mt11p.map} should be made consistent with the actual names % and types under % which the Type\,1 font programs are stored on your system. % Either rename and/or convert the Type\,1 fonts, or simply edit % the contents of~\file{mt11p.map}; beware of case sensitivity. % % The \texttt{dvi}~driver program will probably not need the % \file{afm}~files from the distribution medea, but a % ``PS--to--PK'' rasterizer might; consult the rasterizer % documentation. Note that \file{afm}~files are \textsc{ascii}~files, % convert line endings as appropriate. % % At least for this package, no other files from the distribution medea % are required. % % \subsection{Previewing} % Whether or not you can preview \file{dvi}~files which use % MathT\i me fonts depends on your setup. If you can preview % \file{dvi}~files containing other \textsc{Post\-Script} % fonts, chances are you can preview with MathT\i me as well, % perhaps after running some utility to generate bitmaps, resolve % \texttt{VF}~references, etc. % Otherwise, it is possible to view the final \textsc{Post\-Script} % output of the \file{dvi}~driver on practically all platforms % using viewers based on the \textsc{Ghost\-Script} % rasterizer, or perhaps using Display\textsc{Post\-Script}. % % \section{Usage \& Package Options} % To switch to Times text and math, it should suffice % to say~|\usepackage{mt11p}| in the preamble. The oder % of packages should not matter, with one exception: % \pkg{mt11p} should be loaded after \AmS{} math packages. % Any reasonably cleanly written \LaTeX{} input % file will then be typeset with MathT\i me being used % for all standard mathematical symbols that would have % otherwise been typeset in Computer Modern. % There are two notable exceptions, see~Sec.\,\ref{varGamma}. % % Expect a few dozen lines of warnings as this package is being read, % and a notice about substituted fonts at the end of the run. % I think it is better to live with these NFSS warnings rather than % do some hacks to turn them off. % % At the end of the run expect a warning about size substitutions % if the \texttt{resize}~option was in effect (it is by default). % They are are due to the Computer Modern fonts usually having % a set of sizes available rather than being declared scalable in the % \file{.fd}~file, i.e., a \cs{DeclareFontShape} % argument of something like |<10><10.95><12><14.4>| % rather than~|<->|. % Whether or not something should be done about this depends on % what Computer Modern glyphs were used. It may be the case % that, in fact, none were---the warnings come from NFSS having % loaded fonts for. e.g., \cs{oldstylenums} % for math, eventhough you never actually used them. % You can change the \file{.fd}~files if you system is % capable of generating bitmaps on-the-fly or if you're using % \textsc{Post\-Script} versions of the Computer Modern fonts. % Consult the \emph{\LaTeX~Companion} or the standard % documentation file~\file{fntguide.tex}. % % \subsection{List of options} % This packages has lots of options controlling % some detailed aspects of font and math character handling. % In general, use the defaults, unless you have some % idea of what the implications of a particular option % are. % % Options in effect by default are indicated by % a double dagger~($\ddag$). % % \begin{itemize} % \deit{T1} reset the \cs{encodingdefault} (applicable to text fonts and % some math operators, symbols and accents) to~\texttt{T1}. % \opit{OT1} reset the \cs{encodingdefault} to the archaic % \texttt{OT1}~encoding; upper case Greek letters are never % taken from the text font, so the only reasons to % do this are human inertia and legacy code. % \opit{noenc} assume the current \cs{encodingdefault} is the desired one; % see the commented source % code if you use something other than \texttt{T1} % or~\texttt{OT1}. % \bigskip\par % \deit{opsafe} use symbols and accents from the % \texttt{operators} math family only when it is % safe to do so. % \opit{opnone} do not use the \texttt{operators}~math % family for accents or symbols, except when % this can't be helped; % if \cs{encodingdefault} is % not recognized, this option is auto-invoked. % \opit{opmax} take as much from the \texttt{operators}~math % family as possible. % Doing so can produce problematic % output in some circumstances, but it will make the % maximum use of printer resident fonts; % don't use this option % unless you know why you are doing so. See % the paragraph ``Symbols from either % \texttt{operators} or from elsewhere'' in the documented % source code. % \bigskip\par % \deit{opaccents} take math accents from the \texttt{operators} % math family, and make them follow math alphabet % changes where possible; see~Sec.\,\ref{ACCs}. % \opit{symaccents} take math accents from the a fixed (within a % math version) font; if \cs{encodingdefault} is not % recognized, this option is auto-invoked; % see~Sec.\,\ref{ACCs}. % \bigskip\par % \deit{mtcal} make the MathT\i me script font the % math alphabet \cs{mathcal} and make % \cs{mathscr} and synonym of~\cs{mathcal}; % see~Sec.\,\ref{Script}. % \opit{cmcal} make the MathT\i me script font the math alphabet % \cs{mathscr} and the Computer Modern symbol % font the \cs{mathcal}~alphabet; % see~Sec.\,\ref{Script}. % \opit{nomtms} use the Computer Modern symbol % font as the \cs{mathcal}~alphabet and do not % load the MathT\i me script font % at all; see~Sec.\,\ref{Script}. % \bigskip\par % \deit{dohbar} overwrite any existing definition of the % \cs{hbar}~($\hbar$)~symbol with one synthesized from % an~``$h$'' and a bar accent. The % definition here is actually rather decent, unlike the simple % one usually used. (At least try it before resorting % to the glyph in the \AmS~fonts\ldots) % \opit{nohbar} do nothing with the \cs{hbar} definition, % retain the existing one (if any); e.g., % the \AmS~fonts % have~\cs{hbar} as a single Computer Modern-like glyph. % \bigskip\par % \deit{subs} the \texttt{bold} and \texttt{heavy} % math versions in principle need some % `ultra' and `poster' weight fonts; usually % no such fonts are available, so define % substitutes. % \opit{nosubs} assume suitable fonts are available % and will be loaded, e.g., using a configuration % file \file{mt11p.cfg}; do not declare % any font substitutions. If should be apparent from % the commented source code or from \file{mt11p.sty} what % \textit{family}/\textit{series}/\textit{shape}~NFSS % declaration the extra fonts should get. % Search for the string ``\textsf{SUBS}'' % in the \file{.dtx} or \file{.sty}~file. % \deit{do8r} use the raw \texttt{8r}~fonts for the % four symbols \S, \P, \dag, \ddag. The math italic % fonts use the italic \texttt{8r}~raw fonts, so % it's not unreasonable to assume the upright % ones are also available; no support for using % the \texttt{8r}~encoding need be installed on the system, % though we make use of it if it is. \texttt{8r}~is % not used for anything other than these four symbols; % see~Sec.\,\ref{8R}. % \opit{no8r} do not use the raw fonts, and take the four % symbols \S, \P, \dag, \ddag\, from a Computer Modern font; % see~Sec.\,\ref{8R}. % \opit{nodag} don't touch the definitions of \S, \P, \dag, \ddag{} % at all; assume suitable definitions have been or will be % supplied, e.g., as part of a \texttt{TS1} setup. % See~Sec.\,\ref{8R}. % \bigskip\par % \deit{bsy} load the \AmS~packages needed to define % the \cs{boldsymbol}~macro, and define analogous % \cs{heavysymbol} and \cs{normalsymbols}~macros. % \opit{nobsy} don't load the \AmS~packages for \cs{boldsymbol} % and define \cs{boldsymbol}~and \cs{heavysymbol} to produce % messages and behave as no-ops. % \bigskip\par % \deit{mathgr} get upright Greek letters as the math alphabet % \cs{mathgr}; see~Sec.\,\ref{par:mathgr}. % \opit{nomathgr} do not load the math alphabet \cs{mathgr}; % this is only useful if you are running out of % math families, in which case you can use % \cs{greekshape} in an \cs{hbox} with the % obvious limitations. See~ec.\,\ref{par:mathgr}. % \bigskip\par % \deit{mathOS} get oldstyle digits as a math alphabet; % Computer Modern oldstyle digits are always available % in text. % \opit{nomathOS} do not load Computer Modern oldstyle digits % as a math alphabet. See the \texttt{nomathgr} option. % \bigskip\par % \deit{resize} change the subscript and text font sizing % to better account for the % fact that we are using linearly (not optically) scaled fonts. % \opit{noresize} don't touch the math subscript and text font sizing. % \bigskip\par % \deit{activesb} to improve the spacing in certain subscript % situations, the subscript character ``|_|'' (an % underscore) is made active; this \emph{might} break % some macros; see~Sec.\,\ref{SB} % \opit{noactivesb} don't do anything with the underscore. % \bigskip\par % \deit{times} assume the package (style file) which changes the % roman, sans and typewriter text families to % ``Times\,\&\,Helvetica\,\&\,Courier'' is % called~``\file{times.sty}''; this package % is loaded via \cs{RequirePackage}. % \item[\textbf*] any other option will be interpreted as the % name of the style file to use instead of~% % \pkg{times}; e.g., the option ``\texttt{btdutch}'' % will attempt to `require' the \pkg{btdutch}~package % instead of the \pkg{times}~package. % \end{itemize} % % \subsection{Interaction with \AmS~macros and other math packages} % \label{varGamma} % This package does nothing terribly anti-social and can co-exist with % \AmS~packages, e.g., \pkg{amsmath}, \pkg{amsfonts}, etc., provided % those packages are read \emph{before} (i.e., prior~to) reading this package. % Some types of macros are hardwired to Computer Modern fonts, % e.g., the ``\kern-.08em\AmS\kern.02em''~logo and would % have to be redefined. % The fonts~\texttt{msam} and~\texttt{msbm} will, or course, still be used % for the more uncommon math symbols. % See below about math accents. % % The default \TeX~math setup treats upper case Greek letters % as mathematical ``letters'' and lower case Greek letters % as mathematical ``symbols''. Hence |\mathbf{\Gamma\gamma}| % produces a bold upper case~$\mathbf\Gamma$, but % does not affect the lower case~$\gamma$; similarly for~\cs{mathit}. % This package uses the same conventions as the \AmS~macros: % names like ``\cs{varGamma}'' are used % for italic upper case Greek~($\mathit{\Gamma}$), and math version % switching is needed (\cs{boldsymbol}) to get bold Greek. % The `legacy' input code % |\mathbf{\Delta}\mathit{\Gamma}|~(``$\mathbf{\Delta}\mathit{\Gamma}\,$'') % \emph{does not work} with the \AmS~\LaTeX~macros nor with this package. % See~Sec.\,\ref{ACCs} about accents in math. % % It is likely that other math font related packages can % co-exist with~\pkg{mt11p}, particularly if they merely add % a math alphabet or symbol font, e.g., \pkg{mathbbol}, % \pkg{stmaryrd} or~\pkg{wasysym}. The chances of running out % of math symbol font families are slim unless you also % load the \pkg{oldlfont}~package. Note that % the \AmS{} symbol packages need two math families. % Of course it makes no % sense to use \pkg{mt11p}~together with another % complete math setup package like~\pkg{euler}. % % One package that \emph{will} clash with~\pkg{mt11p} is~\pkg{yhmath}. % If you load that package after~\pkg{mt11p}, all \texttt{largesymbols} % in all math versions % will be taken from the fixed size font~\texttt{yhcmex10}; % loading~\pkg{yhmath} before~\pkg{mt11p} will break~\pkg{yhmath}'s % wide math accents. If you only need the extra-wide accents, % change all instances of the word ``\textsf{largesymbols}'' in the % file~\file{yhmath.sty} % to something else, e.g.,~\textsf{YHlargesymbols}, and input that altered % file. If you want the extra delimiter sizes, you're on your own, but % see the paragraph ``Declaring additional math delimiters'' towards the end % of the commented source code. % % \subsection{Math Accents}\label{ACCs} % % MathT\i me provides an additional accent called % \cs{widebar} or~\cs{overbar}. It's about~$1\mathrm{em}$~long. % If the \AmS{} macros \cs{Hat}, etc., are defined, we also % define the similar \cs{Overbar} and~\cs{Widebar}. % % The Computer Modern layout causes some encoding-related % problems with math accents and math alphabets. % NFSS~has hooks to fix the problems, but does not actually % do it; the \AmS{} package~\pkg{amsmath} % does fix them by redefining most math accents. % % \pkg{mt11p}~incorporates fixes similar to the \AmS~ones, % and overwrites any existing math accent % definitions (it pretty much has to), so that % any combination of math alphabets and accents % (and accents options: \texttt{opaccents} or~\texttt{symaccents}) % will output the expected glyphs. Some curious combinations % will, however, lead to odd-looking accent positioning. % In a construct such as |\mathit{\hat{x}}| % the accent positioning will always be ``wrong'', because % the accent is a \emph{text} accent---the (text) italic font % implied by \cs{mathit} doesn't have the appropriate font metrics % because it's assumed that \cs{mathit} will be used when a % group of letters (a~`word') is to be treated as % a math symbol, e.g., $x_{\mathit{initial}}$ % or~$\widehat{\mathit{final}}$. % However, ``$x$''~is a mathematical symbol by itself. If you want % an italic hat on the symbol~$x$ you have to say % |\mathit{\hat{\mathnormal{x}}| % (assuming it's a big deal to have an italic~\cs{hat}\ldots). % Even then the spacing will not be optimal and % will usually require some fiddling with the \cs{skew} macro. % % \subsection{Script and calligraphy math fonts}\label{Script} % This package makes the distinction between two % ``calligraphy'' math alphabets: \emph{calligraphy} and % \textit{script}. This is necessitated by the fact that % the Computer Modern fonts only have upper case % ``calligraphy'' letters, and that you perhaps may not like % the MathT\i me \texttt{mtms}*~fonts or that you % may want to use letters from both fonts. % % Irrespective of the options in use, the two math alphabet % commands \cs{mathcal} and \cs{mathscr} will be defined. % (The old ``\cs{mit}''~is not defined.) % % The default (\texttt{mtcal})~is to make both alphabets % refer to a \texttt{mtms}*~font. The variant % forms of some letters are available with the commands % \cs{varA}, \cs{varE}, \cs{varG}, \cs{varvarG}, \cs{varI}, \cs{varL}, % \cs{varQ}, \cs{varS}, \cs{varr}, \cs{varz}, % \cs{iscript} and~\cs{jscript}. (\cs{i}~and \cs{j}~are % invalid in math mode and \cs{imath} and~\cs{jmath} % cannot be redefined.) Both upper and lower case letters % will work in~\cs{mathcal}. % % Another possibility, \texttt{cmcal}, is to % have both Computer Modern and % MathT\i me fonts available; \cs{mathscr}~will % be the latter, and \cs{mathcal} the former. % \cs{mathcal} will then not have lower case letters. % % A third setting, \texttt{nomtms},~avoids using the % MathT\i me \texttt{mtms}*~fonts entirely. % \cs{mathcal}~is then the Computer Modern symbols font, % and \cs{mathscr} gives a warning before calling~\cs{mathcal}. % % A certain amount of ``reasonableness'' is assumed with respect % to the usage of ``calligraphic'' alphabets. % The \texttt{mtcal}~option does not give any warning % about the fact that \cs{mathcal} and \cs{mathscr} % are identical. With the \texttt{cmcal} or \texttt{nomtms} % options in effect you will get warnings if you try to use % a~\cs{var}\kern-.035em\textit{X\/} letter in~\cs{mathcal}, but % \cs{mathcal} will never try to check its argument % to verify that it consists of \emph{upper} case letters only, even % when no font with ``calligraphy'' lower case letters % is available. Consider using \cs{mathcal} when the argument % is known to contain nothing but upper case letters and % use \cs{mathscr} when using lower case letters as well; % that way you will at least get a warning pertaining to % script math alphabets if the options are % set to avoid the use of~\texttt{mtms}* or if % the document is reset without MathT\i me fonts. % % % The MathT\i me manuals describe a \cs{script} macro; % \pkg{mt11p}~defines an equivalent macro. Note that % \cs{script} should only be followed by white space, an % optional~``\texttt*'', and then a single letter, % with no space between the asterisk and the letter, e.g., % \verb*+\script *AB+ is equivalent to % |\mathscr{\varA}B|, \emph{not}~|\mathscr{AB}|, % and \verb*+\script* AB+ is an error. % % \subsection{The symbols \dag, \ddag, \S, and \P}\label{8R} % The standard \LaTeX~setup takes these symbols, in both text and math % from the Computer Modern symbols font. The MathT\i me symbols % font does not have these glyphs, so something must be done % to have them available for footnote markers,~etc. % % There is a fairly standard \textsc{Post\-Script} text % symbol font setup, which uses the \texttt{TS1}~encoding, % but it seems to not (yet) be in general use. % % This package offers three relevant options. The option % \texttt{nodag}~does absolutly nothing with the four symbols, % but this can only be used if they've already been or are about to be % redefined (perhaps in the \file{mt11p.cfg} file), % because the default definitions assume the use % of Computer Modern fonts and \emph{will} produce incorrect glyphs % after switching to MathT\i me. % % The default option \texttt{do8r} % takes these four symbols (and \emph{only} % these four symbols) from the ``raw'' \texttt{8r}~encoded % fonts, upon which the virtual \texttt{T1} and \texttt{OT1} % \textsc{Post\-Script} fonts are built. If \file{.fd}~files % or an~\file{8r.sty} are available, we use them; if they're not, we supply % just enough code to be able to use the symbols in NFSS\@. % It is not unreasonable to do so, because the \texttt{8r}~metric % file~\file{ptmri8r.tfm} must be on the system (the % \file{mtmi.vf} virtual font uses it), so the % upright font~\file{ptmr8r.tfm} is probably available too. % Note that \texttt{8r}~is an ``unsupported'' encoding. % % The option \texttt{no8r} overwrites any existing definition % and forces the use of Computer Modern for these four symbols % (without affecting anything else) and avoids the direct use of % \texttt{8r}~raw fonts. % % \subsection{``New'' symbols} % {\sloppy % MathT\i me has a few mathematical symbols that aren't available % in Computer Modern. Here is the list, with alternate names % in parentheses: % \cs{overbar}~(\cs{widebar}), % \cs{openclubsuit}, % \cs{shadedclubsuit}, % \cs{openspadesuit}, % \cs{shadedspadesuit}, % \cs{triangleleft}, % \cs{triangleright}, % \cs{cupprod}, % \cs{capprod}, % \cs{varcirc}~(\cs{comp}).} % % \subsection{Avoiding the use of bitmap fonts} % Often the point of buying the MathT\i me fonts is not % just to get something other than Computer Modern math, but also % to avoid the use of bitmap (Type\,3) fonts and % use scalable (Type\,1) fonts nstead. The default option are % set so that this condition is satisfied, as long as you % don't use glyphs that are not available % in either the resident fonts nor in MathT\i me, i.e., % oldstyle digits, or you force the use of % Computer Modern or other \textsc{Meta\-Font} % fonts in some situations (the \texttt{cmcal}, % \texttt{nomtms}, or~\texttt{no8r} options, \AmS~packages, etc.) and % you do not have substitute outline fonts. See the % MathT\i me licence agreement about ``exporting'' % files containing outline fonts. % % \subsection{Subscript spacing}\label{SB} % The sidebearings of math italic letters with descenders % are such that a spacing adjustment is required % in certain contexts, in particular in the very common % case of~$j$ subscripts. The MathT\i me % distribution suggests using an active subscript character, % which checks if the first thing in a subscript is % one of the letters \texttt{f}, \texttt{j} or~\texttt{p}, % and inserts a small negative kern if is it. % The macro \cs{jadjust} can be used if the correction % needs to be done by hand; see Appendix~B.2 of the % MathT\i me \textit{Reference Manual}. % % Changing category codes is akin to Russian roulette: we can % try to make the magazine larger, but it will still hold % a bullet \textit{somewhere}. It is unreasonable to % assume that other people's packages will % take steps to work even when the \texttt{underscore} % is a macro. \texttt{underscore}s can crop up % in font names or reference labels, for example. % % The macro we use is slightly different from the original one % in the MathT\i me distribution. The \cs{catcode} of % the \texttt{underscore} ends up being~$12$, i.e., ``other'' % rather than~$13$~(``active''), which is much more forgiving. % We rely on the fact that the % \texttt{underscore}'s \cs{mathcode} is \texttt{"8000} % to get subscripts in math mode. This seems to be~\textsc{ok} % when used in most contexts. In text mode this will % produce whatever the current font has in slot~|`\_|, but % you shouldn't be using a `naked' % \texttt{underscore} in text anyway\ldots{} % % Nothing is done with the \texttt{underscore} unless % its \cs{catcode} is ``subscript''~($8$), % \emph{and} its \cs{mathcode} is~\texttt{"8000}; if % both conditions are not fulfilled, someone has % presumably already fiddled with the \texttt{underscore}, % so we don't touch it. % % The option~\texttt{noactivesb} keeps the underscore as it was, % in order to quickly ascertain whether the active % \texttt{underscore} is braking some macros. Reports of % such cases are welcome. % % \subsection{Upright Greek lower case letters} % \label{par:mathgr} % MathT\i me contains an upright Greek letters (text) % which are used in some disciplines to designate % units or particles. Such letters are normally not used % as math \textit{symbols}. We provide three relevant commands: % \textbf{\cs{greekshape}},~which is a font switch like~\cs{itshape}), % \textbf{\cs{textgr}},~which takes an argument similarly to~\cs{textit}, % and the math alphabet command~\textbf{\cs{mathgr}}. % % Alternate forms of some letters can be obtained as % ligatures---see Section~8 of the \textit{MathT\i me\/}\textsc{plus} % reference manual. However, in math (\cs{mathgr}) % it is not possible to use % the ligatures with the asterisk character~(\texttt*) suggested % in the manual, because the asterisk will not be interpreted as % a character from the same font as the Greek letters. % The TFM~metric files accompanying this package contain extra ligatures % which produce the variants: in lieu of~\texttt{O*} or~\texttt{o*}, % write~\texttt{vO} or~\texttt{vo}, respectively; in place % of~\texttt{e*} write~\texttt{vev}. % % This package does not define any \cs{gr}~font switch. \cs{greekshape} % performs the same function in text; use the \cs{mathgr}~form % in math. % % MathT\i me\textsc{plus} comes with two ``hybrid'' fonts, % \texttt{mtmub} and \texttt{mtmuh}, which % are math~\texttt{letters} fonts with upright % (instead of sloping) lower case Greek letters. The % two fonts contain both upright and italic \emph{upper case} % Greek letter. For reasons listed in the reference % manual, there is no font~\file{mtmu}. This package comes with % a \file{mtmu}~font, created as a~\file{VF} using % \file{mtmi} and~\file{mtgu}, in case you decide to % use such a font after all. % % See the commented source % about declaring upright Greek letters % as math \textit{symbols} and about using~\file{mtgu}. % % \subsection{Oldstyle Digits}\label{OSdig} % None of the ``standard\,35'' \textsc{Post\-Script} % fonts has oldstyle digits (\oldstylenums{1234567890}) % and neither do any of the MathT\i me fonts. % The standard \TeX~math \texttt{letters}~font % has such digits, and some packages make use of the glyphs. % \pkg{mt11p}~defines an % \cs{oldstylenums}~macro which is essentially equivalent to the % one provided in \LaTeX, but note that the Computer Modern % oldstyle digits don't go well with Times text fonts. % A \file{mt11p.cfg}~file or a subsequent package could redefine % the macro to use a more suitable font. % % \subsection{Mixing math versions} % Like both the standard \TeX{} math setup and the \AmS~math % setup, we assume that it will be relatively rare to require % bold~(unbold) \emph{symbols}\footnote{% % The arguments of \cs{mathbf} are not % considered `symbols'. The input text \cs{mathbf\{a\}} % produces a bold \emph{upright}~``$\mathbf a$'' not % the bold math symbol~``{\boldmath$a$}''.} % in a formula set in the unbold~(bold) math version. % We load the \AmS~\pkg{amsbsy} package which defines % a \cs{boldsymbol}~macro, that sets its argument % using the bold math version, and define corresponding % corresponding \cs{heavysymbol} and % \cs{normalsymbol}~macros. % % However, it's awkward % to use the \cs{boldsymbol}, etc., macros in situations % where alignment is critical (accents) or for % large delimiters. For those cases one could declare % additional symbol fonts and define things like % \cs{boldalpha}, \cs{boldhat} or \cs{Lheavybrace}, and then % an input text like % \begin{center} % |\[\left\Lheavybrace 2\boldalpha|% % $\langle\!\hbox{\itshape some big formula}\rangle$% % |\right\Rheavybrace\]| % \end{center} % would do what would otherwise % take unreadable input code (\cs{vphantom} constructs) to produce. % This requires some knowledge of the % details of \TeX's math workings, but nothing % too esoteric. For a simple example % the commented source code. Such a setup could be placed % in~\file{mt11p.cfg}. Consult also the standard \LaTeX{} % documentation file~\file{fntguide.tex}. Note that % the \AmS~macros do not provide such a setup, because % it's somewhat rare to actually need it, but it can be done. % % \subsection{Local Configuration} % After setting everything up but before `undefining' % internal auxiliary macros and flags, % and before changing the subscript % sizing this package inputs the file~\file{mt11p.cfg}, if % it can find one. Further definitions (bold or % upright Greek letters as symbols, etc.\@) could be placed in % such a file. % % \section{Bugs} % Any reports about bugs, suspected bugs or package % clashes are welcome provided you also send just enough % \TeX~code to reproduce the bug and your \TeX{} % \file{.log}~file---use the e-mail % address given on the title page of this document and % at various places in the files. % Report of \emph{usage} are also welcome\texttt{\small;-)}. % % \section{Acknowledgment \&{} Misc.}\label{ack} % % { % \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % \setlength{\parskip}{1.0ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.5ex} % \raggedright % This section has been put here, in case you don't print out the % commented source code. % % Thanks to the authors and maintainers of \LaTeX, and particularly % to the authors of NFSS\@. % % Portions of this package were stolen from the \pkg{mathtimy}~package % by Aloysius Helminck, and from the \TeX~files provided with the % MathT\i me distribution. % % The ``operative'' part of this package was written before % the release of the \pkg{mathtime} package by Y\&Y\@. % % \small % MathT\i me is a trademark of Publish or Perish, Inc. % % A bunch of other names are trademarks or % registered trademarks, as everybody knows\ldots % % The contact address for Y\&Y is\\ % \begin{quote} % Y\&Y, Inc.\\ % 106 Indian Hill\\ % Carlisle, MA 01741\\ % USA\\ % \texttt{http://www.yandy.com} % \end{quote} % % This software is provided ``\textsc{as-is}'', with no warranty % of any kind; the user assumes all responsibility for its use. % } % % \noindent The author has no association with Y\&Y,\,Inc., other than % having purchased the MathT\i me fonts. % % \StopEventually{} % \bigskip % \hrule height0.6pt\relax % % \section{Implementation} % We start by the usual identifications. We need a few commands % not present in early versions of~NFSS\,2, so check for the date. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{mt11p}% [\filedate: setup\space for\space Times\space +\space MathTime\space +\space MathTimePlus] % \end{macrocode} % Before we do anything real, % check the catcodes of a few characters in case some fanatic % changed them already. These are the characters I've % seen activated in various packages. % % We hope the the single left quote wasn't\ldots % \begin{macrocode} \chardef\mt@quotedbl \catcode`\" \chardef\mt@quotesinglr\catcode`\' \chardef\mt@colon \catcode`\: \chardef\mt@question \catcode`\? \chardef\mt@semicolon \catcode`\; \chardef\mt@exclam \catcode`\! \@makeother\" \@makeother\' \@makeother\: \@makeother\? \@makeother\; \@makeother\! % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Option Declarations} % We will need the option setting in conditionals at various points, % so use integers (\cs{chardef}s) as flags. % % There are three options relevant to text font encodings: % either make the default \texttt{T1}, % or make the default~\texttt{OT1}, % or don't touch \cs{encodingdefault}. The upright % ``roman'' (\cs{rmdefault}) is used for % the \texttt{operators}~math family, so the choice % of text encoding has implications for math. % This package can handle (in as much as it needs to) with % any of the following: \texttt{T1}, \texttt{OT1} or a superset thereof, % \texttt{8r} and~\texttt{8a}. See the commented source % code if you need more information,~Sec.\,\ref{fromops}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{T1}{\def\mt@enc{\def\encodingdefault{T1}}} \DeclareOption{OT1}{\def\mt@enc{\def\encodingdefault{OT1}}} \DeclareOption{noenc}{\let\mt@enc\relax} % \end{macrocode} % % Next the options for dealing with what math symbols to % take from the \texttt{operator} family. % Either take everything from elsewhere, % or take `safe' things from \texttt{operators}, % or take as much as possible from \texttt{operators}, which could be % dangerous in some circumstances; see~Sec.\,\ref{fromops}\@. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{opnone}{\chardef\mt@ops0 } \DeclareOption{opsafe}{\chardef\mt@ops1 } \DeclareOption{opmax}{\chardef\mt@ops2 } % \end{macrocode*} % % Accents can either come from \texttt{operators} and follow % math alphabets (usual case), % or be always taken from \texttt{symbols}. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{opaccents}{\chardef\mt@accs0 } \DeclareOption{symaccents}{\chardef\mt@accs1 } % \end{macrocode*} % % We need options to control the handling of % script/calligraphy fonts. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{mtcal}{\chardef\mt@cal0 } \DeclareOption{cmcal}{\chardef\mt@cal1 } \DeclareOption{nomtms}{\chardef\mt@cal2 } % \end{macrocode*} % % In order to cooperate with \AmS~macros, % we provide a switch to \emph{not} define~\cs{hbar}, % i.e., retain the present definition~(if~any). % You may want to use this to keep~\cs{hbar} % pointing to the glyph in the \texttt{msbm}~fonts, % rather than use the faked one we define here, % though then you'll have a Computer Modern~``$h$'' % which looks too light among Times, and the one provided % herein isn't too shabby\ldots % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{dohbar}{\chardef\mt@hbar1 } \DeclareOption{nohbar}{\chardef\mt@hbar0 } % \end{macrocode*} % % The \texttt{bold} and \texttt{heavy} math versions % will probably need some font substitutions, but if you % have the additional fonts, you can skip the substitutions % contained herein. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{subs}{\chardef\mt@sub1 } \DeclareOption{nosubs}{\chardef\mt@sub0 } % \end{macrocode*} % % For historical reasons the~\cs{dag}\@, \cs{ddag}\@, % \cs{S}~and \cs{P}~symbols have to be dealt with. % The \texttt{mtmi} virtual fonts use \texttt{ptmi8r} % raw fonts, so at least % the TFM~files should be available, and we include just enough % code to use them for these four symbols. % Provide an option to explicitly avoid using \texttt{8r}~for % these symbols; in that case we'll have to use \texttt{OMS}\@. % A subsequent package could redefine them to use % the \texttt{TS1}~encoding or something. % Also provide an option that does nothing at all % with any of the relevant definitions. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{no8r}{\chardef\mt@eightR0 } \DeclareOption{do8r}{\chardef\mt@eightR1 } \DeclareOption{nodag}{\chardef\mt@eightR2 } % \end{macrocode*} % % It may be convenient to get the \cs{boldsymbol} % macro from the \AmS~style files. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{nobsy}{\chardef\mt@bsy0 } \DeclareOption{bsy}{\chardef\mt@bsy1 } % \end{macrocode*} % % Before exiting this package should reset the % subscript sizing, because we're using linearly scaled fonts. % Provide an option to switch that off. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{resize}{\def\mt@exit{\MathTimeSizes}} \DeclareOption{noresize}{\let\mt@exit\relax} % \end{macrocode} % % This is mainly to test if the active underscore % is causing any problems. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{activesb}{\chardef\mt@sb1 } \DeclareOption{noactivesb}{\chardef\mt@sb0 } % \end{macrocode*} % % Now a few options to save math families. The default leaves room % for four, which may be too little if you also load \AmS, etc. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareOption{nomathgr}{\chardef\mt@mgr0 } \DeclareOption{mathgr}{\chardef\mt@mgr1 } \DeclareOption{nomathOS}{\chardef\mt@osdg0 } \DeclareOption{mathOS}{\chardef\mt@osdg1 } % \end{macrocode*} % % The package to get ``Times/Helvetica/Courier'' might % have some wiered name: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{times}{\def\times@style{times}} \DeclareOption*{\edef\times@style{\CurrentOption}} % \end{macrocode} % % The defaults are % \begin{itemize} % \item \texttt{T1} encoding; % \item assume the text font package is called \file{times.sty}; % \item use \texttt{operators} for safe glyphs and accents; % \item use \texttt{mtms} as the \cs{mathcal} font; % \item declare substitutions for the bold and heavy math versions; % \item overwrite any existing definition of \cs{hbar}; % \item use \texttt{8r} for \cs{dag}\@, etc.; % \item fetch the \cs{boldsymbol} \AmS~macro; % \item get upright Greek and oldstyle digits; % \item switch to different subscript sizing; and % \item use the active underscore character. % \end{itemize} % Then read the option list. % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteOptions{T1,times,opsafe,opaccents,mtcal,% dohbar,subs,do8r,bsy,resize,mathgr,mathOS,activesb} \ProcessOptions* % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Text Encoding} % We have to know that the text \cs{encodingdefault} is, because accents in math mode % may get taken from the \texttt{operators} font. We make \cs{encodingdefault} % either \texttt{T1} (default, and preferred), or \texttt{OT1}\@, or % do nothing with \cs{encodingdefault}\@. % \begin{macrocode} \mt@enc % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Text font setup} % Here we fetch ``Times +~Helvetica +~Courier'' using the \pkg{times} package, % or whatever we were told to use, or just do it by hand. On exit % \cs{rmdefault}\@, \cs{sfdefault} and \cs{ttdefault} % should be~\textsc{ok}. % \begin{macrocode} \IfFileExists{\times@style.sty}% {\RequirePackage{\times@style}}% {\PackageWarning{mt11p}{No file `\times@style.sty' found.% \MessageBreak Guessing what the text font familes \MessageBreak are called} \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm} \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} \renewcommand{\bfdefault}{b}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Font Sizing} The documentation accompanying MathT\i me % suggests different subscript sizing. We do it the same way % the \pkg{mathtimy} package does it, by redefining things like % \cs{@ixpt} to actually be something other than what the name implies. % Then we reset all math sizes, from \cs{tiny} to \cs{Huge}\@. % This is the sizing used in \pkg{mathtimy}\@, which appeares to be % taken from the files in the MathT\i me distribution. This macro % gets called just before we exit. Switching between MathT\i me~sizing % and the default Computer Modern~sizing on the fly makes little sense, % so we don't try to preserve the original settings. % The standard sizes are, in sequence, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.95, % 12, 14.4, 17.28, 20.74~and 24.88~points, i.e., we decrease the % `spread' somewhat. % \begin{macrocode} \def\MathTimeSizes{% \def\@vpt{6.0}% \def\@vipt{6.8}% \def\@viipt{7.6}% \def\@viiipt{8.4}% \def\@ixpt{9.2}% \def\@xpt{10.0}% \def\@xipt{10.8}% \def\@xiipt{11.6}% \def\@xivpt{13.2}% \def\@xviipt{15.6}% \def\@xxpt{18.0}% \def\@xxvpt{22.0}% \DeclareMathSizes\@vpt \@vpt \@vpt \@vpt \DeclareMathSizes\@vipt \@vipt \@vpt \@vpt \DeclareMathSizes\@viipt \@viipt \@vpt \@vpt \DeclareMathSizes\@viiipt\@viiipt\@vipt \@vpt \DeclareMathSizes\@ixpt \@ixpt \@vipt \@vpt \DeclareMathSizes\@xpt \@xpt \@viipt \@vpt \DeclareMathSizes\@xipt \@xipt \@viipt \@vpt \DeclareMathSizes\@xiipt \@xiipt \@viiipt\@vipt \DeclareMathSizes\@xivpt \@xivpt \@xpt \@viipt \DeclareMathSizes\@xviipt\@xviipt\@xiipt \@xpt \DeclareMathSizes\@xxpt \@xxpt \@xivpt \@xiipt \DeclareMathSizes\@xxvpt \@xxvpt \@xxpt \@xviipt \PackageInfo{mt11p}{Adjusting math subscript sizing}} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Fetch the MathT\i me and MathT\i me\textsc{plus} fonts.} % We don't create \texttt{.fd}~files, % since the fonts are not for general use. % We declare them as separate encodings, called \texttt{Lmt}*, % because they differ quite % a bit from the \texttt{OM}* encodings, which might lead to trouble if, % e.g., someone assumed the \texttt{letters} % font has oldstyle digits or that the \texttt{symbols} % font has calligraphic letters. % % There will be a \emph{heavy} series for some fonts, which we denote by % the macro \cs{hvdefault}, and an upright italic % shape, \cs{uidefault}. For the bold and heavy math versions % we would need additional bold, \emph{ultra}~(\cs{uldefault}) and % \emph{poster}~(\cs{psdefault}) weight fonts; % pretend they exist, and then define substitutes. % For the off chance that these are already % defined, we ``provide'' them, rather than define them. % Only the macros are used in the rest of this file, i.e., % ``|{ui}|'' never appears again, so no font designations are % hardwired into this file (except those for common Computer Modern fonts). % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand{\hvdefault}{h} \providecommand{\uidefault}{ui} \providecommand{\uldefault}{u} \providecommand{\psdefault}{p} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Letters} Declare the \texttt{letters} fonts. % Include \cs{noaccents@} so math accents don't break in % \cs{mathnormal}. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareFontEncoding{LmtL}{}{\noaccents@} \DeclareFontFamily{LmtL}{mtl}{\skewchar\font=45 } \DeclareFontShape{LmtL}{mtl}{\mddefault}{\itdefault}{<->mtmi}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtL}{mtl}{\bfdefault}{\itdefault}{<->mtmib}{} % \end{macrocode*} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontShape{LmtL}{mtl}{\hvdefault}{\itdefault}{<->mtmih}{}% see dtx SUBS % \end{macrocode} % Note that the font~\texttt{mtmih} is a virtual font that % uses~\texttt{ptmbi8r}, so even if you have a ``heavy'' % weight Times italic font, you can't use it as a math % \texttt{letters} font unless you know how to % create a suitable raw font and change~\file{mtmih.vf} % and~\file{mtmih.vf}. The same applies to~\file{mtmuh}. % % Declare the \texttt{letters} font with upright lower case Greek letters too; we won't % do anything with them, but we will describe how to set them up, if someone % wants to use them as symbols~(Sec.\,\ref{unused}). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontShape{LmtL}{mtl}{\mddefault}{\uidefault}{<->mtmu}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtL}{mtl}{\bfdefault}{\uidefault}{<->mtmub}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtL}{mtl}{\hvdefault}{\uidefault}{<->mtmuh}{} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Symbols} Now the \texttt{symbols} font: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontEncoding{LmtS}{}{\no@accents}% \DeclareFontFamily{LmtS}{mts}{}% the fonts have no skewkerns % \end{macrocode} % Why do we say \cs{no@accents} when this is the \emph{one} font that % \emph{will} have accents if we don't find any elsewhere?---because % they are in non-standard slots. There is no ``\cs{mathsy}'' % alphabet, but someone could try to be clever and define % one. Since we said \cs{noaccents@}, we might as well do the following % re-declarations (\AmS~does them too). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontEncoding{OML}{}{\noaccents@} \DeclareFontEncoding{OMS}{}{\noaccents@} % \end{macrocode} % \texttt{mtsyn} and the older \texttt{mtsy} differ only in the % \texttt{radical1}~glyph % (\texttt{C132},~$\mathit{'204}$), which is a surd/radical % at the baseline (as opposed to below it), % otherwise identical to the other radical sign % at~$\mathit{'160}$; see~Sec.\,\ref{realunused}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontShape{LmtS}{mts}{\mddefault}{\updefault}{<->mtsyn}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtS}{mts}{\bfdefault}{\updefault}{<->mtsyb}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtS}{mts}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}{<->mtsyh}{} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Script Letters} The letters-only \texttt{mtms}* fonts, which % we use for \cs{mathcal} and/or~\cs{mathscr}. % \begin{macrocode*} \DeclareFontEncoding{LmtW}{}{\noaccents@} \DeclareFontFamily{LmtW}{mtw}{\skewchar\font=42 \hyphenchar\font=-1 } \DeclareFontShape{LmtW}{mtw}{\mddefault}{\updefault}{<->mtms}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtW}{mtw}{\bfdefault}{\updefault}{<->mtmsb}{} % \end{macrocode*} % % \paragraph{Math Extention} % The \texttt{largesymbols} and math extension fonts \texttt{mtex}* % are compatible with \texttt{OMX}; the only difference is an extra radical % in slot~$\mathit{'237}$, which we don't use, because it is identical % to the one in the \texttt{symbols} font~($\mathit{'160}$). % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontFamily{OMX}{mtx}{}% this really is OMX, thank you \DeclareFontShape{OMX}{mtx}{\mddefault}{\updefault}{<->mtex}{} \DeclareFontShape{OMX}{mtx}{\bfdefault}{\updefault}{<->mtexb}{} \DeclareFontShape{OMX}{mtx}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}{<->mtexh}{} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Greek Text} MathT\i me includes a font with % upright Greek letters, upper and lower case, meant for % use as \emph{letters} (as opposed to \textit{symbols})\@. % The fonts have ligatures with empty slots to get % alternate forms---see Section~8 of the % \textit{MathT\i me\/}\textsc{plus} reference manual. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontEncoding{LmtG}{}{\noaccents@} \DeclareFontFamily{LmtG}{mtg}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtG}{mtg}{\mddefault}{\updefault}{<->mtgu}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtG}{mtg}{\bfdefault}{\updefault}{<->mtgub}{} % \end{macrocode} % % Lastly, declare default for the new encodings, so NFSS~is happy. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareFontSubstitution{LmtL}{mtl}{\mddefault}{\itdefault} \DeclareFontSubstitution{LmtS}{mts}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \DeclareFontSubstitution{LmtW}{mtw}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \DeclareFontSubstitution{LmtG}{mtg}{\mddefault}{\updefault} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Math declarations} % We assume the usual math setup was loaded into % the format and change things around to use MathT\i me. % If for some reason you don't read a standard math setup % into the format, you'll have to read the setup in before % loading this package. Note that it is not necessary to % ``preload'' the standard Computer Modern % font metrics, if font memory is a problem. % % \paragraph{Math Versions} % We use three math versions, \textit{normal}\@, % \textit{bold}\@, and \textit{heavy}\@, and keep everything separate, % as if there really were three sets of fonts available for everything. Actually, % they're not, but one could use the hooks to supply such fonts if one had them. % % Give a notice so people don't freak when they see all the warnings % messages NFSS~emits. % \begin{macrocode} \PackageWarning{mt11p-Font}{Expect LOTS of NFSS warnings} % \end{macrocode} % % Some of the code that follows is redundant. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathVersion{normal} \DeclareMathVersion{bold} \DeclareMathVersion{heavy} \def\normalmath{\@nomath\normalmath\mathversion{normal}} \def\boldmath{\@nomath\boldmath\mathversion{bold}} \def\heavymath{\@nomath\heavymath\mathversion{heavy}} \def\unboldmath{\normalmath} \let\unheavymath\unboldmath % \end{macrocode} % This is a private joke\ldots % \begin{macrocode} \let\unnormalmath\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Declare Math Font Families} % The following does not depend on any options: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareSymbolFont{operators}{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \DeclareSymbolFont{letters}{LmtL}% {mtl}{\mddefault}{\itdefault} \DeclareSymbolFont{symbols}{LmtS}% {mts}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \DeclareSymbolFont{largesymbols}{OMX}% {mtx}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet \mathnormal {letters} \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet \mathrm {operators} \DeclareMathAlphabet \mathbf {\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \DeclareMathAlphabet \mathsf {\encodingdefault}% {\sfdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \DeclareMathAlphabet \mathit {\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\itdefault} \DeclareMathAlphabet \mathtt {\encodingdefault}% {\ttdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault} % \end{macrocode} % % The calligraphy stuff depends on what `\texttt{cal}' option is being used; % we either % use \texttt{mtms} as the \cs{mathcal} font, % \textsc{or} % we make \texttt{cmsy} the \cs{mathcal} font % and make \texttt{mtms} a ``script'' font~\cs{mathscr}\@, % \textsc{or} % we make \texttt{cmsy} the \cs{mathcal} font % and don't use \texttt{mtms} for anything. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@cal % case 0 \DeclareMathAlphabet \mathcal {LmtW}{mtw}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \or % case 1 \DeclareMathAlphabet \mathscr {LmtW}{mtw}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \DeclareMathAlphabet \mathcal {OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n} \or % case 2 \DeclareMathAlphabet \mathcal {OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n} \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@cal}% {The \string\mathcal/\string\mathscr setup is hosed.} \fi % \end{macrocode} % We'll have to deal with more \cs{mathcal}-related stuff later. % % Note that things % defined via \cs{DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet} switch math versions % automatically with \cs{SetSymbolFont}; these include \cs{mathnormal} % and \cs{mathrm}. % % \paragraph{Normal Math Version} This is largely redundant. % \begin{macrocode} \SetSymbolFont{operators}{normal}{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetSymbolFont{letters}{normal}{LmtL}% {mtl}{\mddefault}{\itdefault} \SetSymbolFont{symbols}{normal}{LmtS}% {mts}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetSymbolFont{largesymbols}{normal}{OMX}% {mtx}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathsf {normal}% {\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathtt {normal}% {\encodingdefault}{\ttdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathit {normal}% {\encodingdefault}{\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\itdefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathbf {normal}% {\encodingdefault}{\rmdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{mathcal} and \cs{mathscr} have several cases. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@cal % case 0 \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {normal}{LmtW}{mtw}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \or % case 1 \SetMathAlphabet \mathscr {normal}{LmtW}{mtw}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {normal}{OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n} \or % case 2 \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {normal}{OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Bold Math Version} Same story as above. % \begin{macrocode} \SetSymbolFont{operators}{bold}{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \SetSymbolFont{letters}{bold}{LmtL}% {mtl}{\bfdefault}{\itdefault} \SetSymbolFont{symbols}{bold}{LmtS}% {mts}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \SetSymbolFont{largesymbols}{bold}{OMX}% {mtx}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathsf {bold}{\encodingdefault}% {\sfdefault}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathtt {bold}{\encodingdefault}% {\ttdefault}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathit {bold}{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\bfdefault}{\itdefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathbf {bold}{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\uldefault}{\updefault} % \end{macrocode} % And the cases % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@cal % case 0 \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {bold}{LmtW}{mtw}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \or % case 1 \SetMathAlphabet \mathscr {bold}{LmtW}{mtw}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {bold}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n} \or % case 2 \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {bold}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Heavy Math Version} Still more of the same. % \begin{macrocode} \SetSymbolFont{operators}{heavy}{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \SetSymbolFont{letters} {heavy}{LmtL}% {mtl}{\hvdefault}{\itdefault} \SetSymbolFont{symbols} {heavy}{LmtS}% {mts}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \SetSymbolFont{largesymbols}{heavy}{OMX}% {mtx}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathsf {heavy}{\encodingdefault}% {\sfdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathtt {heavy}{\encodingdefault}% {\ttdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathit {heavy}{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\hvdefault}{\itdefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathbf {heavy}{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\psdefault}{\updefault}% % \end{macrocode} % And the cases for script, % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@cal % case 0 \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {heavy}{LmtW}{mtw}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \or % case 1 \SetMathAlphabet \mathscr {heavy}{LmtW}{mtw}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {heavy}{OMS}{cmsy}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \or % case 2 \SetMathAlphabet \mathcal {heavy}{OMS}{cmsy}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Bold \& heavy font substitutions} % We pretended there are all sorts of weights available, % but, in fact, they're not. Declare substitutions, unless we were told not to. % NFSS~will complain if we use an as-of-yet undeclared font as a substitute, so % we explicitly read in the \file{.fd}~files (this happens later % for other fonts too). No harm will be done if they % have already been read. Read in even \file{OMScmsy.fd}, in case the % format has zilch preloaded. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@sub % case 0 \PackageWarning{mt11p}{No math font substitutions set} % \end{macrocode} % Check for and read in the files % $\langle$\cs{encodingdefault}$\!\rangle % % \langle$\texttt{\char`\\}\textit{xy\/}\texttt{default}$ % \!\rangle$\texttt{.fd} for the three text families. % Be nice and check for the all-lower case name too. % \begin{macrocode} \or % case 1 \def\mt@fd@check#1{% \edef\reserved@a{\lowercase{\noexpand \InputIfFileExists{\encodingdefault #1.fd}}}% \reserved@a\relax{\InputIfFileExists{\encodingdefault #1.fd}\relax {\PackageError{mt11p}% {No file `\encodingdefault#1.fd' found}% {Your text \string#1 setup looks inconsistent.}}}} \mt@fd@check\rmdefault \mt@fd@check\sfdefault \mt@fd@check\ttdefault \edef\reserved@a{\lowercase{\noexpand\InputIfFileExists{omscmsy.fd}}}% \reserved@a\relax{\InputIfFileExists{OMScmsy.fd}\relax {\PackageError{mt11p}{No OMScmsy.fd file}% {Your are missing a basic distribution file. % Check the LaTeX installation.}}} \DeclareFontShape{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}% heavy \rm SUBS {<->ssub*\rmdefault/\bfdefault/\updefault}{} \DeclareFontShape{\encodingdefault}% {\sfdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}% heavy \sf SUBS {<->ssub*\sfdefault/\bfdefault/\updefault}{} \DeclareFontShape{\encodingdefault}% {\ttdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}% heavy \tt SUBS {<->ssub*\ttdefault/\bfdefault/\updefault}{} \DeclareFontShape{\encodingdefault}% {\rmdefault}{\psdefault}{\updefault}% poster \rm SUBS {<->ssub*\rmdefault/\bfdefault/\updefault}{} \DeclareFontShape{LmtW}% {mtw}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}% heavy mtms SUBS {<->ssub*mtw/\bfdefault/\updefault}{} \DeclareFontShape{OMS}{cmsy}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}% {<->ssub*cmsy/b/n}{}% heavy cmsy SUBS \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@sub}% {No math font substitutions set.} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Mathcodes} The MathT\i me fonts are \emph{nearly} % replacements % for Computer Modern, but there are a few things to fix up. % We also make it possible to take some % symbols and accents from either % \texttt{operators} or from elsewhere, % depending on the options; this will be done later. % % \paragraph{\texttt{letters} Font} Upright upper case % Greek no longer comes from % the \texttt{operators} font, but from the % \texttt{letters} font, so % upper and lower case Greek letters now behave identically, % namely as math symbols. % This means that something like % |$\mathit{\Delta\Gamma}\mathbf{\Xi}$| no longer % works---upper case Greek letters are not affected by math alphabet changes. % There is no simple fix. % % Upright upper case Greek: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathSymbol\Gamma {\mathord}{letters}{'060} \DeclareMathSymbol\Delta {\mathord}{letters}{'061} \DeclareMathSymbol\Theta {\mathord}{letters}{'062} \DeclareMathSymbol\Lambda {\mathord}{letters}{'063} \DeclareMathSymbol\Xi {\mathord}{letters}{'064} \DeclareMathSymbol\Pi {\mathord}{letters}{'065} \DeclareMathSymbol\Sigma {\mathord}{letters}{'066} \DeclareMathSymbol\Upsilon {\mathord}{letters}{'067} \DeclareMathSymbol\Phi {\mathord}{letters}{'070} \DeclareMathSymbol\Psi {\mathord}{letters}{'071} \DeclareMathSymbol\Omega {\mathord}{letters}{'177} % \end{macrocode} % Italic upper case Greek; \AmS~calls these % \cs{var}$\langle\!\mathit{Greek\;Letter}\rangle$. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathSymbol\varGamma {\mathord}{letters}{'000} \DeclareMathSymbol\varDelta {\mathord}{letters}{'001} \DeclareMathSymbol\varTheta {\mathord}{letters}{'002} \DeclareMathSymbol\varLambda {\mathord}{letters}{'003} \DeclareMathSymbol\varXi {\mathord}{letters}{'004} \DeclareMathSymbol\varPi {\mathord}{letters}{'005} \DeclareMathSymbol\varSigma {\mathord}{letters}{'006} \DeclareMathSymbol\varUpsilon {\mathord}{letters}{'007} \DeclareMathSymbol\varPhi {\mathord}{letters}{'010} \DeclareMathSymbol\varPsi {\mathord}{letters}{'011} \DeclareMathSymbol\varOmega {\mathord}{letters}{'012} % \end{macrocode} % Lower case Greek letters are \textsc{ok}, except for % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathSymbol\varkappa {\mathord}{letters}{'176} \DeclareMathSymbol\omicron {\mathord}{letters}{`\o}% for completeness % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{\texttt{symbols} Font} % There are a few new symbols, and the fonts no longer contain % calligraphic letters. % Easy things (those where no alternatives are available) first; the % new names are those used in the MathT\i me distribution. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathSymbol\openclubsuit {\mathord}{symbols}{"78} \DeclareMathSymbol\shadedclubsuit {\mathord}{symbols}{"79} \DeclareMathSymbol\openspadesuit {\mathord}{symbols}{"7A} \DeclareMathSymbol\shadedspadesuit{\mathord}{symbols}{"7B} \DeclareMathSymbol\triangleleft {\mathbin}{symbols}{"47} \DeclareMathSymbol\triangleright {\mathbin}{symbols}{"46} \DeclareMathSymbol\cupprod {\mathbin}{symbols}{"59} \DeclareMathSymbol\capprod {\mathbin}{symbols}{"5A} % \end{macrocode} % The \cs{varcirc} symbol is slightly smaller than the `open bullet'. % \pkg{mathtimy} calls it ``\cs{comp}''. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathSymbol\varcirc{\mathbin}{symbols}{"42} \let\comp=\varcirc % \end{macrocode} % \cs{vec} used to be in \texttt{letters}, now it's % in \texttt{symbols}\@. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathAccent\vec {\mathord}{symbols}{"45} % \end{macrocode} % \texttt{mtsy} has an accent glyph called \texttt{overbar}, % which \pkg{mathtimy} calls \cs{widebar}\@. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathAccent\overbar{\mathord}{symbols}{"53} \let\widebar\overbar % \end{macrocode} % % The glyph called \texttt{backslash} in the AFM~file % of~\texttt{mtsyn} is the one usually used for % \cs{setminus}\@, and the format file has a definition % for it (\texttt{symbols},~slot~|"6E|). % There is a \texttt{setminus} in the AFM~file, but it looks % somewhat like a tilted minus sign. % \AmS~packages call that glyph ``\cs{smallsetminus}''. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareMathSymbol\varsetminus{\mathbin}{symbols}{"58} \let\smallsetminus\varsetminus % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Calligraphic letters and their variants} % Irrespective of the options, both \cs{mathcal} % and \cs{mathscr} get defined; warn only when % the \texttt{nomtms}~option is used. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@cal % case 0 \let\mathscr\mathcal % don't warn \or % case 1 \or % case 2 \def\mathscr#1{\mathcal{#1}% \PackageWarning{mt11p}{no \string\mathscr\space available; \MessageBreak using OMScmsy \string\mathcal}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % We don't try to trap cases like |\mathcal{a}| when % the \cs{mathcal} alphabet is~\texttt{OMS} (and hence % has no lowercase letters!). Presumably by % writing |\mathcal{a}| you know that \cs{mathcal}~is % \texttt{LmtW}, i.e., the \texttt{mtcal}~option is in effect. % Writing |\mathscr{a}| when \cs{mathscr} is essentially % a synonym for~\cs{mathcal} will at least produce a warning. % % \texttt{mtms}* has alternate forms of a few letters. We define % math commands to fetch them, assuming we % have an \texttt{mtms}*~font as~\cs{mathscr}. % (The script letters have sidebearings which make them % unsuitable for text; use math mode for logos and such.) % The auxiliary macro will be defined later. % \begin{macrocode} \def\varA {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{30}} \def\varE {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{31}} \def\varG {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{32}} \def\varvarG{\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{33}} \def\varI {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{34}} \def\varL {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{35}} \def\varQ {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{36}} \def\varS {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{37}} \def\varr {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{38}} \def\varz {\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{39}} \def\iscript{\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{7B}}% can't use \imath \def\jscript{\mt@al@hexsy\mathscr{7C}}% can't use \jmath % \end{macrocode} % The MathT\i me % distribution defines the macro~\cs{script}, which is % supposed to produce the script letter~``A'' and its alternate % form with~``|\script A|'' and~``|\script*A|'', respectively. % The argument of~\cs{script} had better be % a single token (or an asterisk and a single token), % else we get a mess; in order to % get the expected output that token should be a % single~$\mathrm{letter}_{11}$, one of those that have variant forms. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand\script{\@ifstar\@varscript\@script} \ifnum\mt@cal<2 % mtms available \def\@script#1{\mathscr{#1}} \def\@varscript#1{% \ifx#1A\varA \else\ifx#1E\varE \else\ifx#1G\varG \else\ifx#1g\varvarG \else\ifx#1I\varI \else\ifx#1L\varL \else\ifx#1Q\varQ \else\ifx#1S\varS \else\ifx#1r\varr \else\ifx#1z\varz \else\ifx#1i\iscript \else\ifx#1j\jscript \else \PackageWarning{mt11p}{#1: no such variant letter}% \mathscr{#1}% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} \else % OMS only \def\@script#1{\mathscr{#1}} \def\@varscript#1{\PackageWarning{mt11}% {no variant letters available in OMS}% \@script{#1}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % The above will produce \emph{two} warnings if you say |$\mathcal{a}$| % with the \texttt{nomtms}~option in effect. % % \paragraph{Symbols from either \texttt{operators} or from elsewhere} % \label{fromops} % Many symbols and punctuation marks can be taken from either % the \texttt{operators} math family, or from % \texttt{letters}/\texttt{symbols}\@. Most of the glyphs % are virtually identical in either font. The `optimal' choice % depends on several things, e.g., do you wish to use as few glyphs from % the MathT\i me fonts as possible, do you prefer `thinner' symbols, etc. % The \texttt{opmax} option will take as many things from % \texttt{operators} as possible, but % risk, e.g., that the $=$~sign will not line up with double % arrows,~etc. % The \texttt{opsafe}~option uses \texttt{operators} % glyphs only when absolutly nothing can go wrong; % the \texttt{opnone} option \emph{avoids} \texttt{operators} % whenever possible and uses MathT\i me glyphs instead. % % The \texttt{operators} font is uses the encoding % \cs{encodingdefault}. We \emph{must} recognize that encoding % in order to take any symbols from \texttt{operators}. % The only encodings I know of that someone might possibly be % using with \LaTeXe{} are % \texttt{T1}\@, \texttt{OT1}~or a superset thereof, \texttt{8r} and % \texttt{8a}. It's easy to hack in another encoding, if required, % as would be the case with a superset or \texttt{OT1}\@. % If we don't recognize the encoding, stick to using % \texttt{symbols} and~\texttt{letters}. % % NFSS~has a ``\cs{DeclareMathDelimiter}'' but nothing % to assign \cs{delcode}s. We try to make a general macro % and insist on saying ``\cs{symletters}'' rather than % just saying~``\texttt{1}'', eventhough it's pretty % much out of the question that \cs{symoperators}, % \cs{symletters}, \cs{symsymbols} and \cs{symlargeoperators} % are something other than 0, 1, 2 and~3, respectively, since % \TeX~itself checks for extra \texttt{fontdimen}s % of \cs{fam2} and~\cs{fam3} before it agrees to typeset math. % (The second and fourth arguments should be hexadecimal numbers % without the~``\texttt"''.) % \begin{macrocode} \def\mt@assign@del#1#2#3#4#5{% \edef\reserved@a{\expandafter\the\csname sym#2\endcsname}% \edef\reserved@b{\expandafter\the\csname sym#4\endcsname}% \delcode#1="\reserved@a#3\reserved@b#5 \relax} % \end{macrocode} % % This code is read once and not stored, so % we just write the whole thing out case by case. % \cs{colon}~is defined in some of the \AmS~packages, so % don't overwrite an existing definition. % % Here's the overly conservative option: % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@ops % case 0 \DeclareMathSymbol{(}{\mathopen}{letters}{"2E} \mt@assign@del{`\(}{letters}{2E}{largesymbols}{00} \DeclareMathSymbol{)}{\mathclose}{letters}{"2F} \mt@assign@del{`\)}{letters}{2F}{largesymbols}{01} \DeclareMathSymbol{+}{\mathbin}{symbols}{"43} \DeclareMathSymbol{=}{\mathrel}{symbols}{"44}% identical one at "48 \DeclareMathSymbol{;}{\mathpunct}{symbols}{"49} \DeclareMathSymbol{[}{\mathopen}{symbols}{"54} \mt@assign@del{`\[}{symbols}{54}{largesymbols}{02} \DeclareMathSymbol{]}{\mathclose}{symbols}{"55} \mt@assign@del{`\]}{symbols}{55}{largesymbols}{03} \DeclareMathSymbol{:}{\mathrel}{symbols}{"56} \ifx\colon\undefined \DeclareMathSymbol{\colon}{\mathpunct}{symbols}{"56} \fi \DeclareMathSymbol{!}{\mathclose}{symbols}{"57} \DeclareMathSymbol{.}{\mathord}{letters}{"3A} \DeclareMathSymbol{\period}{\mathpunct}{letters}{"3A} \DeclareMathSymbol{,}{\mathpunct}{letters}{"3B} %\DeclareMathSymbol{<}{\mathrel}{letters}{"3C}% format defaults %\DeclareMathSymbol{>}{\mathrel}{letters}{"3E} %\DeclareMathSymbol{|}{\mathord}{symbols}{"6A} %\DeclareMathSymbol{/}{\mathord}{letters}{"3D} %\DeclareMathSymbol{-}{\mathbin}{symbols}{"00} % \end{macrocode} % Now the safe version; the stuff we take from operators % never gets used in ``synthesized'' or extensible symbols. % \begin{macrocode} \or % case 1 \DeclareMathSymbol{(}{\mathopen}{operators}{`\(} \mt@assign@del{`\(}{operators}{28}{largesymbols}{00} \DeclareMathSymbol{)}{\mathclose}{operators}{`\)} \mt@assign@del{`\)}{operators}{29}{largesymbols}{01} \DeclareMathSymbol{+}{\mathbin}{symbols}{"43} \DeclareMathSymbol{=}{\mathrel}{symbols}{"44}% identical one at "48 \DeclareMathSymbol{;}{\mathpunct}{operators}{`\;} \DeclareMathSymbol{[}{\mathopen}{operators}{`\[} \mt@assign@del{`\[}{operators}{5B}{largesymbols}{02} \DeclareMathSymbol{]}{\mathclose}{operators}{`\]} \mt@assign@del{`\]}{operators}{5D}{largesymbols}{03} \DeclareMathSymbol{:}{\mathrel}{operators}{`\:} \ifx\colon\undefined % AMS defines it differently; don't overwrite that \DeclareMathSymbol{\colon}{\mathpunct}{operators}{`\:} \fi \DeclareMathSymbol{!}{\mathclose}{operators}{`\!} \DeclareMathSymbol{.}{\mathord}{operators}{`\.} \DeclareMathSymbol{\period}{\mathpunct}{operators}{`\.} \DeclareMathSymbol{,}{\mathpunct}{operators}{`\,} %\DeclareMathSymbol{<}{\mathrel}{letters}{"3C}% format defaults %\DeclareMathSymbol{>}{\mathrel}{letters}{"3E} %\DeclareMathSymbol{|}{\mathord}{symbols}{"6A} %\DeclareMathSymbol{/}{\mathord}{letters}{"3D} %\DeclareMathSymbol{-}{\mathbin}{symbols}{"00} % \end{macrocode} % Now \texttt{opmax}. This is risky, or more exactly % some glyphs \emph{will} be flawed, because the minus % and equal signs won't line up with arrows, etc. On the % other hand, this will minimize the use of non-resident fonts, % so it may make the final output marginally smaller if % you have partial font downloading or if you include % the MathT\i me fonts as bitmaps. % \begin{macrocode} \or % case 2 \PackageWarning{mt11p}{opmax enabled} \DeclareMathSymbol{(}{\mathopen}{operators}{`\(} \mt@assign@del{`\(}{operators}{28}{largesymbols}{00} \DeclareMathSymbol{)}{\mathclose}{operators}{`\)} \mt@assign@del{`\)}{operators}{29}{largesymbols}{01} \DeclareMathSymbol{+}{\mathbin}{operators}{`\+} \DeclareMathSymbol{=}{\mathrel}{operators}{`\=}% dangerous \DeclareMathSymbol{;}{\mathpunct}{operators}{`\;} \DeclareMathSymbol{[}{\mathopen}{operators}{`\[} \mt@assign@del{`\[}{operators}{5B}{largesymbols}{02} \DeclareMathSymbol{]}{\mathclose}{operators}{`\]} \mt@assign@del{`\]}{operators}{5D}{largesymbols}{03} \DeclareMathSymbol{:}{\mathrel}{operators}{`\:} \ifx\colon\undefined \DeclareMathSymbol{\colon}{\mathpunct}{operators}{`\:} \fi \DeclareMathSymbol{!}{\mathclose}{operators}{`\!} \DeclareMathSymbol{.}{\mathord}{operators}{`\.} \DeclareMathSymbol{\period}{\mathpunct}{operators}{`\.} \DeclareMathSymbol{,}{\mathpunct}{operators}{`\,} \DeclareMathSymbol{/}{\mathord}{operators}{`\/} \mt@assign@del{`\/}{operators}{2F}{largesymbols}{0E} % \end{macrocode} % Now we have to be careful: \texttt{<}\@, \texttt{>} and \texttt{\string|} % can be taken from \texttt{operators} % if \cs{encodingdefault} is anything \emph{except}~\texttt{OT1}\@. % We use an \texttt{endash} instead of a hyphen for the minus sign % if we recognize the encoding to get at least something close % to a real minus sign. That's a sloppy kludge, % but choosing the~\texttt{opmax} option implies you've lowered your % standards somewhat. % \begin{macrocode} \def\reserved@a{OT1}\edef\reserved@b{\encodingdefault} \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b % unavailable in OT1... %\DeclareMathSymbol{<}{\mathrel}{letters}{"3C}% format defaults %\DeclareMathSymbol{>}{\mathrel}{letters}{"3E} %\DeclareMathSymbol{|}{\mathord}{symbols}{"6A} \DeclareMathSymbol{-}{\mathbin}{operators}{"7B}% dangerous \else \def\reserved@a{T1}% \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \DeclareMathSymbol{-}{\mathbin}{operators}{"15}% dangerous \else \def\reserved@a{8r}% \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \DeclareMathSymbol{-}{\mathbin}{operators}{150}% dangerous \else \def\reserved@a{8a}% \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \DeclareMathSymbol{-}{\mathbin}{operators}{"B1}% dangerous \else % keep symbols, slot "00 \fi % 8a \fi % 8r \fi % T1 \DeclareMathSymbol{<}{\mathrel}{operators}{`\<}% ascii positions \DeclareMathSymbol{>}{\mathrel}{operators}{`\>} \DeclareMathSymbol{|}{\mathord}{operators}{`\|} \mt@assign@del{`\|}{operators}{7C}% ascii bar {largesymbols}{0C} \DeclareMathDelimiter\backslash\mathord{operators}{"5C}% ascii backslash {largesymbols}{"0F} \DeclareMathDelimiter\lbrace \mathopen{operators}{`\{}% ascii `{' {largesymbols}{"08} \DeclareMathDelimiter\rbrace \mathclose{operators}{`\}}% ascii `}' {largesymbols}{"09} \fi \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@ops}% {The mathsymbol setup is hosed; expect bad output.} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Math Accents} % Accents in math can be made to either use a fixed font, % or to obey math alphabets. In order to have % accents of the latter type, % we \emph{must} recognize the \cs{encodingdefault} % (which the \texttt{operators} math family is in) % and set the corresponding accent codes up for that encoding. % If we don't recognize the encoding we have to use fixed accents; % MathT\i me provides suitable accents in the \texttt{symbols}~font. % % For some reason the ring accent~``\aa'' is always % left out, so we define it, but don't warn if % we're stuck with \texttt{symbols} accents % which have no ring accent glyph and just make \cs{ring} a no-op. % % The code below is written out long hand style, to keep it % legible. It does not get stored, it's read only once, and % most of it is skipped, so it would be only a marginal % improvement to merge everything. % % The \texttt{opaccents} case: % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@accs % case 0 % \end{macrocode} % We do something similar to what \AmS~does, but rather % simple-mindedly: choose between `fixed' (class~\texttt0) % or `variable' (class~\texttt7) based on the value of % \cs{mt@acc@class}, whose value should be either~\texttt0 % or~\texttt7, % depending on whether the (encoding of the) % current math alphabet has accents \textit{in the expected positions}. % We could use the \AmS{} hook (\cs{accentclass@}), but % we ought to make our own\ldots{} Actually, this is % slightly naughty; we could have gone % through the \cs{DeclaterMathAccent} % command, declare two accents, and have the user-level % accent command pick the right one based on something % \cs{noaccents@} says, but that's kind of pointless. % % All of this works as long as we recognize the encoding. If we don't, % use fixed accents from \texttt{symbols} and complain. % The slot specification must be in hex. % \begin{macrocode*} \def\mt@accent@make#1#2{\def#1{\mathaccent"\mt@acc@class0#2 }} % \end{macrocode*} % Here are the encodings we recognize: % \begin{macrocode} \edef\reserved@a{\encodingdefault} \def\reserved@b{T1}% a.k.a Cork or DC or EC \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \mt@accent@make{\grave}{00} \mt@accent@make{\acute}{01} \mt@accent@make{\hat}{02} \mt@accent@make{\tilde}{03} \mt@accent@make{\ddot}{04} \mt@accent@make{\ring}{06} \mt@accent@make{\check}{07} \mt@accent@make{\breve}{08} \mt@accent@make{\bar}{09} \mt@accent@make{\dot}{0A} \else \def\reserved@b{OT1}% ``Knuth roman'' \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \mt@accent@make{\grave}{12} \mt@accent@make{\acute}{13} \mt@accent@make{\check}{14} \mt@accent@make{\breve}{15} \mt@accent@make{\bar}{16} \mt@accent@make{\ring}{17} \mt@accent@make{\hat}{5E} \mt@accent@make{\dot}{5F} \mt@accent@make{\tilde}{7E} \mt@accent@make{\ddot}{7F} \else \def\reserved@b{8r}% TeXBase1 \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \mt@accent@make{\dot}{01} \mt@accent@make{\ring}{09} \mt@accent@make{\breve}{0B}} \mt@accent@make{\check}{10} \mt@accent@make{\grave}{1E} \mt@accent@make{\hat}{88} \mt@accent@make{\tilde}{98} \mt@accent@make{\ddot}{A8} \mt@accent@make{\bar}{AF} \mt@accent@make{\acute}{B4} \else \def\reserved@b{8a}% AdobeStandard \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \mt@accent@make{\grave}{C1} \mt@accent@make{\acute}{C2} \mt@accent@make{\hat}{C3} \mt@accent@make{\tilde}{C4} \mt@accent@make{\bar}{C5} \mt@accent@make{\breve}{C6} \mt@accent@make{\dot}{C7} \mt@accent@make{\ddot}{C8} \mt@accent@make{\ring}{CA} \mt@accent@make{\check}{CF} % \end{macrocode} % If we don't recognize the encoding, we have to resort to \texttt{symbols}: % \begin{macrocode} \else % I give up... \DeclareMathAccent\grave{\mathord}{symbols}{"4A} \DeclareMathAccent\acute{\mathord}{symbols}{"4B} \DeclareMathAccent\check{\mathord}{symbols}{"4C} \DeclareMathAccent\breve{\mathord}{symbols}{"4D} \DeclareMathAccent\bar {\mathord}{symbols}{"4E} \DeclareMathAccent\hat {\mathord}{symbols}{"4F} \DeclareMathAccent\dot {\mathord}{symbols}{"50} \DeclareMathAccent\tilde{\mathord}{symbols}{"51} \DeclareMathAccent\ddot {\mathord}{symbols}{"52} \def\ring#1{{#1}} % no \ring in the symbols font \PackageError{mt11p}% {Unknown \string\encodingdefault\space \encodingdefault. \MessageBreak Reverting to fixed accents from symbols font}% {I had to make math accents ignore alphabet changes,\MessageBreak because I don't recognize the `\encodingdefault' encoding.} \fi % 8a \fi % 8r \fi % OT1 \fi % T1 % \end{macrocode} % Add the switch to \cs{noaccents@} (and check that that's defined before % hand) and initialize the flag. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\noaccents@\@undefined\let\noaccents@\@empty\fi % be safe \g@addto@macro{\noaccents@}{\def\mt@acc@class{0}} \def\mt@acc@class{7} % \end{macrocode} % % The \texttt{symaccents} case is easy; just make everything fixed, % and make sure \cs{noaccents@} is defined. % \begin{macrocode} \or % case 1, accents from symbols \DeclareMathAccent\grave{\mathord}{symbols}{"4A} \DeclareMathAccent\acute{\mathord}{symbols}{"4B} \DeclareMathAccent\check{\mathord}{symbols}{"4C} \DeclareMathAccent\breve{\mathord}{symbols}{"4D} \DeclareMathAccent\bar {\mathord}{symbols}{"4E} \DeclareMathAccent\hat {\mathord}{symbols}{"4F} \DeclareMathAccent\dot {\mathord}{symbols}{"50} \DeclareMathAccent\tilde{\mathord}{symbols}{"51} \DeclareMathAccent\ddot {\mathord}{symbols}{"52} \def\ring#1{{#1}} % no \ring in the symbols font \ifx\noaccents@\@undefined\let\noaccents@\@empty\fi % be safe \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@accs}% {The math accent setup is hosed; expect bad output.} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Now another messy part: the \AmS~package \pkg{amsmath} % has the macros~\cs{Hat}, etc., defined with hard-coded % accent positions. We redo the definition to work with whatever % encoding or accents we're using. The code below is basically % copied from the \AmS~package. We omit this patch unless % all of the following conditions are satisfied: % \textit{i\/})~the macro \cs{mathaccent@} exists; % \textit{iii\/})~the macros \cs{Hat} and~\cs{Check} exist; % \textit{iii\/})~there exists a macro \cs{accentclass@} whose % definition is ``7''. If all of that is~\textsc{ok} % we pretty likely have the \pkg{amsmath}~package and the following % should be safe. Note that \cs{mathaccent@} is a % rather large macro that figures out what skew kern is needed % to get double accents to line up. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\mathaccent@\undefine\else % (i) \ifx\Hat\undefine\else % (iia) \ifx\Check\undefine\else % (iib) \def\@tempa{7}% \ifx\@tempa\accentclass@ % (iii) \PackageInfo{mt11p}{amsmath detected; redefining double accents} % \end{macrocode} % Define fancy versions of \cs{hat},~etc., called ``\cs{Hat}'',~etc., % that perform skew calculations. To get a double accent say % something like~|\Hat{\Hat{x}}|. % % There are two versions of the definition macro: one for % fixed accents, another for variable ones. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempa#1#2{% variable 7/0 \def#1{\relax % write it out \ifmmode \def\next@{\mathaccent@{"\accentclass@#2 }}% \else \def\next@{\nonmatherr@{#1}}% \fi \next@}} \def\@tempb#1#2{% fixed \def#1{\relax % write it out \ifmmode \def\next@{\mathaccent@{"0#2 }}% \else \def\next@{\nonmatherr@{#1}}% \fi \next@}} % \end{macrocode} % These two accents are from the \texttt{symbols} fonts: % \begin{macrocode} \@tempb\Vec{245} \@tempb\Overbar{253} \def\Widebar{\Overbar}% synonym % \end{macrocode} % Go through the encodings we know and define the accents again\ldots{} % The \texttt{symaccents}~option affects this too. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\mt@accs=0 % \edef\reserved@a{\encodingdefault} \def\reserved@b{T1}% a.k.a Cork or DC or EC \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \@tempa\Hat{002} \@tempa\Check{007} \@tempa\Tilde{003} \@tempa\Acute{001} \@tempa\Grave{000} \@tempa\Dot{00A} \@tempa\Ddot{004} \@tempa\Breve{008} \@tempa\Bar{009} \else \def\reserved@b{OT1}% DEK's \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \@tempa\Grave{012} \@tempa\Acute{013} \@tempa\Check{014} \@tempa\Breve{015} \@tempa\Bar{016} \@tempa\Hat{05E} \@tempa\Dot{05F} \@tempa\Tilde{07E} \@tempa\Ddot{07F} \else \def\reserved@b{8r}% TeXBase1 \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \@tempa\Dot{001} \@tempa\Breve{00B} \@tempa\Check{010} \@tempa\Grave{01E} \@tempa\Hat{088} \@tempa\Tilde{098} \@tempa\Ddot{0A8} \@tempa\Bar{0AF} \@tempa\Acute{0B4} \else \def\reserved@b{8a}% AdobeStandard \ifx\reserved@a\reserved@b \@tempa\Grave{0C1} \@tempa\Acute{0C2} \@tempa\Hat{0C3} \@tempa\Tilde{0C4} \@tempa\Bar{0C5} \@tempa\Breve{0C6} \@tempa\Dot{0C7} \@tempa\Ddot{0C8} \@tempa\Check{0CF} \else % beats me... % \end{macrocode} % If we don't know the encoding use fixed accents from \texttt{symbols}. % We already gave an error message before, so just warn. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempb\Grave{24A} \@tempb\Acute{24B} \@tempb\Check{24C} \@tempb\Breve{24D} \@tempb\Bar{24E} \@tempb\Hat{24F} \@tempb\Dot{250} \@tempb\Tilde{251} \@tempb\Ddot{252} \PackageWarning{mt11p}{using fixed accents for amsmath} \fi % 8a \fi % 8r \fi % OT1 \fi % T1 \else % symaccents option \@tempb\Grave{24A} \@tempb\Acute{24B} \@tempb\Check{24C} \@tempb\Breve{24D} \@tempb\Bar{24E} \@tempb\Hat{24F} \@tempb\Dot{250} \@tempb\Tilde{251} \@tempb\Ddot{252} \fi \fi\fi\fi\fi % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Upright Greek Text} % The \texttt{mtgu}* fonts are not meant to be used as symbols, % so we provide only text-type support: text mode font % changing commands, and a math alphabet. % Note that this means you \emph{can} use % the fonts in math with correct subscript sizing, etc.; just % say something like |\mathgr{m}| for an upright~$\mu$ (Computer % Modern does not have such a glyph); in text |\textgr{m}| will work. % Note also that the ligatures involving nonprinting \emph{letters} % for getting variant forms will work inside of~\cs{mathgr}, % but \texttt{o*}, \texttt{O*} or~\texttt{e*} will not, which is why we % added some ligatures to the \file{tfm}~file~(Sec.\,\ref{par:mathgr}). % The text commands are % non-fragile, because the components of the macros are robust. % See~Sec.\,\ref{unused} for making upright Greek letters % into math \textit{symbols}\@. % Trap the \texttt{nomathgr} case. % \begin{macrocode} \def\greekshape{\fontencoding{LmtG}\selectfont}% \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textgr}{\greekshape} \ifcase\mt@mgr % case 0 \def\mathgr#1{\PackageError{mt11p}{upright Greek not loaded for math}% {Don't use the nomathgr option.}% \hbox{\greekshape #1}}% as good as anything else \or % case 1 \DeclareMathAlphabet\mathgr {LmtG}{mtg}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathgr {normal}{LmtG}{mtg}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathgr {bold} {LmtG}{mtg}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mathgr {heavy} {LmtG}{mtg}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@mgr}% {The \string\mathgr\space setup is hosed.} \fi \ifnum\mt@sub=1 % \DeclareFontShape{LmtG}{mtg}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}% {<->ssub*mtg/\bfdefault/\updefault}{}% heavy mtgu SUBS \fi % \end{macrocode} % The MathT\i me distribution defines the~\cs{gk} font switch macro, % roughly equivalent to~\cs{greekshape}; we don't. % % \paragraph{\cs{hbar}} needs to be defined a bit carefully. % The plain\TeX{} definition is just a macron (bar) % accent with an~`$h$' backed up into it: % |{\mathchar'26\mkern-9muh}|. % This is pretty horrible, and doesn't work in Times, % no matter what \cs{mkern} you use. The definition below % actually looks rather decent in all math versions. % We define a private bar accent to be taken from the % \texttt{symbols}~math family, since we don't know what the % \cs{bar} accent is (it might follow math alphabets changes). % Force the~`\textit h' to be taken from~\texttt{letters}. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\mt@hbar=1 % \DeclareMathSymbol \mt@hbar@macron {\mathord}{symbols}{"4E}% \DeclareMathSymbol \mt@hbar@h {\mathord}{letters}{`\h} \def\hbar@macron#1{\hbox to\z@{\m@th\raisebox{-0.16\height}% {$\csname#1style\endcsname \mkern.65mu\mt@hbar@macron$}\hss}} \def\hbar{\mathord{\mathchoice{\hbar@macron{display}}% {\hbar@macron{text}}% {\hbar@macron{script}}% {\hbar@macron{scriptscript}}% \mt@hbar@h}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{\cs{dag}\@, \cs{ddag}\@, \cs{S} and \cs{P}} % First a comment: the only reason we are dealing with these symbols % at all is that they historically came from math % (\texttt{OMS})~fonts; % it would be easier to use a text symbol font, but % such a font is not yet commonly in use, % so we hack around with~\texttt{8r}. If you do have % such a setup, the \texttt{nodag}~option will % skip all of the stuff below and not touch % these four symbols, but check that the setup you use % does not assume \cs{fam2}~is~\texttt{OMS}\@. % % The default is to fetch the symbols from~\texttt{8r}. % We do not use anything else from~\texttt{8r}, % in particular we don't touch \cs{textregistered}, % \cs{texttrademark},~etc. % The \file{8r.sty}~``emulation'' included herein only deals with % the four symbols. % % The format files defines these to use text or math % versions of the character commands by using definitions similar % to\footnote{Lines not proceeded by a line number are a part of this % description and do not wind up in the \file{sty}~file!} % \begin{verbatim} % \def\P{\ifmmode\mathparagraph\else\textparagraph\fi} % \end{verbatim} % (The actual definition is made robust.) The text versions have % declared defaults taken from~\texttt{OMS}\@; % the math versions were % \cs{mathchar}s pointing to the (\texttt{OMS})~\texttt{symbols} % math family. We do the text versions first, % since the handling of the math versions depends on them. % % We take the text symbols from \texttt{8r}~fonts, unless we're told % not to (or unless we're skipping the whole thing). % The format file makes the default test encoding for these % four symbols~\texttt{OMS}, so we don't have to do anything. % \texttt{8r}~fonts. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@eightR % case 0 \PackageInfo{mt11p}{Retaining CM for \string\textdagger, etc}% % \end{macrocode} % We have to be careful here, because the use of % \texttt{8r}~fonts is ``non-standard''. So check if we have an % \texttt{8r}~\file{.fd}~file for \cs{rmdefault}\@. If so, check for % \file{8r.sty}, read that, and (re)declare the four text commands we need. % If there's no \file{8r.sty}\@, supply just enough to get to the % four symbols we need. We assume the TFM~files \emph{do exist} % (they have to, because MathT\i me virtual fonts use them), % but we try loading the \file{tfm}~file just to make sure. % \begin{macrocode} \or % case 1 \IfFileExists{8r\rmdefault.fd}% {\IfFileExists{8r.sty}% {\PackageInfo{mt11p}% {MT math using 8r.sty}% \RequirePackage{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbol{\textsection}{8r}{167}% section \DeclareTextSymbol{\textparagraph}{8r}{182}% paragraph \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdagger}{8r}{134}% dagger \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdaggerdbl}{8r}{135}% daggerdbl \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textsection}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textparagraph}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdagger}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdaggerdbl}{8r}% }% using 8r.sty {\PackageWarning{mt11p}% {No file 8r.sty found. Winging it}% \DeclareFontEncoding{8r}{}{\no@accents}% \DeclareFontSubstitution{8r}{\rmdefault}% {\mddefault}{\updefault}% \DeclareTextSymbol{\textsection}{8r}{167}% section \DeclareTextSymbol{\textparagraph}{8r}{182}% paragraph \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdagger}{8r}{134}% dagger \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdaggerdbl}{8r}{135}% daggerdbl \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textsection}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textparagraph}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdagger}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdaggerdbl}{8r}% }% faked 8r.sty \input{8r\rmdefault.fd}% }% 8r\rmdefault.fd was available {\PackageWarning{mt11p}% {No fd file for 8r-coded \string\rmdefault\space found; guessing TFM file names}% % \end{macrocode} % If there's no \file{.fd}~file for \cs{rmdefault} % we have to wing it. Just declare the % \texttt{8r}~fonts for \cs{rmdefault} text family. % (That's all you would have with Computer Modern fonts anyway, % and since we're here, no elaborate setup exists on the system.) % Hopefully the TFM~files are available and they have the % expected names. This will work when someone has the % \texttt{8r}-based fonts installed, % but no support for using the raw fonts. To catch the fatal case right now, % we just load the \texttt{8r}~font by hand and put a somewhat illuminating % comment on the same line in case \TeX~complains. % \begin{macrocode} \font\preloaded=\rmdefault r8r\relax % next time try the `no8r' option \let\preloaded\undefined \DeclareFontEncoding{8r}{}{\no@accents}% \DeclareFontFamily{8r}{\rmdefault}{\hyphenchar\font=-1 }% \DeclareFontSubstitution{8r}{\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault}% \DeclareFontShape{8r}{\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault}% {<->\rmdefault r8r}{}% \DeclareFontShape{8r}{\rmdefault}{\bfdefault}{\updefault}% {<->\rmdefault b8r}{}% \DeclareFontShape{8r}{\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\itdefault}% {<->\rmdefault ri8r}{}% \DeclareFontShape{8r}{\rmdefault}{\bfdefault}{\itdefault}% {<->\rmdefault bi8r}{}% \DeclareTextSymbol{\textsection}{8r}{167}% section \DeclareTextSymbol{\textparagraph}{8r}{182}% paragraph \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdagger}{8r}{134}% dagger \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdaggerdbl}{8r}{135}% daggerdbl \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textsection}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textparagraph}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdagger}{8r}% \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdaggerdbl}{8r}% }% no 8r\rmdefault.fd % \end{macrocode} % Perhaps we're skipping this altogether. % \begin{macrocode} \or % case 2 \PackageInfo{mt11p}{not doing anything with \string\textdagger, etc.} \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@eightR}% {\string\dag, \string\ddag, \string\S\space and \string\P\space are probably hosed.} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % If we're told not to use \texttt{8r}~fonts % (\cs{mt@eightR}$\,=0$) and % if \cs{mt@cal}$\,=0$, we have no choice but to get % \texttt{OMS}~as a `private' math alphabet % and fetch the symbols from there. The auxiliary macro % \cs{mt@al@hexsy} gets defined later. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@eightR % 0: avoid 8r \ifnum\mt@cal=0 % \DeclareMathAlphabet\mt@sy{OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n} \SetMathAlphabet \mt@sy{normal}{OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n} \SetMathAlphabet \mt@sy{bold} {OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n} \SetMathAlphabet \mt@sy{heavy} {OMS}{cmsy}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \def\mathsection {\mt@al@hexsy\mt@sy{78}} \def\dagger {\mt@al@hexsy\mt@sy{79}} \def\ddagger {\mt@al@hexsy\mt@sy{7A}} \def\mathparagraph{\mt@al@hexsy\mt@sy{7B}} % \end{macrocode} % (Substitutions have already been declared.) % If \cs{mt@cal}$\,>0$ we just use~\cs{mathcal}, which % will be~\texttt{OMS}. % \begin{macrocode} \else % \mt@cal>0 \def\mathsection {\mt@al@hexsy\mathcal{78}} \def\dagger {\mt@al@hexsy\mathcal{79}} \def\ddagger {\mt@al@hexsy\mathcal{7A}} \def\mathparagraph{\mt@al@hexsy\mathcal{7B}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % If it's~\textsc{ok} to use the \texttt{8r}~fonts, make % them a ``private'' math alphabet. % Here we do need substitution declarations. The \file{.fd}~file % has already been read (or the data supplied). % \begin{macrocode} \or % 1: 8r is ok \DeclareMathAlphabet\mt@sy{8r}{\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mt@sy {normal}{8r}% {\rmdefault}{\mddefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mt@sy {bold} {8r}% {\rmdefault}{\bfdefault}{\updefault} \SetMathAlphabet \mt@sy {heavy} {8r}% {\rmdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} \def\mathparagraph{\mt@al@hexsy\mt@sy{B6}} \def\dagger {\mt@al@hexsy\mt@sy{86}} \def\ddagger {\mt@al@hexsy\mt@sy{87}} \def\mathsection {\mt@al@hexsy\mt@sy{A7}} \ifnum\mt@sub=1 % \DeclareFontShape{8r}{\rmdefault}{\hvdefault}{\updefault}% heavy \rm in 8r SUBS {<->ssub*\rmdefault/\bfdefault/\updefault}{} \fi % \end{macrocode} % Or skip it\ldots % \begin{macrocode} \or % 2: nothing \PackageInfo{mt11p}{not doing anything with (math) \string\dagger, etc.} \fi % \end{macrocode} % Actually, the code above is suboptimal in the sense that is \cs{encodingdefault} % happens to be~\texttt{8r}, we waste a math family. Hopefully, no heavy % math user is running~\texttt{8r}\ldots % % \subsection{Auxiliary macro} % In a few instances we need a macro to get % a specific character from a particular math alphabet, % i.e., some thing like % ``\hbox{\cs{math}\textit{alph}\texttt{\char`\{}\cs{char}\relax % \texttt{"\itshape yy}\texttt{\char`\}}}''. You can't do that % though, you would get \cs{mathchar"00yy}. The \TeX{} math % class~\texttt7 and \cs{fam} are used to get letters and digits % from math alphabets, so we can just say % \hbox{\cs{math}\textit{alph}\texttt{\char`\{}\cs{mathchar}\relax % \texttt{"70\itshape yy}\texttt{\char`\}}}. % The macro below is shorthand for the operation % ``set character $\langle\mathit{slot}\rangle$ from the font of % the math alphabet \cs{math}\textit{alph\/}''. % \begin{macrocode} \def\mt@al@hexsy#1#2{#1{\mathchar"70#2}} % \end{macrocode} % where \texttt{\#1}~is the math alphabet macro (e.g.,~\cs{mathcal}) % and \texttt{\#2}~is the hexadecimal number of the slot (no double quote). % % \subsection{Assorted Fixes, Odds \&{} Ends} % Here are a few assorted (sordid\texttt{\small;-)}) fixes. % % \paragraph{Active Underscore} % Make the underscore character % active so we can kern to % \texttt j,~\texttt f~and~\texttt p % in subscripts. This is rather messy % and probably breaks on occasion. The code % was basically copied from the MathT\i me distribution. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@sb % case 0 \PackageInfo{mt11p}{not using active underscore} \or % case 1 \ifnum\the\catcode`\_=8 % \ifnum\the\mathcode`\_=32768 % "8000 \PackageInfo{mt11p}{redefining the underscore \string\catcode} \PackageInfo{mt11p}{\string\catcode\space of underscore made 12 (other)} \def\space@.{\futurelet\space@\relax} \space@. % \let\mt@orig@sb_ \catcode`\_=\active \def_{\ifmmode\expandafter\sb@\else\expandafter\mt@orig@sb\fi} \let\sb_ \def\sb@#1{\mt@orig@sb{\futurelet\next\sb@@#1}} \def\sb@@{\ifx\next\space@\def\next@. {\futurelet\next\sb@@}% \else \def\next@.{\ifx\next j\jadjust \else\ifx\next f\jadjust \else\ifx\next p\mkern-\@ne mu% \fi\fi\fi}% \fi \next@.} \@makeother\_ \else % \the\mathcode`\_<>"8000 ! \PackageWarning{mt11}{underscore did not have mathcode "8000; \MessageBreak Underscore not made active} \fi \else % \the\catcode`\_ <>8 ! \PackageWarning{mt11}{underscore was not of category 8;\MessageBreak Underscore not made active} \fi \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@sb}% {Underscore not made active.} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \cs{jadjust} is just a small negative kern: % \begin{macrocode} \def\jadjust{\mkern-\tw@ mu} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{\cs{vdots}\@, \cs{ddots} and \cs{angle}} % might be missing \cs{m@th}s in the \cs{hbox}es. % \begin{macrocode} \def\vdots{\vbox{\baselineskip4\p@\lineskiplimit\z@\kern6\p@ \hbox{$\m@th.$}\hbox{$\m@th.$}\hbox{$\m@th.$}}} \def\ddots{\mathinner{% \mkern1mu\raise7\p@\vbox{\kern7\p@\hbox{$\m@th.$}}\mkern2mu \raise4\p@\hbox{$\m@th.$}\mkern2mu% \raise\p@\hbox{$\m@th.$}\mkern1mu}} % \end{macrocode} % % The plain\TeX{} definition of~\cs{angle} has an \cs{hrule}~height % of~$0.34\mathrm{pt}$; the MathT\i me distribution says~``$0.48\mathrm{pt}$''. % Both of those numbers are suspiciously close to the default rule thickness % of the (scaled) extention font. % We define \cs{angle} to use the default rule thickness, i.e., % \cs{fontdimen~8} of the appropriate extention (family~\texttt3) % font. This does not work in \cs{scriptscriptstyle}, but that % case is unlikely to occur. The \file{.tfm}~files have been % slightly changed to make \cs{fontdimen~8} really be the rule % thickness implied, e.g., by the height of the root glyphs. % \begin{macrocode} \def\mt@angle#1#2{{\vbox{\ialign{$\m@th#1##$\crcr \not\mathrel{\mkern14mu}\crcr \noalign{\nointerlineskip}% \mkern2.5mu\leaders\hrule height1.05\fontdimen8#2 3 % \hfill\mkern2.5mu\crcr}}}} \def\angle{\mathchoice{\mt@angle{\scriptstyle}{\scriptfont}} {\mt@angle{\scriptstyle}{\scriptfont}} {\mt@angle{\scriptscriptstyle}{\scriptscriptfont}} {\mt@angle{\scriptscriptstyle}{\scriptscriptfont}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{The Tie Accent} Usually, the \cs{t}~accent~(\t oo) % is taken from an~\texttt{OML}~font (position~|"7F|). % MathT\i me has the tie in \texttt{symbols}, % so we take it from there, and make it the dafault. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextAccent{\t}{LmtS}{"41} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\t}{LmtS} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{\cs{textcircled}} The large-ish circle for % constructing~\copyright, \textregistered,~etc., % is usually taken from~\texttt{OMS}. The \texttt{LmtS}~fonts have % the same glyph in the same slot, so just redefine % the default to point to~\texttt{LmtS}. % A text symbol font might have~\copyright, etc., available as single % characters, e.g., the raw \texttt{8r}~fonts do, but % it's not our business to deal with all that. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\textcircled}{LmtS} \DeclareTextCommand{\textcircled}{LmtS}[1]{{% \ooalign{\hfil\raise.07ex\hbox{\upshape#1}\hfil\crcr\char13}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Misc.~text symbols} Some text versions % of a few symbols (\cs{text}$\langle\!\mathit{symb}\rangle$) % point to~\texttt{OM}* encodings; change the defaults. % Those symbols that exists in~\texttt{T1} will % be taken from~\texttt{T1} in text if that's % the \cs{encodingdefault}. Try to be nice even if % \cs{encodingdefault}~is \texttt{OT1} and point % the defaults to MathT\i me, % so we don't needlessly resort to Computer Modern. % Noone uses these definitions directly, but macros might. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textless}{LmtL}{60}% afm names \DeclareTextSymbol{\textgreater}{LmtL}{62} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textperiodcentered}{LmtS}{1} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textasteriskmath}{LmtS}{3}% centered \DeclareTextSymbol{\textopenbullet}{LmtS}{14} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbullet}{LmtS}{15} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbraceleft}{LmtS}{102} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbraceright}{LmtS}{103} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbar}{LmtS}{106} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbackslash}{LmtS}{110} % \end{macrocode} % Make these the default: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textperiodcentered}{LmtS} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textasteriskmath}{LmtS} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textopenbullet}{LmtS} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbullet}{LmtS} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbraceleft}{LmtS} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbraceright}{LmtS} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbar}{LmtS} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbackslash}{LmtS} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textless}{LmtL} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textgreater}{LmtL} % \end{macrocode} % % \paragraph{Oldstyle Digits} % (See~Sec.\,\ref{OSdig}). % MathT\i me has no oldstyle digits, so we % grab the ones from~\texttt{OML}\@. % I'm not sure it's useful to have this command % in math mode, but we might as well do that too, though not via % a math family---we define a private \cs{math@OS}~alphabet instead. Read % the \texttt{.fd}~file, in case the format did no preloading. % \texttt{nomathOS} disables the math family. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@osdg % case 0 \def\math@OS#1{\PackageError{mt11p}{oldstyle digits not loaded for math}% {Don't use the nomathOS option.}% {\hbox{\oldstylenums{#1}}}}% as good as anything else \or % case 1 \DeclareMathAlphabet\math@OS {OML}{cmm}{m}{it} \SetMathAlphabet \math@OS {normal}{OML}{cmm}{m}{it} \SetMathAlphabet \math@OS {bold} {OML}{cmm}{b}{it} \SetMathAlphabet \math@OS {heavy} {OML}{cmm}{\hvdefault}{\itdefault} \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@osdg}% {Oldsyle digits in math are hosed.} \fi \ifnum\mt@sub=1 % \InputIfFileExists{omlcmm.fd}\relax % grrr... {\InputIfFileExists{OMLcmm.fd}\relax {\PackageError{mt11p}{No OMLcmm.fd file}% {Your are missing a basic distribution file. % Check the LaTeX installation.}}} \DeclareFontShape{OML}{cmm}{\hvdefault}{\itdefault}% {<->ssub*cmm/b/it}{}% heavy cmmi SUBS \fi % \end{macrocode} % The \cs{oldstylenums} macro just picks between % using the \texttt{OML}~font % as a text font, or the \cs{math@OS} math alphabet. If the argument % contains things other than digits, the result will be amusing\ldots % \begin{macrocode} \def\oldstylenums#1{% \ifmmode \math@OS{#1}% \else {\usefont{OML}{cmm}{\f@series}{it}#1}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{\cs{boldsymbol} and \cs{heavysymbol}} % As mentioned above, we assumed that formul\ae{} % do not require simultaneous access to fonts in different math versions, % or, more precisely, that a single math list need not contain % several weights of, e.g., the \texttt{symbols} fonts. % In other words, that it is not worth while to % \emph{simultaneously} have % several weights of, e.g., the \texttt{symbols} fonts available as % ``\cs{mathchar}s''. Instead we fetch the \AmS~package % \pkg{amsbsy}, which defines a ``\cs{boldsymbol}''~macro % and define a similar ``\cs{heavysymbol}'' macro. % Don't do it if we're told not to, or if we can't find % \file{amsbsy.sty} and don't overwrite existing definitions. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\mt@bsy % case 0 \providecommand{\boldsymbol}[1]{\PackageError{mt11p}% {Get or load the package amsbsy to use \string\boldsymbol}{See above.}#1\relax} \providecommand{\heavysymbol}[1]{\PackageError{mt11p}% {Get or load the package amsbsy to use \string\heavysymbol}{See above.}#1\relax} \providecommand{\normalsymbol}[1]{\PackageError{mt11p}% {Get or load the package amsbsy to use \string\normalsymbol}{See above.}#1\relax} \or % case 1 \IfFileExists{amsbsy.sty}% {\RequirePackage{amsbsy}% \DeclareRobustCommand{\heavysymbol}[1]{% \begingroup \let\@nomath\@gobble \mathversion{heavy}% \math@atom{##1}{% \mathchoice {\hbox{$\m@th\displaystyle##1$}}% {\hbox{$\m@th\textstyle##1$}}% {\hbox{$\m@th\scriptstyle##1$}}% {\hbox{$\m@th\scriptscriptstyle##1$}}}% \endgroup}% \DeclareRobustCommand{\normalsymbol}[1]{% \begingroup \let\@nomath\@gobble \mathversion{normal}% \math@atom{##1}{% \mathchoice {\hbox{$\m@th\displaystyle##1$}}% {\hbox{$\m@th\textstyle##1$}}% {\hbox{$\m@th\scriptstyle##1$}}% {\hbox{$\m@th\scriptscriptstyle##1$}}}% \endgroup}% }% using amsbsy.sty {\PackageError{mt11p}{No file `amsbsy.sty' found}% {Use the `nobsy' option if you don't have or \MessageBreak don't want the AMS \string\boldsymbol\space macro.} \let\boldsymbol\@firstofone \let\heavysymbol\@firstofone \let\normalsymbol\@firstofone }% no amsbsy.sty \else % oops \PackageError{mt11p}{PANIC: Unexpected value of \string\mt@bsy}% {The \string\boldsymbol\space macro is probably hosed.} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Examples of new math symbol definitions} % \label{unused} % Note that code in this section, and some of the code in % the following sections is not included in the package % \file{.sty}~file. It's meant as an example of things that % could be put into a \file{mt11p.cfg}~file. % % Here follow a few examples of defining more % math symbols in order to easily and efficiently % mix symbols normally found in different math versions. % Note that it is rarely worth it perform such % definitions---not even the \AmS~document classes % do it. For more details about NFSS see the % standard \LaTeX{} documentation file~\file{fntguide.tex}. % % \paragraph{Upright lower case Greek letters as symbols.} % The font set includes a \texttt{letters} font with % upright lower case Greek letters~(l.c.G.)\@. % Usually \textit{italic\/} or \textsl{slanted\/} l.c.G.~are used as % symbols, though % recently it's possible see the \textsc{Post\-Script} % \texttt{Symbols}~font % (upright; noone bothers to skew it) % used a lot, but that is a more a sign of weak software. % The upright l.c.G.~letters are made available in both text and % math (Sec.\,\ref{par:mathgr}). % It would be possible to make them available as math % \emph{symbols} by using the code below. % (The code is not available as an option, because there is no common definition % for how the symbols should be named; for illustration we call the symbols % \cs{upalpha}\@, \cs{upbeta}\@, etc.) % % First define a math symbol font: % \begin{verbatim} % \DeclareSymbolFont{upgreek}{LmtL}{mtl}{\mddefault}{\uidefault} % \end{verbatim} % Don't redefine \cs{mathgr} to point to the \texttt{upgreek}~family, % because the encodings aren't even close. % % Next set the math versions: % \begin{verbatim} % \SetSymbolFont{upgreek}{normal}{LmtL}{mtl}{\mddefault}{\uidefault} % \SetSymbolFont{upgreek}{bold}{LmtL}{mtl}{\bfdefault}{\uidefault} % \SetSymbolFont{upgreek}{heavy}{LmtL}{mtl}{\hvdefault}{\uidefault} % \end{verbatim} % If this step is omitted, the \texttt{upgreek} symbol font family % will be the same in all math versions. % % Lastly, make the symbol declarations (choose names that don't conflict with % existing symbols): % \begin{verbatim} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upalpha}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"0B} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upbeta}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"0C} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upgamma}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"0D} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\updelta}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"0E} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upepsilon}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"0F} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upzeta}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"10} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upeta}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"11} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\uptheta}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"12} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upiota}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"13} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upkappa}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"14} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\uplambda}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"15} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upmu}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"16} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upnu}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"17} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upxi}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"18} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\uppi}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"19} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\uprho}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"1A} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upsigma}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"1B} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\uptau}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"1C} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upupsilon}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"1D} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upphi}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"1E} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upchi}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"1F} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\uppsi}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"20} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upomega}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"21} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upvarepsilon}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"22} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upvartheta}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"23} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upvarpi}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"24} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upvarrho}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"25} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upvarsigma}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"26} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upvarphi}{\mathord}{upgreek}{"27} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\upvarkappa}{\mathord}{upgreek}{'176} % \end{verbatim} % That is the complete set; of course, you need not define them all. % % Additional \textbf{math accents} can be defined % in an entirely analogous way by using \cs{DeclareMathAccent}. % NFSS~can define two types of accents: % \cs{mathord}, which are taken from a fixed font, and % \cs{mathalpha}, which change with math alphabets. % A specially declared accent will probably be~\cs{mathord}; % do not use~\cs{mathalpha} unles you know what you're doing. % An example for % a math symbol font family called~\texttt{boldsyms} % which has an accent in slot~\texttt{"52} is % \begin{verbatim} % \DeclareMathAccent{\boldddot}{\mathord}{boldsyms}{"52} % \end{verbatim} % % \paragraph{Declaring additional math delimiters} % Although any combination of symbols from various % math versions can be achieved through the use of % \cs{boldsymbol} and \cs{heavysymbol}, it can be % inefficient and awkward to have to do so frequently. % Particularly tedious are delimiters, % which either require freezing their % size~(|\boldsymbol{\Bigg(}|), or cryptic constructs % involving~\cs{vphantom}s. % In this case it is also possible to define special math symbols % that work as expected. The procedure is similar to the one % for declaring upright Greek letters as symbols, an outline follows. % \TeX's math workings are described in D.\,E.\,Knuth's % \emph{The \TeX book} and, e.g., in \emph{\TeX~by topic} % by V.\,Eijkhout. % % First declare a new symbol font, e.g., % \begin{verbatim} % \DeclareSymbolFont{hvlargesymbols}{OMX}{mtx}{\hvdefault}{\updefault} % \end{verbatim} % Next define the delimiter itself: % \begin{center} % \centerline{\cs{DeclareMathDelimiter}\brarg{cmd}\brarg{math\,type}% % \brarg{small}\brarg{small\,slot}\brarg{large}\brarg{large\,slot}} % \end{center} % where \brarg{small} and \brarg{large} are two symbol font math families. % If you're defining a new delimiter from some special font, % you probably only have one variant (or more precisely one chain % of linked delimiters). % This command does not allow making a variant null~(\texttt{000}) % without assuming that \texttt{operators} is math family~\texttt0, % but it is possible to make sure the small variant ``succeeds'' % in finding a delimiter % (e.g., an extensible delimiter will always terminate a search), % so that the large variant is irrelevant. % % For example, assuming there is a math symbol font family % called \texttt{hvlargesymbols} (see above), % \cs{lbraceHV} and \cs{rbraceHV} % will produce correctly sized heavy braces: % \begin{verbatim} % \DeclareMathDelimiter{\lbraceHV}{\mathopen}{hvlargesymbols}{"08}% % {hvlargesymbols}{"08} % \DeclareMathDelimiter{\lbraceHV}{\mathclose}{hvlargesymbols}{"09}% % {hvlargesymbols}{"09} % \end{verbatim} % (The small and large variants are identical, but since the small % one will always % succeed---the last delimiter in the chain is extendible---the % large one never comes into play.) % \cs{delcode}s are not normally changed. % % \paragraph{Running out of math families} % \TeX{} with NFSS is limited to 16~math font families % in any single math version, and % it's not all too difficult % to run into the limit. With the default options, % it's possible to load \emph{four} more math symbol fonts/alphabets. % (A \cs{DeclareSymbolFont} and an accompanying % \cs{DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet} take up one family.) % The options \texttt{nomathgr} and \texttt{nomathOS} % will each cause one less math family to be used. % The \texttt{cmcal}~option uses one math family more % than \texttt{mtcal} or~\texttt{nomtms} (as long as \texttt{8r} % is~\textsc{ok} for the four infamous symbols). % If you do run out of math families, declare a new math version, % or define infrequently used symbols as explicit font/character % references in text mode (in an~\cs{hbox}), possibly % wrapped in \cs{mathchoice} and an explicit class command, % e.g.,~\cs{mathbin}. See~\file{fntguide.tex}. % % \subsection{Unused glyphs}\label{realunused} % This package leaves no unique MathT\i me glyphs inaccessible. % A few glyphs are repeated more than once in a font, or are present % in more than one font. It makes no difference to \TeX~whether % a font is taken from \texttt{letters} or~\texttt{symbols}. % % It would be possible to take the small square root sign % from the \texttt{largesymbols} % font, rather than from the \texttt{symbols} font. % That \texttt{largesymbols} radical % (\texttt{"9F}) is, however, completely identical % to the one in \texttt{symbols}, so it's % rather pointless. The command would be % \begin{verbatim} % \DeclareMathRadical{\sqrtsign}{largesymbols}{"9F}{largesymbols}{"70} % \end{verbatim} % The extra root sign in \texttt{mtsyn} (not present % in~\texttt{mtsy}) is identical to the usual one, except for a % vertical shift. Since a `radical' sign is normally of % class~\texttt1~(\cs{mathop}), % it gets vertically centered anyway. This alternate radical glyph could be % used by defining something like % \begin{verbatim} % \DeclareMathSymbol{\varsurd}{\mathop}{symbols}{"84} % \end{verbatim} % % \subsection{\texttt{muskip} Assignments} A little smaller than for Computer Modern. % The original setting is % \begin{verbatim} % \thinmuskip=3mu % \medmuskip=4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu % \thickmuskip=5mu plus 5mu % \end{verbatim} % and we'll use % \begin{macrocode*} \thinmuskip=2mu \relax \medmuskip=2.5mu plus 1mu minus 1mu \relax \thickmuskip=4mu plus 1.5mu minus 1mu \relax % \end{macrocode*} % % \subsection{Local Configuration File} % Provide a hook to load anything important or complicated % enough to be inappropriate for the main input file. % \begin{macrocode} \InputIfFileExists{mt11p.cfg}% {\typeout{**************************************^^J% * Local config file mt11p.cfg loaded *^^J% **************************************}% }{} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Cleanup} % Do the resizing now: % \begin{macrocode} \mt@exit % \end{macrocode} % Restore any crazy catcodes. % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\"\mt@quotedbl \catcode`\'\mt@quotesinglr \catcode`\:\mt@colon \catcode`\?\mt@question \catcode`\;\mt@semicolon \catcode`\!\mt@exclam % \end{macrocode} % Make the various scratch macros, etc., we used \cs{undefined}, % but keep \cs{mt@cal} and \cs{mt@ops}, in case we need to % decide something based on them. A `real' input file should % not do such a thing, but a demo document might. % \begin{macrocode} \let\mt@quotedbl \undefined \let\mt@quotesinglr\undefined \let\mt@colon \undefined \let\mt@question \undefined \let\mt@semicolon \undefined \let\mt@exclam \undefined \let\mt@exit \undefined \let\MathTimeSizes\undefine \let\mt@enc \undefined \let\times@style \undefined \let\mt@fd@check \undefined \let\mt@accs \undefined \let\mt@accent@make\undefined \let\mt@hbar \undefined \let\mt@eightR \undefined \let\mt@bsy \undefined \let\mt@sb \undefined \let\mt@mgrs \undefined \let\mt@osdg \undefined \let\mt@assign@del\undefined %\let\mt@cal \undefined %\let\mt@ops \undefined % \end{macrocode} % \ldots and we're done. % % \Finale