2005-05-07 Alexej Kryukov <basileia@yandex.ru> * Version 0.3.2 released. * Added everything needed for installing Greek Linotype fonts (including a set of aliases and a special mtx file, greek-lt.mtx, used to fake Greek letters with iota subscriptum (ypogegrammeni) by adding to the corresponding letter one of the combining glyphs, iotasubscripta, iotasubscripte or iotasubscripto, present in the Linotype Greek fonts. * Some new characters added to the greek.mtx file. * Added new aliases for the Greek acrophonic numerals, available in the LGR encoding, according to their (recently introduced) Unicode values. * dieresisacute/dieresisgrave renamed to dieresisacutegreek and dieresisgravegreek to avoid clashes with dieresisacute and dieresisgrave present in Adobe Cyrillic fonts. * The file finstadd.tex renamed to aliasing.tex (since really the only feature it adds to the fontinst core is the possibility of adding aliases to the glyph names used in mtx files). * All LaTeX macros replaced with equivalent fontinst constructions, so that you can process fontinst job files with plain TeX or plain Omega. * Removed the file noautokern.mtx (load greek.mtx with the `noautokern' option instead). 2004-04-23 Alexej Kryukov <basileia@yandex.ru> * Version 0.3.1 released. * Added possibility to disable automatical generation of kerning pairs for unfakable small accented letters. * Added ligatures for quoteleft and quoteright in the LGR encoding. * Added ligatures allowing to get automatical final sigma substitution in the lgr-orig.etx file. Note that I still think these ligatures are useless, and so I'm not planning to include them also into the lgr.etx file, which is used for generating fonts in my psgreek and cm-lgc packages. 2003-08-31 Alexej Kryukov <basileia@yandex.ru> * Version 0.3 released. * The package adapted for fontinst v. 1.926. * The directory structure changed according to the conventions used in fontinst v. 1.926. 2003-03-20 Alexej Kryukov <basileia@yandex.ru> * Version 0.2 released: first public release.