This file belongs to the TOIL package | Ten plik nale/zy do pakietu TOIL This package is public domain | Pakiet stanowi dobro powszechne For more info see `0TOILENG.LIC' | Wi/ecej informacji w ,,0TOILPOL.LIC'' ============================================================================ The package TOIL was created in order to facilitate the tedious task of installing Type 1 Adobe fonts for T. Rokicki's DVIPS driver. The main engine of the package is the MS DOS script, A2T.BAT, which invokes (GNU) AWK and METAPOST (or METAFONT; see the section ``REMARKS CONCERNING CONFIGURATION'' below), and, as a result, creates and places appropriately files needed for the proper functioning of a DVIPS driver. The approach used in the TOIL package differs from the approach used by the AFM2TFM program and the FONTINST utility; also, the scope of applications is slightly different. In fact, TOIL was designed in order to get rid of annoying ``manual adjustments'' and its primary scope of application is a fully automatic font installation. Automatization is particularly useful in the case of temporary (i.e., local) installation. You may ask whether a local installation is really needed. The answer is: yes, if you use a plethora of fonts from different vendors, you use different encodings for different occasions, and, moreover, you don't want to clutter up your disks with the litter of TFM, encoding and font map files. Since the package employs only AWK and METAPOST, it is expected to be portable to other platforms. The process of installing consists of the following stages: first, the whole process is prepared, then an AFM file is converted to a temporary MF file, then METAPOST is invoked with the temporary MF file, and eventually METAPOST LOG file is processed and DVIPS-oriented data is extracted and stored in directories defined in a config file TOIL.CFG (see TOIL.CFG for details). The batch file should be invoked as follows: A2T font_name [additional_parameters] Additional parameters can have the following form: -L[ ]external_ligature_file_name -E[ ]external_encoding_file_name -M[ ]METAPOST_file_name -N[ ]resulting_encoding_file_name -X[ ]x_scaling -I[ ]italic_angle -G[ ]zero_or_one -B[ ]character_code where [ ] optional space; case of parameter names is meaningless; a slash can be used instead of dash. (There is also A2TQX.BAT, meant for Polish users, equivalent to `A2T.BAT -Ll.qx -Ee.qx'. See CTAN:fonts/plsfonts/polish/qfonts/ for the explanation of the proposed encoding.) The meaning of the parameters is as follows: -L the parameter specifies a name of a file in which a set of TeX-oriented ligatures is defined; the file should begin with the line containing the following header (leading blanks are unimportant) OPTIONAL LIGATURES FOR TOIL and then triples of PostScript names should appear, e.g., f f ff In this case, the meaning of the triple is: ``two letters f should ligature to a single ff symbol.'' -E The parameter specifies a name of a file in which a TeX layout of the font is defined (it is not necessarily the built-in encoding of the Type 1 font being installed); the file should begin with the line containing the following header (leading blanks are unimportant) EXTERNAL ENCODING FOR TOIL next line is considered as a TFM comment ``coding scheme,'' and then space-separated pairs code--PostScript_name should appear. If this parameter is not supplied, a font-specific (AFM) encoding is used and encoding file is not created. REMARK: There is a nasty ambiguity in the naming convention: the Polish diacritical characters `zdotaccent' and `Zdotaccent' are sometimes called `zdot' and `Zdot'. We have followed the general Adobe's naming convention that the names of diacritical characters are formed by concatenating the name of a character and the name of the accent, e.g., `eacute' = `e' + `acute'; since there exists a glyph called `dotaccent,' we consider proper the names `zdotaccent' and `Zdotaccent'. -M The pivot step of the installing procedure is the conversion of an AFM file to a temporary METAPOST file. By default, the METAPOST file, and thus the resulting TFM file, inherits the name from the font. The parameter `M' overrides the default. -N By default, the encoding file name is equal to the METAPOST file name. If a family of files is being installed, however, it does not make too much sense to provide a separate encoding file for every member of the family. The parameter `N' enables to override the default. -X The font being installed can be scaled horizontally on-the-fly. The parameter `X' determines the coefficient of the horizontal scaling. Obviously, the original Type 1 font remains intact, the scaling coefficient has an influence on the TFM file and the information to be contained in the PSFONTS.MAP file. Extensive usage of this parameter, however, should be discouraged, because the affine transformation of the font usually is hardly acceptable from a typographer's point of view. -I The font being installed can also be slanted on-the-fly. The parameter `I' determines the angle of the slant. Remarks concerning horizontal scaling of the font fit also here. -G This parameter determines whether the PSFONTS.MAP file should be created (value 0) or modified (value 1). More precisely, if the option `-G0' is set and a PSFONTS.MAP file is not found in either a current or a target directory, a new PSFONTS.MAP file is created and placed in the target directory; if the option `-G1' is set or a PSFONTS.MAP file is found in either a current or a target directory, the file is moved, if necessary, to the target directory and the appropriate information about the font is appended to it. The target directory for PSFONTS.MAP and the default value for the parameter `-G' is specified in the config file, TOIL.CFG. -B A character of a given code (its slot must be empty) along with a set of kern pairs are included into font; the implict kerns cause the neutralization of side bars for all characters in a font. The batch file sets a system environment variable TOILPATH which specifies the directories that should be searched for components of the TOIL package. One of such components is the config file, TOIL.CFG, which specifies several TOIL defaults. Obviously, setting the environment variable can be done outside A2T.BAT, e.g., in AUTOEXEC.BAT. REMARKS CONCERNING CONFIGURATION: The script TOILA.AWK (function `fix_const') defines the programs employed by the TOIL package: MF_CALL="mpost &mfplain" AWK_CALL="gawk" Obviously, these variables can be changed appropriately if needed. In particular, METAFONT can be used instead of METAFONT. The default version of the TOIL package works with DOS. In order to adapt it to a non-English Win95/98 some extra adjustments may turn out necessary. For example, the Polish version of Win95/98 requires a re-definition of the function `sys_copy' in the file TOILA.AWK; namely, instead of function sys_copy(i, o) {return "echo F|xcopy " i " " o ">" TMP_TMP} one should use function sys_copy(i, o) {return "echo P|xcopy " i " " o ">" TMP_TMP} We think about the compliance of the TOIL package with Web2c distribution... ======================================================================= HISTORY: 1.05.1997 -- ver. 1.00 first public presentation (at GUST's BachoTeX'97 meeting) 6.05.1997 -- ver. 1.01 post-BachoTeX'97 release 7.01.1998 -- ver. 1.03 a few bugs fixed, Polish documentation added, config variables TMP_NAME, MF_CALL, and AWK_CALL moved to the system-dependent function fix_const() in toila.awk 27.01.1999 -- ver. 1.04 option MATHEMATIZE available from CFG file (by default absent from TOIL.CFG; default value 1); command line option `B<character code>' introduced for compensating for sidebars via kerning mechanism 26.IV.1999 -- ver. 1.05 condition ,if exist' added in ,sys_copy' (Win95/98), changes in the documentation and defauls; BachoTeX 1999 release 28.IV.2003 -- ver. 1.06 unpublished (more exactly: publishing postponed); adaptation to all genres od Windows 15.XII.2004 -- ver. 1.07 METAFONT replaced by METAPOST ======================================================================= END OF `0TOILENG.INF'