INSTALLATION ============ Ensure that you have the JRE installed. (This can be downloaded from In the following instructions jpgfdraw-<version>-<lang>.zip indicates which version of Jpgfdraw that you downloaded (e.g. Linux and Similar Operating Systems: ==================================== 1. Unzip jpgfdraw-<version>-<lang>.zip, e.g.: unzip -d /usr/share/ 2. Add the bin subdirectory to your path, e.g.: setenv PATH $PATH:/usr/share/jpgfdraw-0.5b-uk/bin 3. To run Jpgfdraw, type jpgfdraw at the command prompt. Windows ======= 1. Unzip the contents of jpgfdraw-<version>-<lang>.zip into the folder in which you want it to reside. (Select the file jpgfdraw-<version>-<lang>.zip, click with the right mouse button to get the popup menu. Select "Unzip" (or it may say "Extract All"). It should then prompt you for the folder in which to extract the contents.) 2. To run the application, double-click on the file jpgfdraw.jar (which is in the lib folder). If Windows doesn't know what to do with a jar file, check that you have installed the JRE. If you have, associate the jar file with javaw.exe which will probably be in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_07\bin (or something similar). 3. If you want to create a shortcut on the desktop to Jpgfdraw, you will need to do the following: (a) Click with the right mouse button on the desktop and select New -> Shortcut. Click on "Browse" and select jpgfdraw.jar (contained in the lib folder in the folder you created in step 1). (b) You can associate an icon with the shortcut. If you want to do this, select the shortcut you created in the previous step. Use the right mouse button to open up the popup menu, and select Properties. Click on "Change Icon", click "Browse" and select jpgfdraw.ico in the icons folder of Jpgfdraw's installation folder (created in step 1). 4. If you want to associate the .jdr file extension with Jpgfdraw, you will need to do the following: (a) Go to the Start menu, and select "Control Panel". Click on "Folder Options". (If it says "Pick a Category", select "Appearance and Themes", and then click on "Folder Options".) This will open up a dialog box. (b) Select "File Types" tab. (c) Click on the "New" button. (d) In the box labelled "file extension" and type: jdr (e) If the option is available you can set the file type description to: Jpgfdraw Image File (You may have to click on a button marked "Advanced".) (f) Click "Okay". (g) Select JDR from the list of registered file types and click on the "Advanced" button. (h) Click on the button labelled "Change Icon". (i) Click on "Browse" (j) Go to Jpgfdraw's home folder. Go to the icons folder. (k) Select the file jpgfdraw.ico (l) Click "Okay". (m) If the box labelled "Actions" has an item called "open" select it and click on the "Edit" button, otherwise click on the "New" button. (If you select "New" type open in the box labelled "Action" when the New dialog box appears). (n) In the box labelled "Application used to perform action", type (all on one line, and include the double quotes): "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_07\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "C:\Program Files\jpgfdraw-0.5b-uk\jpgfdraw.jar" "%1" (Substitute jpgfdraw-0.5b-uk with jpgfdraw-0.5b-us if required.) (You may need to change the paths if the JRE and Jpgfdraw have been installed in different locations.) (o) Click "Okay". (p) Click "Okay" to close the Folder Options dialog box.