%% BEGIN: distiller.con (for distiller driver)
%% Configuration file for PSTricks
%% Version 0.01 (2008/01/24)
%% For use with Adobes Distiller (tested with v7.0.7)
%% COPYRIGHT 2008 by Herbert Voss, hvoss@tug.org.
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
{\catcode`\"=12\gdef\pstverb#1{\special{" #1}}}  % Check catcode of "
\def\pstVerb#1{\special{ps: #1}}
\def\pstverbscale{SDict begin normalscale end}
%% In the following, CP is short for currentpoint.
%% The neg is necessary because dvips scales the coordinates by 1 -1.
%% \tx@NET means neg exch neg exch translate.
\def\pstrotate{CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET}
 [ /BM/Normal 
   /ca \psk@opacityalpha 
   /CA \psk@opacityalpha /SetTransparency pdfmark >
 [ /BM/Normal 
   /ca \psk@strokeopacityalpha 
   /CA \psk@strokeopacityalpha /SetTransparency pdfmark >
  [ /BM\ifcase\psk@blendmode%
      /Normal \or
      /Compatible %\or
     \else /Normal
      /Screen \or
      /Multiply %\or
%      /Hardlight
    \fi/ca \psk@shapealpha /CA \psk@opacityalpha /SetTransparency pdfmark >
%% ****************** END distiller.con *****************************

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !! CUSTOMIZATION STUFF GOES HERE: !! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% If you want to include your own customizations to pstricks.tex, then
%% uncomment the \pstcustomize command, and include your modifications
%% after \pstcustomize. These will be read in after pstricks.tex.
%% END: distiller.con