---- pst-optic.tex
1.00  2009-02-10  - new style opticalAxis to allow different line styles
                  - cosmetic changes to the code and the documentation
0.97  2007-01-07  - new option rayWidth for psprism 
0.96  2006-08-03  - new macros for setting a prism 
                  - new option for a plan convex and 
		    divergent lens
0.95  2006-07-20  - fix spurious blanks 
                  - use \def instead of \edef
                    for the keyval definitions
		  - some improvements to the code
0.94  2005-10-28  using \psscalebox to prevent clashes with graphicx
                  needs pstricks.tex > 1.10
0.93  2004-11-25  \ignorespaces for all macros
0.92  2004-11-08  spurious blank
0.91  2004-10-23  use pst-xkey instead of pst-key

---- pst-optic.sty
     2004-11-09   new version to get a TeX output of the used version 

---- pst-optic-doc.tex
     2009-02-10   new documentation
     2005-10-24   the parallel line image was wrong
     2005-05-18   small update to some examples

---- pst-optic-examples.tex
     2009-02-10   new documentation
     2005-05-18   small update to some examples