Date: 13 Mar 89 Message No: 023 To: TeX implementors and distributors From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Updates to TEX82.BUG, MF84.BUG The last message was sent to this list two months ago, and though some additional activity has occurred, I've been delayed in reporting it. In fact, I'm not sure that what is included here is the latest news, not having seen my paper mail for more than a week, and Don Knuth is no longer corresponding with anyone electronically. (I'm preparing this message from home, having returned from a standards meeting accompanied by a cold germ.) When last I heard from Don, he reported that though a few "trivial" (his word) bugs had been detected, there was nothing he considered serious enough to delay his release of TeX 3.0 on the Ides of March -- two days hence. So, barring the discovery of something of which I'm not aware, I expect that by the end of this week there will be a new version of TEX.MF at labrea, with a few inconsequential changes from version 2.993. I will try to send the information as soon as possible, but I am facing a couple of deadlines at the Math Society, and for the next week I have promised to go into seclusion (the AMS thinks it's a vacation) to help prepare the data for a 10-volume index to TUGboat. Enclosed are updates to the files TEX82.BUG and MF84.BUG. Owing to the quantity of this material and the proximity of the Ides of March, lists of differences between the new and old WEB files will be sent separately. ######################################################################## Updates to TEX82.BUG % note change in comment on #339; the change code remains the same 339. \def\\#1{}\input a\\\z failed (Robert Messer, 24Apr88) ... 373. Allow multiple hyphenmins in the same paragraph (Mike Ferguson). @x module 212, two new fields for list_state_record @y @!lhm_field,@!rhm_field: quarterword; @z @x module 213, two new macros to access those fields @y @d lhmin==cur_list.lhm_field {\.{\\lefthyphenmin} at start of paragraph} @d rhmin==cur_list.rhm_field {\.{\\righthyphenmin} at start of paragraph} @z @x module 215, two new initializations @y lhmin:=0; rhmin:=0; @z @x module 218 if nest[p].ml_field<0 then print(" (\output routine)"); @y if m=hmode then@+if(nest[p].lhm_field<>2)or(nest[p].rhm_field<>3)then begin print(" (hyphenmin "); print_int(nest[p].lhm_field); print_char(","); print_int(nest[p].rhm_field); print_char(")"); end; if nest[p].ml_field<0 then print(" (\output routine)"); @z @x module 891 l_hyf:=left_hyphen_min-1;@+if l_hyf<0 then l_hyf:=0; r_hyf:=right_hyphen_min-1;@+if r_hyf<0 then r_hyf:=0; min_hyf:=l_hyf+r_hyf+2; cur_lang:=0; @y l_hyf:=lhmin; r_hyf:=rhmin; cur_lang:=0; @z @x module 892 @!l_hyf,@!r_hyf,@!min_hyf:integer; {limits on fragment sizes} @y @!l_hyf,@!r_hyf:integer; {limits on fragment sizes} @z @x module 894 begin if min_hyf>63 then goto done1; prev_s:=cur_p; s:=link(prev_s); if s<>null then begin @<Skip to node |ha|, or |goto done1| if no hyphenation should be attempted@>; @<Skip to node |hb|, putting letters into |hu| and |hc|@>; @<Check that the nodes following |hb| permit hyphenation and that at least |min_hyf| letters have been found, otherwise |goto done1|@>; @y begin prev_s:=cur_p; s:=link(prev_s); if s<>null then begin @<Skip to node |ha|, or |goto done1| if no hyphenation should be attempted@>; if l_hyf+r_hyf>63 then goto done1; @<Skip to node |hb|, putting letters into |hu| and |hc|@>; @<Check that the nodes following |hb| permit hyphenation and that at least |l_hyf+r_hyf| letters have been found, otherwise |goto done1|@>; @z @x module 899 if hn<min_hyf then goto done1; @y if hn<l_hyf+r_hyf then goto done1; @z @x module 902 for j:=l_hyf+1 to hn-r_hyf-1 do if odd(hyf[j]) then goto found1; @y for j:=l_hyf to hn-r_hyf do if odd(hyf[j]) then goto found1; @z @x module 923 for j:=0 to hn-r_hyf do @y for j:=0 to hn-r_hyf+1 do @z @x ibid found: for j:=0 to l_hyf do hyf[j]:=0; for j:=0 to r_hyf do hyf[hn-j]:=0 @y found: for j:=0 to l_hyf-1 do hyf[j]:=0; for j:=0 to r_hyf-1 do hyf[hn-j]:=0 @z @x module 1091 begins with a new subroutine @y function norm_min(@!h:integer):small_number; begin if h<=0 then norm_min:=1@+else if h>=63 then norm_min:=63@+ else norm_min:=h; end; @z @x module 1091 then uses the new subroutine push_nest; mode:=hmode; space_factor:=1000; clang:=0; @y lhmin:=norm_min(left_hyphen_min); rhmin:=norm_min(right_hyphen_min); push_nest; mode:=hmode; space_factor:=1000; clang:=0; @z @x module 1341 @d stored_language(#)==mem[#+1].int {language number, in the range |0..255|} @y @d what_lang(#)==link(#+1) {language number, in the range |0..255|} @d what_lhm(#)==type(#+1) {minimum left fragment, in the range |1..63|} @d what_rhm(#)==subtype(#+1) {minimum right fragment, in the range |1..63|} @z @x module 1356 print_int(stored_language(p)); @y print_int(what_lang(p)); print(" (hyphenmin "); print_int(what_lhm(p)); print_char(","); print_int(what_rhm(p)); print_char(")"); @z @x modules 1362 and 1363 @ @<Advance \(p)past a whatsit node in the \(l)|line_break| loop@>= if subtype(cur_p)=language_node then cur_lang:=stored_language(cur_p) @ @<Advance \(p)past a whatsit node in the \(p)pre-hyphenation loop@>= if subtype(s)=language_node then cur_lang:=stored_language(s) @y @ @d adv_past(#)==@+if subtype(#)=language_node then begin cur_lang:=what_lang(#); l_hyf:=what_lhm(#); r_hyf:=what_rhm(#);@+end @<Advance \(p)past a whatsit node in the \(l)|line_break| loop@>=@+ adv_past(cur_p) @ @<Advance \(p)past a whatsit node in the \(p)pre-hyphenation loop@>=@+ adv_past(s) @z @x module 1376 stored_language(tail):=l; clang:=l; @y what_lang(tail):=l; clang:=l;@/ what_lhm(tail):=norm_min(left_hyphen_min); what_rhm(tail):=norm_min(right_hyphen_min); @z @x module 1377 stored_language(tail):=clang; @y what_lang(tail):=clang; what_lhm(tail):=norm_min(left_hyphen_min); what_rhm(tail):=norm_min(right_hyphen_min); @z 374. Make \par and end_template definitely non-character (Marc van Leeuwen) @x module 14 gets a new line @y if mem_top<256+11 then bad:=7; {we will want |null_list>255|} @z @x module 334 primitive("par",par_end,0); par_loc:=cur_val; par_token:=cs_token_flag+par_loc; @y primitive("par",par_end,256); {cf. |scan_file_name|} par_loc:=cur_val; par_token:=cs_token_flag+par_loc; @z 375. Alignments must be more robust to prevent crashes (Marc van Leeuwen) @x module 324 else if token_type=u_template then align_state:=0; @y else if token_type=u_template then if align_state>500000 then align_state:=0 else fatal_error("(interwoven alignment preambles are not allowed)"); @.interwoven alignment preambles...@> @z @x module 782 if (cur_cmd=assign_glue)and(cur_chr=glue_base+tab_skip_code) then @y if cur_cmd=endv then fatal_error("(interwoven alignment preambles are not allowed)"); @.interwoven alignment preambles...@> if (cur_cmd=assign_glue)and(cur_chr=glue_base+tab_skip_code) then @z @x module 791 p:=link(q); @y if align_state<500000 then fatal_error("(interwoven alignment preambles are not allowed)"); @.interwoven alignment preambles...@> p:=link(q); @z 376. Avoid kern removal in discretionary breaks (Marc van Leeuwen) @x module 815 label done,done1,done2,done3,done4,continue; @y label done,done1,done2,done3,done4,done5,continue; @z @x module 866 glue_node: begin @<If node |cur_p| is a legal breakpoint, call |try_break|@>; @<Update the active widths by including the glue in |glue_ptr(cur_p)|@>; @y glue_node: begin @<If node |cur_p| is a legal breakpoint, call |try_break|; then update the active widths by including the glue in |glue_ptr(cur_p)|@>; @z @x ibid disc_node: @<Try to break after a discretionary fragment@>; @y disc_node: @<Try to break after a discretionary fragment, then |goto done5|@>; @z @x ibid end @y done5:end @z Combine modules 868 and 869 into a single module, with a semicolon between. @x module 870 (which becomes module 869) gets ... in its title @y and the following new code just before its final "end": r:=replace_count(cur_p); s:=link(cur_p); while r>0 do begin @<Add the width of node |s| to |act_width|@>; decr(r); s:=link(s); end; prev_p:=cur_p; cur_p:=s; goto done5; @z @x Now module 871 becomes 870, and we add a new (very similar) module 871: @y @ @<Add the width of node |s| to |act_width|@>= if is_char_node(s) then begin f:=font(s); act_width:=act_width+char_width(f)(char_info(f)(character(s))); end else case type(s) of ligature_node: begin f:=font(lig_char(s)); act_width:=act_width+ char_width(f)(char_info(f)(character(lig_char(s)))); end; hlist_node,vlist_node,rule_node,kern_node: act_width:=act_width+width(s); othercases confusion("disc4") @:this can't happen disc4}{\quad disc4@> endcases @z @x module 877 @!disc_break:boolean; {was the current break at a discretionary node?} @y @!disc_break:boolean; {was the current break at a discretionary node?} @!post_disc_break:boolean; {and did it have a nonempty post-break part?} @z @x ibid if cur_p<>null then @<Prune unwanted nodes at the beginning of the next line@>; @y if cur_p<>null then if not post_disc_break then @<Prune unwanted nodes at the beginning of the next line@>; @z @x module 881 q:=cur_break(cur_p); disc_break:=false; @y q:=cur_break(cur_p); disc_break:=false; post_disc_break:=false; @z @x module 883 if not is_char_node(s) then if next_break(cur_p)<>null then if cur_break(next_break(cur_p))=s then s:=r; @y that subtle bug is no longer possible so we can remove the code @z @x module 884 link(s):=r; r:=post_break(q); post_break(q):=null; @y link(s):=r; r:=post_break(q); post_break(q):=null; post_disc_break:=true; @z 377. Pick up a few discretionary hyphens that were lost because of the new (cautious) algorithm. @x module 914 @ @d advance_major_tail==begin major_tail:=link(major_tail); incr(r_count); end @<Create and append a discretionary node as an alternative...@>= begin r:=get_node(small_node_size); @y @ In this repeat loop we will insert another discretionary if |hyf[j-1]| is odd, after both branches of the previous discretionary end at position |j-1|. Strictly speaking, we aren't justified in doing this, because we don't know that a hyphen after |j-1| is truly independent of those branches. But in almost all applications we would rather not lose a potentially valuable hyphenation point. (Consider the word `difficult', where the letter `c' is in position |j|.) @d advance_major_tail==begin major_tail:=link(major_tail); incr(r_count); end @<Create and append a discretionary node as an alternative...@>= repeat r:=get_node(small_node_size); @z @x ibid i:=hyphen_passed; @y i:=hyphen_passed; hyf[i]:=0; @z @x ibid end @y hyphen_passed:=j-1; link(hold_head):=null; until not odd(hyf[j-1]) @z 378. Undumped trie must also be dumpable again (Breitenlohner, 11 Dec 89) @x module 1325 undump_size(0)(trie_size)('trie size')(j); {|trie_max|} for k:=0 to j do undump_hh(trie[k]); undump_size(0)(trie_op_size)('trie op size')(j); {|trie_op_ptr|} @y undump_size(0)(trie_size)('trie size')(j); @+init trie_max:=j;@+tini for k:=0 to j do undump_hh(trie[k]); undump_size(0)(trie_op_size)('trie op size')(j); @+init trie_op_ptr:=j;@+tini @z @x ibid k:=256; while j>0 do begin undump(0)(k-1)(k); undump(1)(j)(x); j:=j-x; op_start[k]:=qo(j); @y init for k:=0 to 255 do trie_used[k]:=min_quarterword;@+tini k:=256; while j>0 do begin undump(0)(k-1)(k); undump(1)(j)(x);@+init trie_used[k]:=qi(x);@+tini j:=j-x; op_start[k]:=qo(j); @z 379. Allow output routine to access page totals. (Suggested by Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley, December 1989) @x module 421 begin if page_contents=empty then @y begin if (page_contents=empty) and (not output_active) then @z 380. (I sincerely hope that there won't be any more) ######################################################################## Updates to MF84.BUG % The following text has been added at the top of the file; the last % two lines of this block correspond to the first two lines of the % old file, with some changes. This file has been updated periodically ever since METAFONT84 was born. What you are about to read is "authentic source material" from the early days before the program converged. Module numbers on the first entries may bear little relation to those in Volume D. Entries are in chronological order; thus the most recent news appears at the bottom of the file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (rough list of all bugs found in MF after it passed syntax check) Starting with Version -100.0: [Mar 27, first run, about 00:30] #################### % New material. 547. String startup problems corresponding to TeX change 355 (17 Jul 89) @x module 30 (Warning: This affects most change files!) overflow("buffer size",buf_size); @:METAFONT capacity exceeded buffer size}{\quad buffer size@> @y @<Report overflow of the input buffer, and abort@>; @z @x module 34 consist of the remainder of the command line, after the part that invoked \MF. @y consist of the remainder of the command line, after the part that invoked \MF. The first line is special also because it may be read before \MF\ has input a base file. In such cases, normal error messages cannot yet be given. The following code uses concepts that will be explained later. @<Report overflow of the input buffer, and abort@>= if base_ident=0 then begin write_ln(term_out,'Buffer size exceeded!'); goto final_end; @.Buffer size exceeded@> end else begin cur_input.loc_field:=first; cur_input.limit_field:=last-1; overflow("buffer size",buf_size); @:METAFONT capacity exceeded buffer size}{\quad buffer size@> end @z @x module 1193 k:=pool_ptr-4; undump_four_ASCII @y k:=pool_ptr-4; undump_four_ASCII; init_str_ptr:=str_ptr; init_pool_ptr:=pool_ptr;@/ max_str_ptr:=str_ptr; max_pool_ptr:=pool_ptr @z @x module 1204 tini@/ @y init_str_ptr:=str_ptr; init_pool_ptr:=pool_ptr;@/ max_str_ptr:=str_ptr; max_pool_ptr:=pool_ptr; fix_date_and_time; tini@/ @z @x module 1204 init_str_ptr:=str_ptr; init_pool_ptr:=pool_ptr;@/ max_str_ptr:=str_ptr; max_pool_ptr:=pool_ptr;@/ @y @z 548. Major changes to allow 8-bit input, cf. TeX82 #359 (11 Sep 89). @x module 18 @!ASCII_code=0..127; {seven-bit numbers} @y @!ASCII_code=0..255; {eight-bit numbers} @z @x module 19 @d last_text_char=127 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|} @<Local variables for init...@>= @!i:0..last_text_char; @y @d last_text_char=255 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|} @<Local variables for init...@>= @!i:integer; @z @x module 21 xchr[0]:=' '; xchr[@'177]:=' '; {ASCII codes 0 and |@'177| do not appear in text} @y @z @x module 22 for i:=1 to @'37 do xchr[i]:=' '; @y changing ' ' to chr(i) here will allow all 8-bit characters to get in for i:=0 to @'37 do xchr[i]:=' '; for i:=@'177 to @'377 do xchr[i]:=' '; @z @x module 23 for i:=1 to @'176 do xord[xchr[i]]:=i; @y for i:=@'200 to @'377 do xord[xchr[i]]:=i; for i:=0 to @'176 do xord[xchr[i]]:=i; @z @x module 37 @<Types...@>= @!pool_pointer = 0..pool_size; {for variables that point into |str_pool|} @!str_number = 0..max_strings; {for variables that point into |str_start|} @ @<Glob...@>= @!str_pool:packed array[pool_pointer] of ASCII_code; {the characters} @y [OK to make si(#)==#-128 and so(#)==#+128 (without parens) in change files] Some \PASCAL\ compilers won't pack integers into a single byte unless the integers lie in the range |-128..127|. To accommodate such systems we access the string pool only via macros that can easily be redefined. @d si(#) == # {convert from |ASCII_code| to |packed_ASCII_code|} @d so(#) == # {convert from |packed_ASCII_code| to |ASCII_code|} @<Types...@>= @!pool_pointer = 0..pool_size; {for variables that point into |str_pool|} @!str_number = 0..max_strings; {for variables that point into |str_start|} @!packed_ASCII_code = 0..255; {elements of |str_pool| array} @ @<Glob...@>= @!str_pool:packed array[pool_pointer] of packed_ASCII_code; {the characters} @z @x module 41 begin str_pool[pool_ptr]:=#; incr(pool_ptr); @y begin str_pool[pool_ptr]:=si(#); incr(pool_ptr); @z @x module 45 begin if str_pool[j]<>buffer[k] then @y begin if so(str_pool[j])<>buffer[k] then @z @x module 47 var k,@!l:0..127; {small indices or counters} @y var k,@!l:0..255; {small indices or counters} @z @x module 47 @<Make the first 128 strings@>; @y @<Make the first 256 strings@>; @z @x module 48 @ @<Make the first 128...@>= for k:=0 to 127 do begin if (@<Character |k| cannot be printed@>) then begin append_char("^"); append_char("^"); if k<@'100 then append_char(k+@'100) else append_char(k-@'100); @y @ @d app_lc_hex(#)==l:=#; if l<10 then append_char(l+"0)@+else append_char(l-10+"a") @<Make the first 256...@>= for k:=0 to 255 do begin if (@<Character |k| cannot be printed@>) then begin append_char("^"); append_char("^"); if k<@'100 then append_char(k+@'100) else if k<@'200 then append_char(k-@'100) else begin app_lc_hex(k div 16); app_lc_hex(k mod 16); end; @z @x module 59 begin print_char(str_pool[j]); incr(j); @y begin print_char(so(str_pool[j])); incr(j); @z @x module 60 begin print(str_pool[j]); incr(j); @y begin print(so(str_pool[j])); incr(j); @z @x module 85 begin if str_pool[j]<>"%" then print(str_pool[j]) else if j+1=str_start[err_help+1] then print_ln else if str_pool[j+1]<>"%" then print_ln @y begin if str_pool[j]<>si("%") then print(so(str_pool[j])) else if j+1=str_start[err_help+1] then print_ln else if str_pool[j+1]<>si("%") then print_ln @z @x module 199 char_class[127]:=invalid_class; @y for k:=127 to 255 do char_class[k]:=invalid_class; @z @x module 200 @d hash_is_full == (hash_used=1) {test if all positions are occupied} @d eq_type(#) == eqtb[#].lh {the current ``meaning'' of a symbolic token} @d equiv(#) == eqtb[#].rh {parametric part of a token's meaning} @d hash_base=129 {hashing actually starts here} @y [incidentally I fixed a bug re hash overflow here] @d eq_type(#) == eqtb[#].lh {the current ``meaning'' of a symbolic token} @d equiv(#) == eqtb[#].rh {parametric part of a token's meaning} @d hash_base=257 {hashing actually starts here} @d hash_is_full == (hash_used=hash_base) {are all positions occupied?} @z @x module 210 for j:=0 to l-1 do buffer[j]:=str_pool[k+j]; cur_sym:=id_lookup(0,l);@/ if s>=128 then {we don't want to have the string twice} @y for j:=0 to l-1 do buffer[j]:=so(str_pool[k+j]); cur_sym:=id_lookup(0,l);@/ if s>=256 then {we don't want to have the string twice} @z @x module 223 begin c:=char_class[str_pool[str_start[r]]]; @y begin c:=char_class[so(str_pool[str_start[r]])]; @z @x module 717 begin buffer[first]:=str_pool[j]; incr(j); incr(first); @y begin buffer[first]:=so(str_pool[j]); incr(j); incr(first); @z @x module 774 for j:=str_start[a] to str_start[a+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); for j:=str_start[n] to str_start[n+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); for j:=str_start[e] to str_start[e+1]-1 do append_to_name(str_pool[j]); @y for j:=str_start[a] to str_start[a+1]-1 do append_to_name(so(str_pool[j])); for j:=str_start[n] to str_start[n+1]-1 do append_to_name(so(str_pool[j])); for j:=str_start[e] to str_start[e+1]-1 do append_to_name(so(str_pool[j])); @z @x module 912 else begin cur_exp:=round_unscaled(cur_exp) mod 128; cur_type:=string_type; if cur_exp<0 then cur_exp:=cur_exp+128; @y else begin cur_exp:=round_unscaled(cur_exp) mod 256; cur_type:=string_type; if cur_exp<0 then cur_exp:=cur_exp+256; @z @x module 913 else n:=str_pool[str_start[cur_exp]] @y else n:=so(str_pool[str_start[cur_exp]]) @z @x ibid begin m:=str_pool[k]; @y begin m:=so(str_pool[k]); @z @x module 976 for k:=str_start[a] to str_start[a+1]-1 do append_char(str_pool[k]); for k:=str_start[b] to str_start[b+1]-1 do append_char(str_pool[k]); @y for k:=str_start[a] to str_start[a+1]-1 do append_char(so(str_pool[k])); for k:=str_start[b] to str_start[b+1]-1 do append_char(so(str_pool[k])); @z @x module 977 for k:=str_start[s]+b-1 downto str_start[s]+a do append_char(str_pool[k]) else for k:=str_start[s]+a to str_start[s]+b-1 do append_char(str_pool[k]); @y for k:=str_start[s]+b-1 downto str_start[s]+a do append_char(so(str_pool[k])) else for k:=str_start[s]+a to str_start[s]+b-1 do append_char(so(str_pool[k])); @z @x module 1103 begin c:=str_pool[str_start[cur_exp]]; goto found; @y begin c:=so(str_pool[str_start[cur_exp]]); goto found; @z @x module 1160 for k:=str_start[s] to str_start[s+1]-1 do gf_out(str_pool[k]); end; if t<>0 then for k:=str_start[t] to str_start[t+1]-1 do gf_out(str_pool[k]); @y for k:=str_start[s] to str_start[s+1]-1 do gf_out(so(str_pool[k])); end; if t<>0 then for k:=str_start[t] to str_start[t+1]-1 do gf_out(so(str_pool[k])); @z @x module 1192 w.b0:=str_pool[k]; w.b1:=str_pool[k+1]; w.b2:=str_pool[k+2]; w.b3:=str_pool[k+3]; @y [often qi(so(x))=x, but not e.g. when "quarterwords" are two bytes] w.b0:=qi(so(str_pool[k])); w.b1:=qi(so(str_pool[k+1])); w.b2:=qi(so(str_pool[k+2])); w.b3:=qi(so(str_pool[k+3])); @z @x module 1193 str_pool[k]:=w.b0; str_pool[k+1]:=w.b1; str_pool[k+2]:=w.b2; str_pool[k+3]:=w.b3 @y str_pool[k]:=si(qo(w.b0)); str_pool[k+1]:=si(qo(w.b1)); str_pool[k+2]:=si(qo(w.b2)); str_pool[k+3]:=si(qo(w.b3)) @z 549. Make ".base" more easily switchable (see TeX82 log #369). @x module 775 gets a new definition @y @d base_extension=".base" {the extension, as a \.{WEB} constant} @z now replace ".base" by base_extension in modules 784 and 1200. 550. "This can't happen" happened because of nonmonotonic rounding (bug found by Mark Eklof, fixed 7 Oct 89) @x module 411 left_x(r):=x_coord(r); @y left_x(r):=x_coord(r); if right_x(p)>x_coord(r) then right_x(p):=x_coord(r); {we always have |x_coord(p)<=right_x(p)|} @z @x ibid else if x_coord(r)>dest_x then x_coord(r):=dest_x; @y else begin if x_coord(r)>dest_x then begin x_coord(r):=dest_x; left_x(r):=-x_coord(r); right_x(r):=x_coord(r); end; if left_x(q)>dest_x then left_x(q):=dest_x else if left_x(q)<x_coord(r) then left_x(q):=x_coord(r); end; @z @x module 412 left_x(s):=x_coord(s); negate(x_coord(s)); right_x(s):=x_coord(s); negate(left_x(q)); @y left_x(s):=x_coord(s); {now |x_coord(r)=right_x(r)<=left_x(s)|} if left_x(q)<dest_x then left_x(q):=-dest_x else if left_x(q)>x_coord(s) then left_x(q):=-x_coord(s) else negate(left_x(q)); negate(x_coord(s)); right_x(s):=x_coord(s); @z @x module 415 if x_coord(r)>dest_x then x_coord(r):=dest_x else if x_coord(r)<x_coord(pp) then x_coord(r):=x_coord(pp); if y_coord(r)<y_coord(pp) then y_coord(r):=y_coord(pp); left_y(r):=y_coord(r); @y if y_coord(r)<y_coord(pp) then y_coord(r):=y_coord(pp); left_y(r):=y_coord(r); if right_y(pp)>y_coord(r) then right_y(pp):=y_coord(r); {we always have |y_coord(pp)<=right_y(pp)|} @z @x ibid else if y_coord(r)>dest_y then y_coord(r):=dest_y; @y else begin if y_coord(r)>dest_y then begin y_coord(r):=dest_y; left_y(r):=-y_coord(r); right_y(r):=y_coord(r); end; if left_y(qq)>dest_y then left_y(qq):=dest_y else if left_y(qq)<y_coord(r) then left_y(qq):=y_coord(r); end; @z @x module 416 if x_coord(s)>dest_x then x_coord(s):=dest_x else if x_coord(s)<x_coord(r) then x_coord(s):=x_coord(r); if y_coord(s)<dest_y then y_coord(s):=dest_y; if y_coord(s)<y_coord(r) then y_coord(s):=y_coord(r); right_type(s):=right_type(pp); left_y(s):=y_coord(s); negate(y_coord(s)); right_y(s):=y_coord(s); negate(left_y(qq)); @y if y_coord(s)<dest_y then y_coord(s):=dest_y; if y_coord(s)<y_coord(r) then y_coord(s):=y_coord(r); right_type(s):=right_type(pp); left_y(s):=y_coord(s); {now |y_coord(r)=right_y(r)<=left_y(s)|} if left_y(qq)<dest_y then left_y(qq):=-dest_y else if left_y(qq)>y_coord(s) then left_y(qq):=-y_coord(s) else negate(left_y(qq)); negate(y_coord(s)); right_y(s):=y_coord(s); @z @x module 424 if y_coord(r)>dest_y then y_coord(r):=dest_y else if y_coord(r)<y_coord(p) then y_coord(r):=y_coord(p); if x_coord(r)<x_coord(p) then x_coord(r):=x_coord(p); left_x(r):=x_coord(r);@/ y_coord(r):=y_coord(r)+x_coord(r); negate(x_coord(r));@/ right_x(r):=x_coord(r); right_y(r):=right_y(r)-right_x(r);@/ left_y(q):=left_y(q)+left_x(q); negate(left_x(q));@/ dest_y:=dest_y+dest_x; negate(dest_x); @y if x_coord(p)+y_coord(r)>dest_x+dest_y then begin y_coord(r):=dest_x+dest_y-x_coord(p); if left_y(r)>y_coord(r) then begin left_y(r):=y_coord(r); if right_y(p)>y_coord(r) then right_y(p):=y_coord(r); end; end; if x_coord(r)<x_coord(p) then x_coord(r):=x_coord(p) else if x_coord(r)+y_coord(r)>dest_x+dest_y then x_coord(r):=dest_x+dest_y-y_coord(r); left_x(r):=x_coord(r); if right_x(p)>x_coord(r) then right_x(p):=x_coord(r); {we always have |x_coord(p)<=right_x(p)|} y_coord(r):=y_coord(r)+x_coord(r); right_y(r):=right_y(r)+x_coord(r);@/ negate(x_coord(r)); right_x(r):=x_coord(r);@/ left_y(q):=left_y(q)+left_x(q); negate(left_x(q));@/ dest_y:=dest_y+dest_x; negate(dest_x); if right_y(r)>dest_y then right_y(r):=dest_y; if left_y(q)>dest_y then left_y(q):=dest_y else if left_y(q)<y_coord(r) then left_y(q):=y_coord(r); if right_y(r)>left_y(q) then right_y(r):=left_y(q); @z @x ibid else if x_coord(r)>dest_x then x_coord(r):=dest_x @y else begin if x_coord(r)>dest_x then begin x_coord(r):=dest_x; left_x(r):=-x_coord(r); right_x(r):=x_coord(r); end; if left_x(q)>dest_x then left_x(q):=dest_x else if left_x(q)<x_coord(r) then left_x(q):=x_coord(r); end; @z @x module 425 is entirely replace @y by the following code: @ @<Subdivide the cubic a second time with respect to $x'-y'$@>= begin split_cubic(r,t,dest_x,dest_y); s:=link(r);@/ if x_coord(r)+y_coord(s)>dest_x+dest_y then begin y_coord(s):=dest_x+dest_y-x_coord(r); if left_y(s)>y_coord(s) then begin left_y(s):=y_coord(s); if right_y(r)>y_coord(s) then right_y(r):=y_coord(s); end; end; if x_coord(s)+y_coord(s)>dest_x+dest_y then x_coord(s):=dest_x+dest_y-y_coord(s) else begin if x_coord(s)<dest_x then x_coord(s):=dest_x; if x_coord(s)<x_coord(r) then x_coord(s):=x_coord(r); end; right_type(s):=right_type(p); left_x(s):=x_coord(s); {now |x_coord(r)=right_x(r)<=left_x(s)|} if left_x(q)<dest_x then begin left_y(q):=left_y(q)+dest_x; left_x(q):=-dest_x;@+end else if left_x(q)>x_coord(s) then begin left_y(q):=left_y(q)+x_coord(s); left_x(q):=-x_coord(s);@+end else begin left_y(q):=left_y(q)+left_x(q); negate(left_x(q));@+end; y_coord(s):=y_coord(s)+x_coord(s); right_y(s):=right_y(s)+x_coord(s);@/ negate(x_coord(s)); right_x(s):=x_coord(s);@/ dest_y:=dest_y+dest_x; if right_y(s)>dest_y then right_y(s):=dest_y; if left_y(q)>dest_y then left_y(q):=dest_y else if left_y(q)<y_coord(s) then left_y(q):=y_coord(s); if right_y(s)>left_y(q) then right_y(s):=left_y(q); end @z 551. Major change for extended ligatures. @x module 11 (this may affect change files) @!lig_table_size=300; {maximum number of ligature/kern steps} @y @!lig_table_size=5000; {maximum number of ligature/kern steps, must be at least 255 and at most 32510} @!max_kerns=500; {maximum number of distinct kern amounts} @z @x module 14 gets a new line of code @y if(lig_table_size<255)or(lig_table_size>32510)then bad:=7; @z @x module 186 @d lig_kern_token=76 {the operators `\&{kern}' and `\.{=:}'} @d assignment=77 {the operator `\.{:=}'} @d colon=78 {the operator `\.:'} @# @d comma=79 {the operator `\.,'} @d end_of_statement==cur_cmd>comma @d semicolon=80 {the operator `\.;', must be |comma+1|} @d end_group=81 {end a group (\&{endgroup}), must be |semicolon+1|} @d stop=82 {end a job (\&{end}, \&{dump}), must be |end_group+1|} @y @d lig_kern_token=76 {the operators `\&{kern}' and `\.{=:}' and `\.{=:\char'174}, etc.} @d assignment=77 {the operator `\.{:=}'} @d skip_to=78 {the operation `\&{skipto}'} @d bchar_label=79 {the operator `\.{\char'174\char'174:}'} @d double_colon=80 {the operator `\.{::}'} @d colon=81 {the operator `\.:'} @# @d comma=82 {the operator `\.,', must be |colon+1|} @d end_of_statement==cur_cmd>comma @d semicolon=83 {the operator `\.;', must be |comma+1|} @d end_group=84 {end a group (\&{endgroup}), must be |semicolon+1|} @d stop=85 {end a job (\&{end}, \&{dump}), must be |end_group+1|} @z @x module 190 @d max_given_internal=warning_check @y @d boundary_char=41 {the right boundary character for ligatures} @d max_given_internal=41 @z @x module 192 gets two new lines of code @y primitive("boundarychar",internal_quantity,boundary_char);@/ @!@:boundary_char_}{\&{boundarychar} primitive@> @z @x and module 193 gets one too @y int_name[boundary_char]:="boundarychar"; @z @x and module 211 gets several @y (to be inserted in appropriate places) primitive("::",double_colon,0); @!@::: }{\.{::} primitive@> primitive("||:",bchar_label,0); @!@:::: }{\.{\char'174\char'174:} primitive@> primitive("skipto",skip_to,0);@/ @!@:skip_to_}{\&{skipto} primitive@> @z @x as does module 212 @y bchar_label:print("||:"); double_colon:print("::"); skip_to:print("skipto"); @z @x module 1093 has new text (see TeX change 362 for module 545) and also this: @d stop_bit(#)==lig_kern[#].b0 @d next_char(#)==lig_kern[#].b1 @d op_bit(#)==lig_kern[#].b2 @y @d skip_byte(#)==lig_kern[#].b0 @d next_char(#)==lig_kern[#].b1 @d op_byte(#)==lig_kern[#].b2 @z @x module 1096 gets a new definition @y @d undefined_label==lig_table_size {an undefined local label} @z @x ...and some changed declarations @!char_remainder:array[eight_bits] of eight_bits; {the |remainder| byte} @!header_byte:array[1..header_size] of -1..255; {bytes of the \.{TFM} header, or $-1$ if unset} @!lig_kern:array[0..lig_table_size] of four_quarters; {the ligature/kern table} @!nl:0..lig_table_size; {the number of ligature/kern steps so far} @!kern:array[eight_bits] of scaled; {distinct kerning amounts} @!nk:0..256; {the number of distinct kerns so far} @y @!char_remainder:array[eight_bits] of 0..lig_table_size; {the |remainder| byte} @!header_byte:array[1..header_size] of -1..255; {bytes of the \.{TFM} header, or $-1$ if unset} @!lig_kern:array[0..lig_table_size] of four_quarters; {the ligature/kern table} @!nl:0..32767-256; {the number of ligature/kern steps so far} @!kern:array[0..max_kerns] of scaled; {distinct kerning amounts} @!nk:0..max_kerns; {the number of distinct kerns so far} @z @x ...and some new declarations @y @!skip_table:array[eight_bits] of 0..lig_table_size; {local label status} @!lk_started:boolean; {has there been a lig/kern step in this command yet?} @!bchar:integer; {right boundary character} @!bch_label:0..lig_table_size; {left boundary starting location} @!ll,@!lll:0..lig_table_size; {registers used for lig/kern processing} @!label_loc:array[0..256] of -1..lig_table_size; {lig/kern starting addresses} @!label_char:array[1..256] of eight_bits; {characters for |label_loc|} @!label_ptr:0..256; {highest position occupied in |label_loc|} @z @x module 1097 end; for k:=1 to header_size do header_byte[k]:=-1; bc:=255; ec:=0; nl:=0; nk:=0; ne:=0; np:=0; @y skip_table[k]:=undefined_label; end; for k:=1 to header_size do header_byte[k]:=-1; bc:=255; ec:=0; nl:=0; nk:=0; ne:=0; np:=0;@/ internal[boundary_char]:=-unity; bch_label:=undefined_label;@/ label_loc[0]:=-1; label_ptr:=0; @z @x module 1104 procedure set_tag(@!c:eight_bits;@!t:small_number;@!r:eight_bits); begin if char_tag[c]=no_tag then begin char_tag[c]:=t; char_remainder[c]:=r; @y procedure set_tag(@!c:halfword;@!t:small_number;@!r:halfword); begin if char_tag[c]=no_tag then begin char_tag[c]:=t; char_remainder[c]:=r; if t=lig_tag then begin incr(label_ptr); label_loc[label_ptr]:=r; label_char[label_ptr]:=c; end; @z @x module 1105 if (c>" ")and(c<128) then print(c) @y if (c>" ")and(c<127) then print(c) else if c=256 then print("||") @z @x module 1106 label continue; var @!c,@!cc:eight_bits; {character codes} @!k:0..256; {index into the |kern| array} @y label continue,done; var @!c,@!cc:0..256; {character codes} @!k:0..max_kerns; {index into the |kern| array} @z % also the previous code of module 1107 is inserted into 1106 @x modules 1107--1111 are completely replaced @y by the following new code: @ @<Store a list of ligature/kern steps@>= begin lk_started:=false; continue: get_x_next; if(cur_cmd=skip_to)and lk_started then @<Process a |skip_to| command and |goto done|@>; if cur_cmd=bchar_label then begin c:=256; cur_cmd:=colon;@+end else begin back_input; c:=get_code;@+end; if(cur_cmd=colon)or(cur_cmd=double_colon)then @<Record a label in a lig/kern subprogram and |goto continue|@>; if cur_cmd=lig_kern_token then @<Compile a ligature/kern command@> else begin print_err("Illegal ligtable step"); @.Illegal ligtable step@> help1("I was looking for `=:' or `kern' here."); back_error; next_char(nl):=qi(0); op_byte(nl):=qi(0); rem_byte(nl):=qi(0);@/ skip_byte(nl):=stop_flag+1; {this specifies an unconditional stop} end; if nl=lig_table_size then overflow("ligtable size",lig_table_size); @:METAFONT capacity exceeded ligtable size}{\quad ligtable size@> incr(nl); if cur_cmd=comma then goto continue; if skip_byte(nl-1)<stop_flag then skip_byte(nl-1):=stop_flag; done:end @ @<Put each...@>= primitive("=:",lig_kern_token,0); @!@:=:_}{\.{=:} primitive@> primitive("=:|",lig_kern_token,1); @!@:=:/_}{\.{=:\char'174} primitive@> primitive("=:|>",lig_kern_token,5); @!@:=:/>_}{\.{=:\char'174>} primitive@> primitive("|=:",lig_kern_token,2); @!@:=:/_}{\.{\char'174=:} primitive@> primitive("|=:>",lig_kern_token,6); @!@:=:/>_}{\.{\char'174=:>} primitive@> primitive("|=:|",lig_kern_token,3); @!@:=:/_}{\.{\char'174=:\char'174} primitive@> primitive("|=:|>",lig_kern_token,7); @!@:=:/>_}{\.{\char'174=:\char'174>} primitive@> primitive("|=:|>>",lig_kern_token,11); @!@:=:/>_}{\.{\char'174=:\char'174>>} primitive@> primitive("kern",lig_kern_token,128); @!@:kern_}{\&{kern} primitive@> @ @<Cases of |print_cmd...@>= lig_kern_token: case m of 0:print("=:"); 1:print("=:|"); 2:print("|=:"); 3:print("|=:|"); 5:print("=:|>"); 6:print("|=:>"); 7:print("|=:|>"); 11:print("|=:|>>"); othercases print("kern") endcases; @ Local labels are implemented by maintaining the |skip_table| array, where |skip_table[c]| is either |undefined_label| or the address of the most recent lig/kern instruction that skips to local label~|c|. In the latter case, the |skip_byte| in that instruction will (temporarily) be zero if there were no prior skips to this label, or it will be the distance to the prior skip. We may need to cancel skips that span more than 127 lig/kern steps. @d cancel_skips(#)==ll:=#; repeat lll:=qo(skip_byte(ll)); skip_byte(ll):=stop_flag; ll:=ll-lll; until lll=0 @d skip_error(#)==begin print_err("Too far to skip"); @.Too far to skip@> help1("At most 127 lig/kern steps can separate skipto1 from 1::."); error; cancel_skips(#); end @<Process a |skip_to| command and |goto done|@>= begin c:=get_code; if nl-skip_table[c]>128 then {|skip_table[c]<<nl<=undefined_label|} begin skip_error(skip_table[c]); skip_table[c]:=undefined_label; end; if skip_table[c]=undefined_label then skip_byte(nl-1):=qi(0) else skip_byte(nl-1):=qi(nl-skip_table[c]-1); skip_table[c]:=nl-1; goto done; end @ @<Record a label in a lig/kern subprogram and |goto continue|@>= begin if cur_cmd=colon then if c=256 then bch_label:=nl else set_tag(c,lig_tag,nl) else if skip_table[c]<undefined_label then begin ll:=skip_table[c]; skip_table[c]:=undefined_label; repeat lll:=qo(skip_byte(ll)); if nl-ll>128 then begin skip_error(ll); goto continue; end; skip_byte(ll):=qi(nl-ll-1); ll:=ll-lll; until lll=0; end; goto continue; end @x module 1112 next_char(nl):=qi(c); op_bit(nl):=qi(cur_mod); stop_bit(nl):=qi(0); if cur_mod=0 then rem_byte(nl):=qi(get_code) @y begin next_char(nl):=qi(c); skip_byte(nl):=qi(0); if cur_mod<128 then {ligature op} begin op_byte(nl):=qi(cur_mod); rem_byte(nl):=qi(get_code); end @z @x ibid begin if nk=256 then overflow("kern",256); @:METAFONT capacity exceeded kern}{\quad kern@> incr(nk); end; rem_byte(nl):=qi(k); end @y begin if nk=max_kerns then overflow("kern",max_kerns); @:METAFONT capacity exceeded kern}{\quad kern@> incr(nk); end; op_byte(nl):=kern_flag+(k div 256); rem_byte(nl):=qi((k mod 256)); end; lk_started:=true; end @z @x module 1135 tfm_two(6+lh+(ec-bc+1)+nw+nh+nd+ni+nl+nk+ne+np); {this is the total number of file words that will be output} tfm_two(lh); tfm_two(bc); tfm_two(ec); tfm_two(nw); tfm_two(nh); tfm_two(nd); tfm_two(ni); tfm_two(nl); tfm_two(nk); tfm_two(ne); tfm_two(np); @y @<Compute the ligature/kern program offset and implant the left boundary label@>; tfm_two(6+lh+(ec-bc+1)+nw+nh+nd+ni+nl+lk_offset+nk+ne+np); {this is the total number of file words that will be output} tfm_two(lh); tfm_two(bc); tfm_two(ec); tfm_two(nw); tfm_two(nh); tfm_two(nd); tfm_two(ni); tfm_two(nl+lk_offset); tfm_two(nk); tfm_two(ne); tfm_two(np); @z % modules 1137&1138 are combined into a single module % and so are modules 1140--1141, to make room for two new modules. @x module 1136 is moved to after old module 1141 @y and changed to the following code: @ @<Log the subfile sizes of the \.{TFM} file@>= if bch_label<undefined_label then decr(nl); wlog_ln('(You used ',nw:1,'w,',@| nh:1,'h,',@| nd:1,'d,',@| ni:1,'i,',@| nl:1,'l,',@| nk:1,'k,',@| ne:1,'e,',@| np:1,'p metric file positions'); wlog_ln(' out of ',@| '256w,16h,16d,64i,',@| lig_table_size:1,'l,',max_kerns:1,'k,256e,',@| max_font_dimen:1,'p)'); end @z @x module 1139 is completely replaced @y by the following three modules: @ We need to output special instructions at the beginning of the |lig_kern| array in order to specify the right boundary character and/or to handle starting addresses that exceed 255. The |label_loc| and |label_char| arrays have been set up to record all the starting addesses; we have $-1=|label_loc|[0]<|label_loc|[1]\le\cdots \le|label_loc|[|label_ptr]|$. @<Compute the ligature/kern program offset...@>= bchar:=round_unscaled(internal[boundary_char]); if(bchar<0)or(bchar>255)then begin bchar:=-1; lk_started:=false; lk_offset:=0;@+end else begin lk_started:=true; lk_offset:=1;@+end; @<Find the minimum |lk_offset| and adjust all remainders@>; if bch_label<undefined_label then begin skip_byte(nl):=qi(255); next_char(nl):=qi(0); op_byte(nl):=qi(((bch_label+lk_offset)div 256)); rem_byte(nl):=qi(((bch_label+lk_offset)mod 256)); incr(nl); {possibly |nl=lig_table_size+1|} end @ @<Find the minimum |lk_offset|...@>= k:=label_ptr; {pointer to the largest unallocated label} if label_loc[k]+lk_offset>255 then begin lk_offset:=0; lk_started:=false; {location 0 can do double duty} repeat char_remainder[label_char[k]]:=lk_offset; while label_loc[k-1]=label_loc[k] do begin decr(k); char_remainder[label_char[k]]:=lk_offset; end; incr(lk_offset); decr(k); until lk_offset+label_loc[k]<256; {N.B.: |lk_offset=256| satisfies this when |k=0|} end; if lk_offset>0 then while k>0 do begin char_remainder[label_char[k]] :=char_remainder[label_char[k]]+lk_offset; decr(k); end @ @<Output the ligature/kern program@>= for k:=0 to 255 do if skip_table[k]<undefined_label then begin print_nl("(local label "); print_int(k); print(":: was missing)"); @.local label l:: was missing@> cancel_skips(skip_table[k]); end; if lk_started then {|lk_offset=1| for the special |bchar|} begin tfm_out(255); tfm_out(bchar); tfm_two(0); end else for k:=1 to lk_offset do {output the redirection specs} begin ll:=label_loc[label_ptr]; if bchar<0 then begin tfm_out(254); tfm_out(0); end else begin tfm_out(255); tfm_out(bchar); end; tfm_two(ll+lk_offset); repeat decr(label_ptr); until label_loc[label_ptr]<ll; end; for k:=0 to nl-1 do tfm_qqqq(lig_kern[k]); for k:=0 to nk-1 do tfm_four(dimen_out(kern[k])) @z @x module 1205 gets a new declaration @y @!lk_offset:0..256; {extra words inserted at beginning of |lig_kern| array} @z 552. Improved the covering/shortening routines. (18 Dec 89) @x module 1119 gets a new global variable @y @!excess:halfword; {the list is this much too long} @z @x module 1120 gives it a value begin if min_cover(0)<=m then threshold:=0 @y begin excess:=min_cover(0)-m; if excess<=0 then threshold:=0 @z @x and module 1122 uses it begin repeat p:=link(p); info(p):=m; @y begin repeat p:=link(p); info(p):=m; decr(excess);@+if excess=0 then d:=0; @z @x and module 1122 also avoids overflow/ambiguous halving v:=half(l+value(p)); @y v:=l+half(value(p)-l); @z 553. (Change made by Joe Weening as per message from DEK.) @x module 1119 @!excess:halfword; {the list is this much too long} @y @!excess:integer; {the list is this much too long} @z 554. (I sincerely hope that there won't be any more) ######################################################################## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Character code reference %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Upper case letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ % Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz % Digits: 0123456789 % Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> () % Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / | % Punctuation: . ? ! , : ; % Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - = % Quotes--right left double: ' ` " %"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % & % "hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [ end of message 023 ]