Date:     27 Mar 90                             Message No:     024
To:       TeX implementors and distributors
From:     Barbara Beeton
Subject:  TeX 3.0 is here; BibTeX; inquiry from Peter Breitenlohner
The files for TeX 3.0 were installed at labrea on Sunday, Mar 25.
I shall confine this message to just a few items: the differences
between TeX 2.993 and 3.0, updates to TEX82.BUG, and a list of the
files that have been updated at labrea since 6 Jan 90.  (That is a
random date, but I think it should include just about everything
that is really important, and should save some of you from having
to spend the time getting a directory.)
There have been some new names added to the list, and some address
changes, so I would appreciate an acknowledgement that everyone has
received this message.
I am still trying to figure out how to get copies of the TRIP and TRAP
files to everyone.  I have received simple C programs for encoding and
decoding files, and that may be a practical option.  Please send the
following information along with your acknowledgement:
  1 Do you have access to FTP?  (In other words, you can get all the
    files you need direct from labrea.)
  2 Would you be willing to provide copies of the TRIP files to other
    implementors in your area?  (That is, I would have to send copies
    of the TRIP and TRAP files to fewer people, but everyone would
    still be taken care of.)
  3 Do you have a C compiler?  (In other words, if I sent copies of
    the encoding/decoding programs, you could compile them and then
    use them to convert files encoded here and sent to you back into
    useful form.)
  4 Would you prefer getting the TRIP and TRAP files on diskette, and
    if so, in what format?  (I can create only IBM PC compatible
    diskettes myself, and that isn't really convenient.  To get other
    formats, I will have to find someone else to do it.  So either of
    these options may take longer than electronic mail.)
  5 If you have any other suggestions, I'd be delighted to hear them.
On another topic, I spoke yesterday with Oren Patashnik, who has finally
finished his dissertation and is now working on BibTeX 1.0.  Although
he does not want to be deluged with requests for new features, he did
express a concern that he may have missed some things that are important
to European users of BibTeX.  He is also interested in hearing about any
bugs that may still be present in the code.  If anyone has anything to
say about either concern, I am preparing a summary of the things I've
seen mentioned in UKTeX, TEX-NL and GUT (he already watches TeXhax) to
send to him, and will be happy to include other information.  Or you
could send your comments directly to him:
Peter Breitenlohner (PEB@DM0MPI11.Bitnet) reported this problem:
    When running the TRIP/TRAP test on the CMS versions of TeX/MF
    I get a discrepancy in the buf_stack usage. To be precise I
    get one less than the files from Stanford say.
    In the TRIP test I get:
         5i,7n,9p,113b,38s stack positions out of 200i,...
    instead of:
         5i,7n,9p,114b,38s stack positions out of 200i,...
    in the TRIP test I get:
         8i,43n,14r,8p,167b stack positions out of 30i,...
    instead of:
         8i,43n,14r,8p,168b stack positions out of 30i,...
    Yes we have modified the function input_ln for efficiency,
    but I have tried to check very carefully that max_buf_stack
    is computed as in the original version.
    To be sure I just redid the TRIP test with all modifications of
    input_ln removed (i.e. with the original version of input_ln).
    I still get the same discrepancy ????????????????
    Do you know of anyone else having a similar problem.
Can anyone help?
By the way, if anyone wants to send a message to this list, it should
be very easy.  The address is on the Internet:
Be warned, though, that depending on the phase of the moon and the whim
of the mail forwarding software at various gateways, some addresses may
get bounced, and some may just fall into the void.  There are several
implementors who don't have any e-mail access at all, and if you would
like them included in a message distribution, please send me a separate
note, and I will ask the TUG office to handle the postal distribution.
Differences between TEX.WEB 2.993 and 3.0
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-41 (2739)
% A reward of $163.84 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining bug,
% not counting changes introduced after August 1989.
% (This amount will double again in 1990.)
% Although considerable effort has been expended to make the TeX program
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-40 (2737)
% Version 3.0 fixed unusual displays; was more \output robust (March 1990).
% A reward of $327.68 will be paid to the first finder of any remaining bug,
% not counting changes introduced after August 1989.
% Although considerable effort has been expended to make the TeX program
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-186 (10245)
@d banner=='This is TeX, Version 2.993' {printed when \TeX\ starts}
@ Different \PASCAL s have slightly different conventions, and the present
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-186 (10278)
@d banner=='This is TeX, Version 3.0' {printed when \TeX\ starts}
@ Different \PASCAL s have slightly different conventions, and the present
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-434 (23068)
  about |(mem_max-mem_min)/10|, but 2100 is already quite generous}
@d hash_prime=1777 {a prime number equal to about 85\pct! of |hash_size|}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-434 (23099)
  about |(mem_max-mem_min)/10|}
@d hash_prime=1777 {a prime number equal to about 85\pct! of |hash_size|}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-1012 (48416)
@<Report overflow of the input buffer, and abort@>=
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-1011 (48409)
(If the \PASCAL\ compiler does not support non-local |@!goto|, the
@^system dependencies@>
statement `|goto final_end|' should be replaced by something that
quietly terminates the program.)
@<Report overflow of the input buffer, and abort@>=
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-1829 (81516)
goes to |end_of_TEX|. This is the only nonlocal |@!goto| statement in the
whole program. It is used when there is no recovery from a particular error.
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-1833 (81705)
goes to |end_of_TEX|. This is the only nontrivial |@!goto| statement in the
whole program. It is used when there is no recovery from a particular error.
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-6151 (274364)
definitions, marks, and \.{\\write} texts are kept in \TeX's memory in the
form of token lists, preceded by a node that has a reference count in its
|token_ref_count| field. The token stored in location |p| is called
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-6155 (274555)
definitions, marks, \.{\\write} texts, and a few other things
are remembered by \TeX\ in the form
of token lists, usually preceded by a node with a reference count in its
|token_ref_count| field. The token stored in location |p| is called
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-6523 (291727)
@!input_file : array[1..max_in_open] of alpha_file;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-6528 (291941)
@!open_parens : 0..max_in_open; {the number of open text files}
@!input_file : array[1..max_in_open] of alpha_file;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-7053 (313800)
in_open:=0; max_buf_stack:=0;
param_ptr:=0; max_param_stack:=0;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-7059 (314079)
in_open:=0; open_parens:=0; max_buf_stack:=0;
param_ptr:=0; max_param_stack:=0;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-7497 (331520)
    begin if (end_line_char<0)or(end_line_char>127) then incr(limit);
    if limit=start then {previous line was empty}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-7503 (331815)
    begin if end_line_char_inactive then incr(limit);
    if limit=start then {previous line was empty}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-7531 (332655)
  begin print_char(")"); force_eof:=false;
  update_terminal; {show user that file has been read}
  end_file_reading; {resume previous level}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-7537 (332934)
  begin print_char(")"); decr(open_parens);
  update_terminal; {show user that file has been read}
  end_file_reading; {resume previous level}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-8039 (354643)
@ If |long_state=outer_call|, a runaway argument has already been reported.
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-8046 (354944)
end {a white lie; the \.{\\par} won't always trigger a runaway}
@ If |long_state=outer_call|, a runaway argument has already been reported.
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-9811 (423493)
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-9818 (423854)
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-9819 (423724)
while (p<>null)and(q<>null) do
  if info(p)<>info(q) then p:=null
  else  begin p:=link(p); q:=link(q);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-9826 (424098)
if p=q then b:=true
else begin while (p<>null)and(q<>null) do
    if info(p)<>info(q) then p:=null
    else  begin p:=link(p); q:=link(q);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-10334 (445117)
print_char("("); print(name); update_terminal; state:=new_line;
if name=str_ptr-1 then {we can conserve string pool space now}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-10343 (445539)
print_char("("); incr(open_parens); print(name); update_terminal;
if name=str_ptr-1 then {we can conserve string pool space now}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-10348 (445589)
begin if not input_ln(cur_file,false) then do_nothing;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-10358 (446031)
begin if input_ln(cur_file,false) then do_nothing;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-14297 (620139)
@<Convert \(m)math glue to ordinary glue@>=
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-14306 (620575)
@!@:non_script_}{\.{\\nonscript} primitive@>
@<Convert \(m)math glue to ordinary glue@>=
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-15757 (682439)
  begin if type(q)=unset_node then
    @<Set the unset box |q| and the unset boxes in it@>
  else if type(q)=rule_node then
    @<Make the running dimensions in rule |q| extend to the
      boundaries of the alignment@>;
  s:=q; q:=link(q);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-15768 (682923)
  begin if not is_char_node(q) then
    if type(q)=unset_node then
      @<Set the unset box |q| and the unset boxes in it@>
    else if type(q)=rule_node then
      @<Make the running dimensions in rule |q| extend to the
        boundaries of the alignment@>;
  s:=q; q:=link(q);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16291 (708908)
@!artificial_badness:boolean; {has |b| been forced to zero?}
@!save_link:pointer; {temporarily holds value of |link(cur_p)|}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16303 (709433)
@!artificial_demerits:boolean; {has |d| been forced to zero?}
@!save_link:pointer; {temporarily holds value of |link(cur_p)|}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16327 (710517)
@!minimal_demerits:array[very_loose_fit..tight_fit] of scaled; {best total
  demerits known for current line class and position, given the fitness}
@!minimum_demerits:scaled; {best total demerits known for current line class
  and position}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16339 (711043)
@!minimal_demerits:array[very_loose_fit..tight_fit] of integer; {best total
  demerits known for current line class and position, given the fitness}
@!minimum_demerits:integer; {best total demerits known for current line class
  and position}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16372 (712390)
for fit_class:=very_loose_fit to tight_fit do
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16384 (712918)
if abs(adj_demerits)>=awful_bad-minimum_demerits then
else minimum_demerits:=minimum_demerits+abs(adj_demerits);
for fit_class:=very_loose_fit to tight_fit do
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16648 (724003)
begin @!stat artificial_badness:=false;@+tats@/
@^inner loop@>
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16662 (724624)
begin artificial_demerits:=false;@/
@^inner loop@>
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16715 (726855)
  begin b:=0; {set badness zero, this break is forced}
  @!stat artificial_badness:=true;@+tats
else if b>threshold then goto deactivate;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16729 (727464)
  artificial_demerits:=true {set demerits zero, this break is forced}
else if b>threshold then goto deactivate;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16730 (727496)
@<Compute the demerits, |d|, from |r| to |cur_p|@>;
@!stat if tracing_paragraphs>0 then
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16742 (728071)
if artificial_demerits then d:=0
else @<Compute the demerits, |d|, from |r| to |cur_p|@>;
@!stat if tracing_paragraphs>0 then
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16759 (728599)
if artificial_badness then print_char("*")@+else print_int(b);
print(" p="); print_int(pi);
print(" d="); print_int(d);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16772 (729213)
if b>inf_bad then print_char("*")@+else print_int(b);
print(" p="); print_int(pi); print(" d=");
if artificial_demerits then print_char("*")@+else print_int(d);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16789 (729635)
d:=line_penalty+b; d:=d*d;
if pi<>0 then
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16802 (730290)
begin d:=line_penalty+b;
if abs(d)>=10000 then d:=100000000@+else d:=d*d;
if pi<>0 then
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-16796 (729893)
if abs(fit_class-fitness(r))>1 then d:=d+adj_demerits
@ When an active node disappears, we must delete an adjacent delta node if the
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-16810 (730596)
if abs(fit_class-fitness(r))>1 then d:=d+adj_demerits;
@ When an active node disappears, we must delete an adjacent delta node if the
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-17443 (757502)
label common_ending,done,found,found1,not_found,not_found+1,exit;
var @<Local variables for hyphenation@>@;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-17458 (758211)
label common_ending,done,found,found1,found2,not_found,exit;
var @<Local variables for hyphenation@>@;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-17573 (762590)
if type(hb)=ligature_node then if odd(subtype(hb)) then
if is_char_node(ha) then
  begin init_list:=ha; init_lig:=false; hu[0]:=qo(character(ha));
else if type(ha)=ligature_node then
  begin init_list:=lig_ptr(ha); init_lig:=true; init_lft:=(subtype(ha)>1);
  if init_list=null then if init_lft then
    begin hu[0]:=256; init_lig:=false;
    end; {in this case a ligature will be reconstructed from scratch}
else goto not_found+1; {no punctuation found}
s:=cur_p; {we have |cur_p<>ha| because |type(cur_p)=glue_node|}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-17588 (763294)
if not is_char_node(hb) then
 if type(hb)=ligature_node then if odd(subtype(hb)) then
if is_char_node(ha) then
  if font(ha)<>hf then goto found2
  else begin init_list:=ha; init_lig:=false; hu[0]:=qo(character(ha));
else if type(ha)=ligature_node then
  if font(lig_char(ha))<>hf then goto found2
  else begin init_list:=lig_ptr(ha); init_lig:=true; init_lft:=(subtype(ha)>1);
    if init_list=null then if init_lft then
      begin hu[0]:=256; init_lig:=false;
      end; {in this case a ligature will be reconstructed from scratch}
else begin {no punctuation found; look for left boundary}
  if not is_char_node(r) then if type(r)=ligature_node then
   if subtype(r)>1 then goto found2;
  j:=1; s:=ha; init_list:=null; goto common_ending;
s:=cur_p; {we have |cur_p<>ha| because |type(cur_p)=glue_node|}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-17590 (763293)
not_found+1: j:=1; s:=ha; init_list:=null;
if not is_char_node(r) then if type(r)=ligature_node then
 if subtype(r)>1 then
  begin j:=0; hu[0]:=256; init_lig:=false;
common_ending: flush_node_list(r);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-17612 (764306)
found2: s:=ha; j:=0; hu[0]:=256; init_lig:=false; init_list:=null;
common_ending: flush_node_list(r);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-19734 (856246)
else  begin wait:=false; s:=ins_ptr(p);
  link(last_ins_ptr(r)):=s; s:=last_ins_ptr(r);
  if best_ins_ptr(r)=p then
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-19752 (857149)
else  begin wait:=false; s:=last_ins_ptr(r); link(s):=ins_ptr(p);
  if best_ins_ptr(r)=p then
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-19752 (856951)
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-19769 (857831)
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-19759 (857236)
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-19777 (858136)
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-19816 (859123)
begin if loc<>null then @<Recover from an unbalanced output routine@>;
end_token_list; {conserve stack space in case more outputs are triggered}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-19833 (860003)
begin if (loc<>null) or
 ((token_type<>output_text)and(token_type<>backed_up)) then
  @<Recover from an unbalanced output routine@>;
end_token_list; {conserve stack space in case more outputs are triggered}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-19836 (859949)
help2("Your sneaky output routine has fewer real {'s than }'s.")@/
("I can't handle that very well; good luck."); error;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-19855 (860894)
help2("Your sneaky output routine has problematic {'s and/or }'s.")@/
("I can't handle that very well; good luck."); error;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-19840 (860108)
@ @<Ensure that box 255 is empty after output@>=
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-19859 (861056)
end {loops forever if reading from a file, since |null=min_halfword<=0|}
@ @<Ensure that box 255 is empty after output@>=
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-20367 (883423)
  build_page; {append \.{\\hbox to \\hsize\{\}\\vss\\penalty-'10000000000}}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-20386 (884440)
  build_page; {append \.{\\hbox to \\hsize\{\}\\vfill\\penalty-'10000000000}}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-20568 (891433)
@ It's very hard to get this error message; indeed, the case didn't arise
until more than two years after it had been programmed.
@<Drop current token and complain that it was unmatched@>=
begin print_err("Extra "); print_cmd_chr(cur_cmd,cur_chr);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-20587 (892452)
@ @<Drop current token and complain that it was unmatched@>=
begin print_err("Extra "); print_cmd_chr(cur_cmd,cur_chr);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-22187 (951719)
removed when they surround a single Ord character or, when they
surround an accent that is the nucleus of an Ord atom.
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-22203 (952606)
removed when they surround a single Ord without sub/superscripts, or when they
surround an accent that is the nucleus of an Ord atom.
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-22278 (954827)
  begin cur_mlist:=p; cur_style:=text_style; mlist_penalties:=false;
  mlist_to_hlist; a:=hpack(link(temp_head),natural);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-22294 (955729)
  begin @<Check that another \.\$ follows@>;
  cur_mlist:=p; cur_style:=text_style; mlist_penalties:=false;
  mlist_to_hlist; a:=hpack(link(temp_head),natural);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-22282 (955044)
  if danger then flush_math;
  m:=mode; p:=fin_mlist(null);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-22299 (955986)
  @<Check that the necessary fonts for math symbols are present;
    if not, flush the current math lists and set |danger:=true|@>;
  m:=mode; p:=fin_mlist(null);
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-22287 (955165)
else  begin @<Check that another \.\$ follows@>;
  @<Finish displayed math@>;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-22306 (956229)
else  begin if a=null then @<Check that another \.\$ follows@>;
  @<Finish displayed math@>;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-22365 (958481)
adjust_tail:=adjust_head; b:=hpack(p,natural);
t:=adjust_tail; adjust_tail:=null;@/
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-22384 (959560)
adjust_tail:=adjust_head; b:=hpack(p,natural); p:=list_ptr(b);
t:=adjust_tail; adjust_tail:=null;@/
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-22425 (960728)
  if p<>null then if type(p)=glue_node then d:=0;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-22444 (961823)
  if p<>null then if not is_char_node(p) then if type(p)=glue_node then d:=0;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-22458 (961923)
shift_amount(b):=s+d; append_to_vlist(b);
if t<>adjust_head then
  begin link(tail):=link(adjust_head); tail:=t;
@ @<Append the glue or equation number following the display@>=
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-22477 (963046)
shift_amount(b):=s+d; append_to_vlist(b)
@ @<Append the glue or equation number following the display@>=
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-22468 (962255)
else  begin tail_append(new_penalty(post_display_penalty));
@ When \.{\\halign} appears in a display, the alignment routines operate
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-22484 (963296)
if t<>adjust_head then {migrating material comes after equation number}
  begin link(tail):=link(adjust_head); tail:=t;
if g2>0 then tail_append(new_param_glue(g2))
@ When \.{\\halign} appears in a display, the alignment routines operate
**** FILE TX:<TEX.TEX>TEX-2-993.WEB.1, 1-24221 (1024814)
if cur_level>level_one then
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TEX-3-0.WEB.1, 1-24239 (1025936)
while open_parens>0 do
  begin print(" )"); decr(open_parens);
if cur_level>level_one then
Updates to TEX82.BUG
380. Slightly more robust recovery and detection of \output anomalies.
(Suggested by Chris Thompson, provoked by George Russell, January 1990)
@x module 1026
begin if loc<>null then @<Recover from an unbalanced output routine@>;
begin if (loc<>null) or
 ((token_type<>output_text)and(token_type<>backed_up)) then
  @<Recover from an unbalanced output routine@>;
@x module 1027
help2("Your sneaky output routine has fewer real {'s than }'s.")@/
help2("Your sneaky output routine has problematic {'s and/or }'s.")@/
381. \eqno\aftergroup*$$ should yield * after the $$ (Michael Downes, 29 Jan 90)
@x module 1194
  begin cur_mlist:=p; cur_style:=text_style; mlist_penalties:=false;
  begin @<Check that another \.\$ follows@>;
  cur_mlist:=p; cur_style:=text_style; mlist_penalties:=false;
@x ibid
else  begin @<Check that another \.\$ follows@>;
else  begin if a=null then @<Check that another \.\$ follows@>;
382. Missed a case in the 8-bit change (Wayne Sullivan, 1 Feb 1990)
@x module 360
    begin if (end_line_char<0)or(end_line_char>127) then incr(limit);
    begin if end_line_char_inactive then incr(limit);
383. Linebreaking needs to be more robust when total demerits get
very high (Frank Mittelbach, 22 Feb 1990)
@x module 830
@!artificial_badness:boolean; {has |b| been forced to zero?}
@!artificial_demerits:boolean; {has |d| been forced to zero?}
@x module 833 (this change is cosmetic only)
@!minimal_demerits:array[very_loose_fit..tight_fit] of scaled; {best total
  demerits known for current line class and position, given the fitness}
@!minimum_demerits:scaled; {best total demerits known for current line class
@!minimal_demerits:array[very_loose_fit..tight_fit] of integer; {best total
  demerits known for current line class and position, given the fitness}
@!minimum_demerits:integer; {best total demerits known for current line class
@x module 836 here we want to ensure that total_demerits < awful_bad
if abs(adj_demerits)>=awful_bad-minimum_demerits then
else minimum_demerits:=minimum_demerits+abs(adj_demerits);
@x module 851
begin @!stat artificial_badness:=false;@+tats@/
begin artificial_demerits:=false;@/
@x module 854
  begin b:=0; {set badness zero, this break is forced}
  @!stat artificial_badness:=true;@+tats
  artificial_demerits:=true {set demerits zero, this break is forced}
@x module 855
@<Compute the demerits, |d|, from |r| to |cur_p|@>;
if artificial_demerits then d:=0
else @<Compute the demerits, |d|, from |r| to |cur_p|@>;
@x module 856
if artificial_badness then print_char("*")@+else print_int(b);
print(" p="); print_int(pi);
print(" d="); print_int(d);
if b>inf_bad then print_char("*")@+else print_int(b);
print(" p="); print_int(pi); print(" d=");
if artificial_demerits then print_char("*")@+else print_int(d);
@x module 859
d:=line_penalty+b; d:=d*d;
begin d:=line_penalty+b;
if abs(d)>=10000 then d:=100000000@+else d:=d*d;
@x ibid
if abs(fit_class-fitness(r))>1 then d:=d+adj_demerits
if abs(fit_class-fitness(r))>1 then d:=d+adj_demerits;
384. Math fonts may disappear outside of \eqno (Marc van Leeuwen).
@x module 1194
  if danger then flush_math;
  @<Check that the necessary fonts for math symbols are present;
    if not, flush the current math lists and set |danger:=true|@>;
385. Forgot to rule out charnode when testing for node type (Marc van Leeuwen).
@x module 805
  begin if type(q)=unset_node then
    @<Set the unset box |q| and the unset boxes in it@>
  else if type(q)=rule_node then
    @<Make the running dimensions in rule |q| extend to the
      boundaries of the alignment@>;
  begin if not is_char_node(q) then
    if type(q)=unset_node then
      @<Set the unset box |q| and the unset boxes in it@>
    else if type(q)=rule_node then
      @<Make the running dimensions in rule |q| extend to the
        boundaries of the alignment@>;
@x module 903
if type(hb)=ligature_node then if odd(subtype(hb)) then
if not is_char_node(hb) then
 if type(hb)=ligature_node then if odd(subtype(hb)) then
@x module 1202
  if p<>null then if type(p)=glue_node then d:=0;
  if p<>null then if not is_char_node(p) then if type(p)=glue_node then d:=0;
386. Don't change the font of punctuation before a hyphenated word
     (Scott Allendorf, reported 7 Mar 90)
@x module 895
label common_ending,done,found,found1,not_found,not_found+1,exit;
label common_ending,done,found,found1,found2,not_found,exit;
@x module 903
if is_char_node(ha) then
  begin init_list:=ha; init_lig:=false; hu[0]:=qo(character(ha));
else if type(ha)=ligature_node then
  begin init_list:=lig_ptr(ha); init_lig:=true; init_lft:=(subtype(ha)>1);
  if init_list=null then if init_lft then
    begin hu[0]:=256; init_lig:=false;
    end; {in this case a ligature will be reconstructed from scratch}
else goto not_found+1; {no punctuation found}
s:=cur_p; {we have |cur_p<>ha| because |type(cur_p)=glue_node|}
while link(s)<>ha do s:=link(s);
j:=0; goto common_ending;
not_found+1: j:=1; s:=ha; init_list:=null;
if not is_char_node(r) then if type(r)=ligature_node then
 if subtype(r)>1 then
  begin j:=0; hu[0]:=256; init_lig:=false;
if is_char_node(ha) then
  if font(ha)<>hf then goto found2
  else begin init_list:=ha; init_lig:=false; hu[0]:=qo(character(ha));
else if type(ha)=ligature_node then
  if font(lig_char(ha))<>hf then goto found2
  else begin init_list:=lig_ptr(ha); init_lig:=true; init_lft:=(subtype(ha)>1);
    if init_list=null then if init_lft then
      begin hu[0]:=256; init_lig:=false;
      end; {in this case a ligature will be reconstructed from scratch}
else begin {no punctuation found; look for left boundary}
  if not is_char_node(r) then if type(r)=ligature_node then
   if subtype(r)>1 then goto found2;
  j:=1; s:=ha; init_list:=null; goto common_ending;
s:=cur_p; {we have |cur_p<>ha| because |type(cur_p)=glue_node|}
while link(s)<>ha do s:=link(s);
j:=0; goto common_ending;
found2: s:=ha; j:=0; hu[0]:=256; init_lig:=false; init_list:=null;
387. Balance the parens showing on the terminal (for Lispers).
@x module 304
@!in_open : 0..max_in_open; {the number of lines in the buffer, less one}
@!in_open : 0..max_in_open; {the number of lines in the buffer, less one}
@!open_parens : 0..max_in_open; {the number of open text files}
@x module 331
in_open:=0; max_buf_stack:=0;
in_open:=0; open_parens:=0; max_buf_stack:=0;
@x module 362
  begin print_char(")"); force_eof:=false;
  update_terminal; {show user that file has been read}
  begin print_char(")"); decr(open_parens);
  update_terminal; {show user that file has been read}
@x module 537
print_char("("); print(name); update_terminal; state:=new_line;
print_char("("); incr(open_parens); print(name); update_terminal;
@x module 1334
if job_name=0 then open_log_file;
if job_name=0 then open_log_file;
while open_parens>0 do
  begin print(" )"); decr(open_parens);
388. Optimize \ifx\p\q after \let\p=\q (Marc van Leeuwen says that
  AmS-TeX uses this a lot).
@x module 508
  while (p<>null)and(q<>null) do
  if info(p)<>info(q) then p:=null
  else  begin p:=link(p); q:=link(q);
if p=q then b:=true
else begin while (p<>null)and(q<>null) do
    if info(p)<>info(q) then p:=null
    else  begin p:=link(p); q:=link(q);
@x module 538 (while we're at it, might as well optimize this too)
begin if not input_ln(cur_file,false) then do_nothing;
begin if input_ln(cur_file,false) then do_nothing;
@x module 1020 (and this)
else  begin wait:=false; s:=ins_ptr(p);
  link(last_ins_ptr(r)):=s; s:=last_ins_ptr(r);
else  begin wait:=false; s:=last_ins_ptr(r); link(s):=ins_ptr(p);
389. Treat migration properly in displays (Marc van Leeuwen).
@x module 1199 (a bad bug that really has bitten)
adjust_tail:=adjust_head; b:=hpack(p,natural);
adjust_tail:=adjust_head; b:=hpack(p,natural); p:=list_ptr(b);
@x module 1204
shift_amount(b):=s+d; append_to_vlist(b);
if t<>adjust_head then
  begin link(tail):=link(adjust_head); tail:=t;
shift_amount(b):=s+d; append_to_vlist(b)
@x module 1205
else  begin tail_append(new_penalty(post_display_penalty));
if t<>adjust_head then {migrating material comes after equation number}
  begin link(tail):=link(adjust_head); tail:=t;
if g2>0 then tail_append(new_param_glue(g2))
-----------Here I draw the line with respect to further changes
390. (I sincerely hope that there won't be any more)
New files at since 6 Jan 90
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-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5             928 Mar 25 16:44 CHANGES.Mar90 *
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-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           39792 Mar 25 16:16 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           43157 Mar 25 16:16 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           39891 Mar 25 16:16 cm85.bug *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           12359 Mar 25 16:16 errata.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          121688 Mar 25 16:17 errorlog.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           78087 Mar 25 16:17 mf84.bug *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          293189 Mar 25 16:17 tex82.bug *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           87839 Feb  7 11:25 vftovp.web *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          122079 Jan 30 09:48 vptovf.web *
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-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5             552 Jan 28  1989 ransom10.tfm *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            7464 Jan 28  1989 ransom10.300gf *
                [ lcircle*.mf renamed from circle*.mf ]
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5             125 Apr  3  1986 *
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5             125 Apr  3  1986 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           22394 Mar 25 16:17 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           43760 Mar 25 16:17 plain.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            9204 Mar 25 16:17 testfont.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            9992 Mar 25 16:18 webmac.tex *
                [ lcircle*.mf renamed from circle*.mf ]
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5             125 Apr  3  1986 *
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5             125 Apr  3  1986 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5             772 Jan  3 18:10 Makefile *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           10843 Mar 25 16:18 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            4384 Jan  3 23:26 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            5307 Jan  7 22:39 epsf.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            3201 Jan  6 02:17 fontchart.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           33672 Jan  7 13:32 gkpmac.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            4300 Jan  8 09:59 letter.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            1485 Jan  5 18:24 list.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            2083 Jan  5 20:22 llist.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            8220 Mar 25 16:18 picmac.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            1936 Jan  7 22:39 rotate.tex *
-rwxr--r--  1 0        5            6513 Oct 29 20:13 tex.1 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5             791 Dec 30 23:07 vftovp.1 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5             848 Dec 30 23:14 vptovf.1 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            1958 Jan  7 21:53 Makefile *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           54080 Mar 25 16:18 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           22157 Mar 25 16:18 mf.pool *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5             690 Mar 25 16:18 plain.log *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5             996 Nov  8 11:59 Makefile *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           11456 Nov 23 00:04 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            8404 Nov 18 21:58 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           47330 Nov 18 21:56 pktype.web *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            1873 Jan  7 21:51 Makefile *
-rwxr--r--  1 0        5             664 Oct 30 18:21 ini_to_trip *
-rwxr--r--  1 0        5             447 Nov 30 14:03 ini_to_vir *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           53593 Mar 25 16:18 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          165468 Jan  8 00:31 plain.fmt *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            2367 Mar 25 16:18 plain.log *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           25675 Mar 25 16:18 tex.pool *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5             809 Dec 11 23:14 Makefile *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           16127 Jan  2 18:07 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            4454 Jan  3 23:30 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            7033 Dec 10 23:40 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5             682 Nov  8 12:00 Makefile *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           20055 Mar 25 16:18 *
total 2013
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          916616 Mar 25 16:20 mf.web *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          938281 Mar 25 16:21 mfbook.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            1703 Mar 25 16:21 trap.fot *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          121719 Mar 25 16:21 trap.log *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           11842 Mar 25 16:21 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           10388 Dec 20 13:04
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            4550 Mar 25 16:21 trap.typ *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            4586 Mar 25 16:21 trapin.log *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           18249 Dec  4 20:32 trapman.tex
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          186565 Jan  2 14:16 gftodvi.web *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           92291 Nov 23 00:04 gftopk.web *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           74981 Dec  4 16:19 mft.web *
total 131
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5             842 Mar 25 16:40 TeX3.0.patch1 *
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5            2999 Mar 25 16:40 TeX3.0.patch2 *
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5           48519 Mar 25 16:40 TeX3.0.patch3 *
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5           39542 Mar 25 16:40 TeX3.0.patch4 *
-rw-rw-r--  1 0        5           40546 Mar 25 16:40 TeX3.0.patch5 *
total 2662
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5         1025443 Mar 25 16:23 tex.web *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5         1381711 Mar 25 16:25 texbook.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            2437 Mar 25 16:25 trip.fot *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          182686 Mar 25 16:25 trip.log *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           16990 Oct  6 09:35
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           22555 Mar 25 16:25 trip.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           18025 Mar 25 16:25 trip.typ *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           12931 Mar 25 16:25 tripin.log *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           19227 Dec  4 19:51 tripman.tex
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5              58 May 30  1983 tripos.tex
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           32405 Feb 26 13:36 guidepro.tex *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           12488 Feb 26 13:35 ltugboat.sty *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           22349 Feb 26 13:35 *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           64456 Feb 26 13:35 tugboat.sty *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5            6154 Feb 26 13:35 tugproc.sty *
total 416
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          129556 Oct  6 17:57 tangle.web
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5          185497 Mar 25 16:26 weave.web *
-rw-r--r--  1 0        5           89194 Mar 25 16:26 webman.tex *
%  Character code reference
%                       Upper case letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
%                       Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
%                                   Digits: 0123456789
% Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> ()
%           Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
%                              Punctuation: . ? ! , : ;
%          Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - =
%                Quotes--right left double: ' ` "
%"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % &
%           "hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~
[ end of message 024 ]