Date:     14 Aug 90                             Message No:     026

To:       TeX implementors and distributors

From:     Barbara Beeton

Subject:  Some corrections; TFtoPL 3.1; catching up

I started putting this message together in April, but was interrupted
and never sent it.  Fortunately, there has not been too much activity in
the intervening months that has required new versions of TeX/ware and
MF/ware to be retrieved and installed; however, I recently received a
message from Knuth saying that he expected to spend some of August
tending to his TeX correspondence, so it's time to clear the decks.

It was called to my attention that some lines in difference listings in
these messages have been corrupted.  Below are corrections as necessary.
The corrected passages include the complete difference segments, not just
individual lines.  Please replace the offending segments as appropriate.
(Note that if you received andy of the affected messages after the initial
mailing, the original files have been corrected.)

A short explanation may be useful.  I use the TOPS-20 SRCCOM program to
generate the difference lists.  This program has a couple of flaws (it
omits blank lines, for example), but it has the virtue that it does not
extend lines beyond their original length, unlike the VMS DIF program,
which is the only other option available to me.  This makes for more
reliable transmission across network gateways.  After creating and
validating a difference file, I transfer it to a VAX for construction of
the message and mailing.  This sometimes runs afoul of a TOPS-20/VMS
imcompatibility, namely that the DEC-20 is a 36-bit-word machine, and
ascii is packed at 5 characters to a word with one slack bit.  If the
slack bit happens to be turned on, that word will be lost in the 20-to-VAX
transfer.  In the examples corrected here, I forgot to take one more step,
namely running the difference files through a program that turns off all
slack bits.  I realize there are undoubtedly better tools available to do
this job automatically, but the local systems programming staff hasn't
come up with any.  Apologies for any problems caused by these errors.

Although it's probably general knowledge by now, having been posted to
TeXhax, Karl Berry is now "more or less maintaining" web2c.  To quote
his most recent message to me, "the port for TeX 3.0 and Metafont 2.0
is released, and now on and, as well
as in Europe."  Any questions can be sent to Karl at
on CSnet.

The afore-mentioned TOPS-20 machine is scheduled to be unplugged at the
end of the year.  One of my biggest jobs is to migrate all the Math
Society's TeX archives and records from the 20 to the VAX, and I'm
spending every spare moment on that.  In the process, I keep finding
things that should have been announced here, so I will announce them,
regardless of how late.  For a start, TFtoPL was upgraded to version 3.1
last November.  Differences between versions 3.0 and 3.1 below.

Oren Patashnik has announced the availability of a set of TeX macros that
make BibTeX work with plain TeX; the message to TeXhax will be distributed
in due course, but here's a copy of the advance notice he sent me:

    Date: Tue, 14 Aug 1990 10:19:50 PDT
    From: Oren Patashnik <opbibtex@Neon.Stanford.EDU>
    Subject: BibTeX-for-plain-TeX macros

    There is now distributed with BibTeX a set of TeX macros that makes
    BibTeX work with plain TeX (and presumably with other macro packages
    that don't deviate too far from plain TeX).  The file is btxmac.tex,
    stored on Labrea.Stanford.EDU's BibTeX area (pub/tex/bibtex).

        --Oren Patashnik

Finally, it's now been about four months since I last sent a message to
this list, and quite a few address changes have been made.  Please help
out by acknowledging receipt.  (I should hear about the bounces sooner
than I'd like to.)


Corrections to differences between WEBMAC.TEX versions 1.4 and 4.0
(message #25)

**** FILE TX:<TEX82>WEBMAC.CM.1, 1-62 (2808)
\def\A{\note{See also}} % cross-reference for multiply defined section names
\def\B{\mathopen{\.{@\{}}} % begin controlled comment
**** FILE TX:<BNB.WORK>WEBMAC.TEX.1, 1-62 (2843)
\def\A{\note{See also section}} % crossref for doubly defined section name
\def\As{\note{See also sections}} % crossref for multiply defined section name
\def\B{\mathopen{\.{@\{}}} % begin controlled comment

**** FILE TX:<TEX82>WEBMAC.CM.1, 1-186 (9074)
  \def\U{\note{Used in}} % cross-reference for uses of sections
  \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*\let\.=\ttentry}
**** FILE TX:<BNB.WORK>WEBMAC.TEX.1, 1-190 (9406)
  \def\U{\note{Used in section}} % crossref for use of a section
  \def\Us{\note{Used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
  \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*\let\.=\ttentry}


Differences between TFtoPL.WEB versions 3.0 and 3.1


**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-15 (852)
% Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-14 (850)
% Version 3.1 (November 1989) renamed z[] to lig_z[] for better portability.

% Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac

**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-32 (1473)
  \centerline{(Version 3, October 1989)}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-33 (1551)
  \centerline{(Version 3.1, November 1989)}

**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-63 (2869)
@d banner=='This is TFtoPL, Version 3' {printed when the program starts}

@ This program is written entirely in standard \PASCAL, except that
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-64 (2950)
@d banner=='This is TFtoPL, Version 3.1' {printed when the program starts}

@ This program is written entirely in standard \PASCAL, except that

**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1256 (48904)
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1257 (48987)
  end; {there are no other cases}

**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1409 (54539)
@!z:array[0..hash_size] of 0..257;
@!hash_ptr:0..hash_size; {the number of nonzero entries in |hash|}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1410 (54649)
@!lig_z:array[0..hash_size] of 0..257;
@!hash_ptr:0..hash_size; {the number of nonzero entries in |hash|}

**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1471 (57148)
    t:=z[h]; z[h]:=zz; zz:=t;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1472 (57262)
    t:=lig_z[h]; lig_z[h]:=zz; zz:=t;

**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1475 (57240)
hash[h]:=key; class[h]:=cc; z[h]:=zz; incr(hash_ptr); hash_list[hash_ptr]:=h;
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1476 (57362)
hash[h]:=key; class[h]:=cc; lig_z[h]:=zz; incr(hash_ptr);

**** FILE TX:<TEX>TFTOPL-30.WEB.1, 1-1513 (58592)
left_z: begin class[h]:=pending; z[h]:=eval(z[h],y); class[h]:=simple;
right_z: begin class[h]:=pending; z[h]:=eval(x,z[h]); class[h]:=simple;
both_z: begin class[h]:=pending; z[h]:=eval(eval(x,z[h]),y); class[h]:=simple;
pending: begin x_lig_cycle:=x; y_lig_cycle:=y; z[h]:=257; class[h]:=simple;
  end; {the value 257 will break all cycles, since it's not in |hash|}
end; {there are no other cases}
**** FILE TX:<TEX.NEW>TFTOPL-31.WEB.1, 1-1514 (58718)
left_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(lig_z[h],y); class[h]:=simple;
right_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(x,lig_z[h]); class[h]:=simple;
both_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(eval(x,lig_z[h]),y);
pending: begin x_lig_cycle:=x; y_lig_cycle:=y; lig_z[h]:=257; class[h]:=simple;
  end; {the value 257 will break all cycles, since it's not in |hash|}
end; {there are no other cases}


%  Character code reference
%                       Upper case letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
%                       Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
%                                   Digits: 0123456789
% Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> ()
%           Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
%                              Punctuation: . ? ! , : ;
%          Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - =
%                Quotes--right left double: ' ` "
%"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % &
%           "hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~

[ end of message 026 ]