File name:	readme.txt
Author: 	Dimitrios Filippou
Date:	   	Mar 21, 2001

This file contains the copyright statement for the files in this
directory, which are all related to the Greek translation of the
document "A Gentle Introduction to TeX" by Michael Doob
( The document was
translated into Greek by Dimitrios Filippou. More specificaly, this
copyright covers the following files:


(For a short description of these files, please read the file: 

Copyright: Dimitrios Filippou, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001

The present document is distributed by the author and the translator in
the hope that it will be useful to the reader.  However, the author and
the translator are not prepared to provide further information at this
time, and do not accept any liability for the use of this document for
any purpose.  No part of the present document may be reproduced in any
form for commercial or any other profit-driven use.  Limited
reproduction and distribution is permitted only for purely educational
purposes.  Also, the TeX Users Group (TUG) or any TeX Local User Group
(LUG) can distribute these files in a commercial fashion, provided that
profits go to TUG or to the respective LUGs.

Dimitrios Filippou
Kato Gatzea
GR-385 00 Volos