% CTAN language/french directory contains material for French speaking users.
% Currently there are various directories on CTAN:
% The "contrib" directory with bibliographic material.
% The "frenchle" directory to typeset documents and apply most of the
%     the French typographic rules in use. This is a light version
%     which tries to do the best in few files; with few commands but
%     with a lot of features.
%     Original files are at http://frenchle.free.fr/ 
%     For further details ask Bernard GAULLE (frenchlebg -AT- free.fr).
% The "frenchpro" directory is the professional version of frenchle; it
%     contains numerous files and _is not_ LPPL (see the Copyright file)
%     but is distributed as a shareware. FrenchPro offers the maximum 
%     of facilities and features. All commands can be switched on/off.
%     Full customization. French guillemets, lettrines, etc.
%     Original files are at http://www.frenchpro6.com/french/ 
%     For further details ask Bernard GAULLE (frenchprobg -AT- free.fr).
% Other material can be found on CTAN or elsewhere, check for example:
% "fourier-GUT" in  tex-archive/fonts/ which is an Utopia based font.
% "fpTeX" in tex-archive/systems/win32/fptex/
%         which is the Windows version for teTeX.
% "Fran�ais-GUTenberg" at http://www2.unil.ch/ling/cp/frgut.html
%         which provides material for ISPELL.
% "frenchb" in tex-archive/macros/latex/required/babel/ which provides
%     common French support with multilingual Babel package.
% "lettre" in tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/ which provides a class
%     of documents for letters. 
% "lettrine" in tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/ which allows to print
%     dropped capitals.
% "teTeX" at http://www.tug.org/teTeX/ for a Unix distribution
%     of TeX, LaTeX and co.
% "TeX on MacOs X" at http://www.rna.nl/tex.html
% See also tex-archive/info/french-translations/ for documents in French
% See also TeX Live at http://www.tug.org/texlive/