% DIAGRAM MACROS (version 3.1)



%%% Fixing the default scaling factor for diagrams


% \computetextparameters computes the parameters
% required to design a text arrow
\global\advance\actualtextarrowspace by 3%
\global\multiply\actualtextarrowlength by 100}

%%% Fixing the default length of text arrows


% \computedisplayparameters computes the parameters
% required to design a displayed arrow
\global\advance\actualdisplayarrowspace by 3%
\global\multiply\actualdisplayarrowlength by 100}

%%% Fixing the default length of displayed arrows


% Checking the next token without gobbling blanks
\def\@ifnexttok#1#2#3{\let\@tempe #1\def\@tempa{#2}\def\@tempb{#3}%
\def\@ifntok{\ifx \@tempc \@tempe\let\@tempd\@tempa\else\let\@tempd\@tempb\fi%

%  \@diagramerror{MSG}{HLP}: Types a Diagram error message MSG and gives an error
%                            halt with error help message HLP.
\typeout{Diagram error. \space See User's guide for explanation.^^J
 \space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces Type \space H <return> \space for 
 immediate help.}\errmessage{#1}}


% error test and message for text arrows 
\ifdiagram\@diagramerror{Text arrows are not allowed in diagrams}{Here you
should use east or west diagram arrows, not forward or backward text arrows.
Try proceeding now, typeset could succeed but with unpredictable output.}
\@diagramerror{Missing \string$}{Text arrows should be introduced in math mode.
Try proceeding now, typeset could succeed but output could not be what you expected.}\fi\fi}

% error test and message for diagram arrows
\@diagramerror{Diagram arrows are not allowed in formulas}{Here you
should use forward or backward text arrows, not diagram arrows. Proceeding
could work with unpredictable output, but overflow arithmetic
could also occur.}\fi}

% error test and message for diagrams in math mode
\def\checkmode{\ifmmode\@diagramerror{Wrong mode: no diagrams 
allowed in math mode.}{You should leave math mode before
introducing your diagram. All items in the diagram will automatically be
processed in math mode.}\else\relax\fi\global\diagramtrue}


























% \truex{n} divides n x 100 by the scaling factor and puts the result 
% in counter x 
\multiply\NUMBER by 100%
\divide\NUMBER by \SCALE%

% \truey{n} divides n x 100 by the scaling factor and puts the result 
% in counter y 
\multiply\NUMBER by 100%
\divide\NUMBER by \SCALE%

% \truez{n} divides n x 100 by the scaling factor and puts the result 
% in counter z 
\multiply\NUMBER by 100%
\divide\NUMBER by \SCALE%

% \changecounters computes the values of the various parameters required
% to design an arrow with adjusted length.
\ifdim \itemlength > 2800\unitlength%
\divide\TARGET by 1310%
\multiply\TARGET by 100%
\divide\TARGET by \SCALE%
\divide\ARROWLENGTH by 100%
\advance\SOURCE by -\TARGET}%

% \initialize initializes the counters required to produce the diagram
% and defines the formal dimensions of the diagram to be (0,0).

% \DIAGV{n} starts the construction of a diagram scaled by a factor 
% n percent, computes the scaled unit length and the unscaling factor.
\multiply\unitlength by \SCALE%
\divide\unitlength by 100%

% \n introduces the next item of the diagram, computes its parameters
% and prints the previous item.
\advance\COLUMN by 4000}%

% \nn prints the  last item of a line and starts a new line.
\ifnum \WIDTH < \COLUMN%
\advance\LINE by -4000%

% \conclude prints the last item of the diagram and sets the
% dimensions of the diagram;
\ifnum \WIDTH < \COLUMN%

% \diag prints the last item of the diagram and takes care of the spacing

% \diagv{t}{l}{b} prints the last item of the diagram and
% adds a t points extra space at the top of the diagram
% adds a l points extra space at the left of the diagram
% adds a b points extra space at the bottom of the diagram
\rule{0pt}{\NUMBER pt}%
\advance\NUMBER by 12%
\vspace*{\NUMBER pt}%

% \movename(n,m){f} moves the name f of the arrow n points right
% and m points up.

% \movearrow(n,m){\...} moves arrow \... n points right
% and m points up.

% \movevertex(n,m){A} moves vertex A n points right and m points up

% \movevertexleft{XXX} moves vertex XXX left 

% \movevertexright{XXX} moves vertex XXX right 

% \crosslength{P}{Q} computes the formal dimensions of the
% superposition of pictures P and Q
\ifdim\firstitem < \seconditem%
\divide\itemlength by 2%

% \cross{P}{Q} superposes pictures P and Q

% \bold prints the next arrow in bold-face type
\newcommand{\bold}{\ifdiagram\thicklines\else\typeout{Sorry: command
\string\bold does not apply to text arrows; I am ignoring it.}\fi}

% \unbold switches back to normal arrows








\def\fnum@Diagram{\@diaglabel\ \theDiagram}



 \vskip 0pt
 \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize \unhbox\@tempboxa\par \else \hbox
\global\def\diagramcaption##1{\global\def\@diagcaption{: ##1}}%



% \tlowername{P}{f} puts the name f under the picture P

% \tcase{P} draws the picture P with length \textarrowlength pt.
\makebox[\actualtextarrowspace pt]%

% \Tcase{P}{f} draws the picture P with upper name f
% and length \textarrowlength pt. 
\makebox[\actualtextarrowspace pt]%
{\raisebox{2.5pt}{$\stackrel{\scriptstyle #2}{#1{\actualtextarrowlength}}$}}%
% \tbicase{P} draws the bi-picture P 
% with length \textarrowlength pt.
\makebox[\actualtextarrowspace pt]%

% \Tbicase{P}{f}{g} draws the bi-picture P with names f, g
% and length \textarrowlength pt.
\makebox[\actualtextarrowspace pt]%
{$\stackrel{\scriptstyle #2}%
{\scriptstyle #3}}}$}}%


% \dlowername{P}{f} puts the name f under the picture P

% \dcase{P} draws the picture P with length \displayarrowlength pt.
\makebox[\actualdisplayarrowspace pt]%

% \Dcase{P}{f} draws the picture P with upper name f
% and length \displayarrowlength pt. 
\makebox[\actualdisplayarrowspace pt]%
{\raisebox{2.5pt}{$\stackrel{\textstyle #2}{#1{\actualdisplayarrowlength}}$}}%
% \dbicase{P} draws the bi-picture P 
% with length \displayarrowlength pt.
\makebox[\actualdisplayarrowspace pt]%

% \Dbicase{P}{f}{g} draws the bi-picture P with names f, g
% and length \displayarrowlength pt.
\makebox[\actualdisplayarrowspace pt]%
{$\stackrel{\textstyle #2}%
{\textstyle #3}}}$}}%


% \AR{n} draws an arrow of length n units

% \BIAR{n} draws a pair of arrows of length n units

% \ADJAR{n} draws a pair of adjoint arrows of length n units

% All the following commands produce arrows with length 20pt
% and scriptstyle names in math mode but arrows with length
% \displayarrowlength pt and textstyle names in display math mode.

% arrow 

% arrow with upper name [1] 

% pair of arrows 

% pair of arrows with names [1],[2]

% pair of adjoint arrows 

% pair of adjoint arrows with names [1],[2]


% \BKAR{n} draws a pointing back arrow of length n units

% \BKBIAR{n} draws a pair of pointing back arrows of length n units

% \BKADJAR{n} draws a pair of adjoint arrows of length n units

% \BKADJDIST{n} draws a pair of adjoint distributors of length n units
\divide\NUMBER by 2%

% All the following commands produce back arrows with length 20pt
% and scriptstyle names in math mode but arrows with length
% \displayarrowlength and textstyle names in display math mode.

% back arrow 

% back arrow with upper name [1] 

% pair of back arrows 

% pair of back arrows with names [1],[2]

% back pair of adjoint arrows 

% back pair of adjoint arrows with names [1],[2]


% \lowername{P}{f} puts the name f under the picture P

% \hcase{P}{n} draws the picture P with length n units

% \Hcase{P}{f}{n} draws the picture P with upper name f
% and length n units. 

% \hcasE{P}{f}{n} draws the picture P with lower name f
% and length n units. 
% \hbicase{P}{n} draws the bi-picture P with length n units.

% \Hbicase{P}{f}{g}{n} draws the bi-picture P with names f, g
% and length n units.


% \EAR{n} draws an east arrow of length n units

% \EBIAR{n} draws an east pair of arrows of length n units

% \EADJAR{n} draws an east pair of adjoint arrows of length n
% units 

% All the following commands produce east arrows 

% basic east arrow
\multiply \Z by 100%

% east arrow 

% basic east arrow with upper name
\multiply \Z by 100%
% east arrow with upper name

% basic east arrow with lower name
\multiply \Z by 100%
% east arrow with lower name

% basic pair of east arrows
\multiply \Z by 100%

% pair of east arrows 

% basic pair of east arrows with names
\multiply \Z by 100%
% pair of east arrows with names

% basic pair of east adjoint arrows
\multiply \Z by 100%

% pair of east adjoint arrows 

% basic pair of east adjoint arrows with names
\multiply \Z by 100%
% pair of east adjoint arrows with names


% \WAR{n} draws a pointing back arrow of length n units

% \WBIAR{n} draws a pair of pointing back arrows of length n units

% \WADJAR{n} draws a pair of adjoint arrows of length n units

% All the following commands produce west arrows 

% basic west arrow
\multiply \Z by 100%

% west arrow 

% basic west arrow with upper name
\multiply \Z by 100%
% west arrow with upper name

% basic west arrow with lower name
\multiply \Z by 100%
% west arrow with lower name

% basic pair of west arrows
\multiply \Z by 100%

% pair of west arrows 

% basic pair of west arrows with names
\multiply \Z by 100%
% pair of west arrows with names

% basic pair of west adjoint arrows
\multiply \Z by 100%

% pair of west adjoint arrows 

% basic pair of west adjoint arrows with names
\multiply \Z by 100%
% pair of west adjoint arrows with names


% \vcase{P}{n} draws the vertical picture P with length n units.

% \Vcase{P}{f}{n} draws the vertical picture P
% with left name f and length n units.

% \vcasE{P}{f}{n} draws the vertical picture P
% with right name f and length n units.

% \vbicase{P}{n} draws the vertical bi-picture P with length n units.

% \Vbicase{P}{f}{g}{n} draws the vertical bi-picture P
% with names f, g and length n units.


% \SAR{n} draws a south arrow of length n units
% and centers it in a box of width  0pt and height 0pt

% \SBIAR{n} draws a pair of south arrows of length n units
% and centers it in a box of width 0pt and height 0pt

% \SADJAR{n} draws a pair of vertical adjoint arrows of length n units
% and centers it in a box of width 0pt and height 0pt

% All the following commands produce south arrows

% basic south arrow

% south arrow 

% basic south arrow with left name
% south arrow with left name

% basic south arrow with right name
% south arrow with right name

% basic pair of south arrows

% pair of south arrows 

% basic pair of south arrows with names
% pair of south arrows with names

% basic pair of south adjoint arrows

% pair of south adjoint arrows 

% basic pair of south adjoint arrows with names
% pair of south adjoint arrows with names


% \NAR{n} draws a north arrow of length n pt
% and centers it in a box of width 0pt and height 0pt

% \NBIAR{n} draws a pair of north arrows of length n pt 
% and centers it in a box of width 0pt and height 0pt

% \NADJAR{n} draws a pair of vertical adjoint arrows of length n pt
% and centers it in a box of width 0pt and height 0pt

% All the following commands produce north arrows

% basic north arrow

% north arrow 

% basic north arrow with left name
% north arrow with left name

% basic north arrow with right name
% north arrow with right name

% basic pair of north arrows

% pair of north arrows 

% basic pair of north arrows with names
% pair of north arrows with names

% basic pair of north adjoint arrows

% pair of north adjoint arrows 

% basic pair of north adjoint arrows with names
% pair of north adjoint arrows with names


% \fdcase{P}{f}{g}{n} draws the picture P with names f, g
% and length n units

% \fdbicase{P}{f}{g}{n} draws the bipicture P with names f, g
% and length n units


% \NEAR{n} draws a north-east arrow of length nx100 units
\divide\Y by 2%

% \NEBIAR{n} draws a pair of north-east arrows of length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%

% \NEADJAR{n} draws a north-east pair of adjoint arrows of length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%

% All the following commands draw north-east arrows 

% north-east arrow of length nx100 units

% north-east arrow

% north-east arrow with upper name [1] and length nx100 units

% north-east arrow with upper name

% north-east arrow with lower name [1]  and length nx100 units

% north-east arrow with lower name [1]

% pair of north-east arrows of length nx100 units

% pair of north-east arrows

% pair of north-east arrows with names [1][2] and length nx100 units

% pair of north-east arrows with names

% pair of north-east adjoint arrows of length nx100 units

% pair of north-east adjoint arrows

% pair of north-east adjoint arrows with names [1][2] and length nx100 units

% pair of north-east adjoint arrows with names


% \SWAR{n} draws a south-west arrow of length nx100 units
\divide\Y by 2%

% \SWBIAR{n} draws a pair of south-west arrows of length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%

% \SWADJAR{n} draws a south-west pair of adjoint arrows of length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%

% All the following commands draw south-west arrows 

% south-west arrow of length nx100 units

% south-west arrow

% south-west arrow with upper name [1] and length nx100 units

% south-west arrow with upper name

% south-west arrow with lower name [1]  and length nx100 units

% south-west arrow with lower name [1]

% pair of south-west arrows of length nx100 units

% pair of south-west arrows

% pair of south-west arrows with names [1][2] and length nx100 units

% pair of south-west arrows with names

% pair of south-west adjoint arrows of length nx100 units

% pair of south-west adjoint arrows

% pair of south-west adjoint arrows with names [1][2] and length nx100 units

% pair of south-west adjoint arrows with names


% \sdcase{P}{f}{g}{n} draws the picture P with names f, g
% and length n units

% \sdbicase{P}{f}{g}{n} draws the bipicture P with names f, g
% and length n units


% \SEAR{n} draws a south-east arrow of length nx100 units
\divide\Y by 2%

% \SEBIAR{n} draws a pair of south-east arrows of length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%

% \SEADJAR{n} draws a south-east pair of adjoint arrows of length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%

% All the following commands draw south-east arrows 

% south-east arrow of length nx100 units

% south-east arrow

% south-east arrow with upper name [1] and length nx100 units

% south-east arrow with upper name

% south-east arrow with lower name [1]  and length nx100 units

% south-east arrow with lower name [1]

% pair of south-east arrows of length nx100 units

% pair of south-east arrows

% pair of south-east arrows with names [1][2] and length nx100 units

% pair of south-east arrows with names

% pair of south-east adjoint arrows of length nx100 units

% pair of south-east adjoint arrows

% pair of south-east adjoint arrows with names [1][2] and length nx100 units

% pair of south-east adjoint arrows with names


% \NWAR{n} draws a north-west arrow of length nx100 units
\divide\Y by 2%

% \NWBIAR{n} draws a pair of north-west arrows of length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%

% \NWADJAR{n} draws a north-west pair of adjoint arrows of length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%

% All the following commands draw north-west arrows 

% north-west arrow of length nx100 units

% north-west arrow

% north-west arrow with upper name [1] and length nx100 units

% north-west arrow with upper name

% north-west arrow with lower name [1]  and length nx100 units

% north-west arrow with lower name [1]

% pair of north-west arrows of length nx100 units

% pair of north-west arrows

% pair of north-west arrows with names [1][2] and length nx100 units

% pair of north-west arrows with names

% pair of north-west adjoint arrows of length nx100 units

% pair of north-west adjoint arrows

% pair of north-west adjoint arrows with names [1][2] and length nx100 units

% pair of north-west adjoint arrows with names


% The following commands produce east-north-east arrows 
% of horizontal extent n units

% \ENEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a east-north-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%

% \ENEBIAR{f}{g}{n} draws a pair of east-north-east arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% \ENEADJAR{f}{g}{n} draws a east-north-east pair of adjoint arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% The following commands produce east-north-east arrows;
% the default length is 13300 units

% basic east-north-east arrow

% east-north-east arrow

% basic east-north-east arrow with upper name

% east-north-east arrow with upper name

% basic east-north-east arrow with lower name

% east-north-east arrow with lower name

% basic east-north-east pair of arrows

% east-north-east pair of arrows

% basic east-north-east pair of arrows with names

% east-north-east pair of arrows with names

% basic east-north-east pair of adjoint arrows

% east-north-east pair of adjoint arrows

% basic east-north-east pair of adjoint  arrows with names

% east-north-east pair of adjoint arrows with names


% The following commands produce east-south-east arrows 
% of horizontal extent n units

% \ESEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a east-south-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%

% \ESEBIAR{f}{g}{n} draws a pair of east-south-east arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% \ESEADJAR{f}{g}{n} draws a east-south-east pair of adjoint arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% The following commands produce east-south-east arrows;
% the default length is 13300 units

% basic east-south-east arrow

% east-south-east arrow

% basic east-south-east arrow with upper name

% east-south-east arrow with upper name

% basic east-south-east arrow with lower name

% east-south-east arrow with lower name

% basic east-south-east pair of arrows

% east-south-east pair of arrows

% basic east-south-east pair of arrows with names

% east-south-east pair of arrows with names

% basic east-south-east pair of adjoint arrows

% east-south-east pair of adjoint arrows

% basic east-south-east pair of adjoint  arrows with names

% east-south-east pair of adjoint arrows with names


% The following commands produce west-south-west arrows 
% of horizontal extent n units

% \WSWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a west-south-west arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%

% \WSWBIAR{f}{g}{n} draws a pair of west-south-west arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% \WSWADJAR{f}{g}{n} draws a west-south-west pair of adjoint arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% The following commands produce west-south-west arrows;
% the default length is 13300 units

% basic west-south-west arrow

% west-south-west arrow

% basic west-south-west arrow with upper name

% west-south-west arrow with upper name

% basic west-south-west arrow with lower name

% west-south-west arrow with lower name

% basic west-south-west pair of arrows

% west-south-west pair of arrows

% basic west-south-west pair of arrows with names

% west-south-west pair of arrows with names

% basic west-south-west pair of adjoint arrows

% west-south-west pair of adjoint arrows

% basic west-south-west pair of adjoint  arrows with names

% west-south-west pair of adjoint arrows with names


% The following commands produce west-north-west arrows 
% of horizontal extent n units

% \WNWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a west-north-west arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%

% \WNWBIAR{f}{g}{n} draws a pair of west-north-west arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% \WNWADJAR{f}{g}{n} draws a west-north-west pair of adjoint arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\divide\Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% The following commands produce west-north-west arrows;
% the default length is 13300 units

% basic west-north-west arrow

% west-north-west arrow

% basic west-north-west arrow with upper name

% west-north-west arrow with upper name

% basic west-north-west arrow with lower name

% west-north-west arrow with lower name

% basic west-north-west distributor

% basic west-north-west pair of arrows

% west-north-west pair of arrows

% basic west-north-west pair of arrows with names

% west-north-west pair of arrows with names

% basic west-north-west pair of adjoint arrows

% west-north-west pair of adjoint arrows

% basic west-north-west pair of adjoint  arrows with names

% west-north-west pair of adjoint arrows with names


% The following commands produce north-north-east arrows 
% of horizontal extent n units

% \NNEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-north-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide\Z by 2%

% \NNEBIAR{f}{g}{n} draws a pair of north-north-east arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% \NNEADJAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-north-east pair of adjoint arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% The following commands produce north-north-east arrows;
% the default length is 6700 units

% basic north-north-east arrow

% north-north-east arrow

% basic north-north-east arrow with upper name

% north-north-east arrow with upper name

% basic north-north-east arrow with lower name

% north-north-east arrow with lower name

% basic north-north-east pair of arrows

% north-north-east pair of arrows

% basic north-north-east pair of arrows with names

% north-north-east pair of arrows with names

% basic north-north-east pair of adjoint arrows

% north-north-east pair of adjoint arrows

% basic north-north-east pair of adjoint  arrows with names

% north-north-east pair of adjoint arrows with names


% The following commands produce south-south-east arrows 
% of horizontal extent n units

% \SSEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-south-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide\Z by 2%

% \SSEBIAR{f}{g}{n} draws a pair of south-south-east arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% \SSEADJAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-south-east pair of adjoint arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% The following commands produce south-south-east arrows;
% the default length is 6700 units

% basic south-south-east arrow

% south-south-east arrow

% basic south-south-east arrow with upper name

% south-south-east arrow with upper name

% basic south-south-east arrow with lower name

% south-south-east arrow with lower name

% basic south-south-east pair of arrows

% south-south-east pair of arrows

% basic south-south-east pair of arrows with names

% south-south-east pair of arrows with names

% basic south-south-east pair of adjoint arrows

% south-south-east pair of adjoint arrows

% basic south-south-east pair of adjoint  arrows with names

% south-south-east pair of adjoint arrows with names


% The following commands produce south-south-west arrows 
% of horizontal extent n units

% \SSWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-south-west arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide\Z by 2%

% \SSWBIAR{f}{g}{n} draws a pair of south-south-west arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% \SSWADJAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-south-west pair of adjoint arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% The following commands produce south-south-west arrows;
% the default length is 6700 units

% basic south-south-west arrow

% south-south-west arrow

% basic south-south-west arrow with upper name

% south-south-west arrow with upper name

% basic south-south-west arrow with lower name

% south-south-west arrow with lower name

% basic south-south-west pair of arrows

% south-south-west pair of arrows

% basic south-south-west pair of arrows with names

% south-south-west pair of arrows with names

% basic south-south-west pair of adjoint arrows

% south-south-west pair of adjoint arrows

% basic south-south-west pair of adjoint  arrows with names

% south-south-west pair of adjoint arrows with names


% The following commands produce north-north-west arrows 
% of horizontal extent n units

% \NNWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-north-west arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide\Z by 2%

% \NNWBIAR{f}{g}{n} draws a pair of north-north-west arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% \NNWADJAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-north-west pair of adjoint arrows 
% with names f,g and length n units
\divide\Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 2%
\advance\monolength by -\value{x}%
\advance\epilength by \value{x}%
\advance\secondmonolength by -\value{y}%
\advance\secondepilength by \value{y}%

% The following commands produce north-north-west arrows;
% the default length is 6700 units

% basic north-north-west arrow

% north-north-west arrow

% basic north-north-west arrow with upper name

% north-north-west arrow with upper name

% basic north-north-west arrow with lower name

% north-north-west arrow with lower name

% basic north-north-east pair of arrows

% north-north-east pair of arrows

% basic north-north-east pair of arrows with names

% north-north-east pair of arrows with names

% basic north-north-east pair of adjoint arrows

% north-north-east pair of adjoint arrows

% basic north-north-east pair of adjoint  arrows with names

% north-north-east pair of adjoint arrows with names

% default length: 21100 units

% \EENEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a east-east-north-east arrow with names f, g
% and length n units 
\divide \Y by 2%
\divide \Z by 3%

% basic east-east-north-east arrow

% east-east-north-east arrow

% basic east-east-north-east arrow with upper name

% east-east-north-east arrow with upper name

% basic east-east-north-east arrow with lower name

% east-east-north-east arrow with lower name

% default length: 21100 units

% \EESEAR{f}{g}{n} draws an east-east-south-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\divide \Z by 3%

% basic east-east-south-east arrow

% east-east-south-east arrow

% basic east-east-south-east arrow with upper name

% east-east-south-east arrow with upper name

% basic east-east-south-east arrow with lower name

% east-east-south-east arrow with lower name

% default length: 21100 units

% \WWNWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a west-west-north-west arrow with names f, g 
% 	and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\divide \Z by 3%

% basic west-west-north-west arrow

% west-west-north-west arrow

% basic west-west-north-west arrow with upper name

% west-west-north-west arrow with upper name

% basic west-west-north-west arrow with lower name

% west-west-north-west arrow with lower name

% default length: 21100 units

% \WWSWAR{f}{g} draws a west-west-south-west arrow with names f, g 
\divide \Y by 2%
\divide \Z by 3%

% basic west-west-south-west arrow

% west-west-south-west arrow

% basic west-west-south-west arrow with upper name

% west-west-south-west arrow with upper name

% basic west-west-south-west arrow with lower name

% west-west-south-west arrow with lower name

% default length: 7100 units

% \NNNEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-north-north-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 3%

% basic north-north-north-east arrow

% north-north-north-east arrow

% basic north-north-north-east arrow with upper name

% north-north-north-east arrow with upper name

% basic north-north-north-east arrow with lower name

% north-north-north-east arrow with lower name

% default length: 7100 units

% \SSSWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-south-south-west arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 3%

% basic south-south-south-west arrow

% south-south-south-west arrow

% basic south-south-south-west arrow with upper name

% south-south-south-west arrow with upper name

% basic south-south-south-west arrow with lower name

% south-south-south-west arrow with lower name

% default length: 7100 units

% \SSSEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-south-south-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 3%

% basic south-south-south-east arrow

% south-south-south-east arrow

% basic south-south-south-east arrow with upper name

% south-south-south-east arrow with upper name

% basic south-south-south-east arrow with lower name

% south-south-south-east arrow with lower name

% default length: 7100 units

% \NNNWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-north-north-west arrow with names f, g
% and length n units 
\divide \Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 3%

% basic north-north-north-west arrow

% north-north-north-west arrow

% basic north-north-north-west arrow with upper name

% north-north-north-west arrow with upper name

% basic north-north-north-west arrow with lower name

% north-north-north-west arrow with lower name

% default length: 21500 units

% \NEENEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-east-east-north-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\divide \Z by 3%

% basic north-east-east-north-east arrow

% north-east-east-north-east arrow

% basic north-east-east-north-east arrow with upper name

% north-east-east-north-east arrow with upper name

% basic north-east-east-north-east arrow with lower name

% north-east-east-north-east arrow with lower name


% \SEESEAR{f}{g} draws an sout-east-east-south-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\divide \Z by 3%

% basic south-east-east-south-east arrow

% south-east-east-south-east arrow

% basic south-east-east-south-east arrow with upper name

% south-east-east-south-east arrow with upper name

% basic south-east-east-south-east arrow with lower name

% south-east-east-south-east arrow with lower name

% default length: 21500 units

% \NWWNWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-west-west-north-west arrow with names f, g
% and length n units 
\divide \Y by 2%
\divide \Z by 3%

% basic north-west-west-north-west arrow

% north-west-west-north-west arrow

% basic north-west-west-north-west arrow with upper name

% north-west-west-north-west arrow with upper name

% basic north-west-west-north-west arrow with lower name

% north-west-west-north-west arrow with lower name

% default length: 21500 units

% \SWWSWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-west-west-south-west arrow with names f, g
% and length n units 
\divide \Y by 2%
\divide \Z by 3%

% basic south-west-west-south-west arrow

% south-west-west-south-west arrow

% basic south-west-west-south-west arrow with upper name

% south-west-west-south-west arrow with upper name

% basic south-west-west-south-west arrow with lower name

% south-west-west-south-west arrow with lower name

% default length 14300 units

% \NENNEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-east-north-north-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 3%
\divide \Z by 4%

% basic north-east-north-north-east arrow

% north-east-north-north-east arrow

% basic north-east-north-north-east arrow with upper name

% north-east-north-north-east arrow with upper name

% basic north-east-north-north-east arrow with lower name

% north-east-north-north-east arrow with lower name

% default length: 14300 units

% \SWSSWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-west-south-south-west arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 3%
\divide \Z by 4%

% basic south-west-south-south-west arrow

% south-west-south-south-west arrow

% basic south-west-south-south-west arrow with upper name

% south-west-south-south-west arrow with upper name

% basic south-west-south-south-west arrow with lower name

% south-west-south-south-west arrow with lower name

% default length: 14300 units

% \SESSEAR{f}{g}{n} draws a south-east-south-south-east arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 3%
\divide \Z by 4%

% basic south-east-south-south-east arrow

% south-east-south-south-east arrow

% basic south-east-south-south-east arrow with upper name

% south-east-south-south-east arrow with upper name

% basic south-east-south-south-east arrow with lower name

% south-east-south-south-east arrow with lower name

% default length: 14300 units

% \NWNNWAR{f}{g}{n} draws a north-west-north-north-west arrow with names f, g 
% and length n units
\divide \Y by 2%
\multiply \Z by 3%
\divide \Z by 4%

% basic north-west-north-north-west arrow

% north-west-north-north-west arrow

% basic north-west-north-north-west arrow with upper name

% north-west-north-north-west arrow with upper name

% basic north-west-north-north-west arrow with lower name

% north-west-north-north-west arrow with lower name


% The following commands produce horizontal curved arrows
% default length: 160 units

% North\East curved arrow with name [1] and length [2]x100 units

% basic north\east curved arrow

% north\east curved arrow

% basic north\east curved arrow with name

% north\east curved arrow with name

% North\West curved arrow with name [1] and length [2]x100 units

% basic north\west curved arrow

% north\west curved arrow

% basic north\west curved arrow with name

% north\west curved arrow with name

% South\East curved arrow with name [1] and length [2]x100 units

% basic south\east curved arrow

% south\east curved arrow

% basic south\east curved arrow with name

% south\east curved arrow with name

% South\West curved arrow with name [1] and length [2]x100 units

% basic south\west curved arrow

% south\west curved arrow

% basic south\west curved arrow with name

% south\west curved arrow with name


% The following commands produce vertical curved arrows
% default length: 160pt

% East\South curved arrow with name [1] and length [2]x100 units

% basic east\south curved arrow

% east\south curved arrow

% basic east\south curved arrow with name

% east\south curved arrow with name

% East\North curved arrow with name [1] and length [2]x100 units

% basic east\north curved arrow

% east\north curved arrow

% basic east\north curved arrow with name

% east\north curved arrow with name

% West\South curved arrow with name [1] and length [2]x100 units

% basic west\south curved arrow

% west\south curved arrow

% basic west\south curved arrow with name

% west\south curved arrow with name

% West\North curved arrow with name [1] and length [2]x100 units

% basic west\north curved arrow

% west\north curved arrow

% basic west\north curved arrow with name

% west\north curved arrow with name
