TODO list for hepthesis

* Provide a theme system, with sfheaders, serif headers, palatino+pazo 
  and "HH" as bundled styles
* Eliminate extra blank page after appendix / before colophon.
* Make better use of KOMA-Script functionality
* Provide control options for caption formatting.
* Integrated loading of csquotes and babel?
* Multilingual titles etc.
* Provide an option for centre/right-justifying section titles?
* Documentation/install in DTX/INS format
* Use @ifstar:
\newcommand{\mycommandStar}[2]{starred version}
\newcommand{\mycommandNoStar}[1]{normal version}

Use microtype package if in pdflatex

Import elements of Hendrik Hoeth's excellent thesis style.

From Flip Tanedo:
Hi Andy -- another question (sorry I have so many). I've been using hepthesis to tex up lecture notes since it provides a really nice framework for this. The one thing I've been having trouble doing, however, is writing notes in the margin. I've been trying to use the \marginpar command to jot down comments, but have had difficulty finding enough margin space.

The hepthesis command \setmainmatterextramargins{1cm} doesn't quite help since (1) it trims off of both left and right margins (not just "opposite page binding") and (2) it doesn't actually increase the amount of space that \marginpar can occupy.

I've had some success by doing the following in the preamble:

This seems to increase the margin on the side of the page opposite the binding.

However, this affects the entire document, including the title page, front matter, back matter, etc. Is there a way to apply the above spacing only to the main matter?

Merge David Cottenden's contributions: hepthesis.cls.cottenden

From Manuel Bahr: