A new styleguide, template, and style file are provided for OSA Optics Express 
manuscript submissions in LaTeX. 

OpEx_style.tex: LaTeX style guide and template
opexfig1.eps:	Sample .eps figure
OpEx_style.pdf:	PDF version of style guide
OpEx_temp.tex:	LaTeX template
opex3.sty	LaTeX style file; replaces opex2.sty
osajnl.bst	OSA BibTeX style file (beta version)


Major changes from previous distribution (opex2.sty)

- page layout now controlled with geometry package
- graphicx package referenced instead of graphics package
- packages times, helvet, and courier referenced for Times, Helvetica, and Courier fonts

Contact Jennifer Martin (jmarti@osa.org) with any questions.

Scott Dineen, 10/15/2003