%% This is file `pbsheet.cls',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% pbsheet.dtx  (with options: `class')
%% This is a generated file.
%% Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Djalil CHAFAI
%% djalil DOT chafai AT laposte DOT net
%% http;//www.lsp.ups-tlse.fr/Chafai/pbsheet.html
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
%% license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
%% 1999/12/01 or later.
    [2004/02/14 v0.1 .dtx pbsheet file]
\ClassInfo{pbsheet}{Copyright (c) Djalil CHAFAI, 2003, 2004.}
\ClassInfo{pbsheet}{chafai AT math DOT ups-tlse DOT fr}
\LoadClassWithOptions{article} \ProcessOptions\relax
 \newcommand{\phantomsection}{\null} %% provided by hyperref.
 \hypersetup{pdfcreator=PDFLaTeX with pbsheet class}
\else %% listings/hyperref compatibility.
%%%% Macros et Environments
\newcommand{\FFIG}[5]{%%  fname cm scale floatparams caption
%% here, floatparams is in the set {vflt,rflt,lflt}, cf. floatflt doc.
\newcommand{\FIG}[4]{%% fname scale floatparams caption
\newcommand{\@TITRE}{Feuille de Travaux Pratiques}
\newcommand{\@FORMATION}{Agr\'egation de math\'ematiques%
  -- Oral de mod\'elisation stochastique}
    \hrule height .2pt%
    \hrule height .2pt%
%%%% Commands to be executed before \begin{document}
  \@DATE. Copyright ^^a9 \@AUTEUR\ \@MEL. GNU FDL Copyleft.
%%  \url{http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html}.
  \hfil \upshape Page n^^b0{\thepage}.}
{\tiny\scshape \@ETABLISSEMENT\ -- \@FORMATION\ --
  \normalfont\hfil \upshape Page n^^b0{\thepage}.}
%% smaller sections titles
  {section}%                           % name
  {1}%                                 % level
  {0em}%                               % indent
  {\baselineskip}%                     % beforeskip
  {0.5\baselineskip}%                  % afterskip
  {\normalfont\large\bfseries}}%       % style
  {subsection}%                        % name
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%% Macros
\newcommand{\DOIFPDF}[2]{\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined #2\else#1\fi}
%% For nice typesetting of the actual engine name.
%% For short rough notes and warnings.
\newcommand{\NB}[1]{{\large\textbf{*** #1 ***}}}
%% To force maths mode.
%%% Limits
%% Time
%% Mathmode double capital letters.
%% Mathmode Roman capital letters.
%% Mathmode calligraphic capital letters.
%% Mathmode bold capital letters.
%% Useful shortcuts to some Greek letters and symbols.
\newcommand{\gt}[1]{\g^{\otimes #1}}
%% Functional prototype with dimensioning.
%% Norms and related.
\newcommand{\ABS}[1]{\EM{{\left| #1 \right|}}} % |1|
\newcommand{\BRA}[1]{\EM{{\left\{#1\right\}}}} % {1}
\newcommand{\DP}[1]{\EM{{\left<#1\right>}}} % <1>
\newcommand{\NRM}[1]{\EM{{\left\| #1\right\|}}} % ||1||
\newcommand{\NI}[1]{\EM{{\left\| #1\right\|}_\infty}} % infinite norm.
\newcommand{\OSC}[1]{\EM{{\p(){\mathrm{osc}}{#1}}}} % oscillation.
\newcommand{\PAR}[1]{\EM{{\left(#1\right)}}} % (1)
\newcommand{\BPAR}[1]{\EM{{\biggl(#1\biggr)}}} % (1)
\newcommand{\BABS}[1]{\EM{{\biggl|#1\biggr|}}} % (1)
\newcommand{\pd}{\EM{\partial}} % derivee partielle
\newcommand{\PD}[2]{\EM{{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}}}%part. deriv.
\newcommand{\SBRA}[1]{\EM{{\left[#1\right]}}} % [1]
\newcommand{\VT}[1]{\EM{{\|#1\|}_{\text{\scriptsize VT}}}} % tot. var.
\newcommand{\LIP}[1]{\EM{\|#1\|_{\mathrm{Lip}}}} % Lipschitz norm.
%% Fonctionals and functions.
%% Sets, spaces, and functional spaces.
%% Determinant, trace, ...
%%% Semi-groups, generators, carre-du-champ, ...
\newcommand{\CD}{CD(\rho ,\infty)}
\newcommand{\GD}{\GA_{\!\!{\mathbf 2}}}
\newcommand{\SGf}[1]{{\mathbf P}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\SGQf}[1]{{\mathbf Q}_{#1}}
%% Topology.
\newcommand{\inter}[1]{{\overset{\circ}{#1}}} % interior
\newcommand{\adher}[1]{{\overline{#1}}} % adherence
%% Miscellany.
\newcommand{\equ}{\; \Leftrightarrow \;}
\newcommand{\ex}{\exists \,}
\newcommand{\imp}{\Rightarrow  \;}
\newcommand{\ssi}{{\it ssi}}
\newcommand{\tout}{\forall \,}
%% Vectors and matrices.
\newcommand{\VECTOR}[1]{\PAR{\begin{array}{c} #1 \end{array}}}
\newcommand{\BIMATRIX}[1]{\PAR{\begin{array}{cc} #1 \end{array}}}
\newcommand{\Vector}[2]{\PAR{\begin{array}{#1} #2 \end{array}}}
\newcommand{\Bimatrix}[2]{\PAR{\begin{array}{#1} #2 \end{array}}}
%%%% Commands to be executed just after \begin{document}
%%%% Commands to be executed just before \end{document}
%% End of file `pbsheet.cls'.