%% stage.cls
%% Copyright 2005 Robert Jahrling
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% This Current Maintainer of this work is Robert Jahrling
% This work consists of the file stage.cls.
% Contact me at jahrling@chorus.net
% I'd love to hear if or how people are using this! What do you
% think of the "warts-and-all" approach I took? I left in all the
% changes I made, and the stuff I didn't like (commented out).
% CHANGES NEEDED 5/16/2003:
%   Fix Margins
%   Fix Widows/Orphans
% Changes 5/17/2003:
%	Added counters for acts.
% 	Added counters for scenes.
%	Added comments and TODOs.
% Changes 5/18/2003:
%	Correctly break pages for scenes.
%	Changed \dialog to be the way I wanted.
%   ...which entailed fixing up some spacing.
%	...which entailed removing more \doublespace commands.
%	Added \paren as alias for \charsd for ScriptTeX compatibility.
% Changes 5/19/2003:
%	Added \address command for \maketitle.
%	Added \opensd command (and \open).
%	Added \quotepage.
% Changes 5/20/2003:
%	Added \castpage environment
%	Added \addcharacter command
%	Correct page numbering, <Act>-<page>
%	Removed old (commented-out) \dialog command
%	Deleted commented-out \doublespaces
%	Added \dialogue as implementation of \dialog
%	Added \AtEndDocument to print "The End" at the end of the document
% Changes 5/25/20003:
%	Still monkeying with spacing
%	Added \oneact command for one-act plays.
% Changes 6/5/2003:
%	Got spacing looking pretty good. Still not entirely happy.
% Changes 6/10/2003:
%	Reorganized \dialog command to remove the use of the 
%		changemargin environment. Requires adjustment to use of
%		\dialog in scripts, but the tradeoff is worth it,
%		because the tradeoff is...
%	PROPER CONTINUED MARKS. Added use of fancyhdr to create
%		a continued mark for interrupted dialog and a more mark
%		for interrupted stage directions.
% Changes 6/11/2003:
%	Changed \lhead to set the text at the top left corner of
%		the picture box. As it stood, it was right-aligning,
%		which threw alignment off.
%	Break problem POSSIBLY solved. Must experiment.
% Changes 6/12/2003:
%	Removed \extramarks from stage directions. Was having problem
%		with pages having extra marks where none were needed, mostly
%		when a stage direction was the last thing on the page and
%		was complete.
%	Added \copyrightnotice to separate copyright notice from the
%		address block. Use is completely optional. stage will ignore
%		its absence (unlike LaTeX and \author, for example).
%	Added \draft to indicate draft number. Also completely optional;
%		stage will ignore its absence.
%	Changed \maketitle to reflect the aforementioned new additions.
%	Added \pause.
% Changes 2/17/05:
%	Added LPPL license notice. Per C.-E. Pfeiler's suggestion,
%		I'll be uploading stage.cls to CTAN.
%	\castpage and \quotepage definitions must come after \maketitle
%		in any documents created with this class.
%	\act MUST appear or else page numbers get whacked. This should
%		be considered a TODO bugfix. Can be fixed by using \oneact.
%	As of 6/10, we're back to \dialog{speaker}{speech}.
%	Time/setting page
%	Character s.d. spacing is not the greatest.
% Required: 
% This is a LaTeX2e class called stage, providing a class
% for stage play Manuscript Format.
\ProvidesClass{stage}[2003/05/15 Manuscript Format for stage plays]
% The class is based on the default book class; since this
% is so far a personal project, I am defaulting to letter
% paper.
% We're going to use ifthen to do some conditional page breaking.
% We provide a friendly warning when an option is specified;
% since stage provides no options, all options return an error.
	\ClassWarning{stage}{Unknown option `\CurrentOption'}%
% Required to process options.
% These three commands are required.
% The default font size is 12/14. It looks better than 12 solid.
% The textwidth and textheight represent one-inch margins all
% around.


%%% pagestyle commands
% use fancy pagestyle
% Sets the left header to use the picture environment to put
% continued marks where necessary!
% puts the page numbers in the header on the right
% empties center foot; otherwise, the page number would display here.
% by default, fancyhdr puts a rule in the header, which I don't want.
% since we're using a slightly larger font, we need more headheight

% No indentation. Double space between paragraphs.
\parindent 0pt
% \parskip 1.6ex
\parskip 0pt
% \doublespace leaves a line's worth of space between elements.
% \introduce is used the first time we meet a character.
% \address is used for the writer's copyright notice and address
% \draft is used if the writer wants to indicate draft number
% \copyrightnotice is used if the writer wants to indicate copyright
% Counts acts
% We need to initialize actcounter for page numbering.
% pagestyle and headers
% 6/10/03 removed myheadings in favor of fancyhdr
% \pagestyle{myheadings}
% \thepage does page numbering.
% Yes, this is incredibly ugly. For some reason, acts were not being
% numbered from 1, so I needed to initialize actcounter to 1.
% This had a side effect of making the use of actcounter in the
% headers off by 1, so we need to subtract 1 from the counter,
% print the page number, and add the 1 back in.
% If we're writing a one-act play, we don't need the special page
% numbering scheme, so we tell stage that we're writing a one-act
% and it takes care of that.

% Counts scenes per act
% An environment for specifying margin changes
% \dialog sets the character's name above his speech
% Still need to figure out how to keep name and speech together,
% i.e. not allow pagebreaks between name and speech.
% \newcommand{\dialog}[1]{%
% 	\doublespace
% 	% \parskip 1.6ex
%  	\begin{changemargin}{2.5in}{0in}
%  		\textsc{#1}%
%  	\end{changemargin}
%  	\vspace{-0.9ex}
% }
	\hskip 2.5in\textsc{#1}\par%

% \dialogue, for people who like that spelling better

% \act creates an act header, with large roman numerals
% Start a new page for each Act except the first
		\ifthenelse{\value{actcounter} > 1}{\newpage}{}
		\textsc{Act} \Roman{actcounter}
		\ifthenelse{\value{actcounter} = 1}{\doublespace}{}
%	\doublespace
% \scene creates a scene header, with arabic numerals
% Start a new page for each scene except the first
		\ifthenelse{\value{scenecounter} > 1}{\newpage}{}
		\textsc{Scene} \arabic{scenecounter}
		\ifthenelse{\value{scenecounter} = 1}{\doublespace}{}
% \stage sets the stage directions a little farther in than the
% dialog box and parenthesizes them.
% I'm not happy with this; I'd rather not have to put braces
% around the stage directions, but it seems like there's no
% way around it.
		% \extramarks{}{(more)}%
% \charsd is like \paren in ScriptTeX, used for brief character
% stage directions. It's intended to set properly into a passage
% of dialog.
	% \parskip 0pt
		% \vspace{0.8ex}%
	% \parskip 0pt

% \pause is just convenient.

% \initsd is a quick hack to get around messed-up \charsd spacing
% when a \charsd comes before any dialog.
	\parskip 0pt

% Implemented \paren to ease transition from ScriptTeX

% \opensd is opening stage directions, set differently from
% other stage directions; \opensd sets time and place.
% \open is the same as \opensd

% "placeholder" redefinition of \maketitle.
% TODO: address and copyright
% 5/19/2003: done, but copyright just gets folded in to address.
				\copyright \@crightnotice}{}
			\ifthenelse{\not\isundefined{\@draftno}}{DRAFT \@draftno}{}

% The castpage environment sets up the cast page
	\center{\textsc{Cast of Characters}}%
% \addcharacter adds characters to the cast page.
% NOTE: There must be a blank line between \addcharacter commands
% in the LaTeX source!
	\begin{tabular}[2]{p{2in} p{4in}}
		\textsc{#1} & #2
% Print "The End" at the end of the document.
		\doublespace %
		\hskip 2.5in %
		\textsc{The End}%