#include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "makesym.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE * pFile = NULL; char* mode; int modus = 0; char * pFilename = NULL; char c; char * line = NULL; char line_temp[MAX_LINE]; int j = 0; int lines=0; char * pch; char * group_temp; char * symbol_temp; char * description_temp; char * date_temp; group_symbol = NULL; // /////////////////////////////////////////// if (argc <= 1) { printf("Please specify a file\n"); return -1; } if (argc > 2) { mode = argv[2]; if (strcmp(mode, "verbose") == 0) { modus = 1; } else { printf("Modus not defined\n"); } } // /////////////////////////////////////////// pFilename = malloc((strlen(argv[1]) + 4)*sizeof(char)); if (pFilename == NULL) { printf("Problem of memory allocation\n"); return -1; } strcpy(pFilename, argv[1]); strcat(pFilename, ".los"); // /////////////////////////////////////////// pFile = fopen (pFilename,"r"); free (pFilename); if (pFile!=NULL) { do { // extraction of the symbols for (lines=0; (c=fgetc(pFile))!= EOF && c!='\n' && c!='\0' && lines<=MAX_LINE;lines++) { line_temp[lines]=c; if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("%c", c); } } line_temp[lines]='\n'; if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("\t%i\n", lines); } line = malloc (lines*sizeof(char)); for (j=0; j<lines; j++) { line[j] = line_temp[j]; } // if line exists if ((lines !=-1) && (lines !=-0)) { // analysis of the line if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("%s\n", line); } pch = strtok (line, "/"); if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("%s\n", pch); } group_temp = malloc(strlen(pch)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_temp, pch); pch = strtok (NULL, "/"); if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("%s\n", pch); } symbol_temp = malloc(strlen(pch)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(symbol_temp, pch); pch = strtok (NULL, "/"); if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("%s\n", pch); } description_temp = malloc(strlen(pch)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(description_temp, pch); pch = strtok (NULL, "/"); if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("%s\n", pch); } date_temp = malloc(strlen(pch)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(date_temp, pch); if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("%s: %s - %s , %s\n", group_temp, symbol_temp, description_temp, date_temp); } // storing the new symbol // sorting directly done during the extraction symbol_add(&group_symbol, group_temp, symbol_temp, description_temp, date_temp); free(group_temp); free(symbol_temp); free(description_temp); free(date_temp); } free (line); line = NULL; }while ((lines !=-1)&(lines !=0)); fclose (pFile); if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("List of symbols get\n"); } // storing the symbols pFilename = malloc((strlen(argv[1]) + 4)*sizeof(char)); if (pFilename == NULL) { printf("Problem of memory allocation\n"); return -1; } strcpy(pFilename, argv[1]); strcat(pFilename, ".los"); // /////////////////////////////////////////// pFile = fopen (pFilename,"w"); if (pFile!=NULL) { symbol_store (pFile, group_symbol); fclose (pFile); } if (modus == 1) // verbose mode { printf("List of symbols stored into %s\n", pFilename); } free (pFilename); } return 0; } // //////////////////////////////////////////// int get_line (FILE * Fin, char * line) { int c, i; for (i=0; (c=fgetc(Fin))!= EOF && c!='\n' && i<=MAX_LINE;i++) { line[i]=c; } line[i]='\n'; // replace NEW LINE or last by '\0' if (c==EOF) { return(-1); // EOF encountered } else { return (i); } } // //////////////////////////////////////////// void symbol_add(struct st_symbol_group **group_symbol_current, char* group, char* symbol, char* description, char* date) { struct st_symbol_group *group_new = NULL; int comparison = 0; int is_voidgroup = 0; if (*group_symbol_current == NULL) { // adding a new group group_new = (struct st_symbol_group*) malloc (sizeof(struct st_symbol_group)); if (group_new != NULL) { group_new->group_name = malloc(strlen(group)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_name, group); group_new->group_list = malloc(sizeof(struct st_symbol_list)); group_new->group_list->symbol.symbol = malloc(strlen(symbol)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.symbol, symbol); group_new->group_list->symbol.description = malloc(strlen(description)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.description, description); group_new->group_list->symbol.date = malloc(strlen(date)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.date, date); group_new->group_list->next = NULL; group_new->next = NULL; *group_symbol_current = group_new; } } else { comparison = strcmp((*group_symbol_current)->group_name, group); is_voidgroup = strcmp((*group_symbol_current)->group_name, "voidgroup"); if (is_voidgroup == 0) { if (comparison == 0) { // right group -> adding the symbol to the list symbol_add_list (&(*group_symbol_current)->group_list, symbol, description, date); } else { // adding the voidgroup before group_new = (struct st_symbol_group*) malloc (sizeof(struct st_symbol_group)); if (group_new != NULL) { group_new->group_name = malloc(strlen(group)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_name, group); group_new->group_list = malloc(sizeof(struct st_symbol_list)); group_new->group_list->symbol.symbol = malloc(strlen(symbol)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.symbol, symbol); group_new->group_list->symbol.description = malloc(strlen(description)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.description, description); group_new->group_list->symbol.date = malloc(strlen(date)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.date, date); group_new->group_list->next = NULL; group_new->next = *group_symbol_current; *group_symbol_current = group_new; } } } else { // normal group -> to sort alphabeticaly if (comparison == 0) { // right group -> adding the symbol to the list symbol_add_list (&(*group_symbol_current)->group_list, symbol, description, date); } else { if (comparison > 0) { // the group has to be integrated before group_new = (struct st_symbol_group*) malloc (sizeof(struct st_symbol_group)); if (group_new != NULL) { group_new->group_name = malloc(strlen(group)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_name, group); group_new->group_list = malloc(sizeof(struct st_symbol_list)); group_new->group_list->symbol.symbol = malloc(strlen(symbol)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.symbol, symbol); group_new->group_list->symbol.description = malloc(strlen(description)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.description, description); group_new->group_list->symbol.date = malloc(strlen(date)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.date, date); group_new->group_list->next = NULL; group_new->next = *group_symbol_current; *group_symbol_current = group_new; } } else { if ((*group_symbol_current)->next != NULL) { symbol_add(&(*group_symbol_current)->next, group, symbol, description, date); } else { // creation of the next group_new = (struct st_symbol_group*) malloc (sizeof(struct st_symbol_group)); if (group_new != NULL) { group_new->group_name = malloc(strlen(group)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_name, group); group_new->group_list = malloc(sizeof(struct st_symbol_list)); group_new->group_list->symbol.symbol = malloc(strlen(symbol)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.symbol, symbol); group_new->group_list->symbol.description = malloc(strlen(description)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.description, description); group_new->group_list->symbol.date = malloc(strlen(date)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(group_new->group_list->symbol.date, date); group_new->group_list->next = NULL; group_new->next = NULL; (*group_symbol_current)->next = group_new; } } } } } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////// void symbol_add_list (struct st_symbol_list ** list_current, char* symbol, char* description, char* date) { struct st_symbol_list * symbol_new = NULL; if ((*list_current)->next != NULL) { // sorting the element if (strcmp((*list_current)->next->symbol.symbol, symbol) < 0) { symbol_add_list (&(*list_current)->next, symbol, description, date); } else { // adding the element before symbol_new = malloc (sizeof(struct st_symbol_list)); if (symbol_new != NULL) { symbol_new->symbol.symbol = malloc(strlen(symbol)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(symbol_new->symbol.symbol, symbol); symbol_new->symbol.description = malloc(strlen(description)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(symbol_new->symbol.description, description); symbol_new->symbol.date = malloc(strlen(date)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(symbol_new->symbol.date, date); symbol_new->next = (*list_current)->next; (*list_current)->next = symbol_new; } } } else { // last element of the list -> creating a new element symbol_new = malloc (sizeof(struct st_symbol_list)); if (symbol_new != NULL) { (*list_current)->next = symbol_new; symbol_new->symbol.symbol = malloc(strlen(symbol)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(symbol_new->symbol.symbol, symbol); symbol_new->symbol.description = malloc(strlen(description)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(symbol_new->symbol.description, description); symbol_new->symbol.date = malloc(strlen(date)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(symbol_new->symbol.date, date); symbol_new->next = NULL; } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////// void symbol_store (FILE* pFile, struct st_symbol_group *group_current) { if (group_current != NULL) { if (strncmp(group_current->group_name, "voidgroup", 9)!=0) { // group void must be stored without name ! fprintf(pFile, "\\noindent \\hspace*{1em} \\large \\bfseries \\MakeTextUppercase{%s} \\normalsize \\newline\n", group_current->group_name); } symbol_store_list(pFile, group_current->group_list); symbol_store (pFile, group_current->next); } else { fprintf(pFile, "\\newline\n"); } } void symbol_store_list(FILE * pFile, struct st_symbol_list *list_current) { if (list_current != NULL) { fprintf(pFile, "\\begin{minipage}[t]{3cm} %s \\end{minipage} \\begin{minipage}[t]{4cm} %s, %s \\end{minipage} \\newline\n", list_current->symbol.symbol, list_current->symbol.description, list_current->symbol.date); symbol_store_list(pFile, list_current->next); } else { fprintf(pFile, "\\vspace{1em} \\newline"); } }