%% This is file `xymtx-ps.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% xymtx-ps.dtx  (with options: `xymtxps')
%% This is a generated file.
%% Copyright 2002,2004,2005,2009 by Shinsaku Fujita
%% This file is part of the XyMTeX system.
%% =======================================
%% Version 1.00 Released on April 30, 2002
%% Version 4.01 Released on August 30, 2004 (adjust for XyMTeX version 4.01)
%% Version 4.02 Released on December 20, 2004 (wedged bonds for stereochemistry)
%% Version 4.03 Released on July 20, 2005 (wave line for stereochemistry)
%% Version 4.03a Released on August 02, 2005 (Bug fix)
%% Version 4.04a Released on June 15, 2009 (Bug fix)
%% Version 4.05 Released on November 05, 2009 (Bug fix)
%% Copyright (C) 2002,2004,2005,2009 by Shinsaku Fujita,
%% all rights reserved.
%% This style file is created for drawing chemical structural formulas
%% This style file is to be contained in the ``xymtex'' directory which
%% is an input directory for TeX.
%% Copying of this file is authorized only if either
%%  (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name and
%%      directory name
%%  (2) if you do make changes,
%%      (a) you name it something other than the names included in the
%%          ``xymtex'' directory and
%%      (b) you acknowledge the original name.
%%  This restriction ensures that all standard styles are identical.
%% =======================================
%% This file contains several codes modified from latex.tex (LaTeX2.09)
%% and from latex.ltx (a LaTeX2e), the reused parts of which are subject to
%% Copyright 1994 the LaTeX3 project and the individual authors (For further
%% copyright information see the file legal.txt of the LaTeX2e standard
%% distribution, and any other copyright indicated in this file.)
%% File: xymtx-ps.dtx
%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
\def\versi@ndate{November 05, 2009}
\def\copyrighth@lder{SF} % Shinsaku Fujita
\typeout{XyMTeX Macro File `\j@urnalname' (\versi@nno) <\versi@ndate>%
\@ifundefined{setsixringv}{\input chemstr.sty\relax}{}
%%\psset{xunit=\the\unitlength,yunit=\the\unitlength}%delete August 2, 2005
\newif\if@thicklinesw \@thicklineswfalse
\newif\if@wedgesw \@wedgeswtrue
\newif\if@hasheddashsw \@hasheddashswtrue
\@ifundefined{ifmolfront}{\newif\ifmolfront \molfrontfalse}{}
\@ifundefined{if@skbondlist}{\newif\if@skbondlist \@skbondlistfalse}{}
\newcount\@tempcntXa \newcount\@tempcntYa \newcount\@tempcntz
\newcount\@tempcntXb \newcount\@tempcntYb \newcount\@tempcntzz
\newcount\@tempcntXc \newcount\@tempcntYc \newcount\@tempcntzzz
\ifnum#3>0\relax \@tempcntXa=#5\relax
\advance\@tempcntXa by#1\relax
\multiply\@tempcntYa by#4\relax\multiply\@tempcntYa by10\relax
\divide\@tempcntYa by#3\relax\divide\@tempcntYa by10\relax\fi
\advance\@tempcntYa by#2\relax
\ifmolfront%bold dash bond for skeletal bond for pyranose etc.
\if@skbondlist%bold dash bond skeletal bond for general cases
\else%wedged bond
\@tempcntXa=0\relax \@tempcntYa=0\relax
\endgroup}%end of Put@@@Line
\ifnum#1<0 \@tempcntzz=-#1\else\@tempcntzz=#1\fi
\ifnum#2<0 \@tempcntzzz=-#2\else\@tempcntzzz=#2\fi
\multiply\@tempcntzzz by10\relax \divide\@tempcntzzz by\@tempcntzz\fi%% (3/5)x10=6
%%one point of wedge
\@tempcntXb=#3 \advance\@tempcntXb by8\relax
\@tempcntYb=#3 \advance\@tempcntYb by8\relax
\advance\@tempcntXb by8\relax
\advance\@tempcntYb by-8\relax
\multiply\@tempcntXb by#2\relax\multiply\@tempcntXb by10\relax
\divide\@tempcntXb by#1\relax\divide\@tempcntXb by10\relax\fi\fi
\advance\@tempcntXb by\@tempcntXa\relax
\advance\@tempcntYb by\@tempcntYa\relax
%%other point of wedge
\@tempcntXc=-#3 \advance\@tempcntXc by-8\relax
\@tempcntYc=-#3 \advance\@tempcntYc by-8\relax
\advance\@tempcntXc by-6\relax
\advance\@tempcntYc by6\relax
\multiply\@tempcntXc by#2\relax\multiply\@tempcntXc by10\relax
\divide\@tempcntXc by#1\relax\divide\@tempcntXc by10\relax\fi\fi
\advance\@tempcntXc by\@tempcntXa\relax
\advance\@tempcntYc by\@tempcntYa\relax
}%%end of \stereo@wedgedimension
\@ifundefined{iftdir}{\newif\iftdir \tdirfalse}{}%pLaTeXe vs. LaTeXe
   \begingroup \@tempcntz=#3 \divide\@tempcntz by2\relax
   \begingroup \@tempcntz=#3 \divide\@tempcntz by2\relax
   \XyMTeXWarning{A dottedline is replaced by a solid line.}%
\if@skbondlist%hashed dash bond skeletal bond for general cases
   \XyMTeXWarning{A dottedline is replaced by a solid line.}%
}%end of \d@@t@rline
\@tempcntzzz=-30\relax%almost no shortening
\psline[unit=\unitlength,linewidth=\thickLineWidth,linestyle=dashed,dash=1pt 1.2pt]%
\psline[unit=\unitlength,linewidth=\thickLineWidth,linestyle=dashed,dash=1pt 1.2pt]%
\psline[unit=\unitlength,linewidth=3.8pt,linestyle=dashed,dash=0.8pt 1pt,linecolor=white]%
\psline[unit=\unitlength,linewidth=3pt,linestyle=dashed,dash=0.6pt 0.8pt,linecolor=white]%
}%%end of \hashedwedgebond
\advance\@tempcntXb by-#6\relax \divide\@tempcntXb by\@tempcntzz\relax
\advance\@tempcntYb by-#7\relax \divide\@tempcntYb by\@tempcntzz\relax
\advance\@tempcntXb by#6\relax
\advance\@tempcntYb by#7\relax
\advance\@tempcntXc by-#6\relax \divide\@tempcntXc by\@tempcntzzz\relax
\advance\@tempcntYc by-#7\relax \divide\@tempcntYc by\@tempcntzzz\relax
\advance\@tempcntXc by#8\relax
\advance\@tempcntYc by#9\relax
}%%end of \bondshorten
\@thicklineswtrue \@wedgeswtrue
\molfrontfalse \@skbondlistfalse
\@thicklineswtrue \@wedgeswtrue
\molfrontfalse \@skbondlistfalse
\ifnum#3>0\relax \@tempcntXa=#5\relax
\advance\@tempcntXa by-10\relax
\advance\@tempcntXa by#1\relax
\advance\@tempcntYa by-10\relax
\multiply\@tempcntYa by#4\relax\multiply\@tempcntYa by10\relax
\divide\@tempcntYa by#3\relax\divide\@tempcntYa by10\relax\fi
\advance\@tempcntYa by#2\relax
\psline[unit=\unitlength,linewidth=5pt,linestyle=dashed,dash=0.8pt 1pt,linecolor=white]%
\psline[unit=\unitlength,linewidth=3pt,linestyle=dashed,dash=0.6pt 0.8pt,linecolor=white]%
}%%end of \HashWedgeAsSubst
\hbox{\smash{\hbox to0.72em{\hss#1\hss}\kern-0.72em\lower2.2ex\hbox{#2}}}}
%%\psset{unit=\unitlength}%delete August 02, 2005
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\else \let\substfontsize=\normalsize\fi}
%% End of file `xymtx-ps.sty'.