The files that support the LaTeX viewgraph style are currently in my TeX
directory [BIEMES.TEX].  It's probably fairly obvious what these are, but
I'll give a quick explanation anyway.

VG18.STY;1                      3   3-MAR-1987 14:54
VG20.STY;1                      4   3-MAR-1987 14:54
VG24.STY;1                      4   3-MAR-1987 14:54
VG_GUIDE.AUX;5                  2  19-MAR-1987 22:57
VG_GUIDE.DVI;5                 28  19-MAR-1987 22:57
VG_GUIDE.TEX;6                 35  19-MAR-1987 22:57
VG_GUIDE.TOC;2                  2  19-MAR-1987 22:26
VG_GUIDE_VG.DVI;4               4  19-MAR-1987 23:04
VG_GUIDE_VG.TEX;3               4  19-MAR-1987 22:33
VIEWGRAPH.DOC;13               49  19-MAR-1987 23:05
VIEWGRAPH.STY;18               23  19-MAR-1987 23:03

Total of 11 files, 158 blocks.

The LaTeX style definition is contained in VIEWGRAPH.STY, which is supposed to
be identical with VIEWGRAPH.DOC minus comments and whitespace.  The .DOC file
contains supposedly helpful comments that explain what I was doing as I wrote
the style.  VG18, VG20, and VG24 are substyle files that define the type sizing
commands (\large, \normalsize, etc.); they work just like the ones for regular
LaTeX styles, and serve the same purpose.  VG_* contain the documentation in
two parts (the portrait-mode part and the landscape-mode part); the document
doesn't have to live in TEX_INPUTS.

The LaTeX Command Summary is in CRIB208.TEX; you may want to have that as well.
There aren't many changes from 2.08 to 2.09 (\head goes away, something about
\renewenvironment is different, etc.) so you can probably survive until we get
2.09 installed and I can rewrite it again.