% $Header: /usr/home/levy/texts/geomsty/RCS/geomenv.sty,v 1.15 95/12/13 20:32:50 levy Exp Locker: levy $


% \newtheorem is modified so as to accept a (first) optional argument.
% If this is present, the new theorem type ``foo'' will spawn an inner
% environment ``foo@''.  The optional argument contains two
% brace-delimited token sequences, be inserted before and after the inner
% environment starts.




\def\unnumbered#1{\expandafter\let\csname the#1\endcsname\relax}
\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand
  \csname the#3\endcsname \@thmcountersep \@thmcounter{#1}}%
\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%


% Avoid indentation after end of theorem-like environment.

\def\end#1{\csname end#1\endcsname\@checkend{#1}%
  \expandafter\endgroup \if@endpe \@doendpe \@restorepar \fi
  \if@ignore \global\@ignorefalse \ignorespaces\fi}

% \theoremintro allows the user to choose how the theorem take is
% going to look like.

\def\theoremintro#1{\normalshape\bf#1. }
% cannot use \@ifempty for this test because #2 typically looks like
% \csname thetheorem\csname, and \thetheorem has been \let to \relax.
     \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempa#2%  This gives \thetheorem
     \ifx\@tempa\relax\else{ }\fi\fi#2}


\def\@opargbegintheorem#1#2#3{\trivlist\item[\hskip \labelsep
        \theoremintro{\thrmintro{#1}{#2} (#3)}\hskip-\labelsep]\ifautolabel\label*{#3}\fi}

%  \specialdigits causes digits and punctuation to become active
%  and print in roman type.  \regulardigits cancels that.



% The proof environment takes an optional argument, which defaults
% to \prooftag (which should be set by theorem-like environments).
% This argument is stored in \provedbox (after being passed to
% \provedboxcontents), to be printed in the ``proved box'' at 
% the end of the proof.  It is also printed at the beginning of proof,
% after being passed to \proofintro.

% If the proof
% ends with a displayed formula, it is recommented that the proved box
% be placed next to the formula (as if it were a tag).  This is done
% by inserting \proved before the closing $$.  In even more difficult
% cases (e.g., if the formula already has a tag, or is part of a 
% multi-line display), plop \box\provedbox where we want the box to be.



% the next few lines, parallel to the Theorem setup, don't work for
% two reasons: \provedbox is set within a group and so disappears, and
% the nextchar seen by processproof is always \hskip.
%  {\trivlist\item[\hskip\labelsep\process@proof\hskip-\labelsep]}
%  {\ifvoid\provedbox\else\hproved\fi\endtrivlist}


  {\it Proof\ifx\@tempa\empty\else\ of #1\fi. }\ignorespaces}





% $Log:	geomenv.sty,v $
%Revision 1.15  95/12/13  20:32:50  levy
%make {proof} a redefinition instead of a definition
%Revision 1.14  95/07/22  13:32:31  levy
%put space after period in \theoremintro 
%(while at the same time removing the \labelsep)
%Revision 1.13  93/08/18  08:35:24  levy
%> eliminated space for \newtheorem{justnumber}{}
%added definition of \unnumbered
%Revision 1.12  1993/03/16  23:55:14  levy
%*** empty log message ***
%Revision 1.11  93/03/07  23:08:41  levy
%removed a repeated invocation of \theoremintro in \opargbegintheorem
%Revision 1.10  1993/01/10  20:57:03  levy
%comparison in \proofintro should have \edef, not \def
%Revision 1.9  1993/01/10  17:11:12  levy
%*** empty log message ***
%Revision 1.8  92/10/01  15:31:59  levy
%fixed space in "Theorem ."
%Revision 1.7  92/07/17  13:44:21  levy
%*** empty log message ***
%Revision 1.6  92/07/13  21:54:27  levy
%further cleaned up the environments
%Revision 1.5  92/07/13  11:12:10  levy
%big change (abolished MakeStEnv)
%Revision 1.4  92/06/15  19:15:35  levy
%fixed disappearing punctuation in fancy italics
%Revision 1.3  92/06/03  11:25:24  levy
%active punctuation
%Revision 1.2  92/04/07  09:08:56  levy
%*** empty log message ***
%Revision 1.1  1992/03/21  02:42:28  levy
%Initial revision