% $Header: /home/tampa_a/fac/levy/texts/geombook/RCS/index.sty,v 1.1 92/04/07 09:47:28 levy Exp $


% index and glossary macros
% the basic user-level command is \index, which, in proof mode
% merely prints the entry on the left margin. To revert to
% index-making behavior, type \makeindex.

\def\makeindex{\if@filesw \newwrite\@indexfile
  \makingindextrue\typeout{Writing index file \jobname.idx }\fi}

  \vbox{\marginstyle\strut #1\hfil\strut}}}}
\def\marginstyle{\tiny \hsize=1in \parindent=0pt \hangindent=10pt
  \hangafter=1 \rightskip=0pt plus 5em }
\newinsert\@margin \dimen\@margin=\maxdimen \count\@margin=0 \skip\@margin=0pt

% change in output routine to account for new insertion class
\def\@makecol{\ifvoid\footins \setbox\@outputbox\box\@cclv
     \vbox{\boxmaxdepth \maxdepth
     \setbox\@outputbox\vbox to\@colht{\boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
          \llap{\vbox to0pt {\kern4pt\box\@margin \vss}\kern .1in}\fi

% But \index does not print its argument.  To index a word that
% actually appears in the text say \ix{...}. To index notation say \ixn$...$
% or \ixninv$...$, depending on whether the word should appear or not.
% And just for symmetry, you can also use \ixinv, which equals \index:
%                 Text              Notation
%  Visible        \ix               \ixn
%  Invisible      \ixinv            \ixninv
\def\ixinv{\index}      % must not use \let, since meaning changes
                        % under \makeindex

% Some functions such as cross-referencing automatically invoke
% indexing.  The particular format is defined here.
% The xfs for \labelindex are needed because \index doesn't expand
{\catcode`\%=12 \gdef\refinvindex#1{\index{% #1}}}

% $Log:	index.sty,v $
%Revision 1.1  92/04/07  09:47:28  levy
%Initial revision