%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-style-file{
%%%     author          = "Rong Chen",
%%%     version         = "1.03",
%%%     date            = "11 June 1992",
%%%     time            = "15:16:26 CDT",
%%%     filename        = "manpage.sty",
%%%     address         = "Department of Computer Science
%%%                        University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
%%%                        1304 W. Springfield Ave.
%%%                        Urbana, IL 61801
%%%                        USA",
%%%     telephone       = "(217) 244-7118",
%%%     FAX             = "(217) 333-3501",
%%%     checksum        = "03245 575 2732 22501",
%%%     email           = "rchen@cs.uiuc.edu (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "LaTeX, manpage",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This LaTeX style file is similar to the UNIX troff
%%%                        man macros in format and is specially tuned for
%%%                        documenting the C++ library that the author wrote.
%%%                        This style option is designed to work with both
%%%                        report and article document styles of LaTeX v2.09,
%%%                        e.g., \documentstyle[11pt,twoside,manpage]{report}
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by
%%%                        the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc
%%%                        (word count) utility output of lines,
%%%                        words, and characters.  This is produced by
%%%                        Robert Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================

% manpage.sty
% Copyright (c) 1990 by Rong Chen (rchen@cs.uiuc.edu)
% Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted, provided
% that the copies are not made or distributed for resale, and that
% the copyright notice and this notice are retained.

% The commands defined in the style file are listed bellow:
% \begin{manpage}{Title}{Module}{Version}  % see an example, all will be clear
%                 % latex supplies the current date if no \date{} is specified
% \end{manpage}   % end of manpage environment
% \variable{#1}  (e.g., \variable{int foo}) % with \medskip added
% \variable*{#1} (e.g., \variable*{int bar})% no extra spacing
% \function{#1}  (e.g., \function{void demo(int dummy)}) % with \medskip added
% \function*{#1} (e.g., \function*{void demo(int dummy)})% no extra spacing
% \subtitle{#1}  (e.g., \subtitle{AUTHOR}) % fit in the same line if possible
% \subtitle*{#1} (e.g., \subtitle*{AUTHOR})% always break a newline
% "#1"           (e.g., "dummy_variable")  % argument is in italic&unbreakable
% \separator      % draw a thin line to separate subtitle from the text
% \header{#1}{#2}{#3}  % in case you want to have a header and
% \footer{#1}{#2}{#3}  % a footer outside of the manpage environment
% In the \function macro, data types and their dummy arguments are separated
% by a space. So if you have a function like "int f(const int n)", you should
% document it as \function{int f(const~int n)}.  The argument n is optional.
% In the \subtitle macro, two lines of text may be divided by "\\".
% The following characters (control-sequents) are defined (or redefined) as:
% \" --- print the double quote character ("), use $\ddot{\rm#1}$ for accent
% \~ --- defined as $\sim$ being raised 0.6ex, use $\tilde{\rm#1}$ for accent
% \* --- the same as $\ast$
% \< --- the same as $\langle$
% \> --- the same as $\rangle$
% <  --- the same as $<$
% >  --- the same as $>$
% _  --- the same as \_,  use $\sb{#1}$ for subscript (see TeXbook pp. 135)
% +  --- the same as $+$
% |  --- the same as $\mid$
% ^  --- {\small $\wedge$} being raised 0.6ex, superscript is now $\sp{#1}$
% "  --- the same as {\tt "} when outside of the manpage environment,
%        otherwise use \" instead

\headheight 24pt % see Lamport's LaTeX book for definitions
\headsep 12pt
\textwidth 6.25in
\textheight 8.0in
\topmargin 0in
\marginparwidth 0pt
\oddsidemargin 0pt
\evensidemargin 0pt
\marginparsep 0pt
\parindent 0pt
\parskip 10pt plus 1pt

\newdimen\funindent \funindent 0pt % indentation for function/variable entries
\newdimen\argindent \argindent -1pt % indentation for function arguments

% when \argindent >= 0pt, subsequent lines of arguments have fixed indentation
% i.e., \argindent (e.g., 3em).  See the following example:
%       int foo ( int x, int y, int w,
%             int h, char a, char b,
%             char c, char d )
% when \argindent < 0pt (value doesn't matter), arguments are auto-indented:
%       int foo ( int x, int y, int w,
%                 int h, char a, char b,
%                 char c, char d )

% \tableofcontents and \chapter macros are also modified in manpage.sty.
% The standard LaTeX \tableofcontents couldn't handle \chapter* correctly.
% In the table of contents each manpage has the same indentation as a section.
% Chapter titles have smaller font and they are pushed to the right margin.

% > From: Vick Khera <khera@cs.duke.edu>
% > one more thing you may like... we have this cprog.sty style
% > (formatting of C programs, by \'Eamonn McManus <emcmanus@cs.tcd.ie>)
% > that lets you place C, C++, Pascal, and Modula-2 source code in your
% > LaTeX source directly. no more verbatim mode, which i think is ugly
% > for C code.  just be sure to include it *before* you include manpage.sty
% > or things break.  i don't know why, but i can live with it:
% > \documentstyle[cprog,manpage]{report} will do the trick. then just replace
% > those pesky \begin{verbatim}\end{verbatim} with \begin{cprog}\end{cprog}
% > and it looks much better.  i also like to put after the \documentstyle
% > the command \let\ctextfont=\sf so the code is typeset in the \sf font
% > to differentiate it from normal text.
% (you may do the same with \let\ccommentfont=\sl and \let\cstringfont=\sf)

% If you make any improvements, I'd like to hear about them.
% STOP STOP STOP -- comments end here :-(
% but there is a sample.tex file in the back.



\def\arg@quote#1"{\hbox{\it #1\/}}
\def\tt@quote{\hbox{\tt \char34}}

\def\var@star#1{\expandafter\print@var#1\@@\\ }
\def\var@norm#1{\expandafter\print@var#1\@@\medskip\\ }

\def\print@var#1\@@{\expandafter\parse@var#1 =\@@}
  \ifx #2\@nil\else{\unskip\rm\ \(=\)\ }\strip@eq#2\fi

\def\@func@star#1{\expandafter\@function#1 \\ }
\def\@func@norm#1{\expandafter\@function#1 \medskip\\ }

\newdimen\arg@dim         % temp variables that you don't want to know

\def\@function#1(#2)#3 {
  \expandafter\print@name#1 \@@
  \setbox\arg@box=\hbox{\rm\ \((\)\ }%
  \ifx\@fortmp\@empty {\rm \()\)#3}\else
    \setbox\arg@box=\hbox{\rm\ \()\);}%
    \global\line@siz\linewidth \global\advance\line@siz-\wd\arg@box
      \global\arg@indent\arg@dim \else\global\arg@indent\argindent\fi
      \unskip\@comma\def\@comma{\nobreak,\penalty-\@m\ }%
    \unskip\nobreak\hbox{\rm\ \()\)#3}%

\def\print@name#1#2 #3\@@{%
    \setbox\arg@box=\hbox{\bf #1#2}%
    \else\setbox\arg@box=\hbox{\rm #1#2 \bf #3\unskip}\fi
  \global\arg@dim\funindent \global\advance\arg@dim\wd\arg@box

\def\print@arg#1\@@{\expandafter\print@type#1 \@@}

\def\print@type#1#2 #3\@@{%
  \setbox\arg@box=\hbox{{\rm #1#2}%
    \ifx #3\@nil\else\expandafter\print@dummy#3=\@@\fi
    \global\arg@dim\arg@indent \global\advance\arg@dim\wd\arg@box

  \edef\tmp@name{#1}\def\a@space{ }%
    {\unskip\it\ #1\/}%
    \ifx #2\@nil\else{\unskip\rm\ \(=\)\ }\strip@eq#2\fi

\def\strip@eq#1={\rm \expandafter\ignorespaces#1\unskip}



  \ifdim \wd\arg@box > \labelwidth \item[\copy\arg@box\hfill]\hfil\par
  \else \dp\arg@box=0pt \item[\copy\arg@box\hfill] \fi


    \topsep  5pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
    \itemsep 5pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
    \parsep 10pt plus 2pt minus 2pt

  \end{list} \clearpage \flushbottom


    {\rm\ \ \expandafter\@first\@header\hfill
      \expandafter\@third\@header\ \ } \\[.1cm]
    {\rm\ \ \expandafter\@third\@header\hfill
      \expandafter\@first\@header\ \ } \\[.1cm]
    \hbox{}\rule{\textwidth}{1pt} \\[.1cm]
    {\sl\ \ \expandafter\@first\@footer\hfill
      \sl\expandafter\@third\@footer\ }
    \hbox{}\rule{\textwidth}{1pt} \\[.1cm]
    {\sl\ \ \expandafter\@third\@footer\hfill
      \sl\expandafter\@first\@footer\ }


  \newskip\@savskip \@savskip=\parskip
  \parskip 0pt plus 1pt
  \clearpage \thispagestyle{plain} \global\@topnum\z@ \@afterindentfalse
  \@afterheading \@starttoc{toc}

  { \raggedleft
    \Large\bf \@chapapp{} \thechapter \par \vskip 15pt
    \huge\bf #1\par
    \nobreak \vskip 30pt

  { \raggedleft
    \huge\bf #1\par
    \nobreak \vskip 30pt


\catcode`\<=\active \def\mit@less{\hbox{\(\char60\)}} \let<=\mit@less
\catcode`\>=\active \def\mit@more{\hbox{\(\char62\)}} \let>=\mit@more
% \catcode`\_=\active \def_={\hbox{\kern.1em\vbox{\hrule width.3em}}}
\catcode`\_=\active \global\let_=\_
\def\mit@wedge{\hbox{\raise.6ex\hbox{\small \(\wedge\)}}}
\catcode`\^=\active \let^=\mit@wedge
\catcode`\+=\active \def\mit@add{\hbox{\(\char43\)}} \let+=\mit@add
\catcode`\|=\active \def\mit@mid{\hbox{\(\mid\)}} \let|=\mit@mid
