|                                  ellipsis                                   |
Abbreviation:  �|\el�%
Parameters:    �|n�%
Ellipsis points  indicate any omission  of a  word, line,  or paragraph from
a quoted  passage.   Three points are used  when the omission  occurs with a
sentence or  fragment.   Four points are used  when the omission  is a whole
sentence or more, including whole paragraphs.
    In using  the \ellipsis markup,  n may  be "3" or  "4".   The \ellipsis3
markup inserts  three points, surrounded  by appropriate spacing.   (  . . .
)  The \ellipsis4  markup inserts four points, immediately after a sentence,
with space after the last point.  ( . . . .  )
The following quote has been shortened with ellipses.
names the process:
This loss of fluids is known as aging\ellipsis4
The lithosphere\ellipsis3 wrinkles over time.
The process is one-way, as rehydration will not
unwrinkle the surface.
As far as general surface alteration, only the . . .
|                                                                             |
| names the process:                                                          |
|                                                                             |
|          This loss  of fluids  is known  as aging  . .  . .       The       |
|      lithosphere .  .  .       wrinkles over  time.   The  process is       |
|      one-way, as rehydration will not unwrinkle the surface.                |
|                                                                             |
|     As far as general surface alteration, only the . . .                    |
|                                                                             |
No additional space  is required around the ellipsis  markup, since space is