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The \leftragged markup leaves the left margin uneven after formatting.  This
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The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate
oversimplification comes complex obfuscation and general
Behavioral research will lead in this direction, as the
general theory of Sociogeology predicts the features of
social organization from knowledge of population
parameters and behavioral constraints imposed by
the mineral constitution of the species.
Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high
temperatures, fever, for instance.
Metamorphic crystallization involves low temperatures;
|                                                                             |
|     Thecomparison mayseemfacile, butfrom deliberateoversimplificationcomes  |
| complex obfuscationandgeneral theoretification.Behavioral researchwilllead  |
|  inthis direction,asthe generaltheoryof Sociogeologypredicts thefeaturesof  |
|      social organizationfromknowledge ofpopulation parametersandbehavioral  |
|                 constraints imposedbythe mineralconstitution ofthespecies.  |
|           Humansexhibit metamorphicbehaviorover timeor athightemperatures,  |
|     fever,forinstance. Metamorphiccrystallization involveslowtemperatures;  |
|                                                                             |
Use \justify to turn the justification back on again.