|                                 mathitalic                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\mi�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \mathitalic  markup  is a  font  change  much  the  same  as \roman  or
\italic.  The  behavior of the math italic font  is quite different from the
italic.   For  example, the  sequence "This  lengthy succession"  will print
as "This lengthy succession"  with \italic and "This lengthy succession with
\mathitalic.  This markup is usually used in math mode.
Control sequences with {\it several
arguments} require even more {\mi precautions
than control sequences with one argument.}
|                                                                             |
|     Control sequences with several arguments require even more precautions  |
| than control sequences with one argument.                                   |
|                                                                             |
\mathitalic does not honor interword  spacing (the space between words) in a