+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | paragraphbox | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|\pb�% Parameters: �|text�% �|Description:�% Whole paragraphs can be put into a \drawbox if you use \vbox with the \drawbox. The resulting box will extend into the left and right margins by the sum of the \drawboxmat and \drawboxrulesize. If you use \paragraphbox{ | . . } instead of \drawbox{\vbox{ . . . }}, the paragraph size is reduced | such that the box will fit within the current margins. �|Example:�% This illustrates the difference between a paragraph boxed with \paragraphbox and \drawbox. \paragraphbox{{\it The Journal of Nonrepeating Results} is published by the Center for Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for articles are assigned to and held by the authors.} \drawbox{\vbox{The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Giga Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy.}} +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |. | ........................................................................... |. | . The Journal of Nonrepeating Results is published by the Center |. | . for Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for |. | . articles are assigned to and held by the authors. |. | ........................................................................... |. | . The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Gig |. | . Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability o |. | . experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. |. | ........................................................................... |. | |. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ �|Notes:�% Do not use this markup if you are using \monospace. Do not use \paragraphbox around more than one page of formatted material.