|                                 rightragged                                 |
Abbreviation:  �|\rr�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The \rightragged  markup turns off  right justification.   If  you only want
to right  justify a certain  section of the  document, then you  would use a
combination of the \justify and \rightragged markup.
The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate
oversimplification comes complex obfuscation and
general theoretification.
Behavioral research will lead in this direction, as
the general theory of Sociogeology predicts the . . .
Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high
temperatures, fever, for instance.
Metamorphic crystallization involves low . . .
|                                                                             |
|     The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate oversimplification  |
| comes complex obfuscation and general theoretification. Behavioral          |
| research will lead in this direction, as the general theory of              |
| Sociogeology predicts the  . . .                                            |
|     Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high temperatures,  |
| fever, for instance.  Metamorphic crystallization involves low . . .        |
|                                                                             |
The default  values for  space skips is  listed below.   When  you are using
\monospace you get the values in the right column.
             Composing Printers Typewriter Printers
 \rightskip      plus 1fil           plus 10em
 \spaceskip        .35em                1em
 \xspaceskip       .55em                1em