|                              setendnotenumber                               |
Abbreviation:  �|\senn�%
Parameters:    �|previous endnote number�%
The  endnote  number will  be  automatically  incremented  by  one for  each
use  of \autoendnote.     The endnote  number  can be  reset  by  adding the
\setendnotenumber markup before the next occurrence of an \autoendnote.
By default, endnote numbers are reset in parts.  If you also want them reset
in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding \setendnotenumber
to the \titleformat:
      \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
      \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
The  number specified  in the  \setendnotenumber  parameter is  the previous
endnote  number,  not  the next  endnote  number.    If  you  want  the next
\autoendnote to be endnote 90, then specify