|                          TEXT1 Special Characters                           |
In TeX there are 10 keyboard characters which have special meaning.  They are:
     \ (backslash)        } (right curly brace)     { (left curly brace)
     @ (at sign)          # (pound sign)            _ (underscore)
     & (ampersand)    % (percent sign)    ~ (tilde)    | (vertical bar)
If you need any  of these characters as part of your text  you must precede all
but the tilde and vertical bar with a  \ (backslash) or TeX will interpret them
as a TeX command. To print a tilde you must enter \tilde and for a vertical bar
enter \vbar.
For example, the following input:
       Mom sent Tommy to the store and told him to buy 5\# potatoes, a
       half gallon of 2\% milk and two packages of M\&Ms.
would result in:
Mom sent Tommy to the  store and told him to buy 5# potatoes,  a half gallon of
2% milk and two packages of M&Ms.