|                                 underscore                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\us�%
Parameters:    �|text�%
Underscoring,  drawing a line  under words  or sentences,  is also  used for
emphasis and to indicate book titles.
Figure 1 shows a schema borrowed from my previous
book, \us{The} \us{Intact} \us{Societies:}
\us{Vestals} \us{and} \us{Volcanos}
\us{in} \us{the} \us{South Pacific}, which suggests . . .
|                                                                             |
|     Figure 1  shows a schema  borrowed from  my previous book,  The Intact  |
| Societies:   Vestals and  Volcanos  in the  South Pacific,  which suggests  |
| . . .                                                                       |
|                                                                             |
In  proportional  spacing,   the  \underscore   markup  has  the  occasional
disadvantage of preventing  hyphenation and line breaking,  which can result
in awkward or impossible interword spacing and line breaks.  To remedy this,
put each  word to  be underscored  inside of  its own \underscore  markup as
illustrated above.
    Do not use \underscore in math mode; use \underline instead.