%test version
    \centerline{{\twelvept The FONTTEX Program}}
    \centerline{Version 2, July 1986}
    \hbox{\vbox{\hsize\the\hsize This work is
   protected as an unpublished work under U.S. copyright laws.
   Copyright $\copyright$ 1986 by WSUCSC.  All rights Reserved.}}
    \hbox{\vbox{\hsize\the\hsize This software is furnished under a
    license for
    use only on a single computer system and may be copied only
  with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
 This software, or any other copies
 thereof, may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
 other person except for use on such system and to one who agrees to
 these license terms.  Title to and ownership of the software shall
 at all times remain in WSUCSC.}}
@* Introduction.
 This  version of fonttex writes font and driver  information
       into  elements.  Infile, a data file, must be assigned prior
       the font data.
       Fonttex reads a font description source element, and creates
       a \TeX\ font  file (TFM) and  an  8600  driver  element.
       The font description source is divided into three  sections.
       The  first  section includes comments and parameters for the
       entire font, the second describes the individual  characters,
       and  the  third provides information about ligatures, kerns,
       linked  math  characters,  and  limit  conventions  on  math
       operators.   Numeric   information  is  given  as  integers,
       or    fractions   depending  on  the   context  in which  it
       occurs.  All sizes given will be scaled by the point size by
       \TeX\ and so should reflect the sizes for  1-point
       The first section can include comments, which begin  with  a
       "*" in column one of the line.  It also includes definitions
       of  numeric  parameters  for  the \TeX\ and driver font files.
       The parameter definitions  consist  of  an  alphabetic  name
       beginning  in  column  1 and ending with one or more blanks;
       and  a  numeric  value.   Comments  and  parameters  can  be
       interspersed.  This section is ended by a line containing  a
       dollar  sign in column 1.  Although the order the parameters
       are given in is not significant, we will discuss them  in  a
       conventional  order.   The  first  two  parameters  are  the
       scaling  factors  for the heights, widths, and depths of the
       characters given in section 2.  These  scaling  factors  are
       called  |HUNITS|  and  |VUNITS|.   Both  have  real values.  All
       character widths are implicitly multiplied  by  |HUNITS|,  and
       all heights and depths by |VUNITS|.  For the Compugraphic 8600
       we  use |HUNITS|=1/54 and |VUNITS|=1/64, because of the internal
       units used on the machine.  The next several parameters give
       information about  the  font  needed  by  the  8600  driver.
       |DEFFONT|  specifies  a font number on the typesetter.  Unless
       otherwise defined, all characters in  this  file  come  from
       this  font.   |DEFWIDTH|  gives  the  width  multiplier.   All
       character widths are also multiplied by |DEFWIDTH|.  Typically
       |DEFWIDTH|  is  1, but it could be less for condensed type and
       more for expanded type.  The remaining  parameters  are  for
       the \TeX\ font file. They  all  take  real values.
       There should  be  128  character  entries  in  section  two.
       Information  about character is given in free format columns,
       which are separated by one or  more  blanks.   Beginning  in
       column 1 is the character mnemonic.  Most fonts use standard
       ascii  codes,  so  that  character  65  is  A, etc. For this
       reason, any single character name will  be  checked  to  see
       that it corresponds to the appropriate ascii value. If not a
       warning  is  issued.
          Following  this  may  be  the keyword
       LIGATURE or BUILD describing  ligatures  and  built-up  math
       delimiters.   This  is omitted for ordinary characters.  The
       ligature keyword indicates that  this  character  should  be
       substituted  for  a  combination  of  two  other characters.
       Following the  keyword  should  be  the  names  of  the  two
       characters  separated  by  a  plus  sign.  For  example,  fi
       LIGATURE f+i and:  ff LIGATURE f+f ffl LIGATURE ff+l.
       For the
       BUILD  keyword,  the  character  will  be  made from pieces.
       There can be a top, bottom, middle, and extension character.
       All are optional except the extension  character.   This  is
       specified   as  BUILD  keyword=charname,keyword=charname,...
       For           instance,            bigparen            BUILD
       The  third  field of
       information is the character width, the fourth  the  height,
       and  the  fifth the depth.  Widths are given relative to the
       point size and  are  implicitly  multiplied  by  the  |HUNITS|
       parameter.  Likewise  height  and depth are relative and are
       multiplied by |VUNITS|. For  example,  the  typical  value  of
       |HUNITS|  is  1/54.   Then a character width given as 27 means
       that the character is 0.5 times the point size in width. The
       point size will be determined when the file is  referred  to
       in  \TeX , and the character sizes will be multiplied by it as
       the file is read into \TeX .   The  sixth  column  gives  8600
       commands  and  character codes. The commands have integer or
       real parameters. Most characters will have a single character
       code, and will  be  selected  from  the  default  font.   An
       alternate font can be specified by the F command.  8600 code
       can   also   include   point  size  commands,  psuedo-italic
       commands, etc. Refer to the module discussing ``Reading the
       8600 Codes.''
       The final section specifies kerns, linked  math  characters,
       and  math  operator  conventions.   A  kern  is an amount of
       horizontal space to be subtracted  between  two  characters.
       It  is  specified  as KERN A+W  5/100 for instance, to shave
       5/100 of the point size  between  occurences  of  A  and  W.
       Linking  occurs  in math extension fonts where various sizes
       of parentheses, brackets, and so forth occur.  To  link  one
       character  to  the  next  larger  size  of  the same symbol,
       specify LINK charname1 charname2  Finally,  a  character  is
       specified  to  be  a  mathop by the MATHOP keyword.  (Common
       mathops are sum and integral signs.) Following  the  keyword
       is the character name and a real number.  If the real number
       is  zero, limits for the operator will be centered above and
       below it in display style.  If non-zero, limits are  set  to
       the  right  of the symbol, and the lower limit is moved left
       by this amount.
       Some further detail on the methods and data structures  used
       by Fonttex.  Widths, heights, depths, and italic corrections
       are  stored  in  arrays  of reals (type realarray). Entry -1
       gives the highest numbered entry used so far. When a height,
       depth, etc is read from the input file, procedure  |AddToList|
       is called to add the value to the array and return the index
       of  the  entry  in the array. If two or more characters have
       the same dimension, the value is stored only  once  and  the
       characters have identical indices pointing to it. In the TFM
       format  font  files,  each  character  has an index into the
       width, height, depth,  italic  correction  arrays,  and  the
       arrays  of  values are given separately. (See TUGboat volume
       2, no 1; or the comments in Sysdep at |ReadFontInfo| for  more
       details on the font file format.)
       Ligatures are specified  by  giving  the  name  of  the  two
       "component"  characters  of the ligature. These are saved in
       an array of records, "lig" until  the  entire  pre-file  has
       been read. Then a pass is made through these records to look
       up  all the names of the component characters, and a another
       pass is made through the lig records to group  them  by  the
       first  character  of  the  ligature and add a pointer in the
       outstuff  array  for  that   character   pointing   to   the
       ligature/kern   program.   The   same   is  done  with  kern
       specifications  and  the  final  pass  over  both  is   done
       Extendible characters made from  top,  bottom,  middle,  and
       extension  pieces are marked at the character entry, and the
       names of the pieces are saved in array ext  until  the  file
       has  been read. The tag value and pointer into the ext array
       are set in outstuff when the line is read in |ReadBuildStuff|,
       but the character numbers for the ext array itself  are  not
       found until after the entire file has been read.
       When records are written to the driver and font  files  they
       can  be  displayed  by  compiling Fonttex with "drvdump" and
       "dump" respectively set to true.
@ Following are a  few macros and definitions used throughout program:
@d incr(#) == # := # + 1
@d decr(#) == # := # - 1
@d do_nothing == begin; end
@d ccat==@=||@>
@f static == var
@f value == var
@ The beginning of the program.
@p program fonttex(terminal,sysprint,fontpkt,drvpkt,infile);
  @<Global Constants@>@/
  @<Global Types@>@/
  @<Global Variables@>@/
  @^system dependencies@>
    com_table       :packed array[0..18] of string(7);@/
    com_table[0] := 'HDR';    {Header Record}@/
    com_table[1] := 'CHWIDTH';{Character Width}@/
    com_table[2] := 'RT';     {Reverse Type}@/
    com_table[3] := 'PS';     {Point Size}@/
    com_table[4] := 'SS';     {Set Size}@/
    com_table[5] := 'VMF';    {Vertical Move Forward}@/
    com_table[6] := 'VMR';    {Vertical Move Reverse}@/
    com_table[7] := 'RW';     {Rule Width}@/
    com_table[8] := 'RD';     {Rule Depth}@/
    com_table[9] := 'IR';     {Insert Rule}@/
    com_table[10] := 'SL';    {Slant Mode}@/
    com_table[11] := 'RTWT';  {Reverse Type Window Top}@/
    com_table[12] := 'RTWB';  {Reverse Type Window Bottom}@/
    com_table[13] := 'AU';    {Auxiliary Character Set}@/
    com_table[14] := 'F';     {Change Fonts}@/
    com_table[15] := 'HMR';   {Horizontal Move Right}@/
    com_table[16] := 'HML';   {Horizontal Move Left}@/
    com_table[17] := 'TTS';   {8600 character, in decimal}@/
    com_table[18] := 'MAXCMD';@/
%include pasclib(asciicvt)@/
@* Beginning section.
This section includes some basic functions for reading the DVI file
as well as a couple of procedures, like error and allcaps. Nothing
tricky or noteworthy in these.
@<Global Constants@>=
    maxkerns       = 255;
    num_entries     = 128; {maximum number of characters entered}
@<Global Types@>=
    oneoftwo       = packed 1..2;
    oneoffour      = packed 1..4;
    bytes4         = packed record
         byte0     :packed 0..255;
         byte1     :packed 0..255;
         case oneoftwo of
              1    :(rhword  :packed 0..65535);
              2    :(byte2   :packed 0..255;
                     byte3   :packed 0..255)
    charindex      = 0..127;@\
    comm        = (HDR,CHWIDTH,RT,PS,SS,VMF,VMR,RW,RD,IR,SL,
    driverrec      = record
         cmd       :integer;
         case oneoftwo of
              1      :(param  :shortreal);
              2      :(code   :integer);
    extrec         = record
         topname,botname,extname,midname :string(40);
         top,bot,mid,ext :charindex;
    fonttypes      = (standard,mathex,mathsy);
    halves2        = packed record
         lhword    :packed 0..65535;
         case oneoftwo of
              1    :(rhword  :packed 0..65535);
              2    :(byte2   :packed 0..255;
                     byte3   :packed 0..255)
    kernrec        = record
         frstchar  :charindex;
         scndchar  :charindex;
         kernslot  :integer;
    ligrec         = record
         sourceline     :integer;
         firstname      :string(40);
         scndname       :string(40);
         frstchar       :charindex;
         scndchar       :charindex;
         ligcode        :charindex;
    memoryword     = packed record case oneoffour of
         1         :(pts     :shortreal);
         2         :(int     :integer);
         3         :(twohalves :halves2);
         4         :(fourbytes :bytes4)
    outarray       = array[charindex] of memoryword;
    parameter      = (slant,spacee,spstretch,spshrink,
    realarray      = array[-1..num_entries] of real;
@ This function  will convert whatever is passed to it into
all capital letters. It translates lower case letters into upper case
letters.  All  other  characters   outside   of   the   range
a$<$=character$<$=z are returned as their original value.
@^system dependencies@>
@p function allcaps(instring    :string(40))   :string(40);
    i              :integer;
    character      :char;
    buildit        :string(40);
    chtable        :packed array['81'xc..'e9'xc] of char;
    chtable['81'xc] := 'A';
    chtable['82'xc] := 'B';
    chtable['83'xc] := 'C';
    chtable['84'xc] := 'D';
    chtable['85'xc] := 'E';
    chtable['86'xc] := 'F';
    chtable['87'xc] := 'G';
    chtable['88'xc] := 'H';
    chtable['89'xc] := 'I';
    chtable['91'xc] := 'J';
    chtable['92'xc] := 'K';
    chtable['93'xc] := 'L';
    chtable['94'xc] := 'M';
    chtable['95'xc] := 'N';
    chtable['96'xc] := 'O';
    chtable['97'xc] := 'P';
    chtable['98'xc] := 'Q';
    chtable['99'xc] := 'R';
    chtable['a2'xc] := 'S';
    chtable['a3'xc] := 'T';
    chtable['a4'xc] := 'U';
    chtable['a5'xc] := 'V';
    chtable['a6'xc] := 'W';
    chtable['a7'xc] := 'X';
    chtable['a8'xc] := 'Y';
    chtable['a9'xc] := 'Z';
    buildit := '';
    for i := 1 to length(instring) do begin
         if character in ['a'..'z']
              then buildit := buildit || str(chtable[character])
              else buildit := buildit || str(character);
    allcaps := buildit;
@ This function receives an integer value and converts it to its
hex value and returns that value as a string.
@^system dependencies@>
@p function hex(int   :integer) :string(8);
    i              :integer;
    j              :integer;
    k16            :integer;
    stri           :string(8);
    hexarray       :array[0..15] of string(1);
    hexarray[0]  := '0';
    hexarray[1]  := '1';
    hexarray[2]  := '2';
    hexarray[3]  := '3';
    hexarray[4]  := '4';
    hexarray[5]  := '5';
    hexarray[6]  := '6';
    hexarray[7]  := '7';
    hexarray[8]  := '8';
    hexarray[9]  := '9';
    hexarray[10] := 'A';
    hexarray[11] := 'B';
    hexarray[12] := 'C';
    hexarray[13] := 'D';
    hexarray[14] := 'E';
    hexarray[15] := 'F';
    stri := '';
    i := int;
    if i < 0 then begin
         stri := 'FF';
         i := 'FFFFFF'x + i + 1;
    k16 := 1048576;
         if i >= k16
              then begin
                   j := i div k16;
                   stri := stri || hexarray[j];
                   i := i - (j * k16);
              else if length(stri) > 0
                   then stri := stri || '0';
         k16 := k16 div 16;
         until k16 = 1;
    stri := stri || hexarray[i];
    i := length(stri);
    if (i = 1) or (i = 3) or (i = 5)
         then stri := '0' || stri;
    hex := stri;
@<Global Types@>=
    oneofsix        = 1..6;
@<Global Variables@>=
    dump           :boolean;
    fontpkt        :file of memoryword;
    inx            :integer;
    name           :array[0..127] of string(40);
    outcount       :integer;
    outrec         :memoryword;
@p procedure writeout(outrec    :memoryword;
                      outtype   :oneofsix);
    length         :integer;
    if dump then begin
         write(outcount:6,': ');
         case outtype of
              1    :writeln('Pts=',outrec.pts);
              2    :begin
              3    :with outrec.twohalves do
              4    :with outrec.fourbytes do
                     writeln(' Byte0=',byte0:3,'=>"',hex(byte0),'"',
              5    :with outrec.fourbytes do
                        writeln(' Width inx =',byte0:3,
                                ',Height inx= ',byte1 div 16:2,
                                ',Depth inx =',byte1 mod 16:2,
                                ',ItCor inx= ',byte2 div 4:2,
                                ',Tag =',byte2 mod 4:1,
                                ',Rem =',byte3:2,
              6    :writeln(outrec.int:1);
    outcount := outcount + 1; {count it}
    fontpkt@@ := outrec;
    end; {writeout}
@<Global Types@>=
@!error_severity  = (fatal,notreallyfatal,overlookable);
@<Global Variables@>=
@!currchar       :charindex;
@!errlin         :integer;
@!errlstr        :string(10);
@!errmax         :integer;
@!errmin         :integer;
@!errnum         :integer;
@!errstr         :string(133);
@!infile         :text;
@!lenfile        :integer;
@!lineno         :integer;
@!sysprint       :text;
@ The error procedure. When a byte is read that does not jive with
what the program was expecting, it goes to this procedure with a
return code of some kind and an appropriate message is printed to user.
@p procedure error(err  :integer;
                   howbad  :error_severity);
    if errlin = 0 then errlin := lineno;
       {The caller can override the current line by setting errlin}
    case err of
         0    :writeln('Empty input file');
         1    :writeln('Unrecognized keyword :',errstr);
         2    :begin
                   write('Number of entries must be specified');
                   writeln(' before the entries appear');
         4    :begin
                   write('Integer expected but not found: next char=');
                   if eoln(infile)
                        then writeln('end of line')
                        else writeln(infile@@);
         5    :writeln('Too many unique widths, depths, or heights');
         6    :begin
                   writeln('Entries in font file are out of sequence:');
                   writeln('The entry labelled ',errstr[1],
                           ' has a sequence ', 'of ',currchar:3,
                           ', not its Ascii value ',ordx[errstr[1]]:3);
         7    :writeln('Ran out of entries in font file prematurely');
         8    :writeln('Real value given for parameter ',errstr,
                       ', but integer required');
         9    :writeln('The character names in a ligature or kern ',
                       'have to be separated by a "+"');
         10   :writeln('Knave! No space should follow thine plus sign');
         11   :writeln('We expected to see a keyword here, not ',
                       errstr,'. Perhaps you have too many ',
                       'character entries, or (gasp!) a typo');
         12   :writeln('You never specified "',errstr,
                       '" as a character name');
         13   :writeln('Keyword should be TOP,BOT,MID,EXT, not "',
         14   :writeln('You''ve specified parameters for both ',
                       'mathex and mathsy fonts');
         15   :writeln('Expected to write ',lenfile:3,' records, ',
                       'but actually wrote ',outcount:3);
         16   :writeln('After character name should be BUILD, ',
                       'LIGATURE, or integer, not ',errstr);
         17   :writeln('Invalid value for parameter ',errlstr,', ',
                       errnum,' is <',errmin,' or >',errmax);
         18   :writeln('TTS codes must be within 0 to 127');
         19   :writeln(errlstr,' is not a valid 8600 command');
         20   :writeln('There is no 8600 code given for character ',
         21   :writeln('Bad character for 8600 code :',infile@@);
         24   :writeln('Major font number should be between 1 and ',
         27   :writeln('Fontname too long, truncated to 8 characters');
         28   :writeln('Invalid input values for tracing, ',
                       'record "',errlstr,'" skipped');
         otherwise writeln('Unspecified error number ',err:3);
         end;     {case}
    if howbad = fatal
         then begin
              writeln('Fatal error ends program at input line',
         else writeln('Error at input line',errlin:4);
    if (not eof(infile)) and (howbad = overlookable)
              then begin
                 writeln('rest of this string has been overlooked');
    errlin := 0; {reset default line to lineno}
    end;     {Error}
@p procedure skipblanks;
    while (infile@@=' ') and not eoln(infile) do
         get(infile); {advance one character}
@<Global Types@>=
@!chrset         = set of char;
@ This procedure reads a string from infile to be delimited by
a character in the set delimiters.
@p procedure readmnemonic(var mn              :string(40);
                           delimiters      :chrset);
    str            :string(1);
    mn := '';
    while (length(mn) <= 40) and not (infile@@ in delimiters) do begin
         mn := mn || str;
    errstr := mn; {save globally for error messages}
    end;     {readmnemonic}
@<Global Constants@>=
    exspacekey  = 'EXTRASPACE';
    quadkey     = 'QUAD';
    slantkey    = 'SLANT';
    spaceekey   = 'SPACE';
    spshrkey    = 'SPSHRINK';
    spstrkey    = 'SPSTRETCH';
    xhtkey      = 'XHEIGHT';
@p procedure printparam(p      :parameter);
    case p of
         slant     :write(slantkey:5);
         spacee    :write(spaceekey:6);
         spstretch :write(spstrkey:9);
         spshrink  :write(spshrkey:8);
         xheight   :write(xhtkey:7);
         quad      :write(quadkey:4);
         otherwise  write(' next math parm');
         end;   {case}
    end;        {printparam}
@  This converts the byte to an integer, for further evaluation by
the program.
@p procedure readinteger(var int     :integer);
    minusint       :integer;
    if not (infile@@ in ['0'..'9','-']) then error(4,fatal);
    if infile@@ = '-'
         then begin
              int := 0 - minusint;
         else read(infile,int);
    end;     {readinteger}
@ Reads series of  integers separated  by  *  and  /.  Returns
  value  in  fractional  form:  multiplier/divisor is the real value
@p procedure readexpr(var multiplier    :integer;
                   var divisor       :integer);
    op             :char;
    int            :integer;
    if infile@@ = ' ' then error(4,fatal);
    op := '*';
    multiplier := 1;
    divisor := 1;
    while not (infile@@ in [' ',',']) do begin
         if op = '*'
              then multiplier := multiplier * int
              else divisor := divisor * int;
         if (infile@@ = '*') or (infile@@ = '/')
              then read(infile,op);
         end;  {while}
    end;       {readexpr}
@p procedure readreal(var r    :real);
    mult           :integer;
    divs           :integer;
    r := (1.0 * mult)/(1.0 * divs);
@<Global Constants@>=@/
    axishtkey       = 'AXISHEIGHT';
    bosp1key        = 'BIGOPSPACE1';
    bosp2key        = 'BIGOPSPACE2';
    bosp3key        = 'BIGOPSPACE3';
    bosp4key        = 'BIGOPSPACE4';
    bosp5key        = 'BIGOPSPACE5';
    codingschemekey = 'CODINGSCHEME';
    deffontkey      = 'DEFFONT';
    dethicknesskey  = 'DEFTHICKNESS';
    dewidthkey      = 'DEFWIDTH';
    dlims1key       = 'DELIMSIZE1';
    dlims2key       = 'DELIMSIZE2';
    denom1key       = 'DENOMLOWER1';
    denom2key       = 'DENOMLOWER2';
    fntnamekey      = 'FONTNAME';
    hunitskey       = 'HUNITS';
    raizen1key      = 'NUMRAISE1';
    raizen2key      = 'NUMRAISE2';
    raizen3key      = 'NUMRAISE3';
    ptsizekey       = 'POINTSIZE';
    subdrpkey       = 'SUBDROP';
    sub1key         = 'SUB1';
    sub2key         = 'SUB2';
    supdrpkey       = 'SUPDROP';
    sup1key         = 'SUP1';
    sup2key         = 'SUP2';
    sup3key         = 'SUP3';
    vunitskey       = 'VUNITS';
    maxfont         = 255;
    uninitialized   = -5000.0;
@<Global Variables@>=
    codescheme      :string(40);
    def_ft_stuff    :driverrec;
    def_width_stuff :driverrec;
    fontname        :string(40);
    fontype         :fonttypes;
    hunits          :real;
    params          :array[parameter] of real;
    paramset        :array[fonttypes] of set of parameter;
    pointsize       :integer;
    uniquecode      :integer;
    vunits          :real;
@p procedure read_the_parameters;
label 0;
    mn             :string(40);
    int            :integer;
    realval        :real;
    mult           :integer;
    divs           :integer;
    isint          :boolean;
    pp             :parameter;
    parmerror      :boolean;
    while infile@@ in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','*'] do
         if (infile@@ = '*')
              then begin
                   errlin := errlin + 1;
              else begin
                   @<read vunits or hunits or parameter@>
         {You can end the parameters with a '\$' line -- check it}
    if infile@@ = '$'
         then begin
              readln(infile); {Skip end params marker}
              errlin := errlin + 1;
            {now check that all parameters are given}
0:  parmerror := false;
    for pp := slant to bgopsp5 do
         if (params[pp] = uninitialized) and
            (pp in paramset[fontype]+paramset[standard])
              then begin
                   write('Parameter ');
                   writeln(' was not specified');
                   parmerror := true;
    if parmerror then error(7,fatal);
    end;     {|read_the_parameters|}
@<read vunits or hunits or parameter@>=
                   readmnemonic(mn,[' ']);
                   if dump then write('Parameter ',mn);
                   mn := allcaps(mn);
                   if mn = 'ENDPARAMS'
                   if (mn <> fntnamekey) and (mn <> codingschemekey)
                        then readexpr(mult,divs);
                   if divs = 0
                        then realval := 1.0 * mult
                        else realval := (1.0 * mult)/(1.0 * divs);
                   int := mult;
                   if divs = 1
                        then isint := true
                        else isint := false; {only reals have divisor}
                   if mn = hunitskey
                   else if mn = vunitskey
                   else if mn = fntnamekey
                   else if mn = codingschemekey
                   else if mn = deffontkey
                   else if mn = dewidthkey
                   else if mn = ptsizekey
                   else begin
                     @<TEX standard parameter@>
                   errlin := errlin + 1;
                   end;   {else..begin}
                        then begin
                             errlin := errlin + 1;
                             goto 0; {marks end of parameters}
                        then begin
                             hunits := realval;
                             if dump then writeln(' = ',realval);
                        then begin
                             vunits := realval;
                             if dump then writeln(' = ',realval);
                        then begin
                             readmnemonic(fontname,[' ','.']);
                             fontname := allcaps(fontname);
                             if dump then writeln(' = ',fontname);
                        then begin
                             readmnemonic(codescheme,[' ','.']);
                             codescheme := allcaps(codescheme);
                             if dump then writeln(' = ',codescheme);
                        then {set up |def_ft_stuff| record}
                             with def_ft_stuff do begin
                                  cmd := ord(F); {8600 font command}
                                  if int > maxfont
                                       then error(24,notreallyfatal);
                                  code := int * 10;
                                  uniquecode := int;
                                  if dump then writeln(' = ',int);
                        then {set up |def_width_stuff| record}
                             with def_width_stuff do begin
                            {ratio of set width to point size}
                                  cmd := ord(CHWIDTH);
                                  param := realval;
                                  if dump then writeln(' = ',realval);
                        then begin
                             pointsize := int;
                             if dump then writeln(' = ',int);
    @<TEX standard parameter@>=
                        if mn = slantkey
                             then pp := slant
                             else if mn = spaceekey
                                  then pp := spacee
                             else if mn = spstrkey
                                  then pp := spstretch
                             else if mn = spshrkey
                                  then pp := spshrink
                             else if mn = xhtkey
                                  then pp := xheight
                             else if mn = quadkey
                                  then pp := quad
                             else if mn = exspacekey
                                  then pp := extraspace
    @<TEX mathsy parameter@>
    @<TEX mathex parameter@>
                             else error(1,fatal);
                        params[pp] := realval; {save value of it}
                        if dump then writeln(' = ',realval);
                        if pp in paramset[mathex]
                             then begin
                                  if fontype = standard
                                      then fontype := mathex
                                      else if fontype <> mathex
                                           then error(14,fatal);
                             else if pp in paramset[mathsy]
                                  then begin
                                       if fontype = standard
                                                 {change assumption}
                                           then fontype := mathsy
                                           else if fontype <> mathsy
                                                then error(14,fatal);
                                       end; {then..begin}
                        end;   {else..begin TEX}
    @<TEX mathsy parameter@>=
                             else if mn = raizen1key
                                  then pp := raisen1
                             else if mn = raizen2key
                                  then pp := raisen2
                             else if mn = raizen3key
                                  then pp := raisen3
                             else if mn = denom1key
                                  then pp := denom1
                             else if mn = denom2key
                                  then pp := denom2
                             else if mn = sup1key
                                  then pp := sup1
                             else if mn = sup2key
                                  then pp := sup2
                             else if mn = sup3key
                                  then pp := sup3
                             else if mn = sub1key
                                  then pp := sub1
                             else if mn = sub2key
                                  then pp := sub2
                             else if mn = supdrpkey
                                  then pp := supdrop
                             else if mn = subdrpkey
                                  then pp := subdrop
                             else if mn = dlims1key
                                  then pp := dlims1
                             else if mn = dlims2key
                                  then pp := dlims2
                             else if mn = axishtkey
                                  then pp := axisheight
  @<TEX mathex parameter@>=
                             else if mn = dethicknesskey
                                  then pp := defthickness
                             else if mn = bosp1key
                                  then pp := bgopsp1
                             else if mn = bosp2key
                                  then pp := bgopsp2
                             else if mn = bosp3key
                                  then pp := bgopsp3
                             else if mn = bosp4key
                                  then pp := bgopsp4
                             else if mn = bosp5key
                                  then pp := bgopsp5
@ finds  entry in array list if present and returns its  index
  as slot.  otherwise it adds it at the end of list (specified
  by list[-1]) and returns that index as slot.
@p procedure add_to_list(var list      :realarray;
                        entry     :real;
                        lmax      :integer;
                    var slot      :integer);
    linx           :integer;
    if entry = 0 then begin
         slot := 0;
    for linx := 1 to trunc(list[-1]) do
         if entry = list[linx]
              then begin
                   slot := linx;
                         {not found}
    if trunc(list[-1]) = lmax then error(5,fatal);
    list[-1] := list[-1] + 1.0;
    list[trunc(list[-1])] := entry;
    slot := trunc(list[-1]);
    end;     {|add_to_list|}
@<Global Variables@>=
    max            :array[comm] of integer;
    min            :array[comm] of integer;
@ Sets up info  needed to read driver file info from the input
  file, and write it in proper format into the  driver  output file
@p procedure init8600commands;
    cmd            :comm;
    for cmd := HDR to MAXCMD  do begin {initialize 8600 commands}
         if cmd in [PS,SS] then begin
              min[cmd] := 0;
              max[cmd] := 1275;
         else if cmd in [VMF, VMR, RD] then begin
              min[cmd] := 1;
              max[cmd] := 1736;
         else if cmd in [RW, HML, HMR] then begin
              min[cmd] := 1;
              max[cmd] := 14688;
         else if cmd in [SL] then begin
              min[cmd] := 0;
              max[cmd] := 48;
         else if cmd in [RTWT, RTWB] then begin
              min[cmd] := 0;
              max[cmd] := 1440;
         else if cmd in [F] then begin
              min[cmd] := 1;
              max[cmd] := 255;
         else begin                      {catch any others}
              min[cmd] := 0;
              max[cmd] := 65535; {largest 2 byte integer}
         end;     {FOR..begin}
    end; {init8600commands}
@<Global Variables@>=
    depth          :realarray;
    drvdump        :boolean;
    drvpkt         :file of driverrec;
    drvoutcount    :integer;
    dumpval        :boolean;
    height         :realarray;
    inrec          :string(30);
    itcorr         :realarray;
    kernout        :realarray;
    numext         :integer;
    numkerns       :integer;
    numligs        :integer;
    numparams      :array[fonttypes] of integer;
    outstuff       :outarray;
    str1           :string(30);
    str2           :string(30);
    terminal       :text;
    width          :realarray;
@p procedure initialize;
    pp             :parameter;
    outinx         :integer;
    fontname := trim(parms);
    dump := false;
    drvdump := false;
    while not eof(terminal) do begin
         inx := index(inrec,'=');
         if inx < 1
              then begin
                   errstr := inrec;
              else begin
                   str1 := substr(inrec,1,inx-1);
                   str2 := substr(inrec,inx+1,length(inrec)-inx);
                   str1 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str1)));
                   str2 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str2)));
                   if str2 = 'false'
                        then dumpval := false
                        else if str2 = 'true'
                             then dumpval := true;
                   if ((str2 <> 'false') and (str2 <> 'true')) or
                      ((str1 <> 'DUMP') and (str1 <> 'DRVDUMP'))
                        then begin
                             errstr := inrec;
                        else if str1 = 'DUMP'
                             then dump := dumpval
                             else drvdump := dumpval;
    hunits := 1.0 / 54.0;
    vunits := 1.0 / 8.0;
    lineno := 1;
    width[-1] := 0;
    width[0] := 0.0; {for non-existent chars}
    height[-1] := 0;
    height[0] := 0.0; {for non-existent chars}
    depth[-1] := 0;
    depth[0] := 0.0; {for non-existent chars}
    itcorr[-1] := 0;
    itcorr[0] := 0.0; {for non-existent chars}
    kernout[-1] := 0.0;
    kernout[0]  := 0.0;
            {Set all tag values to 0 = vanilla}
    for outinx := 0 to 127 do outstuff[outinx].fourbytes.byte2 := 0;
    numkerns := -1;
    numligs := -1;
    numext := -1;
    fontname := ' ';
    codescheme := 'PARC TEXT';
    fontype := standard;
    paramset[standard] := [slant..quad,extraspace];
    paramset[mathsy] := [raisen1..axisheight];
    paramset[mathex] := [defthickness..bgopsp5];
    pointsize := 1;
    numparams[standard] := 7;
    numparams[mathex] := 13;
    numparams[mathsy] := 22;
    for pp := slant to extraspace do params[pp] := uninitialized;
    drvoutcount := 0; {no records to driver file yet}
    with def_ft_stuff do begin
         cmd := ord(F);
         code := 10; {font 1, fontlet 0 = def}
    with def_width_stuff do begin
         cmd := ord(CHWIDTH);
         param := 1.0; {normal width type is def}
@p procedure readentry(var list      :realarray;
                        lmax      :integer;
                    var slot      :integer;
                        units     :real);
    entry          :real;
    multiplier     :integer;
    divisor        :integer; {save value in expression}
    entry := (1.0 * multiplier) / (1.0 * divisor) * units;
    if dump  then writeln('entry read is ',multiplier:4,'/',
                           divisor:4,' * ',units:4:2, '=',entry);
    end;      {readentry}
@<Global Variables@>=
    lig            :array[0..255] of ligrec;
@ The keyword  LIGATURE has just been scanned in the input for one of
characters 0 to 127. Now we expect to find blank separators followed
by the names of the two characters the ligature replaces. These will
be separated by  a  '+'  sign.  Since the characters in question may
not have been specified yet, the names will be saved for now, and
looked up after all 128 character entries have been read.
@p procedure read_ligature_stuff;
    numligs := numligs+1;
    with lig[numligs] do begin
         sourceline := lineno; {save line for later error messages}
         readmnemonic(firstname,[' ','+']);
         if dump then writeln('first char of ligature is ',firstname);
         if infile@@ <> '+'
              then error(9,notreallyfatal)
              else begin
                   get(infile); {skip plus sign}
                   if infile@@ = ' ' then error(10,overlookable);
                   skipblanks; {overlook}
                   readmnemonic(scndname,[' ']); {read second name}
                   if dump then writeln('second character of ligature',
                                        ' is ',scndname);
                   end;   {else..begin}
         ligcode := currchar;
         end;  {with..begin}
    end;       {|read_ligature_stuff|}
  @<Global Variables@>=@/
    charno         :charindex;
@ look up this name in the name array and tell where and if it was
@p procedure lookup(lookee      :string(40);
             var charno      :charindex; {where if found}
             var found       :boolean); {was it found}
    inx            :integer;
    found := false;
    inx := 0;
    while not found and (inx<128) do
         if name[inx] = lookee
              then found := true {found}
              else inx := inx + 1; {check next}
    if found
         then charno := inx
         else charno := 127; {not found, avoid out of range err}
    if not found
         then begin
              errstr := lookee; {string for message}
              end;   {then..begin}
    end;             {lookup}
@ Set Tag value in lower 2 bits of byte 2 of outstuff record
@p procedure set_tag_val(chinx    :charindex;
                    tagval   :integer);
    with outstuff[chinx].fourbytes do begin
         if (byte2 mod 4) <> 0
              then writeln('Tag for char ',chinx:1,
                           ' already set to ',byte2 mod 4);
         if tagval > 3 then error(25,fatal);
         byte2 := (byte2 div 4 * 4) + tagval;
         end;     {with..begin}
    end;          {|set_tag_val|}
@ Convert  a real to a "FIX" which is a 32-bit  number  stored in the
leftmost 32 bits of a word. The first 12 bits are the integer part, and
the last 20 are the fraction. The left most bit is the sign
@p function scaleout(r     :real)  :integer;
    stri           :string(8);
    int            :integer;
    int := round(r*'100000'x);
    if dump then begin
         stri := hex(int);
         if length(stri) < 8
              then stri := substr('00000000',1,8-length(stri)) || stri;
         writeln('FIX of ',r,' is ',int,', hex value="',stri,'"');
    scaleout := int;
    end;     {scaleout}
@<Global Variables@>=
    found          :boolean;
    kern           :array[0..maxkerns] of kernrec;
    mnem           :string(40);
@ The keyword KERN has been read: process the rest of the line
@p procedure read_kern_stuff;
    numkerns := numkerns + 1;
    with kern[numkerns] do begin
         readmnemonic(mnem,[' ','+']);
         if found
              then frstchar := charno
              else begin
                   frstchar := 127;
                   end; {else..begin}
         if infile@@ = ' '
              then begin
                   scndchar := 127; {put any old value there}
              else begin
                   get(infile); {skip plus sign}
                   if infile@@ = ' '
                        then error(10,overlookable);
                   skipblanks;{overlook it!}
                   readmnemonic(mnem,[' ','-']);
                   if found
                        then scndchar := charno
                        else scndchar := 127;
                   end;  {else..begin}
         end;     {with}
    errlin := errlin + 1;
    end;          {|read_kern_stuff|}
@<Global Constants@>=
    linktag        = 2;
@p procedure read_link_stuff;
    mn1            :string(40);
    mn2            :string(40);
    char1          :charindex;
    char2          :charindex;
    found          :boolean;
    readmnemonic(mn1,[' ']);
    readmnemonic(mn2,[' ']);
    set_tag_val(char1,linktag); {set tag type for special info}
    outstuff[char1].fourbytes.byte3 := char2; {next bigger char}
    errlin := errlin + 1;
@<Global Constants@>=
    maxitcorr      = 63;
@p procedure read_mathop_stuff;
    mn             :string(40);
    charno         :charindex;
    realval        :real;
    found          :boolean;
    slot           :integer; {index into itcorr array for kerns}
    tag            :integer; {saves "tag" value from outstuff array}
    readmnemonic(mn,[' ']);
    add_to_list(itcorr,realval,maxitcorr,slot); {add value to list}
    with outstuff[charno].fourbytes do begin
         tag := byte2 mod 4; {tag is lower 2 bits}
         byte2 := slot * 4 + tag; {and ic index is upper 6 bits}
    errlin := errlin + 1;
    end;     {|read_mathop_stuff|}
@<Global Constants@>=
    botkey         = 'BOT';
    extkey         = 'EXT';
    midkey         = 'MID';
    topkey         = 'TOP';
    exttag         = 3;
@<Global Variables@>=
    ext            :array[0..127] of extrec;
@ Name and keyword BUILD already read. Now expect keyword=value,
keyword=value, ... Keywords are TOP, MID, BOT, EXT, and values are
char names.  Add a miscellaneous entry and point to it from this
character record.  initialize  the four names in the ext record
and set the four character values to zero. Later we will look up the
names to determine the actual character numbers of the components.
@p procedure read_build_stuff;
    key            :string(40);
    charname       :string(40);
    numext := numext + 1;
    with ext[numext] do begin
         sourceline := lineno; {save line for later error messages}
         top := 0;
         mid := 0;
         bot := 0;
         ext := 0;
         topname := '';
         midname := '';
         botname := '';
         extname := '';
    outstuff[currchar].fourbytes.byte3 := numext; {ptr into EXT array}
         if infile@@ = ',' then get(infile);   {skip separator}
         key := allcaps(key);
         get(infile); {skip equal sign delimiter}
         readmnemonic(charname,[',',' ']);
         if key = topkey then ext[numext].topname := charname
         else if key = midkey then ext[numext].midname := charname
         else if key = botkey then ext[numext].botname := charname
         else if key = extkey then ext[numext].extname := charname
         else error(13,fatal);
         until infile@@ <> ',';
    end;      {|read_build_stuff|}
@<Global Variables@>=
    drvrec         :driverrec;
@ Print out the record about to be written to the driver file. This  can
  be turned on or off by setting constant 'drvdump' to true or false.
@p procedure dump_driver_rec(cmdord    :integer);
    with drvrec do begin
         if drvoutcount = 0
              then writeln('*** Driver File Output ***');
         write(drvoutcount:3,': ');
         drvoutcount := drvoutcount + 1;
         write('Command=',com_table[cmdord],', Parameter=');
         if (cmdord = ord(CHWIDTH)) or
            ((cmdord >= ord(VMF)) and (cmdord <= ord(IR))) or
            (cmdord = ord(RTWT)) or
            (cmdord = ord(RTWB)) or
            (cmdord = ord(HMR)) or
            (cmdord = ord(HML))
              then writeln(param)
              else writeln(code);
         end;     {with..begin}
    end;          {|dump_driver_rec|}
@<Global Variables@>=
    stk            :array [0..20] of driverrec;
@ Push a record with an integer character code
@p procedure pushcode(var stktop     :integer);
    icode          :integer;
    if icode > 127 then error(18,notreallyfatal);
    stktop := stktop + 1;
    with stk[stktop] do begin
         cmd := ord(TTS);
         code := icode;
         end;     {with..begin}
    end;          {pushcode}
@ Reads a command or letter from the input file -- i.e., reads the
  1 to 4 char mnemonic and looks it up in array cmdname to find
  the  enumeration value of type "command" corresponding to it.
  A letter is distinguished from a command because a letter has no
  parameter  whereas  all one-character commands do.
@p procedure readcmd(var cmd    :comm);
label 99;
    name           :string(9);
    ch             :string(1);
    cmdind         :comm;
    name := '';
    while infile@@ in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z'] do begin
         name := name || ch;
    name := allcaps(name);
    errlstr := name; {save name for error message (if needed)}
                     {cmd will be the command or MAXCMD if not found}
    for cmdind := HDR to MAXCMD do
         if name = com_table[ord(cmdind)] then goto 99;
99: cmd := cmdind;
    if cmdind = MAXCMD then error(19,notreallyfatal); {bad command}
    end;           {readcmd}
@ Read the command "cmnd" -- see if it has any parameters, and
if so read them. Push a record on the local stack for this command
@p procedure readparams(var stktop  :integer);
    cmnd           :comm;
    stktop := stktop + 1; {push}
    with stk[stktop] do begin
         cmd := ord(cmnd);
         if cmnd in [AU]  {this one has no parameters}
              then code := 0
              else begin     {read integer parm, stuff it into record}
                   if cmnd in [IR,VMF,VMR,RW,RD,RTWT,RTWB,HMR,HML]
                        then begin
                             if (round(param) < min[cmnd]) or
                                (round(param) > max[cmnd]) then begin
                                  errlstr := com_table[ord(cmnd)];
                                  errnum := round(param);
                                  errmax := max[cmnd];
                                  errmin := min[cmnd];
                                  param := min[cmnd];
                                  end;  {then..begin}
                             if cmnd in [VMF,VMR,RD]
                                  then param := param * vunits
                                  else param := param * hunits;
                             end  {then..end}
                        else begin
                             if (code < min[cmnd]) or
                                (code > max[cmnd]) then begin
                                  errlstr := com_table[ord(cmnd)];
                                  errnum := code;
                                  errmax := max[cmnd];
                                  errmin := min[cmnd];
                                  code := min[cmnd];
                                  end; {then..begin}
                             end; {else..begin}
                   end;      {else..begin}
         end;                {with..begin}
    end;           {readparams}
@* Read 8600 Codes.
The 8600 code info corresponding to this character will consist of 1
or more entries separated by commas and containing no blanks.  An entry
can be a decimal character code or an 8600 command in which case it
begins with a letter. The command name will be up to 4 letters long and
may be followed by a parameter. Some commands take integer parameters
and others take reals which will be given in the same format as widths,
etc: i.e., as products and quotients of integer values.
Following are listed the possible codes.
\settabs\+\indent&RTWB = &Reverse Type Window Bottom\quad&value=0--1440
in 10ths of a point\cr
\+&PS\hfill =&Point Size\hfill&value=0--1275 in 10ths of a point.\cr
\+&SS\hfill =&Set Size\hfill&value=0--1275 in 10ths of a point.\cr
\+&VMF\hfill =&Vertical Move Forward\hfill&value=1--1736 in 8ths of a
\+&VMR\hfill =&Vertical Move Reverse\hfill&value=1--1736 in 8ths of a
\+&RD\hfill =&Rule Depth\hfill&value=1--1736 in 8ths of a point\cr
\+&RW\hfill =&Rule Width\hfill&value=1--1736 in 8ths of a point\cr
\+&HML\hfill =&Horizontal Move Left\hfill&value=1--14688 in 18ths of a
\+&HMR\hfill =&Horizontal Move Right\hfill&value=1--14688 in 18ths of a
\+&SL\hfill =&Slant\hfill&value=0 or 48\cr
\+&IR\hfill =&Insert Rule\cr
\+&AU\hfill =&Auxiliary Font\cr
\+&F\hfill =&Font\hfill&value=1--255\cr
\+&RTWT\hfill =&Reverse Type Window Top\hfill&value=0--1440 in 16ths of
a point\cr
\+&RTWB =&Reverse Type Window Bottom&value=0--1440 in 16ths of a point\cr
@p procedure read8600codes;
    more_to_come     :boolean;
    stktop         :integer; {gives index of last used (initially 0)}
    inx            :integer;
    stktop := -1; {no code yet}
    if eoln(infile)
         then error(20,notreallyfatal) {no code given}
         else begin
       {Repeat until next is no longer a comma, in  which  case  it
       had better be a blank!}
                   if infile@@ in ['0'..'9']
                        then pushcode(stktop)  {decimal character code}
                        else if infile@@ in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']
                                   {read command and optional parms}
                             then readparams(stktop)
                             else error(21,notreallyfatal);
                   if infile@@ = ','
                        then begin
                             more_to_come := true;
                             end  {then..begin}
                        else more_to_come := false;
                   until not more_to_come;
              end;   {else..begin}
                 {put header record out}
    drvrec.cmd := ord(HDR);
    drvrec.code := stktop; {how many codes for this character}
    if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
    drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
            {write out character width record}
    drvrec.cmd := ord(CHWIDTH);
    drvrec.param := width[outstuff[currchar].fourbytes.byte0];
       {nw for the current character indexes its width in points}
    if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
    drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
       {Put out rec for each code or command}
    for inx := 0 to stktop do begin
         drvrec := stk[inx];
         if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
         drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
         end;     {FOR..begin}
    end;          {read8600codes}
@<Global Constants@>=
    buildkey       = 'BUILD';
    kernkey        = 'KERN';
    ligaturekey    = 'LIGATURE';
    linkkey        = 'LINK';
    mathopkey      = 'MATHOP';
    maxdp          = 15;
    maxht          = 15;
    maxwd          = 255;
    ligkerntag     = 1;
@<Global Variables@>=
    chnum          :0..127;
    chrt           :char;
    first          :boolean;
    heightslot     :integer;
    iny            :integer;
    itc            :real;
    ligcnt         :integer;
    ligout         :array[0..255] of memoryword;
    pp             :parameter;
    slot           :integer;
    tag            :integer;
@p begin
      {--------------- initialize -----------------------}
      {---------------- read input -------------------------}
       {Write first three entries to driver file}
    drvrec.cmd := ord(HDR);
    drvrec.code := ord(MAXCMD);
    if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
    drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
    drvrec := def_ft_stuff;
    if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
    drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
    drvrec := def_width_stuff;
    if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
    drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
    drvrec.cmd := ord(SL);
    if params[slant] = uninitialized
         then drvrec.code := 0
         else drvrec.code := trunc(params[slant]);
    if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
    drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
            {Now read entries...}
    for currchar := 0 to num_entries-1 do begin
         if eof(infile) then error(7,fatal);
         with outstuff[currchar].fourbytes do
              byte3 := 0; {set remainder to 0}
         readmnemonic(mnem,[' ']); {if any}
         if dump then writeln('** Processing font info for "',mnem,'"');
         name[currchar] := mnem; {save for later use!}
             {one non-blank character -- check sequencing}
         if (length(mnem) = 1) and (ordx[chrt] <> currchar)
              then error(6,notreallyfatal);
         skipblanks; {look at next non-blank}
         if infile@@ in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']
              then begin
                   readmnemonic(mnem,[' ']);
                   mnem := allcaps(mnem);
                   if mnem = ligaturekey
                        then read_ligature_stuff
                        else if mnem = buildkey
                             then read_build_stuff
                             else error(16,fatal);
                   end; {then..begin}
         readentry(width,maxwd,slot,hunits); {read width}
         outstuff[currchar].fourbytes.byte0 := slot; {save wid index}
         readentry(height,maxht,slot,vunits); {read height}
         heightslot := slot; {remember ht slot until depth read}
         itc := height[slot] * params[slant]; {it corr = ht * slant}
         with outstuff[currchar].fourbytes do begin
              tag := byte2 mod 4; {save tag value}
              byte2 := slot * 4 + tag; {put itcorr in 6 bits, tag in 2}
         readentry(depth,maxdp,slot,vunits); {read depth}
         outstuff[currchar].fourbytes.byte1 := heightslot * 16 + slot;
               {now read 8600 information...}
         if not eoln(infile)
              then begin
                   errlin := errlin + 1;
         end; {FOR..begin}
      {character  entries have all  been  read...remaining  entries
       must  begin with a keyword:  KERN, Link, MATHOP These supply
       additional information about certain characters}
    while not eof(infile) do begin
         readmnemonic(mnem,[' ']);
         mnem := allcaps(mnem);
         if mnem = kernkey
              then read_kern_stuff
              else if mnem = linkkey
                   then read_link_stuff
                   else if mnem = mathopkey
                        then read_mathop_stuff
                        else error(11,fatal);
         end; {while..begin}
@<look up lignames@>@/
@<set up ligature info@>@/
@<write font file@>@/
@<look up lignames@>=
    for inx:= 0 to numligs do
         with lig[inx] do begin
              errlin := sourceline;
              if not found
                   then begin
                        errlin := sourceline;
                        frstchar := 127;
                        end; {then..begin}
              if not found
                   then begin
                        errlin := sourceline;
                        scndchar := 127;
                        end; {then..begin}
              end; {with..begin}
    for inx := 0 to numext do
         with ext[inx] do begin
              errlin := sourceline;
              if topname <> '' then lookup(topname,top,found);
              if midname <> '' then lookup(midname,mid,found);
              if botname <> '' then lookup(botname,bot,found);
              if extname <> '' then lookup(extname,ext,found);
              end; {with..begin}
@<set up ligature info@>=
    ligcnt := 0;
    for chnum := 0 to 127 do begin
         first := true;
         for inx := 0 to numligs do
              if lig[inx].frstchar = chnum
                   then begin
                        if first then begin
                                  {ptr to first ligature}
                             outstuff[chnum].fourbytes.byte3 := ligcnt;
                             first := false;
                             end; {then..begin}
                        with ligout[ligcnt].fourbytes, lig[inx] do
                          begin {transfer info into output records}
                                  {byte0=1 if last ligature
                                   byte1=next chararacter of ligature
                                   byte2=0 for a ligature
                                   byte3=code of ligature character}
                             byte0 := '00000000'B;
                             byte1 := scndchar;
                             byte2 := '00000000'B;
                             byte3  := ligcode;
                             end; {with..begin}
                        ligcnt := ligcnt+1; {ready for next one}
                        end; {then..begin}
                    {Now do same with kerns}
         for inx := 0 to numkerns do
              if kern[inx].frstchar = chnum
                   then begin
                        if first then begin
                                  {link to ligature record}
                             outstuff[chnum].fourbytes.byte3 := ligcnt;
                             first := false; {not anymore}
                             end; {then..begin}
                        with ligout[ligcnt].fourbytes, kern[inx] do
                          begin {transfer info into output records}
                                  {byte0=1 if last kern
                                   byte1=next chararacter of kern
                                   byte2=1 for a kern
                                   byte3=index of kern character}
                             byte0 := '00000000'B;
                             byte1 := scndchar;
                             byte2 := '10000000'B;
                             byte3 := kernslot;
                             end; {with..begin}
                        ligcnt := ligcnt + 1;
                        end; {FOR,then..begin}
         if not first
              then ligout[ligcnt-1].fourbytes.byte0 := '10000000'B;
            {there was at least one record, so flag the last of 'em}
         end; {FOR..begin} {that's all the characters}
@ Now  write out in TEX format.  TUGboat vol 2, no  1  article
       TEX  FONT  METRIC  fileS says the first 12 half-words of the
       file are lengths, and obey the following equation:
       lenfile=6 + lh + (ec-be+1) + nw + nh + nd + ni + nk + nl + ne + np
       lh=length   of   header=18   words   ec=end   character=127,
       bc=beginning char=0, hence:
         lenfile = 6 + 18 + 128 + nw + nh + nd + ni + nk + nl + ne + np
       Calculate its value:
@<write font file@>=
    if not eof(infile) then error(7,fatal);
    lenfile := 6 + 18 + 128 + trunc(width[-1]) + trunc(height[-1])@/
              + trunc(depth[-1]) + trunc(itcorr[-1])@/
              + numkerns + numligs + numext + trunc(kernout[-1])@/
              + numparams[fontype] {num parameters}@/
              + 8; {off by one on nw,nh,nd,ni,nk,nl,ne and kernout}@/
    if dump then writeln('Writing info to TEX-readable file');
    outcount := 0; {start counting}
    writeln('Number of records is ',lenfile:4);
    if dump then write('* lf, lh:');
    outrec.twohalves.lhword := lenfile; {len of file}
    outrec.fourbytes.rhword := 18; {len of header}
    if dump then write('* bc, ec:');
    outrec.twohalves.lhword := 0; {first char code}
    outrec.twohalves.rhword := 127; {last char code}
    if dump then write('* nw, nh:');
    outrec.twohalves.lhword := trunc(width[-1]+1);
    outrec.twohalves.rhword := trunc(height[-1]+1);
    if dump then write('* nd, ni:');
    outrec.twohalves.lhword := trunc(depth[-1]+1);
    outrec.twohalves.rhword := trunc(itcorr[-1]+1);
    if dump then write('* nl, nk:');
    outrec.twohalves.lhword := numligs + numkerns + 2;
    outrec.twohalves.rhword := trunc(kernout[-1]+1);
    if dump then write('* ne, np:');
    outrec.twohalves.lhword := numext+1;
    outrec.twohalves.rhword := numparams[fontype];
    if dump then writeln('*** Header info');
    outrec.int := uniquecode;
    outrec.int := scaleout(float(pointsize)); {def = 1 point}
    writeln('*** Coding Scheme = ',codescheme);
    outrec.fourbytes.byte0 := length(codescheme);
    for inx := 2 to 40 do begin
         iny := inx mod 4;
         if iny = 0 then iny := 4;
         iny := iny - 1;
         if inx-1 <= length(codescheme)
              then readstr(substr(codescheme,inx-1,1),chrt)
              else chrt := chrx['00'X];
         with outrec.fourbytes do case iny of
              0    :byte0 := ordx[chrt];
              1    :byte1 := ordx[chrt];
              2    :byte2 := ordx[chrt];
              3    :begin
                        byte3 := ordx[chrt];
              otherwise error(99,fatal);
    if length(fontname) > 8
         then begin
              fontname := substr(fontname,1,8);
    writeln('*** Font Name = ',fontname);
    outrec.fourbytes.byte0 := length(fontname);
    for inx := 2 to 20 do begin
         iny := inx mod 4;
         if iny = 0 then iny := 4;
         iny := iny - 1;
         if inx-1 <= length(fontname)
              then readstr(substr(fontname,inx-1,1),chrt)
              else chrt := chrx['00'X];
         with outrec.fourbytes do case iny of
              0    :byte0 := ordx[chrt];
              1    :byte1 := ordx[chrt];
              2    :byte2 := ordx[chrt];
              3    :begin
                        byte3 := ordx[chrt];
              otherwise error(99,fatal);
    outrec.int := 0;
    writeout(outrec,6); {no Parc face byte now}
 @<Write out FINFO part of font file@>
 @<write out widths@>
 @<write out heights@>
 @<write out depths@>
 @<write out itcorrs@>
 @<write out ligature/kern programs@>
 @<write out extension chars@>
 @<write params@>
    writeln('End of font file preprocessor');
 @<Write out FINFO part of font file@>=
    for inx := 0 to num_entries-1 do writeout(outstuff[inx],5);
 @<write out widths@>=
    if dump then writeln('*** Widths');
    for inx := 0 to trunc(width[-1]) do begin
         outrec.int := scaleout(width[inx]);
 @<write out heights@>=
    if dump then writeln('*** Heights');
    for inx := 0 to trunc(height[-1]) do begin
         outrec.int := scaleout(height[inx]);
 @<write out depths@>=
    if dump then writeln('*** Depths');
    for inx := 0 to trunc(depth[-1]) do begin
         outrec.int := scaleout(depth[inx]);
 @<write out itcorrs@>=
    if dump then writeln('*** itcorrs');
    for inx := 0 to trunc(itcorr[-1]) do begin
         outrec.int := scaleout(itcorr[inx]);
 @<write out ligature/kern programs@>=
    if dump then writeln('*** Lig/Kern programs');
    for inx := 0 to numligs + numkerns + 1 do
            {write out kern values as fixes}
    if dump then writeln('*** Kern values');
    for inx := 0 to trunc(kernout[-1]) do begin
         outrec.int := scaleout(kernout[inx]);
 @<write out extension chars@>=
    if dump then writeln('*** Extension chars');
    for inx := 0 to numext do
         with ext[inx], outrec.fourbytes do begin
              byte0 := top;
              byte1 := mid;
              byte2 := bot;
              byte3 := ext;
              end; {with..begin}
 @<write params@>=
    if dump then writeln('*** Params');
    for pp := slant to bgopsp5 do
         if pp in paramset[standard]+paramset[fontype]
              then begin
                   if dump then begin
                        write(': ');
                   outrec.int := scaleout(params[pp]);
                   end; {then..begin}