\message{ Epsfig }
% minimal reworking for LaTeX2e!
% this will be all be rewritten when the LaTeX2e includegraphics
% comes out.
% SPQR Jan 94
%%% psfig merged with EPSF = epsfig Release 1
%%% 1.0 November 91
%%% 1.1 Dec 91  fixed some bugs
%%% 1.2 Jan 92  fixed bug that it never stopped reading PS file until
%%%             it reached the end! merged in changes from psfig1.8
%%%             (plain TeX definition of \fbox, new code for rotation)
%%% 1.3 Jan 92  separated out \special code so that dvitops can be
%%%             supported. use \psfigdriver{dvitops}%
%%% 1.4 Jan 92  fixed dvitops. need to input psfig at different point
%%%      in dvips from dvitops. define \psfig@start and \psfig@end to cope
%%%      with this
%%% 1.5 Jan 92  force use of psfig method if using dvitops
%%% 1.6 May 92 fixed bugs
%%% 1.7 Sep 92 added support for emtex, sort of. reads a .bb file
%%%            and imports .pcx file. Boolean flag \epsfigdos used
%%%             to indicate that we cannot have more than one . in the
%%%             suffix (ie we will look at file.bb not file.eps.bb)
%%% 1.8 Sep 92 added support for OzTeX; fixed bugs in dvips support
%%% (including clipping to bounding box); removed use of dimen100.
%%% 1.9 Dec 92 cleaned up documentation again
%%% 1.10 Mar 93 cleaned up for plain TeX
%%% 1.11 Mar 93 merged in changes by Peter Galko (supplied by CERN) for
%%%             use with Textures
%%% 1.12 Apr 93 actually *tested* the Textures additions, and so rewrote
%%%            from scratch (borrowed an idea from psbox)
%%% 1.13 May 93 allow for file names with _ or $ in them in \psdraft, and
%%%             fix problem that occurred with missing BoundingBox
%%% 1.14 May 93 allow for .z suffix
%%% 1.15 July 93 allow for .gz suffix
%%%              use \leavevmode as appropriate
%%%              fix plain \TeX mode 
%%%             (fixes from Peter-Klaus Schilling <R02SCH@DSYIBM.DESY.DE>)
%%% 1.16 August 93 [peta@mcrcim.mcgill.edu (Peter Whaite)]
%%%        -- Implement Perl scripts to do compressed file inclusion and bb
%%%           generation. 
%%%        -- Add \pscompress.
%%%        -- Tidy up comments.
%%% 1.17 September 93 SPQR
%%%     better code for literal name printing
%%%     allowed for spaces around , and =
%%% 1.18 17.9.93
%%%   updates to epsbb and epsfig from Peter W
%%% 1.19 14.11.93
%%%   mistaken placement of calculation of EPS@Height resulted in errors
%%% code rearranged by Sebastian Rahtz (spqr@uk.ac.york.minster)
%%% from work by
%%% Trevor Darrell; Tom Rokicki; Daniel Smith; H. Payne, Robert Russell
%%% This is a version of Darrell's `psfig' macros which are designed
%%% to be used with dvips or dvitops, and the `epsf' macros (these are
%%% automaticaly included by the style file). I did this because the
%%% \special commands used by `epsf' appear to be more robust and
%%% portable than the raw \specials used by `psfig', but I preferred
%%% the psfig interface. This system preserves the psfig interface,
%%% but mainly uses epsf macros to carry out the job. The user
%%% interface is identical to \psfig, but you just use \epsfig
%%% instead. Rotation uses the original psfig macros: I could not work
%%% out how to do rotation with the epsf macros.
%%% The same applies to `rheight' and `rwidth'
%%% If you *really* want old psfig behaviour regardless, use \psfig. It is
%%% still there. Some of the features have gone, however. \figurepath
%%% seemed redundant, since it could be controlled by the TEXINPUTS
%%% variable anyway.
%%% As an added feature, if FILE cannot be found, a file called FILE.bb
%%% is searched for. This should simply contain a %%BoundingBox line. A perl
%%% script "epsbb" is provided to generate these automatically.  It is
%%% assumed that if this exists, then the actual postscript is in UNIX
%%% compress format in FILE.Z or in GNU gzip format in FILE.gz or FILE.z.
%%% The macros then read the BB from FILE.bb, but insert "`epsfig FILE`" in
%%% the  output for dvips to interpret (don't worry, it knows about this).
%%% "Epsfig" is another perl script which  searches the TEXINPUTS path for
%%% FILE or FILE.{gz,z,Z}.
%%% As an added bonus if you say \pscompress the -c switch will be passed to
%%% epsfig, causing automatic FILE.bb generation and compression the first
%%% time dvips is run.  Files in the system directories will NOT be
%%% compressed.
%%% If you are *not* on a Unix system and use this, deliberately or by
%%% mischance, you will have problems!
%%% This file can be included in a dumped format, or used as a LaTeX
%%% style file, or used in plain TeX. It does not load itself twice (I hope)
%%% previous notes. this copy of psfig.tex inherited from versions 1.8
%%% All psfig/tex software, documentation, and related files
%%% in this distribution of psfig/tex are
%%% Copyright 1987, 1988, 1991 Trevor J. Darrell
%%% Permission is granted for use and non-profit distribution of psfig/tex
%%% providing that this notice be clearly maintained. The right to
%%% distribute any portion of psfig/tex for profit or as part of any commercial
%%% product is specifically reserved for the author(s) of that portion.
%%% Thanks to Greg Hager (GDH) and Ned Batchelder for their contributions
%%% to this project.
%%% GDH 7/26/87 -- changed so that it first looks in the local directory,
%%% then in a specified global directory for the ps file.
%%% SPQR 12/91 removed that last change. it follows TEXINPUTS anyway
%%% RPR 6/25/91 -- changed so that it defaults to user-supplied name if
%%% boundingbox info is specified, assuming graphic will be created by
%%% print time.
%%% SPQR 12/91 removed that last change. use LaTeX error message instead
%%% SPQR 12/91 -- `no file found' produces LaTeX error message.
%%%                If you recover from that the file name is set in draft
%%%                mode in place of the file.
%%% Modified by J. Daniel Smith on 9 October 1990 to accept the
%%% %%BoundingBox: comment with or without a space after the colon.  Stole
%%% file reading code from Tom Rokicki's EPSF.TEX file (see below).
%%% --- SPQR 12.91 removed most of this to use epsf directly
%%% More modifications by J. Daniel Smith on 29 March 1991 to allow the
%%% the included PostScript figure to be rotated.  The amount of
%%% rotation is specified by the "angle=" parameter of the \epsfig command.
%%% Modified by Robert Russell on June 25, 1991 to allow users to specify
%%% .ps filenames which don't yet exist, provided they explicitly provide
%%% boundingbox information via the \epsfig command. Note: This will only work
%%% if the "file=" parameter follows all four "bb???=" parameters in the
%%% command. This is due to the order in which psfig interprets these params.
%%% ---- SPQR 12.91 removed all this
%%% 3 Jul 1991  JDS     check if file already read in once
% From: gvr@cs.brown.edu (George V. Reilly)
% \psdraft      draws an outline box, but doesn't include the figure
%               in the DVI file.  Useful for previewing.
% \psfull       includes the figure in the DVI file (default).
% \psscalefirst width= or height= specifies the size of the figure
%               before rotation.
% \psrotatefirst (default) width= or height= specifies the size of the
%                figure after rotation.  Asymetric figures will
%                appear to shrink.
% usage: \epsfig{file=, figure=, height=, width=,
%                       bbllx=, bblly=, bburx=, bbury=,
%                       rheight=, rwidth=, clip=, angle=, silent=}%
%       "file" is the filename.  If no path name is specified and the
%               file is not found in the current directory,
%               it will be looked for in directory \psfigurepath.
%       "figure" is a synonym for "file".
%       By default, the width and height of the figure are taken from
%               the BoundingBox of the figure.
%       If "width" is specified, the figure is scaled so that it has
%               the specified width.  Its height changes proportionately.
%       If "height" is specified, the figure is scaled so that it has
%               the specified height.  Its width changes proportionately.
%       If both "width" and "height" are specified, the figure is scaled
%               anamorphically.
%       "bbllx", "bblly", "bburx", and "bbury" control the PostScript
%               BoundingBox.
%       "rheight" and "rwidth" are the reserved height and width
%               of the figure, i.e., how big TeX actually thinks
%               the figure is.  They default to "width" and "height".
%       The "clip" option ensures that no portion of the figure will
%               appear outside its BoundingBox.  "clip=" is a switch and
%               takes no value, but the `=' must be present.
%       The "angle" option specifies the angle of rotation (degrees, ccw).
%       The "silent" option makes \psfig work silently.
%%% if this is true, the original Darrell macros and specials are used
\newcount\EPS@Height \newcount\EPS@Width \newcount\EPS@xscale
\def\psfig@start{\typeout{EPSFIG - driver}}
\def\psfig@end{\typeout{EPSFIG - driver}}
\def\epsfig@gofer{\typeout{EPSFIG - driver}}
\typeout{WARNING! ****
 no specials for LN03 epsfig}%
 \def\psfig@end{\special{dvitops: import \@p@sfilefinal \space
 \@p@swidth sp \space \@p@sheight sp \space fill}%
 \if@clip \typeout{Clipping not supported}\fi
 \if@angle \typeout{Rotating not supported}\fi}

    \message{ what are \@p@swidth, and \@p@sheight}%
    \special{ps::[begin]  \@p@swidth \space \@p@sheight \space%
        \@p@sbbllx \space \@p@sbblly \space%
        \@p@sbburx \space \@p@sbbury \space%
        startTexFig \space }%
                \special {ps:: \@p@sangle \space rotate \space}
                        \typeout{(clipped to BB) }%
                \special{ps:: doclip \space }%
        \special{ps: plotfile \@p@sfilefinal \space }%
        \special{ps::[end] endTexFig \space }%
                           \typeout{(clipped to BB)}%

 \Typeout{WARNING. You must have a .bb info file with the Bounding Box
  of the pcx file}%
 % when emtex imports a pcx file, it is *below* where we are now.
 % so raise the box
 \def\psfig@end{\typeout{pcx import of \@p@sfilefinal}%
 \if@clip \typeout{Clipping not supported}\fi
 \if@angle \typeout{Rotating not supported}\fi
 \raisebox{\@p@srheight sp}{\special{em: graph \@p@sfilefinal}}}%

  \divide\EPS@Width by 65781  % convert sp to bp
  \divide\EPS@Height by 65781
 \if@clip \typeout{Clipping not supported}\fi
 \if@angle \typeout{Rotating not supported}\fi
 % what is scaling of picture
         \divide\EPS@Width by 1000
         \EPS@xscale=\@p@swidth \divide \EPS@xscale by \EPS@Width
         \divide\EPS@Height by 1000
         \EPS@yscale=\@p@sheight \divide \EPS@yscale by\EPS@Height
 % take largest calculated scale
      \typeout{(clipped to BB)}%
 \special{illustration \@p@sfilefinal\space scaled \the\EPS@xscale}%

% copies of bits of LaTeX we need....
% \fbox is defined in latex.tex; so if \fbox is undefined, assume that
% we are not in LaTeX.
% Perhaps this could be done better???
% \fbox code from modified slightly from LaTeX
\fboxsep = 0pt
\fboxrule = .4pt
    \advance\ps@tempdima \fboxsep \advance\ps@tempdima \dp\ps@tempboxa
   \hbox{\lower \ps@tempdima\hbox
  {\vbox{\hrule height \fboxrule
          \hbox{\vrule width \fboxrule \hskip\fboxsep
          \vbox{\vskip\fboxsep \box\ps@tempboxa\vskip\fboxsep}\hskip
                 \fboxsep\vrule width \fboxrule}%
                 \hrule height \fboxrule}}}}%
%%% check to see if macros already loaded in (maybe some other file says
%%% "\input epsfig") ...
\@ifundefined{epsfig}{}{\typeout{EPSFIG --- already loaded}\endinput}%
%%% we need Rokicki's EPSF macros anyway:
%   EPSF.TEX macro file:
%   Written by Tomas Rokicki of Radical Eye Software, 29 Mar 1989.
%   Revised by Don Knuth, 3 Jan 1990.
%   Revised by Tomas Rokicki to accept bounding boxes with no
%      space after the colon, 18 Jul 1990.
%   TeX macros to include an Encapsulated PostScript graphic.
%   Works by finding the bounding box comment,
%   calculating the correct scale values, and inserting a vbox
%   of the appropriate size at the current position in the TeX document.
%   To use with the center environment of LaTeX, preface the \epsffile
%   call with a \leavevmode.  (LaTeX should probably supply this itself
%   for the center environment.)
%   To use, simply say
%   \input epsf           % somewhere early on in your TeX file
%   \epsfbox{filename.ps} % where you want to insert a vbox for a figure
%   Alternatively, you can type
%   \epsfbox[0 0 30 50]{filename.ps} % to supply your own BB
%   which will not read in the file, and will instead use the bounding
%   box you specify.
%   The effect will be to typeset the figure as a TeX box, at the
%   point of your \epsfbox command. By default, the graphic will have its
%   `natural' width (namely the width of its bounding box, as described
%   in filename.ps). The TeX box will have depth zero.
%   You can enlarge or reduce the figure by saying
%     \epsfxsize=<dimen> \epsfbox{filename.ps}
%   (or
%     \epsfysize=<dimen> \epsfbox{filename.ps})
%   instead. Then the width of the TeX box will be \epsfxsize and its
%   height will be scaled proportionately (or the height will be
%   \epsfysize and its width will be scaled proportiontally).  The
%   width (and height) is restored to zero after each use.
%   A more general facility for sizing is available by defining the
%   \epsfsize macro.    Normally you can redefine this macro
%   to do almost anything.  The first parameter is the natural x size of
%   the PostScript graphic, the second parameter is the natural y size
%   of the PostScript graphic.  It must return the xsize to use, or 0 if
%   natural scaling is to be used.  Common uses include:
%      \epsfxsize  % just leave the old value alone
%      0pt         % use the natural sizes
%      #1          % use the natural sizes
%      \hsize      % scale to full width
%      0.5#1       % scale to 50% of natural size
%      \ifnum#1>\hsize\hsize\else#1\fi  % smaller of natural, hsize
%   If you want TeX to report the size of the figure (as a message
%   on your terminal when it processes each figure), say `\epsfverbosetrue'.
\newread\epsffilein    % file to \read
\newif\ifepsffileok    % continue looking for the bounding box?
\newif\ifepsfbbfound   % success?
\newif\ifepsfverbose   % report what you're making?
\newif\ifepsfdraft     % use draft mode?
\newdimen\epsfxsize    % horizontal size after scaling
\newdimen\epsfysize    % vertical size after scaling
\newdimen\epsftsize    % horizontal size before scaling
\newdimen\epsfrsize    % vertical size before scaling
\newdimen\epsftmp      % register for arithmetic manipulation
\newdimen\pspoints     % conversion factor
\pspoints=1bp          % Adobe points are `big'
\epsfxsize=0pt         % Default value, means `use natural size'
\epsfysize=0pt         % ditto
\def\epsfgetlitbb#1#2 #3 #4 #5]#6{\epsfgrab #2 #3 #4 #5 .\\%
%   The first thing we need to do is to open the
%   PostScript file, if possible.
\ifeof\epsffilein\errmessage{I couldn't open #1, will ignore it}\else
%   Okay, we got it. Now we'll scan lines until we find one that doesn't
%   start with %. We're looking for the bounding box comment.
   {\epsffileoktrue \chardef\other=12
    \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials \catcode`\ =10
       \read\epsffilein to \epsffileline
%   We check to see if the first character is a % sign;
%   if not, we stop reading (unless the line was entirely blank);
%   if so, we look further and stop only if the line begins with
%   `%%BoundingBox:'.
          \expandafter\epsfaux\epsffileline:. \\%
    \ifepsfverbose\message{No bounding box comment in #1; using defaults}\fi\fi
%   Now we have to calculate the scale and offset values to use.
%   First we compute the natural sizes.
\def\epsfclipon{\def\epsfclipstring{ clip}}%
\def\epsfclipoff{\def\epsfclipstring{\ifepsfdraft\space clip\fi}}%
   \advance\epsfrsize by-\epsflly\pspoints
   \advance\epsftsize by-\epsfllx\pspoints
%   If `epsfxsize' is 0, we default to the natural size of the picture.
%   Otherwise we scale the graph to be \epsfxsize wide.
   \ifnum\epsfxsize=0 \ifnum\epsfysize=0
      \epsfxsize=\epsftsize \epsfysize=\epsfrsize
%   We have a sticky problem here:  TeX doesn't do floating point arithmetic!
%   Our goal is to compute y = rx/t. The following loop does this reasonably
%   fast, with an error of at most about 16 sp (about 1/4000 pt).
     \else\epsftmp=\epsftsize \divide\epsftmp\epsfrsize
       \epsfxsize=\epsfysize \multiply\epsfxsize\epsftmp
       \multiply\epsftmp\epsfrsize \advance\epsftsize-\epsftmp
       \loop \advance\epsftsize\epsftsize \divide\epsftmp 2
             \advance\epsftsize-\epsfrsize \advance\epsfxsize\epsftmp \fi
   \else \ifnum\epsfysize=0
     \epsftmp=\epsfrsize \divide\epsftmp\epsftsize
     \epsfysize=\epsfxsize \multiply\epsfysize\epsftmp   
     \multiply\epsftmp\epsftsize \advance\epsfrsize-\epsftmp
     \loop \advance\epsfrsize\epsfrsize \divide\epsftmp 2
           \advance\epsfrsize-\epsftsize \advance\epsfysize\epsftmp \fi
%  Finally, we make the vbox and stick in a \special that dvips can parse.
   \ifepsfverbose\message{#1: width=\the\epsfxsize, height=\the\epsfysize}\fi
   \epsftmp=10\epsfxsize \divide\epsftmp\pspoints
   \vbox to\epsfysize{\vfil\hbox to\epsfxsize{%
        \special{PSfile=\ifepsfdraft psdraft.ps\else#1\fi\space
             llx=\epsfllx\space lly=\epsflly\space
             urx=\epsfurx\space ury=\epsfury\space rwi=\number\epsftmp
        \epsfrsize=10\epsfysize \divide\epsfrsize\pspoints
        \special{PSfile=\ifepsfdraft psdraft.ps\else#1\fi\space
             llx=\epsfllx\space lly=\epsflly\space
             urx=\epsfurx\space ury=\epsfury\space rwi=\number\epsftmp\space
             rhi=\number\epsfrsize \epsfclipstring}%
%   We still need to define the tricky \epsfaux macro. This requires
%   a couple of magic constants for comparison purposes.
{\catcode`\%=12 \global\let\epsfpercent=%\global\def\epsfbblit{%BoundingBox}}%
%   So we're ready to check for `%BoundingBox:' and to grab the
%   values if they are found.
      \epsfgrab #3 . . . \\%
%   Here we grab the values and stuff them in the appropriate definitions.
\def\epsfgrab #1 #2 #3 #4 #5\\{%
      \epsfgrab #2 #3 #4 #5 .\\\else
%   We default the epsfsize macro.
%   Finally, another definition for compatibility with older macros.

%% SPQR 12.91 handling of errors using standard LaTeX error
%% mechanism. In case we are plain TeX we first define the
%% error routines...
        \typeout{Error. \space see a manual for explanation.^^J
         \space\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces Type \space H <return> \space for
         immediate help.}\errmessage{#1}}%
%% a couple of LaTeX error messages
\def\@whattodo{You tried to include a PostScript figure which
cannot be found^^JIf you press return to carry on anyway,^^J
The failed name will be printed in place of the figure.^^J
or type X to quit}%
\def\@whattodobb{You tried to include a PostScript figure which
has no^^Jbounding box, and you supplied none.^^J
If you press return to carry on anyway,^^J
The failed name will be printed in place of the figure.^^J
or type X to quit}%
%%% @psdo control structure -- similar to Latex @for.
%%% I redefined these with different names so that psfig can
%%% be used with TeX as well as LaTeX, and so that it will not
%%% be vunerable to future changes in LaTeX's internal
%%% control structure,
\def\@psdo#1:=#2\do#3{\edef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
\def\@psdoloop#1,#2,#3\@@#4#5{\def#4{#1}\ifx #4\@nnil \else
       #5\def#4{#2}\ifx #4\@nnil \else#5\@ipsdoloop #3\@@#4{#5}\fi\fi}%
\def\@ipsdoloop#1,#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil
       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
\def\@tpsdo#1:=#2\do#3{\xdef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
\def\@tpsdoloop#1#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil
       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
%%% file reading stuff from epsf.tex
%%%   EPSF.TEX macro file:
%%%   Written by Tomas Rokicki of Radical Eye Software, 29 Mar 1989.
%%%   Revised by Don Knuth, 3 Jan 1990.
%%%   Revised by Tomas Rokicki to accept bounding boxes with no
%%%      space after the colon, 18 Jul 1990.
%%%   Portions modified/removed for use in PSFIG package by
%%%      J. Daniel Smith, 9 October 1990.
%%%   Just the bit which knows about (atend) as a BoundingBox
%%%    hacked back a bit by SPQR 12/91
        \epsf@atend #3 . \\%
                \typeout{epsfig: found `(atend)'; continuing search}%
                \epsfgrab #3 . . . \\%
%%% Determine if the stuff following the %%BoundingBox is `(atend)'
%%% J. Daniel Smith.  Copied from \epsf@grab above.
\def\epsf@atend #1 #2 #3\\{%
      \epsf@atend #2 #3 .\\\else
%%% End of file reading stuff from epsf.tex
%%% trigonometry stuff from "trig.tex"
\chardef\trig@letter = 11
\chardef\other = 12
\newif\ifdebug %%% turn me on to see TeX hard at work ...
\newif\ifc@mpute %%% don't need to compute some values
\c@mputetrue % but assume that we do
\let\then = \relax
\def\r@dian{pt }%
\let\r@dians = \r@dian
\let\dimensionless@nit = \r@dian
\let\dimensionless@nits = \dimensionless@nit
\def\internal@nit{sp }%
\let\internal@nits = \internal@nit
\def \Mess@ge #1{\ifdebug \then \message {#1} \fi}%
{ %%% Things that need abnormal catcodes %%%
        \catcode `\@ = \trig@letter
        \gdef \nodimen {\expandafter \n@dimen \the \dimen}%
        \gdef \term #1 #2 #3%
               {\edef \t@ {\the #1}%%% freeze parameter 1 (count, by value)
                \edef \t@@ {\expandafter \n@dimen \the #2\r@dian}%
                                   %%% freeze parameter 2 (dimen, by value)
                \t@rm {\t@} {\t@@} {#3}%
        \gdef \t@rm #1 #2 #3%
                \count 0 = 0
                \dimen 0 = 1 \dimensionless@nit
                \dimen 2 = #2\relax
                \Mess@ge {Calculating term #1 of \nodimen 2}%
                \ifnum  \count 0 < #1
                \then   \advance \count 0 by 1
                        \Mess@ge {Iteration \the \count 0 \space}%
                        \Multiply \dimen 0 by {\dimen 2}%
                        \Mess@ge {After multiplication, term = \nodimen 0}%
                        \Divide \dimen 0 by {\count 0}%
                        \Mess@ge {After division, term = \nodimen 0}%
                \Mess@ge {Final value for term #1 of
                                \nodimen 2 \space is \nodimen 0}%
                \xdef \Term {#3 = \nodimen 0 \r@dians}%
                \aftergroup \Term
        \catcode `\p = \other
        \catcode `\t = \other
        \gdef \n@dimen #1pt{#1} %%% throw away the ``pt''
\def \Divide #1by #2{\divide #1 by #2} %%% just a synonym
\def \Multiply #1by #2%%% allows division of a dimen by a dimen
       {{%%% should really freeze parameter 2 (dimen, passed by value)
        \count 0 = #1\relax
        \count 2 = #2\relax
        \count 4 = 65536
        \Mess@ge {Before scaling, count 0 = \the \count 0 \space and
                        count 2 = \the \count 2}%
        \ifnum  \count 0 > 32767 %%% do our best to avoid overflow
        \then   \divide \count 0 by 4
                \divide \count 4 by 4
        \else   \ifnum  \count 0 < -32767
                \then   \divide \count 0 by 4
                        \divide \count 4 by 4
        \ifnum  \count 2 > 32767 %%% while retaining reasonable accuracy
        \then   \divide \count 2 by 4
                \divide \count 4 by 4
        \else   \ifnum  \count 2 < -32767
                \then   \divide \count 2 by 4
                        \divide \count 4 by 4
        \multiply \count 0 by \count 2
        \divide \count 0 by \count 4
        \xdef \product {#1 = \the \count 0 \internal@nits}%
        \aftergroup \product
\def\r@duce{\ifdim\dimen0 > 90\r@dian \then   % sin(x) = sin(180-x)
                \multiply\dimen0 by -1
                \advance\dimen0 by 180\r@dian
            \else \ifdim\dimen0 < -90\r@dian \then  % sin(x) = sin(360+x)
                \advance\dimen0 by 360\r@dian
        \dimen 0 = #1 \r@dian
        \ifdim\dimen0 = -90\r@dian \then
           \dimen4 = -1\r@dian
        \ifdim\dimen0 = 90\r@dian \then
           \dimen4 = 1\r@dian
        \ifdim\dimen0 = 0\r@dian \then
           \dimen4 = 0\r@dian
        \ifc@mpute \then
                % convert degrees to radians
                \divide\dimen0 by 180
                \dimen 2 = 3.1415926535897963\r@dian %%% a well-known constant
                \divide\dimen 2 by 2 %%% we only deal with -pi/2 : pi/2
                \Mess@ge {Sin: calculating Sin of \nodimen 0}%
                \count 0 = 1 %%% see power-series expansion for sine
                \dimen 2 = 1 \r@dian %%% ditto
                \dimen 4 = 0 \r@dian %%% ditto
                        \ifnum  \dimen 2 = 0 %%% then we've done
                        \then   \stillc@nvergingfalse
                        \else   \stillc@nvergingtrue
                        \ifstillc@nverging %%% then calculate next term
                        \then   \term {\count 0} {\dimen 0} {\dimen 2}%
                                \advance \count 0 by 2
                                \count 2 = \count 0
                                \divide \count 2 by 2
                                \ifodd  \count 2 %%% signs alternate
                                \then   \advance \dimen 4 by \dimen 2
                                \else   \advance \dimen 4 by -\dimen 2
                        \xdef \sine {\nodimen 4}%
%%% Now the Cosine can be calculated easily by calling \Sine:
%%%  cos(x) = sin(90-x)
        {\dimen0=#1\r@dian\multiply\dimen0 by -1
         \advance\dimen0 by 90\r@dian
         \Sine{\nodimen 0}%
%%% end of trig stuff
%%% These are for the option list.
%%% A specification of the form a = b maps to calling \@p@@sa{b}%
\newif\ifepsfig@dos  % only single suffix possible

  \def\@p@sfile{NO FILE: #1}%
  \def\@p@sfilefinal{NO FILE: #1}%
      \if@bbllx                 % No postscript file but bb given explicitly.
      \else                     % No bounding box found.
        \@latexerr{ERROR. PostScript file #1 not found}\@whattodo
    \else                       % Postscript file is compressed.
      \typeout{using BB from \@p@sfile}%
          \edef\@p@sfilefinal{"`gunzip -c `texfind \BaseName.{z,Z,gz}"}%
          \edef\@p@sfilefinal{"`epsfig \if@compress-c \fi#1"}%          
  \else\closein1                % Postscript file is not compressed.
      \edef\@p@sfilefinal{"`epsfig -c #1"}%

% alternative syntax: figure=
                \divide\ps@dimcent by65536
                \divide\ps@dimcent by65536
                \divide\ps@dimcent by65536
                \divide\ps@dimcent by65536
\def\@cs@name#1{\csname #1\endcsname}%
%%% initialize the defaults (size the size of the figure)
                \@bbllxfalse \@bbllyfalse
                \@bburxfalse \@bburyfalse
                \@heightfalse \@widthfalse
                \@rheightfalse \@rwidthfalse
%%% Go through the options setting things up.
%%% Compute bb height and width
            \typeout{psfig: searching \@p@sfile \space  for bounding box}%
            \ps@dimcent=\epsfllx bp\edef\@p@sbbllx{\number\ps@dimcent}%
            \ps@dimcent=\epsflly bp\edef\@p@sbblly{\number\ps@dimcent}%
            \ps@dimcent=\epsfurx bp\edef\@p@sbburx{\number\ps@dimcent}%
            \ps@dimcent=\epsfury bp\edef\@p@sbbury{\number\ps@dimcent}%
% rotate point (#1,#2) about (0,0).
% The sine and cosine of the angle are already stored in \sine and
% \cosine.  The result is placed in (\p@intvaluex, \p@intvaluey).
\def\rotate@#1#2{{\dimen0=#1 sp\dimen1=#2 sp
%               calculate x' = x \cos\theta - y \sin\theta
                  \global\advance\p@intvaluex by -\dimen3
%               calculate y' = x \sin\theta + y \cos\theta
                  \global\advance\p@intvaluey by \dimen3
                \@latexerr{ERROR. cannot locate BoundingBox}\@whattodobb
% store height/width of original (unrotated) bounding box
                \advance\count203 by -\@p@sbbllx
                \advance\count204 by -\@p@sbblly
% Need to rotate all four points and take the X-Y extremes of the new
% points as the new bounding box.
%                       lower left
%                       upper left
%                       lower right
%                       upper right
                \advance\count203 by -\@p@sbbllx
                \advance\count204 by -\@p@sbblly
% \in@hundreds performs #1 * (#2 / #3) correct to the hundreds,
%       then leaves the result in @result
\def\in@hundreds#1#2#3{\count240=#2 \count241=#3
                     \count100=\count240        % 100 is first digit #2/#3
                     \divide\count100 by \count241
                     \multiply\count101 by \count241
                     \advance\count240 by -\count101
                     \multiply\count240 by 10
                     \count101=\count240        %101 is second digit of #2/#3
                     \divide\count101 by \count241
                     \multiply\count102 by \count241
                     \advance\count240 by -\count102
                     \multiply\count240 by 10
                     \count102=\count240        % 102 is the third digit
                     \divide\count102 by \count241
                        \multiply\count201 by \count100
                        \advance\count205 by \count201
                        \divide\count201 by 10
                        \multiply\count201 by \count101
                        \advance\count205 by \count201
                        \divide\count201 by 100
                        \multiply\count201 by \count102
                        \advance\count205 by \count201
                % computing : width = height * (bbw / bbh)
                % computing : height = width * (bbh / bbw)
                \if@rheight \else \edef\@p@srheight{\@p@sheight} \fi
                \if@rwidth \else \edef\@p@srwidth{\@p@swidth} \fi
% Compute any missing values
% at this point the bounding box has been adjsuted correctly for
% rotation.  PSFIG does all of its scaling using \@bbh and \@bbw.  If
% a width= or height= was specified along with \psscalefirst, then the
% width=/height= value needs to be adjusted to match the new (rotated)
% bounding box size (specifed in \@bbw and \@bbh).
%    \ps@bbw       width=
%    -------  =  ----------
%    \@bbw       new width=
% so `new width=' = (width= * \@bbw) / \ps@bbw; where \ps@bbw is the
% width of the original (unrotated) bounding box.

%%% by the way, possible parameters to the PSfile= command in dvips are:
%%%                    llx
%%%                    lly
%%%                    urx
%%%                    ury
%%%                    rwi
%       hoffset The horizontal offset (default 0)
%       voffset The vertical offset (default 0)
%       hsize   The horizontal clipping size (default 612)
%       vsize   The vertical clipping size (default 792)
%       hscale  The horizontal scaling factor (default 100)
%       vscale  The vertical scaling factor (default 100)
%       angle   The rotation (default 0)
\ifvmode\leavevmode\fi\vbox {%
                        \typeout{epsfig: using PSFIG macros}%
\ifvmode\leavevmode\fi\vbox {%
                                \typeout{epsfig: using PSFIG macros}%
                                \typeout{epsfig: using EPSF macros}%
          \@latexerr{ERROR - Cannot locate BoundingBox}\@whattodobb
                \advance\count203 by -\@p@sbbllx
                \advance\count204 by -\@p@sbblly
          % Create the vbox to reserve the space for the figure%
          \vbox to \@p@srheight sp{\hbox to \@p@srwidth 
% draft figure, just reserve the space and print the
% path name.
\typeout{<(draft only) \@p@sfilefinal>}%
        % Verbose draft: print file name in box
        \hbox{{\fboxsep0pt\fbox{\vbox to \@p@srheight sp{%
        \vss\hbox to \@p@srwidth sp{ \hss 
                          \hss }\vss
        % Non-verbose draft
        \vbox to \@p@srheight sp{%
        \vss\hbox to \@p@srwidth sp{\hss}\vss}%
\def\psfigdriver#1{\typeout{^J WARNING: dont use psfigdriver!
 use a class option!^J}}