r44 | joerg | 2006-07-04 00:24:22 +0200 (Di, 04 Jul 2006) | 3 lines

* doc latex-jed.rc
  + Created a directory for documentation and moved latex-jed.rc there.

r43 | joerg | 2006-07-03 23:17:22 +0200 (Mo, 03 Jul 2006) | 24 lines

* latex-jed.rc
  + set_autosave() does not exist. Use the real code.

* latex_cmds.sl latex.sl
  + Moved label_insert() and bib_cite() to latex_cmds.sl and rewrote them
    as hooks for the cmd_add() interface.

  + bib_cite_hook() uses the status line to display helping informations
    about keys.

* latex.sl
  + Switched some lines and the keymap to cmd_insert() due to the
    label_insert() was removed.

  + env_name() and is_math() need to be static to be accessable from

* latex_cmds.sl
  + Renamed the label_ref_* stuff to ref_* to make it more
    distinguishable from the label_* stuff.

  + In ref_next(), move the editing point one step to the left if nothing
    was found, if searching forward.

r42 | joerg | 2006-07-02 17:35:05 +0200 (So, 02 Jul 2006) | 3 lines

* Removed the german words from scrlttr2.latex.

r41 | joerg | 2006-07-02 17:19:06 +0200 (So, 02 Jul 2006) | 18 lines

* read_with_description.sl
  + Replaced the autoload() by require() to prevent multiple loading of

  + To use pop2buf everytime in rwd_completion() is not a good idea,
    because this function refreshes the screen even if nothing changed.
    This leads to flickering and is really annoying. Introduced a better

  + Sometimes the current buffer is not the old_buf in rwd_completion()
    when inserting the completion. Added a check and if it fail raise an
    error. Otherwise the completion ends up in a completly different
    buffer. I don't have an explanation for this and I can't reproduce it.

  + If the *Completion* buffer exists when read_with_description() is
    called many things go wrong. Therefore remove the buffer if it exists
    on startup.

r40 | joerg | 2006-07-02 11:34:44 +0200 (So, 02 Jul 2006) | 5 lines

* debmode.sl
  + Removed _debug_info. It's obsolated.

  + Small fixed of the DFA highlighting.

r39 | joerg | 2006-07-02 01:43:53 +0200 (So, 02 Jul 2006) | 10 lines

* latex.sl
  + Jens Kubieziel suggested to add automaticly a space after commands
    without arguments. I don't like it, because it breaks my workflow.
    But it might be useful for someone else and it was really easy to make it
    adjustable. The new variable LaTeX_Auto_Space_After_Commands determines
    if a space is added after a command if the next charater is a letter.

* latex_cmds.sl
  + Removed the add command. It is a self defined command of me.

r38 | joerg | 2006-07-02 01:32:31 +0200 (So, 02 Jul 2006) | 17 lines

* yankpop.sl
  + Added a copyright notice for a release version.

  + Removed the _debug_info, _traceback and _slangtrace variables. They
    are not useless or not needed.

  + Renamed Last_pop by Last_Pop for consistency.

  + Added the property svn:keywords with id to the file.

  + Replaced all error() statements by throw statements. SLang2 migration.

  + Improved indentation and statement alignment.

  + Changed the yp_copy_region_as_kill() to not add a region to the
    buffer if it is still the head element.

r37 | joerg | 2006-07-01 14:28:41 +0200 (Sa, 01 Jul 2006) | 4 lines

* latex-jed.rc
  + Created a file with commands a user can add to its private jed.rc to
    improve the LaTeX mode.

r36 | joerg | 2006-07-01 00:58:30 +0200 (Sa, 01 Jul 2006) | 5 lines

* latex.sl
  + Rewrote insert_limits_char() to fix some bugs and make a code cleanup.

  + debug_msg() now converts the argument to a string.

r35 | joerg | 2006-06-30 22:33:22 +0200 (Fr, 30 Jun 2006) | 4 lines

* latex.sl latex_external.sl
  + Replaced the autoload("stkcheck") by a require(), because the
    autload() led to multiple evaluations of stkcheck.sl.

r34 | joerg | 2006-06-25 19:47:43 +0200 (So, 25 Jun 2006) | 20 lines

* latex_cmds.sl
  + Small fixes. Many backslashes in the descriptions were not quoted.

* latex_external.sl
  + Replaced the wherefirst() != NULL stuff by the any() function and
    created a fallback function that will become defined if any() is not
    available (not enabled in Jed).

* latex.sl
  + requires now read_with_description.sl which is used in cmd_prompt().

  + Made env_close() more "stack clean".

  + Extended the Cmd_Type by the component compl. This makes it easier to
    use the struct with read_with_description().

  + Rewritten cmd_prompt() to use read_with_description() as prompt
    function. Now ^cs presents you a list of possible completions and
    beside every completion a description of what this command does.

r33 | joerg | 2006-06-25 19:22:23 +0200 (So, 25 Jun 2006) | 4 lines

* read_with_description.sl
  + Implemented a new fancy function to prompt the user for a string and
    give him a description along with the completion proposition.

r32 | joerg | 2006-06-24 22:11:43 +0200 (Sa, 24 Jun 2006) | 18 lines

* latex.sl
  + Added new customization variables LaTeX_Default_Packages and
    LaTeX_Default_Class_Options. These are used when inserting templates.

  + Extended the templ_insert() function to call insert_pkgs() with the
    content of LaTeX_Default_Packages if a line "%:default:pkgs:%" is found
    and replace the string "%:default:classopt:?%" (with ? = , (comma) or
    ? = [) with the content of LaTeX_Default_Class_Options. The value of ?
    indicates if a , is prefixed to L_D_C_O or L_D_C_O is surrounded by [].

  + Moved "WRAP_INDENTS = 1" into latex_mode(), because this variable should
    be set for every file independent of others.

  + Load the abbrev table TeX in latex_mode() if it exists.

* latex-templ/*
  + Adapted the files to the new templ_insert() function.

r31 | joerg | 2006-06-24 18:08:41 +0200 (Sa, 24 Jun 2006) | 63 lines

* latex_cmds.sl

  + Added a new hook goto_mark_hook() that moves the editing point to the
    place given by the mark argument. This is useful for commands they need a
    {} by do not take an argument like \TeX.

  + Flipped the description and dependency argument of hyperref.

  + Added the new goto_mark_hook() to LaTeX and TeX.

  + Added texttrademark.

* latex.sl
  + Removed the _debug_info variable. It's meaningless in SLang 2.

  + Fixed the trim function to not remove a character after a backlash. And it
    now differentiates between \\ and \ at the end of line.

  + Kicked linsert(). It's not used anymore.

  + Added the matrix environments from AMS math and set their dependencies.

  + The prompt for a latex command now presents the last used command as
    default. You only have to press return.

  + font_key() now clears the message at end.

  + Fixed the insertion of \ll. It was not placed in mathmode.

  + Extended the insert_limits_char() function to replace \vee by \bigvee and
    \wedge by \bigwedge (like \cup and \bigcup) if a limit is set.

* latex_external.sl
  + Removed the _debug_info variable. It's meaningless in SLang 2.

  + If a compose process is running and we must reload or open the logfile,
    it's not possible anymore to pop up the logfile buffer.

  + pop_log_file() only counts lines they start with "! " as error lines.
    Watching only at an exclamation mark leads to false positives.

  + Improved the log parser.
    - A new function next_log_line() takes care of long messages they are
      wrapped at 80 characters and continued at the next line.

    - Also improved the handling of box messages. A \vbox need to be parsed
      different from a \hbox message, e.g. a \vbox message has no line

    - If a line matches the first character but does not fullfil other
      requirements the line is parsed as a default line and not skipped. This
      was a bug in the versions before.

  + Do not move the editing point when jumping to an error line, if the error
    message does not give an error line. Think of \vbox messages.

  + When jumping to the column in an error line, check if the line has enough
    characters. If the file was modified and the line has not enough
    characters, goto_column() adds whitespaces to the end. This is not

  + Forbid the print and view command if a compose process is running.

r30 | joerg | 2006-06-17 14:48:03 +0200 (Sa, 17 Jun 2006) | 37 lines

* latex_cmds.sl
  + New commands and correction/extension of other commands.

* latex.sl
  + Load and enable stack check if it is available. This prints warnings
    to *traceback* about expressions they leave values on the stack.

  + Cleaned up the code from stack commands. After a statement of John
    that defining and assigning to a variable takes not much longer, I
    decided to not use the stack features of SLang (pop, dup, exch),
    because stack check complains about such expressions and they tend to
    be less readable than variable usage.

  + Due to a bug in SLang the statements after a try-catch-finally block
    are executed even through a return in the try block quit the function.
    is_math() fixed.

  + A comma after proof was missing in the ENVIRONMENTS list.

  + cmd_insert() does not treat commands with a star (*) at the end like
    the command without star, e.g. you have to define only the without
    star version.

* latex_external.sl
  + Load and enable stack check if it is available. This prints warnings
    to *traceback* about expressions they leave values on the stack.

  + Cleaned up the code from stack commands. After a statement of John
    that defining and assigning to a variable takes not much longer, I
    decided to not use the stack features of SLang (pop, dup, exch),
    because stack check complains about such expressions and they tend to
    be less readable than variable usage.

  + Due to a bug in SLang the statements after a try-catch-finally block
    are executed even through a return in the try block quit the function.
    get_master_var() fixed.

r29 | joerg | 2006-06-04 02:30:58 +0200 (So, 04 Jun 2006) | 25 lines

* latex.sl
  + Replaced LaTeX_Templates_Dir by a custom_variable() and added a

  + Removed the arguments of inputenc and fontenc from
    LaTeX_Default_Packages and added an entry for fontenc to PACKAGE_OPTIONS[].

  + insert_templ():
    - Renamed to templ_insert().

    - The LaTeX_Default_Packages is only inserted if the buffer was empty
      before. This makes it possible to insert text blocks via the
      templates function without destroying the current package selection.

  + I've renamed the menu_init_helper() before the last commit, but
    forgot to rename it at the usage points.

  + Fixed the menu entry for thebibliography.

* latex_cmds.sl
  + New commands.

* latex-templ/mini.latex
  + Added a minimalistic template of a latex file.

r26 | joerg | 2006-06-04 01:20:54 +0200 (So, 04 Jun 2006) | 3 lines

* latex-templ/*
  + Reworked all templates to make them usable by many peoples.

r25 | joerg | 2006-06-03 23:16:54 +0200 (Sa, 03 Jun 2006) | 11 lines

* latex.sl:
  + Added colorlinks and urlcolor=blue to the default options of hypperref.

  + Created menu_init_helper() for easier adding menu entries of the form
    menu_append_item(menu, entry, fun, entry)

  + Renamed init_menu() by menu_init().

  + Rewritten a big part of menu_init() to support the new command
    cmd_insert() and env_insert(). But a big part remains broken.

r24 | joerg | 2006-06-03 19:46:30 +0200 (Sa, 03 Jun 2006) | 3 lines

* latex_cmds.sl
  + new commands

r23 | joerg | 2006-06-03 14:16:21 +0200 (Sa, 03 Jun 2006) | 5 lines

* latex.sl, label_cmd.sl:
  + Moved all label_ref_hook() stuff to label_cmd.sl.

  + This made it necessary to declare MODE in latex.sl static.

r22 | joerg | 2006-06-03 14:00:48 +0200 (Sa, 03 Jun 2006) | 33 lines

* latex_cmds.sl:
  + Set svn:keywords = id.

  + Renamed pop2_hook() by null_hook().

  + Added file_select_hook() that asks the user for a file and insert
    this filename as argument. Used for input, include, includegraphics,

* latex.sl:
  + Renamed the buffer of debug messages to *traceback*, because we can
    so set marks between _print_stack() outputs.

  + Added prefix and region support to cmd_insert().
    - Prefixing the a cmd_insert() means inserting N optional arguments "[]".

    - A region defined before calling cmd_insert() is moved to the first
      argument. This makes <MARK>some emphasized text<cmd_insert("emph")>
      is replaced by \emph{some emphasized text} and the cursor after the }.

    - Better prompt for cmd_insert().

    - struct.ref is a "cool festure" of SLang2 to support OOP that pushes
      the struct on to the stack. This is not intended. Therefor written
      as (@struct.ref)(args).

  + cmd_prompt(): The read_with_completion() eats up the prefix argument.
    Therefor it must be saved before and set after read_with_completion().

  + label_ref_hook() has one argument to much.

  + ^cnq included a " to much in the argument.

r21 | joerg | 2006-06-02 00:19:38 +0200 (Fr, 02 Jun 2006) | 130 lines

* latex.sl:
  + Added new default modes.

  + Made the LaTeX_Template_Dir a little more generic.

  + Moved PACKAGE_OPTIONS down in the package section.

  + The argument of inputenc is now utf8 if _slang_utf8_ok is set.
    Otherwise it is still latin1.

  + Added the font environments (rmfamily, bfseries, scshape,...) to the
    environment autocompletions.

  + Added a new section for commands with new cool features:
    - Created a new data type Cmd_Type to be used for the elements in the
      cmd_list associative array.

    - The array cmd_list saves all the informations about latex commands,
      e.g. this ones beginning with a backslash. These informations are:
      # args: the number of argumentens the command has
      # desc: a description of the command
      # deps: a colon separated list of package(s) the command is defined
      # hook: a reference to a function that is run after the command was
              inserted. The current editing point is in the first
              argument or after the command if the command has no
              arguments. Two arguments are passed to the function: name
              (name of the command; without \) and a mark (Mark_Type) of
              the point after the command (e.g. after the $ for math
      # math: must this command be in math mode?

    - A new function cmd_add() that adds/overwrites entries of cmd_list.
      It takes 6 arguments:
      # name: the name of the command without \
      # the rest of the arguments are the members of the members of

    - The new function cmd_insert() is beside the database cmd_list the
      main part of this feature. It can be called without an or with one
      argument that is takes as the command. In the othercase (no
      argument) the user is prompted with read_mini(). It ensures all
      dependencies of the command are satisfied (e.g. insert the needed
      packages and switch to (simple) math mode), inserts the command and
      braces for the arguments and calls a hook if given.

    - A simple function cmd_prompt that prompts the user for a command
      and give all known commands as completion.

  + Rewritten and renamed font() to font_key() that works as an
    intelligent splitter for font command. Some of the font commands have
    equivalents for math mode. If font_key() is called in math mode it
    inserts the math version otherwise the text version of the command.

    It provides all keys they where in the keymap before and the key p
    that promps with completion for a font command.

  + Renamed the variable label_ref_f to label_ref_filt to make it more
    speaking. label_ref_filter is not possible, because a function with
    this name extists.

  + label_ref() rewritten. It is now only a simple switching tool to
    select autoref if hyperref is used and ref else. The old semantic of
    label_ref() is now in label_ref_hook()

  + Changed the indentation and replaced error by throw in
    label_ref_next(), label_ref_insert() and label_ref_filter()

  + Added label_ref_hook() to be used as an hook of the new command
    framework. The command \ref, \autoref, \pageref and \eqref are enabled.

  + Improved the codes of insert_dollar() a little bit.

  + Renamed math_watch() to math_hook() and changed it to make it usable as
    a command hook.

  + Removed the Math_Goto_Math array. This is now handled with the
    command framework and math_hook() in a more generic way.

  + Reduced math() and made use of the new command framework.

  + Lage keymap changes. All code from Latex4Jed was remoded. I would now
    call this keymap as the propsed new keymap.
    - ^cp is insert_package() which asks for a package to insert

    - ^cs is cmd_prompt() which asks for a command to insert

    - ^cf is only enabled if LaTeX_Font_Key is defined (default: f). The
      supcommands of ^cf are now handled by font().

    - All ^cs and ^cp stuff used before was removed. The main part is now
      available with cmd_prompt()

    - Added ^clp for \pageref, ^clu for \url and ^cln for \nocite.

    - Added ^cii for \index

    - The math stuff before on ^cM moved to ^cn. This is more handy than
      a big M.

    - Now all the defined ^ck keys work.

    - Added ^c\n (Return) as newline_with_completion() because
      shift+alt+return do not work in all terminals.

  + DFA:
    - Reduced the rules of DFA to a minimal set. I will enable some of
      them later.

    - Now \begin, \end and the \documentclass line is highlighted as
      preprocessor commands.

    - Improved the number highlighting rule.

    - Embedded math parts ($...$) isn't highlighted anymore. Only the $
      signs are. Formulas across lines were not highlighted correctly
      (the broken highlighting was a nightmare) and highlighting did not
      improve the readability of formulas longer than two lines.

    - For open quoted strings, e.g. no counterpart on the line, only the
      three characters after or before the quoting sign are highlighted.
      Highlighting across lines is not possible.

    - Added a workaround for DFA highlighting of non-ascii charaters in
      UTF-8 mode.

* latex_cmd.sl:
  + This file contains only simple statements. To not blow up latex.sl
    this part was outsourced.

r19 | joerg | 2006-05-31 00:43:54 +0200 (Mi, 31 Mai 2006) | 3 lines

* latex_external.sl:
  + simple code improvements

r18 | joerg | 2006-05-26 01:05:11 +0200 (Fr, 26 Mai 2006) | 4 lines

* latex_external.sl:
  + Mistake in cust_select fixed. The name of the section of a new
    configuration is new_conf.

r17 | joerg | 2006-05-26 00:29:18 +0200 (Fr, 26 Mai 2006) | 97 lines

* latex_comm.sl:
  + This is a new file to implement a communication server like gnuserv
    and emacsclient. It is written in pure SLang, e. g. no jed functions
    are used.

  + You can run this script with the argument "watch" to startup the
    server part. Upon success to printes a line to standard out:
    "communicator created: " and a special string appended that describes
    the device to connect to the server. All data the serve receives it
    prints to standout.

    The second way you can invoke this script is with the communication
    device given at server startup and a message. All remaining
    parameters after the communication device are joined with spaces. The
    special message "quit" terminates the server.

    Here is an example:

    Shell1% jed-script latex_comm.sl watch
    communicator created: /tmp/jed.18338
    I was here.
    Another message.

    Shell2% jed-script latex_comm.sl /tmp/jed.18338 "I was here."
    Shell2% jed-script latex_comm.sl /tmp/jed.18338 "Another message."
    Shell2% jed-script latex_comm.sl /tmp/jed.18338 quit

* latex_external.sl:
  + Added LaTeX_Rerun and LaTeX_Post_Latex_Cmd as customization

    LaTeX_Rerun is an boolean variable that indicates if the latex
    command should be called again if the logfile contains the string
    "Rerun to get cross-references right.", 1 = do it, 0 = don't do it.

    LaTeX_Post_Latex_Cmd is the command that is run after a successful
    run of the command LaTeX_Latex_Cmd. This is done self-acting.

  + The additional customization variables are required changes on the
    configuration framework:
    - cust_type upgraded
    - cust_set upgraded, e. g. the sixth parameter is now the post
      processing command and the last parameter (11th) is rerun.
    - all predefined configurations upgraded
    - added a new configuration latex_ps that uses dvips and gv
    - cust_view_insert upgraded

  + xdvi must be started with the name of the dvi file %M.dvi not the
    latex file %m. Fixed.

  + Readjusted the exception types. For some of them UsageError seamed to
    me a better choise.

  + () appended to all references to functions. This makes more clear
    what is referenced.

  + Enhanced expand_and_run_cmd() to replace...
    - %f by the filename of the current buffer
    - %l by the line of the current buffer
    - %c by the column of the current buffer
    - %% by %
    - % (% and a whitespace) by a whitespace that concatenates the
      preceding and the following part to one parameter,
      i.e. "echo foo% bar" is like echo "foo bar" in shell syntax

    - The second parameter must now be a string or a reference.
      References are passed to set_process(pid, "output", ) and strings
      are used as buffer names where the output should go to.

    - Now, the buffer is changed to the one given by the second argument
      and the working directory is set to the one of the master file
      before SLang commands (starting with @) are evaluated with eval().

  + The keymap stuff is moved to the logfile section. There it belongs to.

  + Now compose_sig_handl() can start commands by bringing them up in a
    different buffer. This way it is possible to rerun latex and run a
    post processing command.

  + Installed a framework to interact with xdvi. Therefor a process
    running the communication server latex_comm.sl is spawned and the
    viewer is started.

    All this happens iff the special escape sequence %e is found in the
    LaTeX_View_Cmd. It is replaced by the command the the editor must run
    to interact with jed.

    Now you can press ^cv and xdvi opens and jumps to the position in the
    dvi document the was generated from the line where you hit ^cv. And
    you can click ctrl+button 1 in the xdvi document to move the cursor
    in the editor to the line that corresponds to this position.

  + Added a new configuration latex_srcspecl that calls latex with the
    option -src-specials and xdvi with the corresponding arguments to
    make use of these source specials.

r16 | joerg | 2006-05-23 12:34:39 +0200 (Di, 23 Mai 2006) | 59 lines

* latex_external.sl:
  + converted the file to UTF-8

  + removed LaTeX_Default_Output, it's superseded by the new cust_view()

  + disabled LaTeX_Rerun; this and LaTeX_Post_Latex_Cmd are unsupported
    till I found a way to start a process from the signal handler of a

  + all LaTeX_* variables should be strings, e.g. != NULL; fixed the
    defaults for Bibtex_Cmd and Index_Cmd

  + added new stuff to quickly change the commands used in the build
    process at runtime:
    - now if you hit ^co you get a cool buffer where you can walk around
      and select a configuration you want to use.

    - In the TOC the space bar selects the mode in the line. In a section
      the space bar selects the mode of this section.

    - The enter key hit in the TOC jumps to the section of this config.
      In a section the enter key presents the configuration point for
      editing. (currently not implemented, use cust_set())

    - You can add your own configurations or change one of the predefined
      ones with latex_external->cust_set(name, desc, bibtex, index,
      latex, clean, mrproper, print, view) with the following meanings:
      name: Name of the configuration
      desc: a description of this configuration
      bibtex: the command run at ^cI
      index: the command run at ^cx
      latex: the command run at ^cc
      clean: the command run at ^cr
      mrproper: the command run at ^cR
      print: the command run at Mode->Print
      view: the command run at ^cv

      You can use the placeholder %m to refer to the latex source file
      and %M to refer to the latex source files without extension (i.e.
      %M.dvi for the output)

    - predefined configurations for latex, pdflatex and rubber

* latex.sl:
  + converted the file to UTF-8

  + the search direction in insert_pkgs() was the wrong; fixed

  + the argument env of set_nl_completion() must not be NULL; fixed

  + set the key for latex_external->cust_view() to ^co and kicked
    latex_customize ^cC -- don't know what this was

  + kicked the menu entry "Customize Defaults" and "Select Output", added
    "Customize Build"

  + lower the access rights of setup_dfa_callback() to private

r15 | joerg | 2006-05-12 16:27:46 +0200 (Fr, 12 Mai 2006) | 8 lines

* latex.sl
  + moved ldeln() into the tools section

  + modified insert_pkgs() in that way it inserts the new packages _after_
    the last package (not at the begin -- after \documentclass)

  + added cases to the nl_completion array; it is handled like gather

r14 | joerg | 2006-05-12 10:22:31 +0200 (Fr, 12 Mai 2006) | 2 lines

* many changes

r12 | joerg | 2006-04-13 13:48:22 +0200 (Do, 13 Apr 2006) | 5 lines

* corrected the name in #ifexists test;

* removed "mode: fold"

r11 | joerg | 2006-04-12 17:58:05 +0200 (Mi, 12 Apr 2006) | 16 lines

* set the access attributes of the function

* before_save_hook():
  + added some code to make the mode SLang1 compatible; in use the shell
    command "822-date" to create the date string, because strftime() is
    not available

* added a keymap

* added a function to insert the string "closes: #..."; key ^c^b

* added a function to assist on writing mails to @bugs.debian.org.
  Currently it does only insert a "Version:" field for messages to

r10 | joerg | 2006-04-10 23:26:07 +0200 (Mo, 10 Apr 2006) | 3 lines

* created a new mode to make editing of Debian changelog files and other
  Debian maintenance stuff easier.

r9 | joerg | 2006-03-21 18:40:05 +0100 (Di, 21 Mär 2006) | 38 lines

* Completely rewritten version to cleanup code and make it more SLang 2

* removed "Cleanup_extensions"; use the new Latex_Cleanup_Cmd instead

* Introduced a new scheme to specify external commands. Now the tokens
  %m, %M and %o in the string get replaced by the name of the master
  file, the name of the master file without extension or the output
  format, respectively.

  This way, it is possible to use rubber.

* Dropped support for compressed files. I don't have such files and I
  don't know how to handle them. Suggestions are welcome.

* find_next()/goto_error_line() rewritten. Now, it parses the whole file
  from the beginning to find the right file name. This has some nice side
  effects -- you can hit enter after an opening brace to jump to this
  file --, but at the main task nothing changed.

  Added support for "Info" messages.

* pop_to_log_file() now opens the .log file. Due this you see more
  informations and can open the log without running latex.

* Now all commands (bibtex, latex, cleanup) run in background. This way
  you can still edit the code while the command is running. The
  technology is not perfect, but it should work in the main cases.

  The output of the command goes to /dev/null, a buffer or get shown in
  the minibuffer.

* Crude support for bibtex and makeindex exist, but make suggestions.

* Added a new cleanup method "mrproper" to remove all files, except the
  source files.

r8 | joerg | 2005-09-03 01:57:01 +0200 (Sa, 03 Sep 2005) | 8 lines

* added keyword Id to latex.sl and latex_external.sl to makte it later
  easier to get a diff between the last relased and the current version

* renamed the mode to JLM joerg's latex mode to distinguish between
  Guido's Latex4Jed

* added $id$ to both latex files

r7 | joerg | 2005-09-03 00:44:32 +0200 (Sa, 03 Sep 2005) | 55 lines

* latex_external.sl
  + goto_error_line()
    - package warnings may have their line number in the second line; added
      code to handle this case

    - the message for errors might be clipped; added code to handle this
      case to find the right column of the error position

  + removed many leading whitespaces in the code

* latex.sl
  + removed definition of Key_Return. It is now taken from x-keydefs

  + removed require("texquote"...); we have our own function for this

  + insert_quote() now detects the form of quotes, by the existence of
    the package german or ngerman; LaTeX_German_Quote removed

  + replaced many insert_char(LAST_CHAR) by call("self_insert_cmd") to
    make abbreviation work better with latex_mode. Before characters like
    => or $ do not trigger abbreviation.

  + added a new trim function that respects the sequence '\ ' what the
    jed function trim not do.

  + added a new function insert_label_at_mark() which saves the current
    position on the first call and inserts a new label on the second call,
    jumps back to the saved position and insert a \ref to the label there.

    This should be very handy if you want to insert a reference on a
    point where you must set a label before. Key: ^Clm

  + added = to the math_array. This makes ^Cm= is expanded to \not=.

  + the newline_indent_hook() and newline_with_completion() now trim()s
    the line before it insert a newline. This helps reducing leading

  + added a missing pop() in wrap_hook() which caused a fast growing stack

  + rewrote linsert() to place the cursor behind the inserted text, if a
    region was surrounded be the linsert().

  + fixed a tricky issue with abbreviation and insert_dollar(). The mark
    to the return point must be set after the $ is inserted, because the
    $ may trigger an abreviation which moves the mark. The result was,
    the cursor was placed not after the $ when insert $ after an
    abbreviation. e.g. abbr = XY -> (X,Y), insert $XY$. The cursor was
    between $$ and not after.

  + fixed a stack filler in insert_dollar()

  + changed the highlighting rule for comments and embedded formulas ($$)
    to not highlight leading whitespaces

r6 | joerg | 2005-08-16 21:00:00 +0200 (Di, 16 Aug 2005) | 83 lines

* lates.sl:
  + removed all trailing whitespaces

  + removed _debug_info, _traceback, _slangtrace; they should not be set
    global; a user should set them in its .jedrc

  + switched from keydefs to x-keydefs to have Key_Shift_Return

  + removed tex_blink_dollar; we have it rewritten some times ago

  + new helper function is_comment(); replaced all occurences of parsing
    for comments with this function

  + new helper function have_package()

  + calc_indention() and newline_with_completion() now support tabularx

  + insert_limits_char():
    - make the auto completed text is highlighted

    - replace line feed with white space in auto completed text

  + the keys for \textnormal and \underline produced a backslash to much

  + env_insert():
    - if a math environment with number (name without star) is inserted a
      label is automaticle added

    - now indents environments around marked text correctly

    - do not move the current line in the new environment anymore, this
      was a workaround caused by missing mark support

  + removed all occurences of equation; we don't support it any more,
    because it causes much trouble and gather is the same (without the
    trouble) <news:d98lqm$qcs$1@news.BelWue.DE>

  + insert_dollar():
    - start searching for dollars at the begin of the environment,
      because there can't be open dollars across environment boundaries;
      speed gain

    - respects BLINK

  + math():
    - added a new array Math_Goto_Math which indicates for which keys the
      cursor should be placed inside the math environment after insert;
      This makes it easier to type $\phi\in S(\R^{n})$.

  + label_insert()
    - fix misspelling of subsubsection

    - now only eqref and autoref are supported if the relevant packages
      are present; note: autoref is precedented

  + ldots()
    - use also + and - as seperator before ...

    - now take the whole word (inclusive backslash) before the limit
      character (i.e. "\alpha_1 ..." works)

  + removed key ^C^C for latex_customize, because it is used by

  + dfa highlighting
    - add a rule for trailing whitespaces

    - make trailing whitespaces are visible in comments

* yankpop-2.0.sl to yankpop.sl renamed

* latex_external.sl
  + Package warnings may look different as expected; the line numer may
    be in the same line as the warning

  + added a note on ^Cy to the output of compose message

* latex-templ added

r5 | joerg | 2005-06-09 00:51:33 +0200 (Do, 09 Jun 2005) | 14 lines

* latex.sl
  + added fontenc with T1 to the default packages

* latex_external.sl
  + replaced key ^M with \n in definekey() for latex output buffer
  + added key \r with the same meaning as \n to latex output buffer

r4 | joerg | 2005-05-24 11:07:23 +0200 (Di, 24 Mai 2005) | 3 lines

* debug message in goto_error_line() removed
* insert_limits_char() has left value on stack; fixed

r2 | joerg | 2005-05-21 13:14:00 +0200 (Sa, 21 Mai 2005) | 4 lines

* "LaTeX Warning:" can be longer than a line which makes ffind("line ")
  fail. Solved with a new way to find the line number
* If a line break is in the line number, it is not correctly parsed.

r1 | joerg | 2005-05-20 21:41:51 +0200 (Fr, 20 Mai 2005) | 3 lines

* imported the current versions of latex and yankpop mode
