%  -*- mode: SLang -*-
% This file is full with examples of things you can add to your private
% jed.rc (e. g. ~/.jedrc or ~/.jed/jed.rc) to improve and customize the
% LaTeX mode.

% Setting these variables produce a more verbose backtrace upon error.
_traceback = 1;
_slangtrace = 1;

% These lines should be anywhere in your jed.rc to make the files of the
% LaTeX mode will be found if you place them in your home directory.
Jed_Home_Directory = path_concat(getenv("APPDATA"), "jed");
Jed_Home_Directory = path_concat(getenv("HOME"), ".jed");
set_jed_library_path(Jed_Home_Directory + "," + get_jed_library_path());
Jed_Highlight_Cache_Dir = path_concat(Jed_Home_Directory, "dfa");

% If your TeX binaries aren't in the PATH you can use one of these
% commands to make jed find them:
% putenv("PATH=/media/cdrom/texlive/bin/i386-linux:$PATH"$);  % UNIX
% putenv("PATH=D:\texlive\bin\win32:$PATH"R$);                % WINDOWS

% Add these lines to load the LaTeX mode for files with the extension .tex
% and .latex.
add_mode_for_extension("latex", "tex");
add_mode_for_extension("latex", "ltx");
add_mode_for_extension("latex", "sty");
add_mode_for_extension("latex", "cls");

% Enable dfa syntax highlighting for the LaTeX mode.

% % This function is run after the file latex_external.sl was loaded. You can
% % place here commands they should run exaclty one time, but need functions
% % defined in latex_external.sl
% define after_latex_external_load_hook()
% {
%     % Define your own configuration for building and viewing the output file.
%     call_function("latex_external->cust_set",
%                   "rubber_srcspcl", "Rubber with source specials",
%                   "", "",
%                   "rubber --src-specials --inplace %m", "",
%                   "", "rubber --clean %m",
%                   "",
%                   "xdvi -nofork -editor %e -sourceposition %l:%c%f %M.dvi",
%                   0);

%     % Redefine the print command and in the second call the makeindex and the
%     % print command of the default configurations.
%     call_function("latex_external->cust_set",
%                   "rubber_dvi", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
%                   "sh -c dvilj4l% -q% -e-% %M.dvi% |% lp% -t% \"%M\"% -",
%                   NULL, NULL);
%     call_function("latex_external->cust_set",
%                   "latex", "LaTeX with Xindy", NULL,
%                   "texindy --language german-din %M.idx", NULL, NULL,
%                   NULL, NULL,
%                   "sh -c dvilj4l% -e-% \"%M.dvi\"|lp% -t% \"%M\"",
%                   NULL, NULL);
% }

% Select your own configurations
variable LaTeX_Config = "rubber_dvi";

% Add your own template directory to the search list.
variable LaTeX_Template_Dir = path_concat(Jed_Home_Directory, "latex-templ");
#ifdef UNIX
  LaTeX_Template_Dir += ",/usr/local/share/jjm/latex-templ-public";

% Set your prefered packages to be used for templates.
variable LaTeX_Default_Packages = "babel:inputenc:fontenc:fixltx2e:microtype";

% Set your prefered class options to be used for templates.
variable LaTeX_Default_Class_Options = "";

% The file where informations about newly known cmds and envs should go
variable LaTeX_File_New = path_concat(Jed_Home_Directory, "latex_cfg.sl");

% Define an abbreviation table for your LaTeX files
#if (_slang_utf8_ok)
create_abbrev_table("TeX", "0-9A-Za-z�-��-��-");
create_abbrev_table ("TeX", "0-9A-Za-z�-��-��-");
define_abbrev ("TeX",	"ie",	"i.e.\\ ");  % that is
define_abbrev ("TeX",	"eg",	"e.g.\\ ");  % for example
define_abbrev ("TeX",	"latex","\\LaTeX{}");
define_abbrev ("TeX",	"tex",	"\\TeX{}");

% german abbreviations
define_abbrev ("TeX",	"dh",	"d.\\,h.");  % das hei�t
define_abbrev ("TeX",	"zB",	"z.\\,B.");  % zum Beispiel
define_abbrev ("TeX",	"idR",	"i.\\,d.\\,R."); % in der Regel
define_abbrev ("TeX",	"obda",	"o.\\,B.\\,d.\\,A.");

% This is needed for the symbol Key_Shift_Tab in the latex_mode_hook below

% This function is run after the file latex.sl was loaded. You can place
% here commands they should run exaclty one time, but need functions
% defined in latex.sl
define after_latex_load_hook(mode)
    % Define a new completion pair for the environment faelle. Nothing is
    % inserted before the newline and \item after the newline.
    call_function("latex->set_nl_completion", "faelle", "", "\\item ");

    % Define additional commands for the ^cs completion list.
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "bigm",  0, 1, "same as \big but add more horizontal space before and after delimiter"R, "amsmath", NULL);
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "biggm", 0, 1, "same as \bigg but add more horizontal space before and after delimiter"R, "amsmath", NULL);
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "Bigm",  0, 1, "same as \Big but add more horizontal space before and after delimiter"R, "amsmath", NULL);
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "Biggm", 0, 1, "same as \Bigg but add more horizontal space before and after delimiter"R, "amsmath", NULL);
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "complement", 0, 1, "Symbol for complement of a set", "amsmath", NULL);
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "null",  0, 0, "empty \mbox{}"R, "", NULL);

    % Maybe you use these commands in your documents.
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "todo",  1, 0, "If you have to add or rework something, make a note", "", NULL);
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "help",  1, 0, "If something is sketchy, write down you question", "", NULL);
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "abs",   1, 1, "Absolute value: |x|", "", NULL);
    call_function("latex->cmd_register", "norm",  1, 1, "Mathematical norm: ||x||", "", NULL);

    % If you want different default options for amsmath ...
    % call_function("latex->pkg_register", "amsmath", "intlimits,leqno", "The main package for mathematical stuff", "amsldoc", NULL);

    % Redefine local key mapping of german umlauts to use babel commands.
    definekey(" \"o", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \"O", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \"a", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \"A", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \"u", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \"U", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \"s", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \"<", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \">", "�", mode);
    definekey(" \\S", "�", mode);

    % Define a new key combination ^cnd (^cn are additional math
    % commands) to insert the command \vdash.
    definekey_reserved("latex->cmd_insert(\"vdash\")", "nd", mode);
    definekey_reserved("latex->cmd_insert(\"abs\")", "na", mode);
    definekey_reserved("latex->cmd_insert(\"norm\")", "nn", mode);
    definekey("latex->textormath(\"self_insert_cmd\", \"local_tex_math_pipe\")",
                 "|", mode);

    % Bind array_next_cell to TAB and indent_line to ^X TAB
    definekey("latex->array_next_cell", "\t", mode);
    definekey("latex->array_prev_cell", Key_Shift_Tab, mode);
    definekey("indent_line", "^X\t", mode);

    % Load configuration entered while previous LaTeX sessions
    if (file_status(LaTeX_File_New) == 1)
      () = evalfile(LaTeX_File_New);

% This function is loaded by latex_mode() after the LaTeX mode is setup
% for a file
define latex_mode_hook ()
    % In LaTeX documents you can use the whole width of the screen.

    % Do not ask if this file should be saved before running LaTeX.

    % fold the preample
    if ( bol_fsearch("\\documentclass") )
        () = down(1);
        call_function("latex->fold", 0);

    % fold the first sublevel in document
    if ( bol_fsearch("\\begin{document}") )
        () = down(1);
        call_function("latex->fold", 1);

define local_tex_math_pipe()
    if ( blooking_at("\\") )

    if ( andelse {left(5)} {looking_at("\\abs{}")} )
        () = right(1);
        () = replace_chars(3, "norm");
        () = right(1);
        () = right(5);
        call_function("latex->cmd_insert", "abs");