%% These are example implementations. It is highly recommended to
%% change them to ones that reflect your own needs and taste
%% (my own versions of them wouldn't have been appropriate since they
%% use commands defined in my own packages)
%%1. Commands used to show additions/deletions:
%%		\diffadd{}
%%		1st argument: text to mark as added
%%		\diffdel{}
%%		1st argument: text to mark as deleted
%%2. Environments used to show added/deleted files:
%%		\begin{diffnewfile}
%%		\end{diffnewfile}
%%		\begin{diffdelfile}
%%		\end{diffdelfile}
\ProvidesFile{ltxdiff.sty}[2005/02/10. macros used by ltxdiff to mark changes]
%% needs color.sty and ulem.sty
%% Text that was added since last time is marked with this macro
%% by the diff program
%% #1 is the text
%% needs color.sty and ulem.sty
%% Text that was deleted since last time is marked with this macro
%% by the diff program
%% #1 is the text
%% needs color.sty, eso-pic.sty and rotating.sty
%% Files that were added since last time are marked with this macro
%% by the diff program
							\textbf ADDED FILE!%
%% needs color.sty, eso-pic.sty and rotating.sty
%% Files that were deleted since last time are marked with this macro
%% by the diff program
							\textbf DELETED FILE!%