# This is my .texitrc for OS/2 using emTeX

# I like to delete a lot more files...
@cleanup_latex = ('dvi', 'aux','log','blg','ilg','ind','idx','bbl');

# emTeX returns error code 1 for overfull boxes and other non-fatal 
# errors, so set $TEXERROR to 2.

# Prompt me to delete files when I'm done using TeXit...

$TEX           = "tex386";	# The emTeX executables...
$MAKEINDEX     = "makeindx";
$VIEW          = "v.cmd";	# Batch file to view DVI with DVISCR

$TEXCMD{"default"} = '$TEX %F %o \\input{%s}';
$TEXCMD{"plain"}   = '$TEX %F %o \\input %s';
$TEXCMD{"texinfo"} = '$TEX %F %o \\input %s';
$VIEWCMD           = '$VIEW %D %o';

$DEFAULTFORMAT = "plain";	# Run Plain TeX by default

%PRQUEUE = ();			# Delete all default printers

$PRQUEUE{"Local"}     = "pcl";	# Add Local PCL printer (LaserJet)
$PRQUEUE{"File"}      = "pcl";	# Print to file is a PCL printer too

$DVICMD{"pcl"} = 'lj3.btm %D %o'; # lj3.btm is a batch file to run dvihplj
$DVIOPT{"pcl"} = "";

$PRINTCMD{"Local"} = 'copy /b %S.pcl %o lpt1';
$PRINTOPT{"Local"} = "";

$PRINTCMD{"File"}  = "";
$PRINTOPT{"File"}  = "";

# Delete Ghostview...
delete $CMDPROMPT{$GhostviewReply};
delete $CMDTEST{$GhostviewReply};

# Default action when hitting Enter after TeXing is Viewing...
$DEFAULTCMD{$TeXReply} = $ViewReply;

# Add a new command which runs TeX and then automatically runs View...
$TeXandViewReply = "[T]eX & View";
$CMDPROMPT{$TeXandViewReply} = $CMDPROMPT{$TeXReply};
$CMDTEST{$TeXandViewReply} = $CMDTEST{$TeXReply};
$AUTOCMD{$TeXandViewReply} = $ViewReply;
$AUTOOPT{$TeXandViewReply} = "";

# Add a run-any-command option...
$RunCommand = "[!] run command";
$CMDPROMPT{$RunCommand} = '&run("$opts",""); $REASK;';
$CMDTEST{$RunCommand} = "";