# File:          README
# Author:        Dirk Nitschke
# Created:       1996/11/17
# Last Modified: 1996/11/26
# By:            Dirk Nitschke
This directory contains the zip-archive  TSCONFIG.ZIP  which stores
the program  TSCONFIG.EXE  and friends. The tsconfig programm tries to
make the confguration of the TeXShell by J. Schlegelmilch easier,
especially if you have a lot of computers with different processors.
The program reads a definition file which is a modified version of a
configuration file for the TeXShell. The definition file contains
conditions which tell  TSCONFIG.EXE  whether to transfer the following
data into the TeXShell configuration file or not. This means that the
definition file is a generic configuration file and  TSCONFIG.EXE  decides
which parts are needed for your system depending on your processor,
coprocessor, existing and non-existing files, defined and undefined
variables. In addition  TSCONFIG.EXE  supports templates as part of the
definition file. Their expansion is written to the resulting
configuration file.

To install the tsconfig package you have to unzip the archive. If your
unpacking program restores the directory structure stored in the archive,
you get a directory  TSCONFIG  which contains the following files:

README           This file again.
TSCONFIG.EXE     The program itself.
TEXSHELL.DEF     An example definition file.
TSCDOC.GER       German documentation.
TSCDOC.ENG       English documentation.

Dirk Nitschke <nitschke@math.uni-hamburg.de>, 1996/11/26
End of  README