% Version control macros. These let you define environments whose contents
% will be optionally added to or deleted from the text when you run LaTeX.
% Usage: place either of the following near the start of your file:
%     \includeversion{NAME}
%     \excludeversion{NAME}
% Here, "NAME" is any name you choose. The first one indicates that text
% between \begin{NAME} and \end{NAME} will be processed in the normal way.
% The second indicates that text between \begin{NAME} and \end{NAME} will
% be totally deleted.
% You can define environments for as many versions as you want.
% A ``comment'' environment has already been pre-defined for you with
% \excludeversion{comment}; you can override this using \includeversion.
% Example:
%   \includeversion{abridged}\excludeversion{unabridged}
%   Text for the
%   \begin{abridged}
%      short
%   \end{abridged}
%   \begin{unabridged}
%      long and really longwinded, opaque and boring
%   \end{unabridged}
%   version of the paper. Punctuation works correctly\begin{unabridged}
%   because sphack is used\end{unabridged}.
%   \begin{comment} This is deleted by default. \end{comment}
% Stephen Bellantoni 1990, loosely based on "annotation.sty" by Tom Hofmann.

\catcode`(=1\relax \catcode`)=2\relax%
  \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname%
  \expandafter\gdef\csname end#1\endcsname%
  \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname%
    (\@bsphack\catcode`{=12\relax\catcode`}=12\relax\csname #1@NOTE\endcsname)%
  \long\expandafter\gdef\csname #1@NOTE\endcsname ##1\end{#1}%
    (\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname)%
  \expandafter\gdef\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname%