% This file contains all the necessary statements for computing the % symmetries of the KdV equations up to a certain order. By changing % some of the statements in the first part of the file, it may be easily % adapted to compute symmetries of other (systems of) equations. load tools,integrator,supervf; % Give the set of dependent variables u,v,... etc. dependent_variables := {u}$ % Since for the odd variable numbers are given instead of variables we introduce % odd_offset, the number after which the dependent odd variables start (and continue % consecutively) and the number of odd variables: odd_offset:=0$ nr_odd_variables:=0$ % Give the order of the system of pde's order_pde := 3$ % Give the order of the symmetries one wants to consider order_sym := 5$ % Give the expressions for the t derivatives ut,vt,... of the dependent variables ut:=u3+u*u1$ % Give the set of nonlocal variables to be considered as well. nonlocal_variables := {}$ nonlocal_odd_offset := 0$ nr_odd_nonlocal := 0$ % Give the x and t derivatives px and pt of all nonlocal variables p. % Specify the functions f(1),...,f(n), f(-1),...,f(-m) here. % If not specified, the functions will be made dependent on % the proper variables further on. algebraic operator f,c; nr_odd_f:=nr_odd_variables$ nr_even_f:=nr_variables$ nr_odd_c:=0$ nr_even_c:=0$ % Give or give not information during construction of equations % Useful when computing large examples. write_mke:=nil$ %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Make no changes behind this line. We will now compute the symmetry conditions % for the vectorfield f(1)*d/du + f(2)*d/dv + ... + D_x(f(1))*d/du_1 + ..., % where f(1),f(2),... depend on the variables % x,t, u,v,... ,u1,v1,..., un,vn,..., p1,...,pm, if n is the order of the % symmetry and p1,...,pm are all the nonlocal variables considered; nr_variables := length dependent_variables$ nr_nonlocal := length nonlocal_variables$ dim_vars := 2 + nr_nonlocal + nr_variables*(order_pde + order_sym + 1)$ dim_odd_vars := max(odd_offset + nr_odd_variables*(order_pde + order_sym + 1), nonlocal_odd_offset + nr_odd_nonlocal)$ vars := for i:=1:order_pde + order_sym + 1 join for j:=1:nr_variables collect mkid(part(dependent_variables,j),i)$ vars := x . t . append(nonlocal_variables, append(dependent_variables,vars))$ algebraic operator equ,var_x; initialize_equations(equ,nr_variables+nr_odd_variables,vars, {c,nr_even_c,nr_odd_c},{f,nr_even_f,nr_odd_f}); vectorfield(ddx,vars); vectorfield(ddt,vars); % The following procedure gives the number of D_x^n(ui) if ui is the i-th % local variable algebraic procedure var_nr(i,n); 2+nr_nonlocal+n*nr_variables+i$ algebraic procedure odd_var_nr(i,n); odd_offset+n*nr_odd_variables+i$ for i:=1:dim_vars do var_x i:=part(vars,i); % We construct the components of the total derivatives D_x and D_t ddx(0,1) := 1$ ddx(0,2) := 0$ for i:=1:nr_nonlocal do ddx(0,2+i) := mkid(part(nonlocal_variables,i),x); for i:=1:nr_variables do for n:=0:order_pde + order_sym do ddx(0,var_nr(i,n)) := var_x(var_nr(i,n+1)); for i:=1:nr_odd_nonlocal do ddx(1,nonlocal_odd_offset+i):=mkid(mkid(ext,nonlocal_odd_offset+i),x); for i:=1:nr_odd_variables do for n:=0:order_pde + order_sym do ddx(1,odd_var_nr(i,n)) := ext(odd_var_nr(i,n+1)); procedure mk_ddt; begin ddt(0,1) := 0$ ddt(0,2) := 1$ for i:=1:nr_nonlocal do ddt(0,2+i) := mkid(part(nonlocal_variables,i),t); for i:=1:nr_variables do ddt(0,var_nr(i,0)) := mkid(part(dependent_variables,i),t); for i:=1:nr_variables do for n:=1:order_sym do ddt(0,var_nr(i,n)) := ddx ddt(0,var_nr(i,n-1)); for i:=1:nr_odd_nonlocal do ddt(1,nonlocal_odd_offset+i):=mkid(mkid(ext,nonlocal_odd_offset+i),t); for i:=1:nr_odd_variables do ddt(1,odd_var_nr(i,0)) := mkid(mkid(ext,odd_offset+i),t); for i:=1:nr_odd_variables do for n:=1:order_sym do ddt(1,odd_var_nr(i,n)) := ddx ddt(1,odd_var_nr(i,n-1)); end$ % For the construction of the symmetry condition we need to compute % the action of the linearisator of the system of pde's on % f(1),...,f(n),f(-1),...,f(-m) % We will save these as equ(1),...,equ(n+m) vectorfield(symmetry,vars); procedure make_prolongation; begin for i:=1:nr_variables do begin symmetry(0,var_nr(i,0)) := f(i); for n:=1:order_pde do << if write_mke then write "Prolongation of f(",i,") up to order ",n; symmetry(0,var_nr(i,n)):=ddx symmetry(0,var_nr(i,n-1))>>; end; for i:=1:nr_odd_variables do begin symmetry(1,odd_var_nr(i,0)) := f(-i); for n:=1:order_pde do << if write_mke then write "Prolongation of f(",-i,") up to order ",n; symmetry(1,odd_var_nr(i,n)):=ddx symmetry(1,odd_var_nr(i,n-1))>>; end; end$ procedure make_equations; begin for i:=1:nr_variables do begin scalar evolution; evolution:=mkid(part(dependent_variables,i),t); if write_mke then write "Computing equation for f(",i,")"; equ(i):=ddt f(i) - symmetry evolution; end; for i:=1:nr_odd_variables do begin scalar evolution; evolution:=mkid(mkid(ext,odd_offset+i),t); if write_mke then write "Computing equation for f(",-i,")"; equ(nr_variables+i):=ddt f(-i) - symmetry evolution; end; if not write_mke then if (nr_variables+nr_odd_variables)=1 then write "Introduced equation 1" else write "Introduced equations ",1,",...,",nr_variables+nr_odd_variables; end$ % Check if f(-m),...,f(n) are already defined, if not make them % dependent on the proper variables. lisp operator has_no_definition; lisp procedure has_no_definition(opr,i); if assoc(list(opr,i),get(opr,'kvalue)) then nil else t$ for i:=-nr_odd_variables:nr_variables do if i neq 0 and has_no_definition(f,i) then <<for k:=1:nr_variables do for l:=0:order_sym do depend f(i),var_x(var_nr(k,l)); depend f(i),x,t >>; % Define some handy abbreviations define es=integrate_equation, seq=integrate_equations, xes=integrate_exceptional_equation, pr=show_equation, preq=show_equations, te=equations_used(), pte=put_equations_used, fu=functions_used, pfu=put_functions_used; % Compute the prolongation of the vectorfield, the components of D_t % and finally all the equations. make_prolongation(); mk_ddt(); make_equations(); % For the KdV, cracking the problem is utterly simple: % (other systems require more skill !!) auto_solve 1; end;