#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Created by Ben Okopnik on Sat Jun 27 07:25:26 CDT 2009 use strict; my $DEBUG = 1; # {EVENT} text for deadline my $d_text = "this month's deadline has just passed, and it's time for the proofing/editing team to revise the articles"; # {EVENT} text for end of month my $e_text = "the publication date is approaching, and the opportunity for final revisions is coming to a close"; # Calculate last day of the month for leap years my $eom = { January => sub {31}, February => sub {28 + ($_ [0] % 400 ? 0 : 1) + ($_ [0] % 100 ? 0 : -1) + ($_ [0] % 4 ? 0 : 1)}, March => sub {31}, April => sub {30}, May => sub {31}, June => sub {30}, July => sub {31}, August => sub {31}, September => sub {30}, October => sub {31}, November => sub {30}, December => sub {31}, }; my %mon; @mon{1..12} = qw/January February March April May June July August September October November December/; my ($day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[3, 4, 5]; $month = $mon{$month+1}; $year += 1900; my %deadline = ( January => 21, February => 18, March => 21, April => 20, May => 20, June => 20, July => 21, August => 21, September => 21, October => 21, November => 19, December => 19, ); # Adjust deadline for leap years $deadline{February}++ if $month eq 'February' && $eom->{$month}->($year) == 29; # Terminate unless it's one of the two important days - or DEBUG is on unless ($day == $deadline{$month} || $day == $eom->{$month}->($year) || $DEBUG){ print "Today is $day $month $year; that's neither the deadline nor the EOM.\n"; exit; } ### Get the data my %vlist; open V, '<', "$ENV{HOME}/volunteer_list" or die "~/volunteer_list: $!\n"; while (<V>){ chomp; # Data stored as kinda-CSV my ($name, $email, $job) = split /\s*,\s*/; if ($job =~ /proof|editor/i){ $vlist{$email} = [ $name, $job ]; } } close V; open R, '<', "$ENV{HOME}/reminder.txt" or die "~/reminder.txt: $!\n"; my $text = do { local $/; <R> }; close R; if ($day == $deadline{$month} || $DEBUG == 1){ $text =~ s/{EVENT}/$d_text/; for my $email (keys %vlist){ (my $t = $text) =~ s/{JOB}/$vlist{email}->[1]/gsm; if ($DEBUG){ print qq{echo $t|/usr/bin/mutt -x -s "Linux Gazette: Monthly deadline" $email\n}; } else { qx#echo $t|/usr/bin/mutt -x -s "Linux Gazette: Monthly deadline" $email#; # Don't slam the server with all these emails sleep 1; } } } # I know it's the only option remaining, but I'm being extra careful here elsif ($day == $eom->{$month}->($year) || $DEBUG == 2){ $text =~ s/{EVENT}/$e_text/; for my $email (keys %vlist){ (my $t = $text) =~ s/{JOB}/$vlist{email}->[1]/gsm; if ($DEBUG){ print qq{echo $t|/usr/bin/mutt -x -s "Linux Gazette: Publishing tomorrow" $email\n}; } else { qx#echo $t|/usr/bin/mutt -x -s "Linux Gazette: Publishing tomorrow" $email#; # Don't slam the server with all these emails sleep 1; } } }