#line 29 "xchunks.nw" record chunk(lines, type) # lines is all the lines of the chunk # type is "code" or "docs" or "unknown" procedure main(args) local merge, summary while args[1][1] == "-" do case args[1] of { "-merge" : merge := get(args) "-summary" : { get(args); summary := " (summary)" } default : break } *args > 0 | stop("xchunks needs an external database") #line 110 "xchunks.nw" db := "markup" every db ||:= " " || !args db := open(db, "rp") | stop("cannot pipe from ", image(db)) #line 45 "xchunks.nw" dbchunks := readchunks(db) defns := defnstable(dbchunks) # defns maps name to list of code chunks defining that name if \merge then every merge_chunks(!defns) if \summary then every add_defn_string(!defns, summary) thisdoc := readchunks(&input) every c := !thisdoc do if c.type ~== "code" | notEmpty(c) | /defns[chunkName(c)] then every write(!c.lines) else every write(!(!defns[chunkName(c)]).lines) end #line 64 "xchunks.nw" procedure readchunks(infile) local chunks, c chunks := [] while line := read(infile) do line ? if ="@begin " then { c := chunk([line], tab(upto(' ')|0)) line := read(infile) | stop("unmatched ", c.lines[1]) while line ? not ="@end " do { put(c.lines, line) line := read(infile) | stop("unmatched ", c.lines[1]) } put(c.lines, line) put(chunks, c) } else put(chunks, chunk([line], "unknown")) return chunks end #line 85 "xchunks.nw" procedure defnstable(chunks) t := table() every c := !chunks & c.type == "code" do { /t[chunkName(c)] := [] put(t[chunkName(c)], c) } return t end #line 98 "xchunks.nw" procedure chunkName(c) return (!c.lines ? (="@defn " & tab(0))) | stop("no @defn in code chunk") end procedure notEmpty(c) static nonwhite initial nonwhite := ~' \t' return !c.lines ? ="@use " | (="@text ", upto(nonwhite)) end #line 116 "xchunks.nw" procedure merge_chunks(chunks) while *chunks > 1 do { c := get(chunks) strip_code_tail(c) strip_code_head(chunks[1]) every put(c.lines, !chunks[1].lines) chunks[1] := c } return chunks end #line 128 "xchunks.nw" procedure strip_code_tail(c) if c.lines[-1] ? match("@end code") then pull(c.lines) else stop("Unexpected line") return c end procedure strip_code_head(c) local pfx pfx := [] if match("@begin code", c.lines[1]) then get(c.lines) else stop("bad line " || c.lines[1]) while not match("@defn ", c.lines[1]) do push(pfx, get(c.lines)) get(c.lines) | stop("this can't happen") while c.lines[1] ~== "@nl" do push(pfx, get(c.lines)) get(c.lines) | stop("this can't happen") every push(c.lines, !pfx) return c end #line 154 "xchunks.nw" procedure add_defn_string(chunks, s) every c := !chunks & i := 1 to *c.lines do if match("@defn ", c.lines[i]) then c.lines[i] ||:= s return chunks end