This is the Perl Extension for TmTk.

TmTk is available at []. You need
TmTk for building this Perl module.


First create a Makefile with

perl Makefile.PL  LIBS="-L/usr/local/tmtk/lib -ltm -lexpat -lraptor"  INC=-I/usr/local/tmtk/include

You might need to adjust /usr/local/tmtk/lib to the directory  where your
libtm.a is located and /usr/local/tmtk/include to the directory where your
TmTk include files are (/usr/local/tmtk is the TmTk default installation

The -l options linking against the vaious parser libraries depend on how your
TmTk has been compiled. If you don't have raptor, simply remove -lraptor
from the commandline shown above.

Once your Makefile is created,

make all
make test
make install

That's all.

This is still a developer's release, direct an questions and comments to

Thanks for using TMTK.