Sandy - A straightforward and complete next-generation sequencing read simulator


version 0.19


    $ sandy <command> ...


**Sandy** is a bioinformatic tool that provides a simple engine to generate
single-end/paired-end reads from a given fasta file. Many next-generation
sequencing (NGS) analyses rely on hypothetical models and principles that
are not precisely satisfied in practice. Simulated data, which provides
positive controls would be a perfect way to overcome these difficulties.
Nevertheless, most of NGS simulators are extremely complex to use, they do
not cover all kinds of the desired features needed by the users, and (some)
are very slow to run in a standard computer. Here, we present Sandy, a
straightforward, easy to use, fast, complete set of tools to generate synthetic
next-generation sequencing reads. Sandy simulates whole genome sequencing,
whole exome sequencing, RNAseq reads and it presents several features to the
users manipulate the data.  One of the most impressive features of Sandy is
the power to simulate polymorphisms as snvs, indels and structural variations
along with the sequencing reads - with no need of further processing steps.
Sandy can be used therefore for benchmarking results of a variety of pipelines
in the genomics or trancriptomics.


**Sandy** was designed for Linux based distributions. If you are working with another
type of operating system, such as macOS, Windows, try to use our docker image.
For more details, see [docker/README.md](https://github.com/galantelab/sandy/blob/master/docker/README.md)


Along with **Perl**, you must have **zlib**, **gcc** and **make** packages installed:

- Debian/Ubuntu

        % apt-get install perl zlib1g-dev gcc make

- CentOS/Fedora

        % yum install perl zlib gcc make

- Archlinux

        % pacman -S perl zlib gcc make

**Sandy** uses the **Comprehensive Perl Archive Network**, [CPAN](https://www.cpan.org/), as its
package manager, which allows a good control over all dependencies needed.
If you have Perl installed, then you may have the **cpan** command utility. At the first run, cpan
will interactively configure your environment and mirror. In doubt, just confirm the default options
presented. After this, install cpanminus:

    % cpan -i App::cpanminus

App::cpanminus will provide the **cpanm** utility, which has the capability of install not only
Sandy, but also all its dependencies recursively.


Finally install **Sandy**:

    % cpanm App::Sandy

For more details, see [INSTALL](https://github.com/galantelab/sandy/blob/master/INSTALL) file


- Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - [CAPES](http://www.capes.gov.br/)
- Teaching and Research Institute from Sírio-Libanês Hospital - [Group of Bioinformatics](https://www.bioinfo.mochsl.org.br/)


- Thiago L. A. Miller <tmiller@mochsl.org.br>
- J. Leonel Buzzo <lbuzzo@mochsl.org.br>
- Gabriela Guardia <gguardia@mochsl.org.br>
- Fernanda Orpinelli <forpinelli@mochsl.org.br>
- Pedro A. F. Galante <pgalante@mochsl.org.br>


This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Teaching and Research Institute from Sírio-Libanês Hospital.

This is free software, licensed under:

    The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007