# DESCRIPTION This module implements the REST API of Xential. # SYNOPSIS my $xential = WebService::Xential->new( api_user => 'foo', api_key => 'foo', api_host => '', ); my $who = $xential->whoami(); my $other = $xential->impersonate(..., $who->{XSessionId}); my $session_id = $other{XSessionID}; my $ticket = $xential->create_ticket($xml, \%options, $session_id); my $start = $xential->start_document( $ticket->{startDocumentUrl}, $ticket->{ticketUuid}, $session_id ); # Status is either INVALID or VALID if ($start->{status} eq 'VALID') { my $build = $xential->build_document( 1, $start->{documentUuid}, $session_id ); if ($build->{status} eq 'done') { # build succeeded } else { # build failed } } else { use URI; $uri = URI->new($start{resumeUrl}); $uri->scheme('https'); $uri->query_form($uri->query_form, afterOpenAction => 'close'); $uri->host($xential->api_host); # redirect user to $uri } # ATTRIBUTES ## api\_host The API host of the Xential WebService ## client The [OpenAPI::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/OpenAPI%3A%3AClient) # METHODS ## new() my $xential = WebService::Xential->new( api_user => 'foo', api_key => 'foo', api_host => '', ); ## has\_api\_host() Tells you if you have a custom API host defined ## whoami($session\_id) Implements the whoami call from Xential ## logout($session\_id) Implements the logout call from Xential ## impersonate($username, $user\_uuid, $session\_id) Implements the impersonate call from Xential ## create\_ticket($xml, $options, $session\_id) Implements the create\_ticket call from Xential ## start\_document($username, $user\_uuid, $session\_id) Implements the start\_document call from Xential ## build\_document($username, $user\_uuid, $session\_id) Implements the build\_document call from Xential ## api\_call($operation, $query, $content) A wrapper around the [OpenAPI::Client::call](https://metacpan.org/pod/OpenAPI%3A%3AClient%3A%3Acall) function. Returns the JSON from the endpoint.