NAME Graph::D3 - Create ref/json to show node-edge graph with D3.js SYNOPSIS use Graph; use Graph::D3; my $g = new Graph( vertices => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/], edges => [[qw/1 2/], [qw/2 3/], [qw/3 5/], [qw/4 1/]] ); my $d3 = new Graph::D3(graph => $g); my $output = $d3->force_directed_graph(); #output is hash reference $output = $d3->hierarchical_edge_bundling(); #output is hash reference $d3 = new Graph::D3(graph => $g, type => json); my $json = $d3->force_directed_graph(); # output is json format $json = $d3->hierarchical_edge_bundling(); # output is json format DESCRIPTION Graph::D3 is a moudle to covert Graph object to the format which is used in d3.js( This module simply supports node-edge graph in the example. METHODS force_directed_graph This outputs the format which is used for Force Directed Graph described below., 2045 The input graph should be directed grpah. Node in Graph can have 'group' attribute (Default is all 1) to have different node color. Also Edge in Graph can have 'value' attribe(defalut is all 1). hierarchical_edge_bundling The input graph shoudl be directed graph. Node in Graph can have 'size' attribute (Default is all 1). AUTHOR Shohei Kameda <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013- Shohei Kameda LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO