IO::Tty and IO::Pty provide an interface to pseudo tty's

To build this distribution, run

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install


I finally took the time to give the pty-allocation part a complete
overhaul.  Thanks to openssh and Xemacs teams for providing me with a
lot of inspiration through their own pty-allocation codes.

I also removed the spawn code, as this doesn't fit thematically in
here.  Look into 'try' or '' to see how it is done by hand.
Problems with ackquiring a controlling terminal should also be fixed
and propagating terminal size changes is now supported.  Please read
the manpages, there is a lot of new stuff (e.g. IO::Tty::Constant).

Please note that pty creation is very system-dependend.  I am
beginning to get an overview, but there are a *lot* of different
systems out there.  If you have problems on your system, please send
me (<>) the output of a manual installation ('perl
Makefile.PL; make; make test;') and I'll see what I can deduce from

Supported systems include Linux, Solaris, AIX, OSF, *BSD, IRIX, HP-UX
and finally Windows (under the Cygwin environment, see  See the IO::Tty manpage for a
detailed list.  I also compiled an overview table, find it in the
project pages document manager at SourceForge

Sorry, ActiveState Perl is not supported, basically because there are
no pseudo-terminals under Windows.  If somebody from ActiveState reads
this and wants to work on it, please contact me, maybe we could use
the equivalent of pipes to emulate the behaviour.

If it's working on your system, please send me a short note with
details (version number, distribution, etc. 'uname -a' is a good
start) so I can get an overview.  Thanks!

See the ChangeLog and the docs for details.

Oh, and many thanks to all testers, without their support this project
would still be limited to a few systems that I have access to.  Thanks
also to SourceForge ( who is hosting this and many other
projects, their services have made development and support a real
pleasure.  If you intend to donate something to the Open Source cause,
think about lending them a machine for their compile farm!

Roland <>