--- title: "Import MCMC Samples" author: "A. Philippe, M.-A. Vibet and N. Frerebeau" date: "2024-03-04" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: number_sections: yes fig_caption: yes toc: true bibliography: bibliography.bib vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Import MCMC Samples} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- This vignette uses data available through the [**ArchaeoData**](https://github.com/ArchaeoStat/ArchaeoData) package which is available in a [separate repository](https://archaeostat.r-universe.dev). **ArchaeoData** provides MCMC outputs from ChronoModel, OxCal and BCal. ```r ## Install data package install.packages("ArchaeoData", repos = "https://archaeostat.r-universe.dev") ``` ```r ## Load package library(ArchaeoPhases) ``` # ChronoModel Two different files are generated by ChronoModel: `Chain_all_Events.csv` that contains the MCMC samples of each event created in the modeling, and `Chain_all_Phases.csv` that contains all the MCMC samples of the minimum and the maximum of each group of dates if at least one group is created. ```r ## Read events from ChronoModel output_events <- system.file("chronomodel/ksarakil/Chain_all_Events.csv", package = "ArchaeoData") chrono_events <- read_chronomodel_events(output_events) ## Plot events plot(chrono_events) ``` <div class="figure"> <img src="./figures/read-chronomodel-events-1.png" alt="plot of chunk read-chronomodel-events" width="100%" /> <p class="caption">plot of chunk read-chronomodel-events</p> </div> ```r ## Read phases from ChronoModel output_phases <- system.file("chronomodel/ksarakil/Chain_all_Phases.csv", package = "ArchaeoData") chrono_phases <- read_chronomodel_phases(output_phases) ## Plot phases plot(chrono_phases) ``` <div class="figure"> <img src="./figures/read-chronomodel-phases-1.png" alt="plot of chunk read-chronomodel-phases" width="100%" /> <p class="caption">plot of chunk read-chronomodel-phases</p> </div> # Oxcal Oxcal generates a CSV file containing the MCMC samples of all parameters (dates, start and end of phases). ```r ## Read OxCal MCMC samples output_oxcal <- system.file("oxcal/ksarakil/MCMC_Sample.csv", package = "ArchaeoData") oxcal_mcmc <- read_oxcal(output_oxcal) ## Plot events plot(oxcal_mcmc) ``` <div class="figure"> <img src="./figures/read-oxcal-1.png" alt="plot of chunk read-oxcal" width="100%" /> <p class="caption">plot of chunk read-oxcal</p> </div> The phase boundaries cannot be extracted automatically from Oxcal output. Use `as_phases()` to get the phase boundaries: ```r ## Get phases boundaries from OxCal oxcal_phases <- as_phases(oxcal_mcmc, start = c(2, 5, 19, 24), stop = c(4, 18, 23, 26), names = c("IUP", "Ahmarian", "UP", "EPI")) ## Plot phase boundaries plot(oxcal_phases) ``` <div class="figure"> <img src="./figures/oxcal-phases-1.png" alt="plot of chunk oxcal-phases" width="100%" /> <p class="caption">plot of chunk oxcal-phases</p> </div> # BCal BCal generates a CSV file containing the MCMC samples of all parameters (dates, start and end of groups). ```r ## Read BCal MCMC samples output_bcal <- system.file("bcal/fishpond.csv", package = "ArchaeoData") bcal_mcmc <- read_bcal(output_bcal) ``` The group boundaries cannot be extracted automatically from BCal output. Use `as_phases()` to get the group boundaries: ```r ## Get groups boundaries from BCal bcal_phases <- as_phases( bcal_mcmc, start = c(6, 9), stop = c(1, 7), names = c("Layer II", "Layer III") ) ## Plot group boundaries plot(bcal_phases) ``` <div class="figure"> <img src="./figures/bcal-phases-1.png" alt="plot of chunk bcal-phases" width="100%" /> <p class="caption">plot of chunk bcal-phases</p> </div>