--- title: "Analysis of Spanish play-by-play data" author: "Guillermo Vinue" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Analysis of Spanish play-by-play data} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- <!--This document contains all the needed R code to reproduce the results described in the paper *A Web Application for Interactive Visualization of European Basketball Data* ([https://doi.org/10.1089/big.2018.0124](https://doi.org/10.1089/big.2018.0124){target="_blank"}), which presents the dashboard available at [https://www.uv.es/vivigui/AppEuroACB.html](https://www.uv.es/vivigui/AppEuroACB.html){target="_blank"}.--> This document contains all the needed R code to reproduce the results described in the paper *A Basketball Big Data Platform for Box Score and Play-by-Play Data* ([https://doi.org/10.1089/big.2023.0177](https://doi.org/10.1089/big.2023.0177){target="_blank"}), which presents the dashboard available at [https://www.uv.es/vivigui/AppPBP.html](https://www.uv.es/vivigui/AppPBP.html){target="_blank"}. This dashboard belongs to the platform available at [https://www.uv.es/vivigui/basketball_platform.html](https://www.uv.es/vivigui/basketball_platform.html){target="_blank"}. ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` ```{r packages, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE} # Firstly, load BAwiR and other packages that will be used in the paper: library(BAwiR) library(tidyverse) ``` The following data file is an illustration of the type of play-by-play data available from the Spanish ACB league. ```{r data, eval=FALSE} df0 <- acb_vbc_cz_pbp_2223 day_num <- unique(acb_vbc_cz_pbp_2223$day) game_code <- unique(acb_vbc_cz_pbp_2223$game_code) ``` Do some first data processing: ```{r processing, eval=FALSE} acb_games_2223_sl <- acb_vbc_cz_sl_2223 %>% filter(period == "1C") df1 <- do_prepare_data(df0, day_num, acb_games_2223_sl, acb_games_2223_info, game_code) ``` ```{r lineups, eval=FALSE} # Lineups and sub-lineups: data_li <- do_lineup(df1, day_num, game_code, "Valencia Basket", FALSE) data_subli <- do_sub_lineup(data_li, 4) ``` ```{r possessions, eval=FALSE} # Possessions: data_poss <- do_possession(df1, "1C") ``` ```{r timeouts, eval=FALSE} # Timeouts: df1_to <- do_prepare_data_to(df0, TRUE, acb_games_2223_info, acb_games_2223_coach) data_to <- do_time_out_success(df1_to, day_num, game_code, "Casademont Zaragoza_Porfirio Fisac", FALSE) ``` ```{r periods, eval=FALSE} # Periods: df0_per <- df0 rm_overtime <- TRUE # Decide if remove overtimes. if (rm_overtime) { df0 <- df0 %>% filter(!grepl("PR", period)) %>% mutate(period = as.character(period)) } team_sel <- "Valencia Basket" # "Casademont Zaragoza" period_sel <- "1C" # "4C" player_sel <- "Webb" # "Mara" df1 <- df0 %>% filter(team == team_sel) %>% filter(!action %in% c("D - Descalificante - No TL", "Altercado no TL")) df2 <- df1 %>% filter(period == period_sel) df0_inli_team <- acb_vbc_cz_sl_2223 %>% filter(team == team_sel, period == period_sel) df3 <- do_prepare_data(df2, day_num, df0_inli_team, acb_games_2223_info, game_code) data_per <- do_stats_per_period(df3, day_num, game_code, team_sel, period_sel, player_sel) # Clutch time: data_clutch <- do_clutch_time(acb_vbc_cz_pbp_2223) ``` ```{r fouls, eval=FALSE} # Free throw fouls: data_ft_comm <- do_ft_fouls(df0, "comm") data_ft_rec <- do_ft_fouls(df0, "rec") # Offensive fouls: data_off_comm <- do_offensive_fouls(df0, "comm") data_off_rec <- do_offensive_fouls(df0, "rec") ``` ```{r rebounds, eval=FALSE} # Offensive rebounds: df1_or <- do_prepare_data_or(df0, TRUE, acb_games_2223_info) data_or <- do_reb_off_success(df1_or, day_num, game_code, "Valencia Basket", FALSE) ``` ```{r session info} sessionInfo() ```